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Authors: Abby Gordon

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Beck And Call

you really mean all that? You really want me like that?”

He shifted their positions so she was on her back, her head pillowed on a muscular bicep. His fingers traced her jaw.

“Yes, sweetheart,” he replied, his voice full of tenderness. His woman. He wanted her—body, heart, and mind. “I really want you like that. I promise, tomorrow you will have all the answers.

Trust me?”

The smile on her face was all he needed.

“Rest a little, sweetheart,” he whispered.

Safe in his arms, Serena fell into a deep sleep.

Gradually she became aware of hands stroking her body in long sweeps. What brought her from the edge of sleep to wakefulness was the hard cock pulsing between her thighs.

“Master?” she murmured, reaching for him.

She felt the broad chest tighten as she stroked the velvety steel. His breath quickened and she could feel the heat rising in him. Emboldened, she moved her hand. His swift inhalation when she touched the balls beneath his cock created a counter-move in her own body. To her surprise, she felt her pussy pulse. With a hungry moan, she began exploring. Giving in to something that had kept her awake at nights, she pressed kisses against the strong column of his throat before working her way to his chest. His skin was slightly salty and all male.

She kissed along his left side to his hip. To her surprise, he twitched when she reached the small hollow leading to his pelvis. It gave her a delightfully erotic idea.



“Can a woman put her mark on a man?”


Before he could stop her, she began sucking on 199

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the spot full of nerves. When his body jerked in response, her hands soothed him. Slightly.

“You taste so good,” she murmured. “I’ve never tasted a man before, never knew how wonderful it was.” Her tongue flicked out. Her hand returned to his cock and stroked as her mouth worked the skin at his hip. “Delicious,” she sighed.

Keith closed his eyes. He couldn’t remember a woman ever exploring his body the way Serena was.

Her focus was entirely on him. The dom in him pondered the wisdom of letting his sub be so free with his body. What if she took such liberties all the time? The man in him was enthusiastic about that.

Especially if…Serena’s hot mouth left his hip and spread a fire along the inside of his thigh. Her talented fingers lightly stroked his other leg then gently cupped his balls. His cock jerked and he groaned. If she wanted to explore his body every night, he wouldn’t have a problem with it. But she would know who was in charge. He reached down and threaded his fingers through her silky blond tresses.

“Serena,” he whispered, pulling her head from his body.

“What do you want me to do?” she asked.

Pulling her off the bed and onto her knees, he clipped the wrist cuffs together at the small of her back and stood before her. At his quiet words, she opened her mouth and received his cock.

Serena moaned as his thickness filled her mouth. The first drops from his cock slipped down her throat and she tried to press closer to get even more of him.

“Take me, Serena,” he urged. “Come on, baby.” Keith couldn’t remember the last time he lost it in a woman’s throat. He did now. No other woman had caressed him or kissed him with such an innocent sensuality. He would have done anything 200

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for her before, but now, he knew he would never, ever, need or want another woman in his life. With a long, drawn-out groan, he arched back and poured himself into her. His grip on her head brought her off her knees. Off balance, dependent on him not to crash to the floor, she kept sucking him.

“Oh, God,” he gasped.

Drained, he lifted her to the bed and collapsed next to her. Unhooking her cuffs, he drew her close to his chest and they slept.


Abby Gordon

Chapter Eleven

The alarm clock went off and Serena groaned.

She reached over to hit the snooze and felt paper beneath her hand. Surprised enough to open her eyes, she stretched up to turn the light on and saw the note. Seeing that it was typed, she smiled.

Sweet Serena, wear what is in the bathroom. I
will find you today when and where you least expect
me and claim you so every other man knows you are
mine. Last night was only the first of the rest of our


Serena read it three times before the words sank in.

Oh, my God, she breathed.

He was serious. He wanted her. Publicly.


She curled up and hugged her knees with the note held carefully in her hand. This she was keeping as a memory of the start of her life with…oh, my God, she groaned. She didn’t even know his name.

With a slight smile, she wondered just what he had in mind. It really sounded like he intended their relationship to be a public one. Idly, she wondered if he knew Keith. Were they friends? Business rivals?

Enemies since they’d attended the same exclusive private school?

It didn’t matter, she realized. She would have to resign. Today.

It was time to move on. She knew what kind of women Keith preferred—the socialite/debutantes 202

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she had teased him about. Granted, he was rarely with the same woman twice, but she’d never seen him with any other type. And she was as far from that type as one could get. Keith would never see her as more than his executive assistant. She frowned.

Obviously Master was in the same echelon, but most certainly considered her as more than an assistant.

But that didn’t make sense if he worked in the same company. As far as she knew, Paul and David were the only ones from the same background as Keith, and Master couldn’t be either one of them because they were focused on Claire.

“I need coffee,” she muttered to herself.

Sliding out of bed, she was halfway to the kitchen before she realized she was naked. Master was having an impact on her in many ways! Turning the coffee on, she paused at the counter and continued to mull the situation. Master wanted her with him in public. He wanted her in the future. He wanted
He knew her background and didn’t care. She went back to her room but, when she reached for the robe on the chair, her eyes fell on the note. Sitting on the bed, she picked it up. Rereading the letter, she sighed.

Master wanted to take care of her sexually and every other way. A smile curved her lips. Nothing in the books had mentioned a sub being permitted to touch a dom the way she had last night. That had been more like something from a romantic movie.

Not once had he tried to stop her. In fact, he’d enjoyed and encouraged her, which made her more confident in how master would treat her.

That give and take during… She frowned. Sex?

Making love? Fucking? Whatever, she decided. It was important to know that that aspect of their relationship would be pleasurable for both of them.

More importantly,
knew. Master deserved her complete loyalty. Otherwise their relationship as 203

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Dom/sub wouldn’t work.

She groaned. How could she contemplate a Dom/sub relationship with a man whose name she didn’t know? Could she really think of being with a man when their relationship centered on sex?

“Arrgh!” she howled, pounding the mattress with her fist.

She remembered the emotions that had whirled through her after he’d pulled her off the bed. Her tongue wrapped around his cock. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked on him the way he had taught her. Above her head, she could hear him moan. She felt her own juices running down her thighs as the taste and smell of his lust affected her.

She drew on him with all the hunger and need she’d felt since she’d left him the previous Sunday. All the fear during and after Mark’s attack as she struggled to understand what had happened. Everything in her now centered on the cock in her mouth.

Her entire world had been him.

She didn’t know if she loved Master, but it was clear he wanted her. Publicly. But her heart was torn between the two men in her life. One professional and the other personal. It would be best, she sighed, to make a clean break with Keith and see how things worked out with Master. If they didn’t, well, she had quite a bit saved and invested that she could live on for a while. She could always go back home, never telling her family about the relationship, and find a job through one of her relatives. Reaching out, she slapped the snooze off and closed her eyes. She would have to resign. There was simply no other way.

Slowly, she slipped off the bed and went to the bathroom. The glint of something catching the light reflected in the mirror and she stared at her reflection. Who was this wild woman? Pale hair flowed around her shoulders, brushing the tips of 204

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her breasts. Her eyes were glowing despite the fading bruises on her face, and her lips were soft, ready to be kissed. What held her attention was her neck. And not the remnants of Mark’s fingers. She still had the collar on. And just below, barely the size of her thumbprint, was the faint purplish-reddish mark his mouth had made on her. She couldn’t believe either thing she saw.

Leaning forward she fingered the collar. As thick as her thumb, gold links surrounded glittering diamonds and rosy pearls alternating around her neck. It was large enough to make a statement, she grinned, like when they went to the club he’d mentioned. Or in public, to remind her that she was his submissive, even if no one else understood what it meant. And just below was the physical mark he’d left on her. Never having a hickey before, she studied it almost as much as the necklace.

“Serena, what is happening to you?” she shook her head.

In the reflection, she saw something on the back of the bathroom door. Turning, she read the store name on the dress bag hanging on the hook.

Unzipping it, she stared. Everything was there—

lingerie, shoes, and a note telling her not to wear anything but what he had given her. In awe, she touched the dress’s material. It was finer than anything she’d ever owned.

Tears flowed as she leaned back against the vanity and glanced over her shoulder at her reflection. The diamonds sparkled and the pearls gleamed. She smiled, lifting her hand to touch them.

This wasn’t what mattered most, she knew. Her fingers traced the mark made from his mouth.

That meant more. It wasn’t the
Master could give her, but something Keith never had.

Himself. Even if she didn’t know Master’s name, or what he looked like,
had given her himself.


Abby Gordon

They had talked, laughed, and shared. He’d given her time, respect, and tenderness. And passion.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed away from the counter and went to the shower.

Two hours later, she entered the office and was surprised to see Keith’s door already open and the coffeemaker percolating contentedly. Although she tried to be quiet, he heard her as she hung up her coat.

“Serena!” he called.

She closed her eyes briefly. That tone was his I’m-in-a-bad-mood-and-heads-will-roll voice. She so did not need to deal with an irritated Keith. Yes, she knew he’d had a bad week dealing with last Monday’s fall-out. Well, she straightened her shoulders, her week hadn’t exactly been entirely bucolic either. Except for last night.


She sighed. Handing him her resignation her first day back was
going to go over well. What was she supposed to tell him? She was resigning to be the mistress of a man whose name she didn’t know?


He appeared at his door. As she’d expected, there was a scowl on his face.

“Where’s the folder for the Brown contract?”

“Unless someone moved it, that file should be in your in-box,” she replied, putting her purse in the drawer. When he didn’t answer, she glanced up into his piercing gaze. “Is it not there?”

“What did you say?”

“The Brown file should be in your in-box.” Master’s words came to her and she flushed, turning away.

“Serena,” Keith said in a low voice. “Could you come in my office a moment?”

“Of course,” she nodded, glancing at the coffee 206

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which was finishing its automatic cycle. “Do you want coffee?”

“No. Now.”

He went to the hall door, closing and locking it.

Puzzled, she nodded and moved ahead of him into his office. He turned the lights off as he followed her.

“Keith,” she started, deciding to bring up her resigning now. “I need to tell you something.”

“Nice necklace,” he commented. “New?”

“Thank you,” she replied, touching the collar.

“Yes, it…it was a gift.”

“By someone with excellent taste and who knows what suits you.”

“Yes,” she nodded, pausing between the leather chairs that faced his desk. She heard the door lock behind him. “Keith, there’s something I need to tell you.”

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