Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series) (21 page)

BOOK: Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series)
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With my eyes still closed, I thought about my night. Jett was beyond sexy. He was tall and built, but not like Kace. Where Kace was bulky and defined, Jett was muscular and cut in all the right places. His hair was perfect for his swagger, full on the top and swept to the side with the sides of his head buzzed. His eyes were a perfect deep blue and he had just the right amount of facial hair gracing his strong jaw. Hell, he was perfection and then, add his voice on top of it all, and he was killing it for all other men.

Then, when he touched me and spoke to me with calming but firm words, he put me over the edge in no time at all. My first session with him was going to stick in my mind for a very long time; you didn’t get over an experience like that very quickly. I had a sex hangover and it was the best hangover of my damn life.

I peeked my eye open and saw a fresh bouquet of flowers on my nightstand and a card. I sat up and opened the card immediately, knowing it was from Jett.


These flowers can’t even compare to the beauty you showed on stage last night. I knew I was right when I said you could become a Jett Girl one day. You pleased me multiple times last night and I look forward to our future sessions in the Bourbon Room together as well as seeing you on stage. You are beauty at its finest.


Eeep! God, my heart was fluttering like a teenage girl’s reading a note from her first crush.

“He doesn’t do relationships,” came a deep voice.

“Fucking hell!” I screamed, as I flew back on my bed from Kace’s voice breaking the silence in my room and scaring the ever-living piss out of me.

I covered myself and looked up and, sure as shit, there he was, sitting in my chair with a cup of coffee and a leg crossed over his knee, watching me sleep like a fucking psycho.

“What are you doing in here?”

Kace got up from his chair, grabbed another cup of coffee and sat on the edge of the bed while handing me his extra cup. I took a sip and relished the way the warm liquid flowed through my body, warming me up completely.

“He doesn’t do relationships, Lo. Don’t get attached.”

Insulted at his accusation, I sat up taller and said, “I’m not an idiot, Kace. I know that.”

“That’s not the impression I got from watching you read that card,” he said, while flicking the card in my hand.

“Is there a reason you are invading my privacy this morning? Is it so you can get another free show?”

He shook his head as he looked down at his coffee. “I wanted to say sorry for yesterday. I was way out of line and I, uh…never should have touched you while you were performing. I want you to know that, that kind of behavior is not acceptable from anyone…except Jett.”

Well shit. Now I felt bad because it seemed like he got in trouble and, if it wasn’t for me provoking him, our little encounter never would have happened.

“No, I’m sorry Kace. I never should have provoked you like that. I was just so mad at you and I wanted to prove you wrong, to show you I belong up on stage.”

Kace turned toward me with one knee tucked on the bed and the other leg dangling off the side. I could smell his freshly-showered body and my body was reacting to it. Down girl.

“Lo, you have always belonged up on stage. From the minute I saw you, I knew you belonged up there. I just…I just knew, if I put you up there, every member would go crazy over you and I wasn’t ready for that. And…,” he paused for a second, but then never continued his sentence.

“And what?” I asked, as I placed my hand on his arm.

He blew out a frustrated breath and then looked up at me. His eyes looked tired and worn out, like he had been battling a never-ending fight with no victory in the future.

“And I knew the minute I got you up on stage, Jett was going to call you up to the Bourbon Room.”

“So, what’s wrong with…?”

I didn’t finish my sentence because I saw it all in his eyes.

I put my hand over my mouth in shock. “You like me.”

He didn’t say anything; he just continued to stare down at his coffee.

“Look at me, Kace.”

“I can’t,” he responded, as he got off my bed and walked toward my door. “I just wanted to apologize for yesterday and tell you it won’t happen again.”

He was about to leave when I grabbed my robe, threw it on and stopped him by closing my door. He looked down at me with fire blazing through his eyes as my robe peeked open from not being tied. I didn’t fix it. I didn’t know why; maybe because I wanted him to see me, I liked seeing how I could take him down with just my body.

He reached down and grabbed the straps of my robe and tied it shut as he skimmed my sides. Once my robe was tied shut, he rested his hands on my hips and looked down at me with his tired eyes. I didn’t know what to say to him; frankly, I didn’t know what to do.

“You have practice in half an hour; no workout this morning,” he said gently, as he looked me in the eyes. “Be careful, Lo.”

He leaned down and pressed a kiss against my forehead and, for some odd reason, it felt like he was saying goodbye to me.

“Wait. What’s going on, Kace? Are you leaving?”

He shook his head no. “I can’t leave here, not now. Not when…well, I’m not going to get into it, but just be careful, okay?”

“I don’t understand.” I searched his eyes.

Kace leaned against my door and ran his hand over his face.

“Jett is a powerful man and can suck you into his web very easily. I have seen girls get completely lost in him and then been let go. I have seen Jett destroy girls and not on purpose. He has always been up-front with them, that there is no love involved, but they always think they are the girl to change him. They’re not. The only reason Babs and Pepper are still around is because they have no ability to have an emotional connection when it comes to sex. Unfortunately, you’re not like them. You can easily get lost in him.”

“That’s not true,” I countered. “I have self-control.”

“I know you do.” Kace caressed my cheek and then put his hand against my heart. “But you have a beautiful heart, Lo, and that is what is going to kill you. I mean, look at you now, you promised yourself to Jett last night, but you still want to make sure I’m okay. You still want to have a connection with me and it’s because of this,” he rubbed my heart. “You’re beautiful and have a sweet heart that is incredibly admirable…and attractive.”

He continued, “I just want you to be careful; tread softly when you’re with him because I can’t stand to see you get hurt. I know this is what you think you want, but I don’t think it is.”

“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that, Kace?”

He nodded his head in agreement. His hand caressed my cheek one last time before he turned and left my room.

What the hell?

My heart was racing from his close proximity and words that only confused me. I was able to separate my heart from what I was physically feeling. I was able to do that when I was with Rex and just fucking him for money. Yes, I enjoyed his company, but I never fell in love with him.

I thought about last night and the feelings that I woke up with this morning, completely satisfied…and happy. Shit, Kace was right, I did need to watch myself because after one night with Jett Colby, I was ready to commit my body to him for life.

I walked back to my bed and sat on the edge as I looked at the new bouquet of ranunculus that were resting on my nightstand. I grabbed the letter and read it again, as I flopped back on my bed. It wouldn’t hurt to at least enjoy this moment, I thought to myself, as I pictured Jett in my head and read the note two more times.

There was nothing to worry about…at least that’s what I convinced myself.

Chapter Twenty Four

“American Woman”


“Here, Lo,” Tootse said, as she handed me a towel to wipe the sweat off my drenched face.

Pepper was relentless today and, I swear, I could do this dance in my sleep by now, but it would be the first time we would be doing the presentation in front of the members and she wanted it perfect.

Kace sat in the back while working on his computer and looking over at us occasionally. I still was unsure as what to do with the little conversation we had in my room this morning, so I just dropped it instead of overanalyzing everything. I knew what I was getting myself into when I came here and I knew what was expected of me. If I got burned in the end, then it would be my own damn fault. Jett said we are always honest with each other, so I get that.

“Girls, can we line up one more time, please?” Pepper asked, as she clapped her hands to get our attention. “I want to go over the end one again, then we’ll be done.”

We all nodded and got into position. The beginning of American Woman by Lenny Kravitz came over the speakers and we started moving to the beat. Pepper had us all inches apart and moving together in one synchronized wave. We twisted apart, bent down with our legs spread and then worked our way back up while moving our hands across our bodies, enticing the audience.

When the song ended, we all walked off the stage to the back of the curtains.

“Good,” called out Pepper. “That was perfect. You can all come back out.”

We walked back out as Pepper was writing something down in her notepad.

“Tootse, do you have the costumes ready?”

“Yes, I do. I’ll go get them.” Tootse took off to a bag she brought with her.

“Babs, do you have the wigs?”

“Yup. I placed them in the girl’s bathrooms this morning. They are the perfect red.”

“Red?” I asked.

“Yes, we will all be redheads tonight. I also placed the masks and makeup directions in the bathrooms. If you girls need help, let me know and I will come up to help you.”

“Perfect, thank you. Francy, how are we over at the bar? Stocked and ready?”

“Fully ready to go. I also talked to the chef; he’ll have all the orders ready for tonight.”

“That’s right, thank you for reminding me,” Pepper said, as she looked through her notebook. “There will be ten members tonight. Some really powerful men are meeting about some government business. They are not to be disturbed for anything. All their orders will come through the iPad at the bar. They also will have full meals that we need to serve. Tonight will be a little different because we will all be serving after our presentation. Each girl will have two men to wait on.”

“No lap dances tonight,” Kace said, as he walked up to our conversation.

“What? Why?” Babs asked. “These men can afford it easily.”

“Jett said no lap dances tonight.”

All the girls made a knowing “oh” with their mouths as they turned back to what they were doing. Something was going on.

“Am I missing something?” No one answered me. “Um, hello?”

“Drop it, Lo,” Kace said. “You girls are dismissed until tonight.”

“Wait,” I called out before he could walk away. “I’ll be heading out to meet with my friend Lyla; I just wanted to remind you that I will be back around four.” Kace looked at me as if I had three vaginas plastered to my forehead. “I told you about it a week ago…you said it was ok…”

“Uh, yeah, let me check real quick.”

“What do you mean let you check? You already cleared it; I made plans with my friend.”

“Things have changed, Lo.” Then Kace walked away while typing something into his phone.

“What the fuck?” I said, while I turned around to the girls, who all avoided eye contact with me. “What’s going on and don’t tell me you’re not allowed to talk about it.”

Pepper looked over at Babs and they both smiled.

“Jett is infatuated,” Babs sing-songed.

“What do you mean?”

“Jett never takes away lap dances because he knows they benefit us. The only reason he would take them away is if he doesn’t want one of us doing them because he doesn’t want one of us all over another man.”

They all looked at me and smiled irritating smiles. “You think it’s because of me?”

They all laughed. “Duh, Lo. Don’t be so naïve. He finally invites you up to the Bourbon Room last night and the next day he takes away lap dances. It’s so because of you.”

“That’s not fair to you guys.” They all shrugged their shoulders as Tootse came up holding out costumes.

“Here, ladies. I love them! What do you think?” Francy sidled up next to Tootse and kissed her on the lips.

“You’re adorable,” she said, as she helped hand out the costumes.

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