Beck and Call (14 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

BOOK: Beck and Call
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Turning around, she saw the faint prints of the paddle on her ass. Examining her wrists and ankles, she was relieved to see that the cuffs hadn’t left any marks that wouldn’t fade. The cushioned socks she wore for her workouts left deeper impressions.

The bathroom was supplied with products she had read about in high society magazines, and she couldn’t wait to try them all. Luxuriating in the hot water that beat down on her aching muscles, she washed, shampooed, and took advantage of the shaving gel and razor. She’d shaved that morning, but the idea of Master touching stubble wasn’t to be contemplated. After drying off, she rubbed rich lotion all over her body before using the blow dryer’s diffuser on her hair. Wishing desperately for some cosmetics, she smoothed out her brows and pinched her cheeks to put some color in them. Lifting her chin, she headed for the playroom door.

Keith sat quietly at the window, watching the sunset. So far, he was extremely satisfied with the way things were going. He knew she had debated reaching for his mask. Her eyes were more expressive than he remembered them being in the office. Or was he just now paying attention? He 104

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shook his head. How much he’d missed with her!

Time lost. Or was it thanks to. Grant’s reminder that he needed to think things through thoroughly.

Behind the mask, he frowned slightly. He’d never realized how much of his life had been on auto-pilot.

He’d think through business deals as if he was playing a chess match. His personal life had been very different. Which was how, he admitted, Charlotte and so many others had been able to fool him.

He heard the bedroom door open and her soft footsteps as she approached him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her sit on the leather footstool to his right and shift to get comfortable. After a moment, she was still, waiting for him to speak.

He reached to his left and wheeled the table around before him. He could see her nose twitch at the smells. She probably was starving, he smiled.

She’d had little time to eat this morning and he’d exhausted her when she’d arrived. However, he first opened and poured the wine. Removing one dish cover, he cut the steak.

Selecting a delicate pink piece, he turned toward her and held it just before her lips. She sent him a questioning look. Clearly, whatever she’d been expecting, he had unsettled her. Good. He nodded, indicating she should take it. As he’d expected, she lifted a hand. He promptly returned it to the plate.

Her hand froze in mid-air.

With a dramatic sigh, Keith rose and went to the chest. Serena’s eyes widened as she watched him open the second of four drawers.

“Come here,” he said quietly. “And turn around.” Obediently, she went to him, turning when he motioned her to. He cuffed her wrists and then fastened them behind her back.

“You seem to like being bad,” he told her.

“No,” she whispered, shaking her head.


Abby Gordon

“And telling me
,” he added.

She winced.

“What did I do?”

“You think you’re too good to take food from my hand,” he replied, moving to stand in front of her.

Lifting her chin with a hard grip, he shook his head.

“You are my submissive, Serena. When we are in these three rooms, you are dependent on me for everything. I tell you what to do and when. I give you drink and food. You do only what I tell you to and nothing if I haven’t instructed you. Is that clear?”

Wishing he had told her that hours ago, she nodded.

“Yes, Master,” she added hastily.

Not fast enough as his lips firmed in the shadow of the hood. The next thing she knew, he hauled her across the room to the spanking bench. Instead of being strapped to it, he placed her over the padded surface and secured her ankles to a bar with four straps and several hooks. Her wrists were freed and pulled to her front. She could barely breathe as she watched him fasten her to two hooks.


Not a word. In silence, he returned to the chest.

A low cry came from her as she saw the leather strap in his hand. As she stared, he closed that drawer and opened the top one. She gasped and stared as he glanced at her. When she saw the ball gag in his other hand, she froze. Confined as she was, she shook her head. No way, no how.

“Sherlock,” she whispered, praying he would honor it.

He froze.

“Excuse me?” he frowned behind the hood.

“What did you say?”

“Sherlock,” she repeated, voice trembling. “I will not let you use that on me. And no more gags in my 106

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mouth. I’m not a horse or a rabid dog.” She looked at him, stunned dismay filling her green eyes with tears. “You said you weren’t looking for a sex slave and you don’t do sadomasochism.” He didn’t move.

Biting her lower lip, she looked back at the floor.

“What I read about in that book is the reason I’m here. I wanted to be with a man like the Dominant described on page eight. Not…” she swallowed back the tears that clogged her throat. “Not the cruel master described on page seven.”

“Refresh my memory of the description on page eight.”

With her memory, and as many times as she had read it, she was able to recite it nearly word for word. In the silence that followed, she didn’t move.

She strained to see his eyes beyond the mask. They were in shadow, so she couldn’t tell if he was angry or not. All she could do was pray he would keep his word even if he didn’t like it.

Dropping both strap and gag, he strode across the floor and released her. She felt her mouth open in shock. Scooping her up in his arms, he carried her to the chair. Sitting down, he held her trembling body to his chest.

“Serena, talk to me. Why did you use your safe word? You were on the bench this morning and didn’t have a problem with it. Why did—”

“You’re not using that thing on me,” she insisted, fists clenching his black shirt. “You will not hit me with that thing.”

For a long moment, he didn’t speak. One hand firmly held her head against his shoulder. Shifting slightly, she kept her eyes firmly on the length of leather snaking on the floor as if it would suddenly move on its own.

“Oh, baby,” he whispered, leaning back in the chair and cradling her against his chest. “It’s all right,” he soothed her hair back off her face. “Would 107

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you believe that damn strap isn’t even mine? A friend left it here months ago.” He stroked her hair.

“If you don’t want the strap, then I’ll keep to the paddle or my hand.”

“Why are you so focused on discipline and punishing me?” she whispered, wrapping her arms around her waist.

“Because during the week, we’re not going to be able to spend time like this,” he admitted. “Because I want to cram everything in so you won’t forget me during the week.”

She lifted her head and stared at him. During the week. She hadn’t thought about that. During the week, he wouldn’t be able to tie her to the bed and play with her the way he had, or spank her before making her suck his cock. Even if he came to her apartment, they wouldn’t have more than a couple hours together.

“I understand wanting to cram everything in.,” she replied, finally relaxing against him. “I’m afraid you’ll forget about me. I’m so scared I’ll do something wrong and you’ll decide I would be a horrible submissive. Like what I just did,” she sighed.

“No,” he said firmly, lifting her chin. “Serena, that is why a submissive has a safe word. Even a slave has the right to a safe word to end whatever is happening. We hadn’t talked about punishment and I went too far.”

“But you stepped back when I said my safe word, right?”

“Yes, but what if I…”

“No,” she shook her head. She tried to hide her exasperation and amusement. Was it her lot in life to be around men with perfection fixations? “You’re as human as the rest of us, Master,” she smiled.

“And even if you started to lose control, you got it back.”

“How can you say that?” he wondered. “How can 108

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you trust me after this?”

“You honored my safe word.” For Serena, it was a no-brainer. “You didn’t get mad at me for using it.

You stopped everything and made sure I was safe.

You took care of me.” Her hand rested on his jaw.

“You put my needs first.” She could sense the tension beneath the mask. Feeling the clenched muscles, she began to understand the pressure and responsibility he put on himself as a master. Wonder and warmth filled her heart. He truly was putting her needs first. “How could I
trust you after this?

Master, you took care of me.”

Slowly, he nodded.

“Maybe now would be a good time to outline what you can and cannot handle,” he said quietly.

He heard her stomach rumble and chuckled at her blush. “While we eat, of course.” He picked up the piece of meat that had started the trouble and pressed it to her lips. They parted and he let it tumble in. He fed her more pieces, then skewered some baked potato on the fork. At her answers to his questions, he dipped it into the sour cream and bacon pieces. She savored the bite as he ate. Handing her one of the wine glasses, he took the other and slowly relaxed.

“You’ve said you don’t want to do threesomes with another man. I’ve no desire to have another woman with us. Straps are out for you. What about the gag alone?” he wondered. “You didn’t object to that before.”

“The gag’s all right,” she said slowly. “But you gave me a hand signal asking if I was ready.”

“Then before I put another gag on you, we’ll work out
signals,” he nodded. “Anything else?”

“This is all new to me,” she reminded him, sipping her wine. “Just let me know what you’re planning, to an extent, and I’ll use the words you 109

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gave me if something feels wrong.”

“Sounds like a plan,” he smiled. “You like the wine?”

“Yes,” she smiled. “It’s much better than what we had last night. Although, to be honest, by the second glass, none of us cared.” The smile disappeared. “Master?”


“Why do men feel the need to deceive women the way Paul did Claire? I mean…”

“I’m not sure I can answer objectively,” he shook his head. “Not until you know who I am.” She looked at him expectantly. “No, Serena,” he shook his head again. “You’ve got to admit that part of the fascination for you is that you know me one way and this way.”

“But I don’t know who you are,” she added.

“Claire’s situation is different. Very different. Paul seduced her with the intent of getting her to join him and his partner! He got her to fall in love with him under false pretenses!”

“Had she ever met this partner? Did she like this man? What did she see them doing to make her think something is going on?”

“Think something is going on?” Serena latched onto the last part like a terrier on a bone. “She saw them!”

“She saw them having sex?” he pressed. “Are you certain that is what happened? “She actually saw them one-on-one having sex? What did she say?” Serena frowned, nibbling on her lower lip. She reviewed what she knew and her shoulders slumped.

“Debbie told me what Claire told her,” she finally admitted.

“Debbie,” he repeated slowly, as if trying to recall who Debbie was. He seized on the chance to change the subject. “Mmm, the short brown-haired woman in Programming whose skirts are barely 110

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“What are you doing looking at her skirts?” Serena frowned.

He chuckled behind the mask.

“Jealous, sweetheart?” He shook his head. “Don’t be. Every man in the building looks at her skirts and that’s exactly what she wants them to do. Problem is, no man sees anything but the skirts. Oh, and her blouses,” he added. “Didn’t she have on a low-cut, practically see-through blouse yesterday?”

“Excuse me?” she frowned. “What’s wrong with her blouses?”

“Nothing if you’re a streetwalker,” he drawled, putting more steak in his mouth. “Don’t look at me with that furious expression. I’m being honest with you. Let me guess, she complains that no one takes any of her ideas seriously and they keep sending her out for coffee and doughnuts because she’s a woman, right?”

“They don’t take her seriously,” Serena defended her friend vigorously. “They’re stealing her ideas and passing them off as their own, and no one believed her when she lodged a complaint!”

“She lodged a complaint?” he frowned.

“Three,” Serena nodded. “Two for sexual harassment and one for her ideas. HR didn’t do anything.”

Holy shit!
Keith froze.
What the hell was HR

And remembered that the HR head was a prudish fifty-something woman who had probably shredded everything Debbie had given her the second the younger woman walked out of her office.

Hester would consider Debbie had received her just desserts, or that Debbie really wanted the attention and was making the rest of it up. Debbie had only been at a few meetings, but she seemed very knowledgeable and answered questions more readily than the men, including Duncan, the VP of her 111

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