Beck and Call (10 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

BOOK: Beck and Call
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“Yes, Serena,” he replied. “My parents divorced when I was a child. My father has since married several times.” His voice was measured and, despite the voice changer he was obviously using, Serena thought he was sincere. “None of his relationships were happy. I wanted more. When I was in college, some friends and I discovered domination and submission. It felt like I’d come home. There was a rightness to it.”

“In dominating a woman?” she frowned, trying to understand.

“How did you feel when I dominated you last night?” he countered. “When I talked you through fucking yourself with the vibrator and you had an orgasm?”

Serena squirmed on the bed.

“Good point,” she managed, her voice sounding strangled.

“Now, turn your vibrator on level two.”

“Yes, master,” she whispered.

“Put your hand on the vibrator and start moving it a little in and out of your pussy.” Serena moaned as the vibrations hit the nerves she’d discovered the night before.


“Stop,” he ordered. “Turn it off right now.”

“But I’m nearly…”

“Serena, do what I said right now,” he said sharply.

Whimpering, she hit the button.

“It’s off,” she moaned. “Please, master.”

“No,” he denied her. “The driver will be there at eleven. You’ll get a copy of your key made and then he’ll bring you to me.”

“A copy of my key?” Serena wasn’t sure she’d 71

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heard correctly.

“Yes, a copy.” He paused. “Serena, your safety and care is my responsibility. I can’t tell you to wait for me naked, blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed to your bed only to have the door unlocked. Anyone could come in.”

Serena inhaled swiftly as the image of her like he’d described appeared in her mind. And a tall, broad-shouldered figure appeared in her doorway.

Who? Master? Keith? More aware of her body than ever, she felt her pussy clench. Without even thinking, she reached for the vibrator and hit the switch.


“Please,” she begged.

“You just earned more spankings when you come to me.” His voice was hard. “Now, separate the cord from the vibrator and go wash it. Regular soap will work. Take a shower. Do not put on any perfume or make-up. I want your hair loose and down. Put on your highest heels and your trench coat. The driver will be outside your building at eleven. Get in the car and give the driver your key.

When the car stops, you’ll get out and get in the waiting elevator.”

“Master, I have an extra key.”

“Excellent. Bring it.”

Absorbing the series of directions, she noticed something.

“Master? What clothes do you want me to wear?”

“Your heels and trench coat.”

She sat up, sure she’d heard wrong.

“What about underneath?”

“Nothing. Do not question me again, Serena. I would prefer to do more than punish you our first time together.”

“Punish? I don’t understand.”

“Do what you’re told and I will explain in 72

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There was a finality to the words. A

Serena said the only thing she could think of.

“Yes, master.”

“I’ll be waiting for you.”

Serena held the phone. She had to decide. Did she stay in her safe little life, daydreaming that one day Keith would suddenly fall passionately in love with her? Or did she take a chance with a man who promised to take care of her needs? Closing the cell phone, she drew in several ragged breaths. Master had been able to guide her to incredible orgasms just over the phone. Regardless of how this turned out, did she want to miss out on what he could do in person?

Hell, no
! One minute she was still, the next she was scrambling off the bed to follow his orders. She had thirty-five minutes.

In thirty minutes, she was leaving her apartment and praying she wouldn’t run into anyone she knew. Standing at the window next to the main entrance, she waited. One minute early, a black Lexus pulled up. Taking a deep breath, she went outside and got in the car. As the car moved forward, the locks clicked. As a well of panic rushed up her throat, Serena looked toward the driver. There was a dark glass barrier.

Fastening her seatbelt, she leaned back. Closing her eyes, she prayed she wasn’t making the worst mistake of her life.

Fifteen minutes later, the car dipped as it entered a basement garage. The car stopped and the locks clicked. Swallowing down the fear, she opened the door. In the shadows before her, she saw the elevator doors sliding open. Shutting the car door behind her, she walked slowly to the elevator.


Abby Gordon

Serena paused outside the doors, hesitant.

Almost immediately, she was grabbed from behind.

A hand covered her mouth as she was wrestled inside and pressed against the wall. She felt the vibration of the doors closing and the car began to rise.

A low husky voice rasped in her ear.

“I don’t know whether to turn you over my knee for being so naïve or to fuck you right now.” A sob of relief left her lips as she sagged in his arms.

“Master,” she whispered.

His hard body pinned her as a blindfold was secured. Soft cuffs were snapped shut on her wrists then linked together behind her. As her helplessness became increasingly obvious, she felt her pussy flood and clench. She was spun around and now, her back to the wall, she felt his hands on the belt of her coat.

“Did you follow my directions?” he wondered as he slipped the button free.

“Yes, master,” she answered.

The edges of the trench coat were pulled apart.

She heard his sharp inhale as her body was exposed.

He moved so fast she gasped. One arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her away from the wall.

His other hand went between her thighs. As two fingers stabbed into her pussy, his mouth closed on a breast and sucked hard.

“Oh!” she cried out.

Hungrily, he feasted on her nipples. His fingers thrust in and out while the heel of his palm ground against her clit. Her head fell back as her body was held firmly against his. Serena wanted desperately to thread her fingers through his hair and hold his head to her breast. With her hands locked behind her, though, all she could do was receive his attention.

Heat gathered in her belly and her hips twisted, 74

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seeking more.

“Master,” she breathed. “Please, Master.” He raised his head.

“What do you want?”

“I want to come. Please….”

“No,” he told her, setting her feet on the floor.

“You don’t come unless I give you permission.” His hands were at her waist, holding her against the wall. “Your body is now mine, Serena. Completely.” He stepped closer so their bodies brushed—chest to chest, thigh to thigh. “When I call, you will do exactly what I tell you. If I summon you, you will come to me.” His hands smoothed over her hair. “I will reward you when you obey me and discipline you when you don’t.”

“Master, I’m still learning what to do,” she protested.

The elevator jolted to a halt.

“Serena, do not argue with me or question me.” His breath was warm against her cheek. “I’m starting to think you’re looking forward to being punished.”

“No,” she shook her head.

He ignored that and caught her elbow. She stumbled slightly as they left the elevator. They paused and she heard a lock click. She was guided forward and then brought to a halt.

Trembling, she stood still as she heard him move around, locking the door and walking around her. He paused behind her and unhooked the cuffs.

She felt his hands on her shoulders a heartbeat before her coat was pulled off in a swift yank. As her flesh felt the chill, he moved away briefly before returning to rehook her cuffs.

He pulled her back against him and his hands covered her breasts. Roughly, his fingers kneaded her softness and plucked at her nipples. Serena moaned and turned her head on his shoulder.


Abby Gordon

“You like it a little rough,” he murmured. “You want someone to take control of you. You need someone to give you pleasure.” He pinched her nipples until she gasped. “And maybe a touch of pain.” One hand covered her pussy and a finger dipped inside. He chuckled. “Oh, yes, sweetheart.

You are so ready for me.”

“Please,” she murmured. “Master, please.”

“Mmm, not so fast, sweetheart.” His hands caught her elbows. “Your punishment must come before further pleasure.”

He marched her before him down a long hallway. When they paused, she heard the faint clicks as a code was entered. The door lock slid aside and she was guided into the room. The door closed behind them. Hands roamed her body as he circled to her front.

“Why am I going to discipline you?”

“I…I didn’t ask permission to come yesterday,” she whispered.


“I keep arguing and asking questions,” she sighed. “I’m sorry, Master. I don’t—”

“And you can’t keep quiet when I tell you something,” came the dry rasp.

“Yes, Master,” she winced.


She frowned, trying to think, but shook her head.

“What else?”

He backed her up to the wall.

“You didn’t ask for any safety precautions,” he growled. “Not one, Serena. No one knows where you are or to raise an alarm if you’re not back by a certain time.” He ground the hard length of his cock against her stomach. “I could keep you here as my sex slave and no one would know. It’s a very tempting idea.”


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She gasped as his mouth came down over hers.

His tongue thrust into her mouth and ravaged her.

His large, hard body seemed to surround her.

Experienced hands and talented fingers moved over her lithe frame, moving her closer to a fever pitch.

Her brain screamed to fight, but her body couldn’t respond. It was as if she was under an erotic spell and all she could do was…surrender. Behind the blindfold, she closed her eyes.

Suddenly, he pulled back and jerked her to walk beside him. Abruptly he stopped, turning her toward him. Stunned, she tilted her head as if she could search his eyes to determine his intent. And wondered at her own lack of protest. What was happening to her? She was a strong, independent woman. Why had she kept the first book, and especially the second? Why hadn’t she contacted security at work? Or checked with the super of her apartment building to see who had delivered the phone and vibrator? Why had she gotten in the car?

Why? Why? Why?

Because this man had sent her something that had aroused a part of her she had been certain didn’t work like it did in other women. Todd had done a number on her confidence with his scathing criticism of her sexual performance, and she had been certain no man would see her as anything but a sweet, super-efficient woman. This man’s words and actions, as well as his ability to get her to obey him, took her to new sexual territory.

With a groan she dropped her chin to her chest.

“I was reckless,” she whispered. “I wanted more of how you made me feel last night. I wanted it so much I didn’t think about anything else. I know I should have done things differently to protect myself. I trusted you. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but I did. If you want to keep me here, I still trust you to take care of me. I trust you not to kill me or hurt me 77

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Calmly, she waited for his response.


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Chapter Six

Keith stared at her. This was unexpected. She was offering herself to him completely. Trusting when she should be fighting with everything she had. Instead, she stood meekly in front of him.

Oh, God, the thought of keeping her entirely to himself. To hide her away. To protect her from the rest of the world. Erotic images flooded his mind.

Serena—bound and waiting here—waiting for him to return and take her. Serena—meeting him at the door as instructed. Serena—on her knees as she took his cock in her mouth. Serena—his, to do what he wanted.

Serena was his. She was giving herself completely to him. Those images were his to make real.

Gently, almost afraid to touch her, he framed her face with his hands. He could just imagine the rest of his life. And immediately realized a number of problems. He would want to go out with her. He would want to show her off in the latest fashions. He wanted to see what gems looked best on her. He would want to make sure every man knew what a prize he had.

“You offer me an incredible gift,” he said softly.

“And I can’t tell you how very tempting it is to keep you here.” The pad of his thumb brushed down over her bottom lip. “Keep you all to myself,” he whispered in her ear. “Keep you at the height of pleasure all day until your body couldn’t handle any more. When I had to leave, I would gag and tie you to my bed, perhaps with a toy inside you. And yes, 79

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we would fuck like animals until we couldn’t think straight.” A shiver swept through her and he saw that her lips were parted slightly and her nipples were hard pebbles. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and then caught her lower lip with his teeth. Her soft whimper had him fighting back the instinct to take her where they were. Unable to resist, he put a hand at her pussy and felt the moist heat of her. He put a finger inside her and stroked until she moaned. “But if I cut you away from the rest of the world, that would slowly kill you on the inside. I want the whole Serena, not an empty shell, which is what you would become if I kept you locked up.” He nibbled on her ear. She melted against him, her body dependent on his to stay upright.

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