Beck and Call (21 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

BOOK: Beck and Call
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“I’m sorry,” she apologized. “I didn’t mean that. I just meant…” she sighed and shook her head. “I’m sorry. It’s just, most CEOs don’t think of the rank and file in their companies. They’re flying over the forests while the majority of the people are trying to make their way through thorns and thick brush.”

“Interesting way of putting things,” he observed.


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“I’m a country girl at heart,” she shrugged. “And I was always trying to keep up with my brothers and cousins. They have legs at least a foot longer than mine and….” She smiled. “I’m babbling. Sorry. I didn’t think you would tolerate harassment or anything. It’s just that it’s never really been on your radar screen.”

“Let’s make a deal,” he suggested, pulling up in front of her building. “As we work our way through the pile of shit that got dumped on us, we make sure the other knows what’s going on around us. We might just make it of this mess.”

“Deal,” she smiled, then looked at him seriously.

“You look like you could do with a good night’s sleep as well, Keith. Otherwise you won’t have the strength to pick up the shovel tomorrow,” she grinned, hand on the door.

His answer was his own bark of laughter and she grinned as she got out and headed up the front steps. Claire and Debbie opened the door and hugged her.

Keith pulled away, smiling as he saw the delivery van come around the corner.

The entire walk to Serena’s apartment, Debbie cried about how sorry she was for giving Serena so much grief about her clothes, but also for not telling her what was going on. Claire fussed over Debbie, and after a few minutes Serena told them she was exhausted and going to call it a night.

Deciding one lazy night was good for the soul, and the rest of her, she started the tea kettle. At the knock, she went to the door and saw a plain, brown box. Blushing, she accepted the box from the super and eagerly carried it into the kitchen. She cut the tape and lifted the flaps. Her jaw fell open—cuffs, tethers, and anchors. A blindfold. And at the bottom sat a typed note.

I will be there at ten. I want you naked, cuffed to

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your bed, and blindfolded, with the vibrator inside
your hot pussy for ten minutes on button one.


Carefully, she put the bondage gear in her nightstand drawer with the vibrator, the books, and his previous notes. She hugged herself. He was coming to her! Her exhaustion fled as she scurried about her apartment, cleaning. Because she’d been with him all weekend, she hadn’t done any of her usual weekend chores and now rushed through them. She did yoga to loosen her muscles before getting on the treadmill. Anticipation had her jogging as she wondered what he would do.

As she finished, she heard three knocks on the door. Glancing at her clock, she saw it was just before eight. Probably Claire or Debbie, she sighed, wondering how long it would take her to get them to leave so she could be ready for Master.

“Girls, I….” She opened the door and stared.

“Who are you?”

For a brief second, Serena’s heart leaped. It was Master! No, it was a masked man a good six inches shorter and thicker around the middle who stepped forward.

“Bitch,” he snarled, grabbing her wrist.

Before she could take a deep breath, the man shoved her back inside the apartment and slammed the door shut.

Screaming at the top of her lungs, Serena battered at his head with her fists.

“Help! Help! Somebody help me!”

“Troublesome little bitch,” he growled.

His gloved hand groped roughly at the neck of her T-shirt. As the thin cotton ripped away, her panic increased tenfold and she flashed back to Mark’s attack. No! This couldn’t happen again!

Adrenaline pumping, she jerked her knee up.

Connecting with his groin, she felt his hold loosen.


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Shoving at him, she twisted away, if only to get to her room. All she could think of was Master’s phone.

He would come. He would save her.

Her attacker staggered back and she sprinted for her room. She grabbed the phone off the nightstand as he reached the door.

“Oh, no, bitch,” came the low, gravelly voice.

Before she could flip the phone open, he was on her, shoving her onto the bed. Frantically, she shoved at him, unable to scream as fear clogged her throat. Again self-defense lessons from her brothers came to her. Gritting her teeth, she stabbed her thumb into his eye.

Now he screamed in pain as he rolled off her.

Scrambling off the bed, she stumbled into the living room, the phone still clutched in her hand. Gasping for breath, she got it open. Too late, she heard the floorboard creak behind her. She whirled around as he tackled her. The phone skittered across the floor.

Her head crashed against the wood as he landed on top of her.

“Just be a good girl and keep your mouth shut,” he whispered hoarsely in her ear. “I’m going to fuck your ass.”

As his hands worked on the strings of her shorts, Serena felt a new emotion. A will to survive surged through her. No! She would not give in. She was not going to quietly let him rape her!

“Help me!” she screamed, thrashing her body around. “Help! Help!”

“Shut up!”

Pinning her legs, he reared up and slapped her face. Wicked laughter filled her ears as he gave up on the strings and just ripped her shorts and panties off.


His hand slapped across her cheek and knocked her head against the wood. As she struggled to stay 162

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conscious, his hands locked around her neck.

“No! Serena!”

The man turned his head as Claire and Debbie appeared in the doorway. Swearing, he banged Serena’s head against the floor once more before standing and facing them. Debbie moved first and he laughed at her efforts to punch him. Easily he grabbed her and tossed her toward the living room.

She crashed into the wall and slid down it.

Claire jumped on his back, screaming for help, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Get his mask!” Debbie yelled, trying to get to her feet by holding onto the end table. “Claire!” Nodding, Claire lifted one hand and caught at the top of the hood. With a laugh, he grabbed her wrist and tore her off his back. Her fingers clung to the hood for a second and pulled it up enough for Debbie to see his face before he jerked it back down.

He threw Claire toward the living room.

“What on earth is going on in here?” demanded Serena’s across-the-hall neighbor. The middle-aged man stared and punched in numbers to his cell phone. “We need the police at—”

With a furious roar, the masked man rushed him, punched his nose, and disappeared down the hall before any of the other residents were able to think to stop him.

Blood spurting from his nose, the neighbor gasped for breath and staggered to Serena’s door.

Seeing the injured women and Serena not moving on the floor, he moaned.

“Oh, my word,” his wife breathed, taking his cell phone with the emergency operator’s voice trying to get someone’s attention.

Claire and Debbie crawled to Serena’s still body.

“She’s breathing,” Debbie cried out. “Serena!

Serena, wake up.”

“Did you see his face?” Claire asked, pushing 163

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herself up to stand and lurching to Serena’s purse.

“I’ve got to call her parents or someone.” She saw the open cell phone and punched at the numbers. “This one won’t take any numbers.”

“She’s coming around,” Debbie told her as the couple came in. “Serena, how do we dial your phone?”

“Speed 1,” she whispered before her head lolled to one side.

Claire pushed the buttons.


“I’m Claire, a friend of Serena’s,” she said quickly. “I…I don’t know your name, but Serena’s been hurt.”

There was a muttered curse.

“Claire, this is Keith MacLauren. What happened?”

“Debbie and I heard her screaming. There was a masked man attacking her! He tried to strangle her, but…”

“Is she alive? Is she all right?”

“She’s alive,” she nodded, falling to her knees next to Serena. “But she’s unconscious.”

“Have you called the police? An ambulance?”

“Neighbors did.”

“Listen to me carefully, Claire. I want the two of you to stay with Serena. Understand me? Do not let her out of your sight. You go with her in the ambulance and stay with her in the hospital. Tell her you called me and that I’m on my way.”

“You think this is because of what happened today?”

“Yes,” he replied. “And that means the police will be looking at a short list of suspects. Tell the neighbors and the police if they get there before the ambulance leaves that I will meet you at the hospital and give them a list.”

“Debbie saw who it was.”


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“Shit,” he breathed. “I’ll bring security to the hospital. Ask the neighbors to watch your apartment and Serena’s. I’m sorry, Claire. I never imagined this would happen.”

Claire blinked as the line was disconnected.

Debbie looked at her in astonishment. Carefully, Claire repeated the instructions. Several neighbors were in the apartment, including a retired Army officer who quickly took charge and organized things.

Medics and police arrived at the same time. The police took preliminary statements from the roommates before one of the medics said they were ready to take Serena to the hospital. They held onto Serena’s hands during the brief ride, whispering that Keith was on his way. She murmured unintelligibly, but her eyes never opened.

Serena felt fingers at her neck and was screaming before her eyes opened.

“Shh, now,” came a woman’s voice. “You’re safe, Serena. I’m Dr. Gordon.”

Panicking, Serena’s eyes darted about the examination room.

“Where am I?” she tried to say.

Her poor throat had been so abused that she couldn’t manage anything over a rough whisper. The doctor tsked and continued her exam.

“St. Vincent’s,” she informed her. “We just got your friends to leave your side so they could be checked. I think the handsome man outside might have had something to do with it,” she grinned.

“Keith MacLauren. Your boyfriend?” Serena shook her head. “Boss.”

“Mm,” came the doubtful noise. “I don’t know of many bosses who charge into an emergency room, demanding that the senior doctor take charge of a patient’s care. You sure he’s not your boyfriend?” Serena nodded with a small moan. “Well, whoever 165

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he is, he’s turned the hospital upside down, demanding the best care for you.” Serena didn’t understand, but Claire rushing into the room distracted her.

“Oh, Serena!” she cried out. “I can’t believe it!

It’s just too incredible.”

“Quiet or leave,” Dr. Gordon said sternly.

“Sorry,” Claire whispered, holding Serena’s hand. “I had no idea you had a direct line to Keith. I mean, it does make sense in case he needed to reach you while he was traveling or something, but you never mentioned it. Not a single word!”

“What are you talking about?” Serena croaked.

“The cell phone, silly,” Claire giggled. “Speed 1.

Sheesh, I thought I was going to meet the new man in your life. I nearly dropped the phone!” Serena frowned. Claire had to be confused.

Speed 1 was to Master’s phone. Her eyes went to the doctor who understood the silent plea.

“All right, now,” she said briskly. “I think that’s enough. Miss Traydon is going to be taken to her room. She needs quiet,” she said sternly. “That means no visitors.”

“I need to talk to her,” a deep voice behind Claire said. “Claire, why don’t you wait outside with Debbie?” Keith suggested.

“You’ll both need to leave,” the doctor told him.

“She has been through a traumatic experience and…”

“Just one moment, please,” Keith said urgently as Claire moved toward the door.

“She needs her rest. The police are going to badger her enough once she’s in her room.”

“I don’t want her to be alone,” he said. “I fired a number of people today.”

“So I heard on the news,” Gordon replied, smiling. “Good job sticking up for the women who work for you. I think there was a huge cheer for you 166

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across the country.”

“Thank you, but any one of them could come after her. One already did.” He took Serena’s hand.

“Is she going to be alright?”

Relenting slightly, the doctor nodded.

“She has a mild concussion and the bruises on her face, neck, and throat will be sore for about a week. She’s a very lucky woman. If her friends hadn’t come when they did, well,” she glanced down at Serena. “She’s very lucky.”

“Yes, she is,” he whispered, his thumb gently rubbing her hand.

“She is. Now, you really do need to leave and let her rest.”

The doctor emphasized her directive by going to the door. Keith bent low over Serena’s head and whispered in her ear.

“I’m so sorry, Serena,” he murmured. “I promised to protect you and failed, but I will make sure the one who did this pays dearly. I’ll do everything I can to protect you in the future.” Serena heard him, but couldn’t get her eyes to open. Her tired brain confused his voice with Master’s and she sighed, thinking he had come. Her fingers curled around his hand.

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