Beck and Call (12 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

BOOK: Beck and Call
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His chest rubbed against her breasts, still tender from the clamps. The force of each entry hit her clit.

His cock filled her as he ground his pelvis against hers. Unable to do anything but receive him, she took a deep breath and relaxed as she had on the spanking bench.

Her pussy clenched around him. His breath was warm against her ear.

“Don’t come, Serena,” he told her. “I haven’t given you permission.”

She moaned. Oh, God! How could he do this to her? She needed the release he’d given her last night. Surely after everything he’d done to her today, he would let her come!

“No, sweetheart,” he ground out, feeling the force of his own climax building. “Don’t come.” A whimper came from around the gag, and she lifted her head slightly.

“No,” he repeated.

Two more drives deep into her womb and he came. His entire body clenched as if to help empty himself into her. Shuddering, he lowered himself on her trembling body. Now that, he thought, was an orgasm. That was what he’d wanted to do since… he nuzzled her neck and smiled. Had he wanted this ever since he’d picked her to be his assistant? Since he’d seen her in the elevator with Mark? The possibility of his subconscious working around him was a fascinating thought. For another time. Right now, he would simply enjoy the afterglow of coming in the sweetest, hottest submissive he’d ever had.

And reward her both for not coming and for being so damn sensual.

“Would you like to come now?” he murmured, reaching to release the gag.

She gasped in air and nodded.


Beck And Call

“Please, Master,” she said in a dry voice.

“You need water,” he observed. Smiling, he reached for the bottle with a straw already in it.

Placing the straw at her lips, he kissed her forehead.

“Drink, sweetheart. And then I have some interesting toys that will give you what you want.” Gratefully, she sucked the water. When he took the straw away, his words hit her.


“Mmmhmm,” he replied, pulling out of her. “I want to watch your body so I can better tell what your body reacts to.” He moved off the bed and returned to the playroom. Bringing the bag that had his selections, he laid each one carefully on the nightstand. “I find it very stimulating to arouse a woman and make her come several times. And then fuck her with my cock.” His whisper lingered in the air.

He knew what he was doing. He’d been doing it to women for fifteen years. Getting ready for her arrival, he had realized that it had all been practice for her. For what he would do to Serena. For his first, only, and last permanent submissive. His suspicion that she was a natural submissive had been blazingly correct. Her hidden sensuality astonished and delighted him. After thinking through what Grant had said, he’d spent hours going over the time since he’d first seen her. Since he’d first met her in the elevator with Mark. He had concluded that Serena was the only woman he wanted in his life. He had to make very sure that she was so dependent on him for her sexual needs that she wouldn’t even…

Keith glanced at her. Yes, he wanted her to be in a constant sensual haze—to be aware of her erotic side—but he still wanted her to think clearly. As she had shown in the playroom by asking for a safe word. He shook his head. Thinking would come 89

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later. Right now, he had to firmly establish his dominance over her. And he only had until tomorrow evening. He knew that during the week, things would be extremely complicated. He could do small things to keep her on edge, and they would have to be enough to keep her hooked until next Friday. He already had their next weekend planned. But in the meantime, he smiled, picking up the vibrating nipple clamps; he would drive her out of her mind.

Serena felt his hands on her breasts and sighed, until she felt the slight pinching.


“Yes, sweetheart?”

“Can you tell me what you’re doing? Please?”

“To a point,” he conceded. He didn’t want her to be afraid. Nervous was one thing, but he didn’t want fear. “Right now, I’m putting vibrating nipple clamps on you.” He carefully tightened the first one and then the second. He reached over and tapped the remote. She inhaled slightly. “You like that?”

“Yes, Master,” she nodded.

“Good. Now, I’m going use a vibrating dildo to massage your thighs and then, well,” he chuckled.

“I’ll have fun with it and a few other toys. I won’t tell you what they are, but you’ll enjoy them.”

“Yes, Master,” she replied.

He turned the dildo on and rubbed it along her tense muscles.

“You’re in very good shape,” he commented, admiring her lean legs. “What do you do?”

“I…,” she paused, gasping as he put the dildo at the juncture of her thigh and pelvis. “I think you hit a nerve!”

“It’s always enjoyable to discover a woman’s body,” he smiled. “Exercise?”

“I try to walk or jog on my treadmill at least thirty minutes a day and I do yoga.”



Beck And Call

“It helps relieve stress,” she whispered as her breathing grew shallow.

“Your job is that stressful?”

“All jobs have stress. I started when my grandfather was first diagnosed with dementia and have kept it up.”

“Ah,” he nodded. “I can see your juices in your pussy,” he told her, putting the tip of the dildo inside her. She moaned and lifted her hips. Pulling it away, he chuckled. “Do you really think it will be that easy, Serena?” Pausing, he aimed carefully and inserted the dildo fully into her. “I want to push you to the brink and hold you there. Then make you come so many times that we both lose count. And then,” he glanced at his cock, not surprised to see it reacting to the sexy, ready woman before him. “I’m going to fuck you again.”

“Please, Master,” Serena whimpered. “Please.” Instead of answering, he stroked the dildo in and out of her pussy. Keeping the rhythm, he reached for the next toy and the lube. Leaving the dildo completely in her, he quickly lubed the small plug and separated her taut ass cheeks.


She gasped as he pushed the plug into her resisting opening. When he lowered her hips back down, the lip of the plug rested against the mattress and she was unable to push it out. He smiled and began using the dildo again. A moan escaped her lips as the dildo brushed against the wall the plug was against. He reached over and tapped the two remotes.

Her neck arched when her nipples puckered as if he were sucking on both of them at the same time.

“What are you feeling? Talk to me, Serena,” he coaxed.

“I…” she gasped and took a deep breath. “What did you put in me?”


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“I’m using a dildo in your hot pussy and a plug in your tight ass.” His hand brushed over the end and trailed up to her clit. “I have plans for your sweet ass besides spanking, sweetheart.”

“What?” she gasped as he rubbed her clit with the dildo.

“Talk to me.”

“Heat,” she said softly as if her voice was coming from far away. “I can feel a fire inside. It’s starting where you touch and then spreading. And…and the dil…the dildo…” she moaned.

“What about the dildo?” he asked.

“I… it’s… you’re moving it faster than I did last night” She fought for the words. For breath. “Master, I’m burning up!”

Building faster than she’d ever experienced, the hunger took over her body. Words tumbled from her mouth, soft pleas begging him to let her come, to fuck her with his cock.

He pulled the dildo from her sopping pussy, put it on the bed near her right foot, and selected the next toy. He smiled at the small bulb on the side.

Savoring the power, he put it inside her, not needing any lube as she was so wet. Slowly, he rubbed the nub against her clit and listened to her moans and whimpers. Her reaction when he turned it on nearly made him lose control.

Her body, already drenched in sweat, came off the mattress with a primeval keen of desire. Of need. Of fire.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, writhing on the bed. Her fingers clutched at the bindings. “Please. Please.


Silently, he turned the vibrations to full, holding the nub against her clit. Within moments, she was on the edge.

“Please, Master,” she begged. “May I come?”

“Come, sweetheart,” he gave permission, pleased 92

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she’d remembered to ask. Although he admitted that some part of him had hoped she would forget or be overcome too quickly to ask. She took her discipline so well. “Come as often as you need to.” And she did. Her body spasmed as she cried out her pleasure. Relentless, he held the vibrator on the spot, shifting it just slightly before pressing it back on the spot. And she came again. Shifting the vibrator to give her a few seconds to catch her breath, he tapped the remote for the nipple clamps and returned the vibrator to the first spot.

Her breath hitched as she gave a last shout and went limp.

Keith held everything in place as he counted to sixty. Sure enough, her pussy wrung out one more orgasm that rippled through her body. Turning off the vibrator, he carefully removed the nipple clamps and turned them off. Setting them aside, he pulled on the condom he’d opened and positioned himself over her.


“Master,” she sighed.

“I’m going to fuck you now.”

A soft smile curved her lips.

“I’m yours.”

Bending his head, he captured her mouth. To his astonishment, her tongue wrapped around his and tugged. With a groan, knowing that his restraint was nearly gone, he drove his cock into her pussy. He’d thought fucking her the first time would have taken off the edge to his hunger for her. He should have known better. Once his cock felt the drenching heat of her, the caveman in him took over and he fucked her hard.

Only able to use her mouth to respond, Serena poured everything she was feeling into her lips and tongue. She couldn’t believe the way her body had reacted or what he had done to her. The butt plug 93

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had picked up the vibrations. Her nipples were hard nubs and her breasts were aching and swollen. And her pussy… dear God, her pussy was on fire and clenching around the vibrator as if her life depended on it. She couldn’t think. Couldn’t feel beyond what he was doing to her. The world focused on a small bundle of nerves that controlled the rest of her body.

Nothing else mattered except what he was making her feel. Wave after wave ripped through her and tumbled her over and over until she couldn’t take anymore.

Even as she was trying to catch her breath, his cock had thrust into her.

She didn’t think she could come again, but she’d underestimated her body’s need to be controlled and how it would respond. As Master had said, under the knowing and focused touch of someone whose goal was to give her pleasure, her body blossomed. And burned. Now, her body had been readied by a man who burned for her, who wanted her and would do what he wanted with her.



“Please come inside me again,” she whispered.

Keith groaned. He didn’t think he could want her more, but those barely audible words pushed him over the edge. His cock stroking deep, he nipped her ear.

“You like it rough? You like it when I take you hard and fast?”

“Yes, yes,” she sobbed, feeling the fire poised to explode. “May I come?”

“Together, baby,” he vowed. “Together.” He shouted, head thrown back as he pulsed into her. The hot rush of him, the constant pressure, set her off and her pussy tightened around him, draining him. With a sigh, she surrendered to exhaustion.


Beck And Call

Smiling, Keith propped himself on one elbow and brushed the sweaty strands of hair off her forehead. She was magnificent! Sensually and erotically submissive, while a model of decorum and efficiency in the office. How the hell had he gotten so lucky? He knew she couldn’t be his assistant any longer, not once their relationship became common knowledge, but that seemed acceptable considering he would have her permanently in his life. In his bed.

Kissing her tenderly, he left the bed. Taking the toys to the bathroom, he put them on the counter to clean later. First, he would take care of her.

Carrying a warm, wet washcloth and a towel, he cleaned her pussy. Drying her, he released her ankles and wrists from the tethers. Covering her with a light blanket, he returned to the bathroom.

After cleaning and storing the toys, he returned to where she rested.

Slipping under the covers, he pulled her into his arms and closed his eyes. He wondered if he had the patience to stick to his plan and thoroughly seduce her before revealing who Master was. Briefly, he considered telling her now, but she was so perfectly submissive that he didn’t want to risk the outside world changing her mind.

Serena might not be an extrovert, but she cared deeply about others. Her effort the night before to both please him and support Claire was an excellent example. She had to learn to balance the demands of a Master and the rest of the world. He would help her, but she had to understand that when he summoned her, he fully expected her to obey.

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