Beck and Call (28 page)

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Authors: Abby Gordon

BOOK: Beck and Call
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“That’s because when I was twenty-two, I found out just what my father had done to my mother during their marriage and when they divorced. I …” he broke off and closed his eyes. His arms tightened around her even as she held him close.

“How old were you when they divorced?” she whispered.

“Seven. That age when your parents are perfect.

Until you suddenly don’t see your mother anymore and hear terrible things about her.”

“You’re close with her now?”

“Yes,” he nodded. “I’d never understood why Mom had just disappeared. No one even mentioned her. My father acted as if she had never existed.” He worked his jaw and swallowed. “I tracked her down after I earned my MBA. I was horrible to her. I yelled and accused her of being a terrible mother and…” Keith clenched his jaw. Serena’s heart broke for the little boy who’d felt so alone for so long. “She lost her temper and told me everything. My father had threatened her with all sorts of things if she ever tried to contact me.” He met Serena’s steady supportive gaze. “He’d only married her so that their children would be part of her family. After I was born, Mom had several miscarriages. That didn’t fit in with his plan, so he divorced her. Her brothers were more concerned about maintaining their business ties with my father. I did little besides drink for about three months. On my twenty-third birthday, my father and older brothers made bets as 215

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to how fast I could drink myself to death. I lost my temper and attacked my father.” Serena gasped and he nodded. “Yep. And, about the only thing I’m sorry about is that I didn’t kill him.”


His hands ran soothingly up and down her back.

“Shh, don’t worry. It is difficult to do more than sit on anyone when you’ve finished off a bottle of vodka all by yourself.” He shuddered. “I haven’t had more than one drink a week since. I promised myself I wouldn’t stand for any woman around me to be treated the way my mother had.” He gave her a wry look. “Yes, I know it might not fit with the domination streak in me.”








sadomasochism. And why you reacted the way you did when I told you about Debbie,” she said quietly, thinking over everything he’d told her. “Have you seen or talked to your father since?”

“Oh, yeah, but he stays out of my reach as do my brothers,” he grinned. “And I’m not going to ever leave you alone with him. He’s convinced he’s God’s gift to women and would be all over you.”

“He can try,” she shook her head. “But I already know that his son is God’s gift to me.”

“Mmm, good answer,” he told her. “Any other questions?”

“Tons,” she nodded. “I just don’t know which to ask first.”

“Then let me ask one,” he said, pulling her dress up her arms and securing it. Standing, he set her down gently on the chair. He picked up a small velvet box from the corner of the desk and dropped to one knee before her. “Serena, I have found in you everything I ever dreamt a woman should be.

Someone I could spend the rest of my life with.” One hand covered hers as they rested on her lap.

“Serena, will you marry me? Will you wear my ring 216

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as well as my collar?”

She pulled one hand free and touched the diamond and pearl choker.

“The rest of our lives,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes. It was real. Keith was Master and she had everything she’d thought she’d never have.

She had the man of her dreams. A lover who was devoted to her sexual and sensual pleasure. A husband who would protect and defend her. “I was going to resign,” she whispered. “I was so sure you wouldn’t want me and—”

“Shh, sweetheart.” His fingers tightened on her hand. “I can’t imagine not having you with me.” He rested his head on her lap. “Serena, I hardly slept last Sunday after you left my apartment. God knows, I didn’t sleep more than an hour or so once Claire called and told me you’d been attacked. I…” Serena held her breath. She could feel moisture on her hand. Was he crying? For her? Because of what had happened to her?

“Keith? I do have one question for you.” He met her gaze and smiled. He could see it in her eyes.

“I love you, Serena. I want to be your husband.

Your master. All our lives.”

“Yes,” she smiled, touching his cheek. “Be my husband, my master.” Her fingers traced his jaw. “I love you, Keith. So much,” she whispered, tears welling in her eyes as the emotions overflowed.

With a sigh of relief, Keith opened the box and revealed a diamond the size of her thumbnail.

“Oh, my,” she stared.

Keith slipped it on her finger and scooped her up in his arms.

“Now, I’m going to show you a secret,” he told her, striding toward what she had thought was a closet. “Push that knot on the paneling.” Puzzled, she reached out, pushed and stared as 217

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the panels slid apart to reveal an elevator.


“You’ll see,” he grinned, stepping in. Setting her down, he entered a code.

“Where are we going?”

“You don’t recognize this elevator?” he grinned, backing her against the wall. “Or is it the way you’re seeing it?”

He spun her around to face the wall and pulled her wrists behind her. She felt the soft cuffs close around her and knew what was coming.

“Master,” she sighed. “What can I do for you?” His hard cock pressed against her ass as his body surrounded hers.

“Be mine.”

“So I’ll be at your beck and call completely?” she summed up, tilting her head with a teasing glint.

“Every minute, my sweet.”

The doors opened and he guided her down the hall.

“You live in the building?” She glanced at him.

“That’s why you walked so fast through the garage last Monday! When you were going to give me a ride home.”

Opening the door, he nodded and gave her a wry look.

“I was worried you might look around and see the second elevator or realize you’d been here over the weekend.” Securing the door behind them, he pulled her to him and relished the feel of her against him. “Would you like to see your new home?”

“Only if it’s on the way to the playroom,” she whispered. “Keith, I was a bad girl this week.” Realizing what she was doing, he smiled.

“What did you do?”

“When I was reading the books you gave me, I played with myself. I used the vibrator and—”

“Did you come?” he asked sternly.


Beck And Call

“Several times,” she said pertly, lifting her chin as if to dare him.

“I didn’t give you permission to play with yourself. And I most definitely did not say you could come,” he told her, marching her down the hall.

“That deserves punishment, Serena.” Serena caught glimpses of Oriental carpets and rich leather furniture in a living room, a large table in the dining room, and then several closed doors. At the end of the hall, he stopped.

“Only you and I will know the code for this,” he told her, showing her the sequence. “Inside. Take your dress off. Get on the spanking bench.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered.

Undoing the belt he had just secured, she held his gaze and shimmied her shoulders. He inhaled in a sharp hiss as the dress fell to the floor. She’d never sashayed before in her life, but she did now as she walked to the bench. Draping herself over it, she relaxed as he secured her ankles and wrists. Serena felt a lilt of feminine triumph at the flush in his cheeks. And the tenting of his slacks.

“Since you were such a bad girl,” he murmured.

“I think we’ll have to make this a very severe punishment.”

Swallowing in nervousness, even as her pussy clenched, she watched him go to the chest. He pulled out a leather strap contraption, a dildo, lube, and a remote. She held her breath as he put the harness on her, held the dildo in front of her as he lubed it and then knelt next to her. She gasped as the dildo was inserted in her pussy and secured in the harness.

“Master, what…”

He held the remote where she could see it and pushed the button. Her green eyes widened as she felt the vibration. She knew she wouldn’t last long.

But if all he did was spank her, then she might 219

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make it if he didn’t wait too long before giving her permission to come. If he put the clamps on her…in near dismay, she watched him return to the chest and pull the clamps out as well as the paddle.

He chuckled at the look of trepidation on her face.

“You can’t seem to resist these, can you?” he smiled, carefully securing them. “Are you wet, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Master,” she moaned. “Please, Master. I won’t do it again. I promise.”

“I know, sweetheart, but you still have to be punished.”

“Yes, Master.”

The vibrations started in her nipples and she whimpered.

Keith brought the paddle down carefully, constantly checking her body and listening for her reaction. After six, he smiled. If he increased the vibrations, and gave her two more, he was willing to bet that she came. With or without permission.

“Master, may I come?”


Serena groaned as the heat grew in her pussy. If he spanked her one more time, she would come, and then she really
earn a punishment! Deep breaths, she told herself. She tried to inhale as he bent down and picked up the bottle of lube. Smiling at her, he squirted a generous amount on his hand, before coating his cock with it.

Her eyes widened as they lifted to meet his fiery blue ones. He was going to take her in the ass. It made sense, some still-coherent part of her brain rationalized. He’d fucked her pussy and mouth. To complete his domination over her he would fuck her ass. A shiver swept through her body. She wasn’t sure if it was fear or erotic anticipation at the thought of this man,
man, her
, taking her 220

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absolutely and completely.


“Master, in-box. Please!”

He gave her one more swat and caught her hips.

The orgasm tore through her. Lifting her as she came, he steadily pressed his engorged cock into her anus. Serena gasped at the intrusion. His cock came against the still strongly vibrating dildo, pushing her into another orgasm. Instinct told her to resist but as a third orgasm began to build in her, all she could do was surrender.

“Master,” she sighed, relaxing completely against the spanking bench.

He drove completely into her. For a long moment, he didn’t move, just letting her mind process his presence in that area of her body. She didn’t know how he knew when she was ready to continue. As her body accepted him, her hips shifted.

His hands gripped her tightly and he began stroking.

Serena’s arms strained to free herself as her head came up. A low keening sound came from her throat. Her hips lifted in silent plea for his possession. She wasn’t Serena anymore. She was female. She was his. Whatever he wanted of her.

“Master!” her hoarse voice begged. “Please. Take me.”

Reaching forward, he released the clamps, letting them fall to the floor. His heavy male body rested on hers. Their musky scents filled her nostrils with every breath and she moaned.

“Now you are completely mine,” he whispered in her ear. “Completely.”

“Yes,” she sighed.

Gripping her hips, he pounded into her as orgasms ripped repeatedly through her. With a roar, he lifted off her, frozen in time as his cock pulsed into her. Serena felt a few much smaller orgasms 221

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with each throb of release, her body attuned to his.

It didn’t matter how he took her, she realized. She would adjust to whatever he needed. Whatever he wanted.

But her body had been through much and, with a sigh, she felt herself go limp.

He pulled the dildo and harness from her.

Flipping the catches for the cuffs, he lifted her and carried her to the bed. Curving his body around hers, he closed his eyes, relishing the knowledge that this woman was his in every way.


“Keith,” he told her. “Only in the playroom am I master.”

“I have another confession.”

“What’s that?”

“I exaggerated. I played with myself, but I didn’t come,” she whispered. “I just…”

He groaned. She’d lied to get a punishment!

“Serena, what the hell am I going to do with you?”

Turning in his arms so they faced each other, she smiled, wrapping her fingers around his cock.

“I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

“I just don’t know if I’ll have any energy left.”

“I’ll take very, very good care of you,” she promised, placing kisses on his chest. “I read in a book that it’s what a submissive does.”

“Just remember that you are at
beck and call,” he told her, running a hand down her back to squeeze an ass cheek. “Not the other way around.”

“Of course, Master,” she grinned.

“Minx,” he muttered, covering her mouth with his to silence her.


Beck And Call

About the Author

Being published has been a dream of mine for so long that it's appropriate that my first story accepted, Beck And Call, was inspired from a dream.

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