Beck and Call (16 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

BOOK: Beck and Call
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“Saw them doing what? What were they talking about?”

“They were talking about sharing me.” Serena could barely hear Claire’s soft voice. “About what they would do to me. How they’d finally found the perfect patsy to share.”

“They said that?” Serena frowned. “They called you a patsy?”

“No,” Claire answered with obvious reluctance.

“But it was pretty clear that’s what they meant.”

“I thought you liked David.”

“That doesn’t mean I want to have sex with him!” Claire protested. “Or watch Paul and David have sex or—”

“Did you see them having sex?” pressed Serena.

“Debbie told me that you had.”

Claire frowned in confusion.

“I didn’t tell her that,” she shook her head. “At least, I don’t think I did,” she added, trying to recall.

“I was pretty upset.”

“That’s more than understandable,” Serena told 120

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her, hugging her. “And you certainly shouldn’t let them talk you into anything you don’t want to do. Or you think they tried to trick you into doing.”

“I don’t,” Claire said firmly.

Serena nodded, noting the confusion she saw in Claire’s eyes and heard in her voice. She’d learned all too well that views on sex could change. All it took was a persuasive man and trust.

Debbie’s door opened. Serena nodded. The black skirt was slightly longer and there was a red camisole under the blouse.

“I really don’t have much else,” whispered Debbie.

“It’s a little better,” Serena replied. “Come on.

It’s best to catch Keith first thing before his schedule gets crowded.”

“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all,” Debbie shook her head.

“C’mon,” Claire cajoled, holding her coat out.

“Don’t you want Duncan and the others to get what’s coming to them? The only one who can do that is MacLauren.” She glanced at Serena. “Do you really think he’ll do something?”

“I do,” Serena nodded firmly, praying she was right.

Keith wasn’t surprised that Serena wasn’t at her desk yet. He’d had a feeling that she would go first to Claire and Debbie’s to convince Debbie to tell him what had been happening. All he had to do was act surprised when they showed up at his door and listen quietly. Before he unleashed hell on Duncan, after hearing the man’s side, of course. And Hester’s.

And anyone else involved.

It was nearly eight before he heard anything besides the ringing phone in the outer office. Eyes on the file before him, he listened to the hushed whispers. Debbie didn’t appear to be eager to talk to the “big man.” It also appeared as if Serena was 121

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determined to make sure it was done. They shooed Claire out and he heard the door to the corridor close.

A moment later there was a rap on his half-open door.

“Yes?” he murmured, turning a page over.

“Keith?” Serena called. “I know it’s early but I think you need to listen to something.”

“Can it wait?” he asked, wondering if she would stick to her guns. “I’m going over the Hancock contract requests.”

“No,” she replied. “It needs to be done now. It’s important.”

He lifted his head and hoped he looked appropriately disgruntled. And that he was hiding his surprise at the firmness in her voice. Maybe it was true, he thought. He’d heard that some submissives, having surrendered their sexual pleasure to a trusted dominant, found a well of confidence and strength in themselves. While she’d been a mentor for many younger employees, Serena was now taking that a step further. She had never countered a request of his. Of course, he admitted, she had never interrupted him the way she just did, either.

“All right,” he nodded. “What is it?” Serena tugged Debbie into the room and closed the door behind them. Keith bit his inner cheek hard to keep a straight face. It was obvious Serena had tried to get Debbie to dress more conservatively and barely succeeded. It was also clear Debbie was thoroughly pissed at his assistant.

“It’s Debbie, isn’t it?” he frowned.

“Debbie Shelton,” Serena told him, pulling Debbie to the chairs in front of his desk and making her sit down. “She’s in Programming. There have been things going on and no one else will stop it.” Worried eyes looked at him. “You’re the only one 122

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who can.”

“Sounds serious,” he frowned, studying Debbie’s face. “You don’t want to tell me, though, do you?”

“She’s making me,” Debbie mumbled.

“Then perhaps it’s not that serious,” he shrugged.

As he’d expected, Serena’s protective streak flared up.

“It is!” she insisted, putting an arm around Debbie. “Tell him,” she urged. “Please, Debbie. It’s his company. He has to know. If you don’t tell him, other women could get hurt and used.”

“Wait a second,” Keith raised a hand, playing along. “Are you talking sexual harassment?”

“Yes,” Serena nodded, relieved that he’d caught on so quickly. “I thought it was just a couple men in Programming, including Steve, but on the way over, Claire told me it was nearly a dozen.”

“Have you gone to HR?” he asked.

“Twice,” Debbie whispered. “Hester told me I deserved it. That, because I like to party, I was just a tramp.”

“She said that?” Keith felt his temper rise.

“That’s inexcusable!”

Slightly reassured by his reaction, Debbie started talking. Keith listened in stunned silence.

Debbie had talked to the five women in Programming and all were scared to say anything because, after Hester told Duncan about Debbie’s complaints, Duncan threatened them with losing their jobs. When confronted by Duncan and Hester, the five had refused to support Debbie.

“Serena,” he said quietly. Alert eyes waited. “Get the other women in a room and get them to write everything down. Dates, times, what was said, and who else was around. Don’t let them talk to each other while they’re doing it. Make sure someone from Legal is there. Someone who isn’t chummy with 123

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Duncan,” he added.

“I’ll call Paul,” she nodded, ignoring Debbie’s startled squawk. “Or David.”

“Serena!” Debbie protested again.

“Excellent,” he approved. “Debbie, thank you for telling me. I know it wasn’t easy, and I appreciate the courage it took.” Her brown eyes rounded in shock at his words. “I have to get Duncan’s side of things, but I would say,” raising his hand to silence both women, “that he will have a very difficult time defending anything he’s done. In fact,” he looked at Serena, “ask David to sit with the women as they write their statements and have Paul come in here while I’m talking to Duncan. And then we’ll get Hester in here,” he said grimly. “I want to know what the hell she was thinking to let this go without taking action. Unless she wanted my company to deal with a sexual harassment lawsuit,” he frowned.

“Why would she want that?” Serena asked, realizing he had thought of something.

“I’m not sure,” he said slowly.

But he was getting an idea. Hester had come over from one of his father’s companies three years earlier. As had Duncan. Could his father be trying to sabotage him? Or could his brothers? He didn’t want to believe it, but Debbie might just have revealed a conspiracy to destroy him.

Not pressing, Serena nodded. Keith liked to think things through, like a chess master before he made a move. He knew it sometimes frustrated her, but obviously she could fully appreciate his caution now.

“I’ll call Paul and David and have them come here first,” she said. “You’ll want to talk to them before the statements are taken and you talk to the caveman.”

Debbie choked back a laugh at Serena’s term for the man who’d been slowly making her life hell.


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Keith smiled slightly.

“An appropriate description, if rather mild,” he commented. “I would prefer a stronger term, but it is not one I’ll use in mixed company,” he added grimly.

“In fact, Serena, it might be better if neither you nor Debbie were here while all this is going on. I have a feeling that things could get rather hot.” He glanced at Serena with sudden inspiration. “What about that shopping trip you were talking about last week? Or was that the other girl who mentioned it?”

“Claire, and it was with Debbie,” Serena filled in and seized on the idea. “It’s perfect,” she smiled.

“Debbie was just talking about getting a couple suits for work.”

“What?” Debbie protested. “I did?”

“I’ll call Paul and David and tell Laura in Legal to reserve a conference room for the entire day before we leave,” Serena smoothly overrode the younger woman. Standing, she pulled Debbie up with her. “Come on, Debbie. Claire might not be able to go with us, but I know where we can get some incredible things you’ll love.”

Keith had to fight to keep a straight face as Serena pulled a protesting Debbie out of his office.

Glancing over her shoulder, Serena winked before closing the door.

For a moment, Keith let the humor of the moment fill the air. He and Serena made a pretty good team, whether in or out of bed, he smiled. Dear God, he thought, he’d had no idea things were as bad as Debbie had finally told him. Serena’s shock had been obvious as she had listened, slack-jawed. What the hell was going on? How had he been so blind?

Was it arrogance? Over-confidence? He couldn’t believe this had been going on under his very nose!

Inside five minutes, Paul and David were entering his office. Initially jovial, they quickly became serious as Keith outlined the situation.


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Nodding, they made a few tweaks to the plan he’d come up with and set it in motion. He didn’t mention the possibility of a conspiracy to bring down the company. Or who might be behind it. He was still having trouble accepting it. It just seemed too far-fetched and coincidental to even mention.

Paul headed back down to Legal where Laura was setting up a room. David settled down with his legal pad and recorder. Before Keith called anyone in, he made sure Serena and Debbie were safely gone. He hated that she would not be where he could see her, but he wanted her removed from any situation that could turn violent. And this had all the makings.

Serena practically dragged the reluctant, pouting Debbie to the store where she shopped. The salesclerks greeted her warmly, while looking at Debbie with some trepidation.

“Makeover, ladies,” Serena told them, holding tightly to Debbie’s arm. “Two mix-and-match three-set combinations and tops for two weeks.”

“Serena!” Debbie gasped.

“Hush,” Serena whispered. “You’re not going to look like an old maid like me, young whippersnapper,” she smiled, relieved at Debbie’s snort of laughter at the reference to Friday night. “But you will look professional. I would’ve brought Claire, too, if I could.”

“What’s the matter with Claire’s clothes?” Debbie wondered.

“She’s not as bad as you, but she’s getting there,” Serena said bluntly. “I love you both, Debbie, you know that,” she said quietly. “But you both seemed to have missed the chapter on dressing professionally for the office.”

“But all the fashion magazines…!”

“None of them show real working women who have to deal with the real world,” she replied, 126

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guiding her to where two clerks had pulled out several items. “I’m not saying you have to throw everything out, but you don’t wear club clothes to the office.”

Debbie nodded reluctantly.

“Debbie, there’s something that I don’t quite get,” Serena frowned. “You party and go clubbing.

I’ve seen you with boyfriends, although not for a few months, and you’ll defend Claire like crazy. So why wouldn’t you say anything to me? Or Keith?” Debbie’s mouth opened and Serena frowned warningly. “And don’t give me any of that nonsense about being a simple girl from West Virginia. Claire believes you, but Claire isn’t here. So why?”

“I was just scared. And ashamed. I know better, but it started so slowly that by the time I realized what was happening, I didn’t think I could say anything without everyone thinking I deserved it.” Debbie grimaced. “Did that make any sense at all?”

“Barely,” Serena smiled. “I kind of went through the same thing with Todd. Even when I realized just how big a jerk he was, I was afraid to admit it. I mean we were together two years. How could I have not known what an insecure bully he was?”

“And now you have Mr. Mystery Man,” Debbie teased her.

“Nice change of subject,” laughed Serena. “All right. Let’s try on some clothes.” Keith stared out the window. Duncan would be first. It appeared that he’d been the ringleader.

David had called two junior lawyers to go to Programming as soon as Duncan was gone. They would start with the rest of Debbie’s list of harassers before the men had a chance to coordinate stories.

Hester would be next. To keep Hester busy, Laura had already been sent to her office on the pretext of hiring a new intern and clerk.

“Morning, Keith,” Duncan sauntered in and 127

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closed the door. “Have you had a chance to review the plan to launch the new program on communications? I know Mark was a little over-eager so I’m glad you called me. I wanted to make a few suggestions.” He frowned seeing Paul at the table near Keith. “What’s he doing here? Is there a legal issue with the plan?”

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