Becoming a Jett Girl (The Bourbon Series) (22 page)

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I held mine up and nearly gasped at the lack of fabric. It was a red, white and blue bikini top encrusted in gems, but it was probably about two inches wide, just enough to cover up my nipples. The bottoms were just as skimpy, but instead of a thong, it was a pair of lace and jeweled cheekies that would show off my ass perfectly.

“These are hot,” Babs said, as she held them up. “Too bad we are not doing lap dances because we would have men sprinting to the jack-off booths in two seconds.” The thought of that still made me cringe. It was so weird that the goal in our lives was to get a man to rub one out.

Mad that I was the reason lap dances were off the table, I went up to Kace, who was now on the phone.

“Is that Jett?” I mouthed as I tapped him on the shoulder. He shook his head no, but I didn’t believe him.

I grabbed the phone from him as he yelled at me, but I took off in my heels as he chased after me. I put the phone to my ear and said, “How dare you take away lap dances when these girls work so hard every day. They deserve to give the members lap dances and make some more money, so I suggest…”

“Excuse me, umm…is Kace there?” A feminine voice came through the phone.

Embarrassment took up residence in my body as I turned around to see Kace with his arms crossed, tapping his foot and waiting for me to realize that I was making an absolute ass out of myself.

“Yes, one minute. He will be right with you.”

Kace held out his hand as I placed the phone back in his grasp, completely stoic and unfazed, even though deep down I wanted to die from mortification. I started to walk by him as I said, “I’m getting ready for my date with my friend and I could give two shits what Jett thinks.” There, my respect was still intact as I walked out with my head held high and chest puffed out.

The girls clapped as I walked back to my room to get ready for a lunch outing with my best friend Lyla.

At least I could put on a good show.


“Girl, you look good!” Lyla said as she hugged me and we both sat down at a table outside of Ignatius Eatery on Magazine Street.

“Thanks. I took the opportunity to order us both red beans and rice.”

“Bless your hooker soul,” Lyla said, as she sipped her water. “I haven’t had red beans and rice since you left. It doesn’t feel right eating them without you.”

“I feel the same,” I agreed, as I thought about the traditional dish we use to eat together all the time. Whenever we went to a new restaurant around town, we always ordered red beans and rice, trying to figure out which establishment served the best in New Orleans. We have yet to find a better red beans and rice dish than the one served at Joey K’s.

Leaning forward, Lyla said, “So, tell me all about the Lafayette Club.”

Knowing I couldn’t divulge that much information, I kept my information to just the surface because, even though I love my friend, I didn’t want to jeopardize any contract I signed. Because, to be honest, I was one lucky motherfucker and I planned on keeping it that way.

“It’s great. I am having an amazing time. I am finally able to be on stage, which I understand now why you like it so much. It’s so….exhilarating.”

“Blah, blah, blah…tell me about Jett,” Lyla said, while rubbing her hands together and leaning forward.

I laughed and said, “Sorry sweetie, can’t.”

“Damn,” she said, while pounding her fist on the table. “I thought that maybe I would be able to squeeze it out of you, but I completely understand. I don’t want to get you into any trouble. Are you doing alright though? I mean, you look happy. Are you happy?”

I thought about her question for a second. Was I happy? I think I am. I am happier than I have been in nine years, at least.

“I am,” I nodded. “I feel safe and taken care of. I feel like the worries I used to have on a day to day basis are no longer nagging me, but instead, I can start to think about my future and what I want to do with my life. I’ve been able to draw more, which has relaxed me…”

“And you have been getting your vagina screwed,” Lyla cut me off.

Laughing I answered, “Actually, the first time I even met him was last night.”

“You’re shitting me. It’s almost been a month.”

“Tell me about it. I was almost positive my pussy shriveled up and died until yesterday.”

“And you don’t want to tell me about it at all?”

“I wish,” I said sadly. “Sorry.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s alright. I get it.”

At that moment, the waitress brought out two steaming plates of red beans and rice. My mouth watered from the delectable New Orleans staple that was placed in front of me. Grabbing my fork, I dug right in.

“Mm, this is fucking good,” I said, as I talked with my mouth full.

Lyla took a huge bite off her plate and then instantly spit it back out on her plate as she grabbed her water and started chugging it. I hovered over my plate with my fork halfway to my mouth, as I watched her finish her water.

“Fuck me, that’s hot. Where is the warning label and how the hell are you able to put that in your mouth? Is your tongue made of metal or something? I am pretty sure I just took off a layer of my skin.”

Chuckling I said, “It’s called blowing on your food before you put in your mouth, you beast.”

Lyla flipped me off and started drinking my water.

“So…speaking of beasts, have you heard from Rex lately?”

Rolling my eyes from her terrible segue, I said, “Only once, but then I blocked his phone number.”

“Ah, that would explain things.”

My head shot up from looking down at my plate. “What do you mean that explains things?”

“Rex has been to the apartment and Kitten’s Castle a couple of times looking for you.”

“What? Are you kidding me right now?”

“Nope,” Lyla shook her head, as she blew on a forkful from her plate. “He demanded that I tell him where you were the other day, but I just said I didn’t know anything…just that you were safe and making a new life for yourself. He didn’t take too kindly to that response.”

Holy shit. I never thought Rex Titan would be looking for me. I knew that I gave him whatever he wanted in the bedroom, but not to the point that he would freak out now that I was gone.

I thought back to the last time we were together and the note he left me. He talked about making changes and wanting to talk to me about the future and then his text messages spoke the same thing. Did he really want me…to be his girlfriend? The thought of being Rex’s girlfriend sent a shiver down my spine as I recollected our time together. He was always so demanding, so controlling in the bedroom, but when we were lying in each other’s arms, he was gentle and sweet. The thought of being with Rex could be something I could get used to, but then again, how long would I keep him interested? I didn’t want to be like his wife who he just divorced…after a couple of years, he just gets rid of her. I didn’t think I could manage that, plus, I had something good going, even though I was irritated with Jett right now.

“Well, thank you for covering for me. I don’t need him finding out where I am. He will only ruin my situation and I don’t need that, especially when I was finally able to make a change in my life.”

“I get it, girl. Your secret is safe with me. I haven’t told anyone.”

“What about Carlos?” I asked, as I thought about how much I missed him.

“He gets it. He knows something is up, but we never talk about it. We should invite him next time we decide to do lunch.”

“I agree completely.”

We finished up our lunches as we talked about how much of a pervert Marv was and all the new lingerie I got to wear. I missed Lyla; she was my one true friend. I liked the other Jett Girls, but I didn’t bond with them as much, like I did with Lyla. They weren’t really into talking about their feelings, and then there was always the big elephant in the room we couldn’t talk about: sex with Jett.

“Can we get the check?” I asked the waitress as she passed. “It’s on me.” I winked at Lyla.

“Such a show off, rolling in the dough,” Lyla joked as she winked at me.

“You’re all set, girls,” the waitress tapped the top of our table.

“What?” I asked before the waitress was able to walk away.

“Your bill, it was already taken care of. You’re good to go.”

The waitress walked away and I turned back to Lyla with my mouth open.

Lyla just laughed at me. “Looks like your privacy days are all over sweetheart. Have fun with that,” she said, while tipping her water glass to me and then taking a sip.


He couldn’t just give me a couple of hours? Did he have to follow me around the fucking Garden District? I knew Kace said my privacy was completely gone, but I didn’t think the man would follow me to a lunch with my friend. Annoyed wasn’t a good enough word to describe how I was feeling and the man on my shit list was going to hear about it.

Chapter Twenty Five

“Shot Me Down”


I stared across my desk as my assistant, Jeremy, flipped through his phone to pull up a contact I requested from him.

“I just sent you the number through text. If you call that number, you will get through to Bruce who will be able to help you with Lot 17. I’m not making any promises, but he’s a good start. Warning though, I would tread carefully; word on the street is your dad is out for blood on this property.”

Jeremy whispered as if we were in some kind of espionage movie. At times, the man could be too much for me. I was pretty sure drama was his middle name.

I ran my hand through my hair as I listened to Jeremy’s concerns. “I get that, but I just don’t know why.”

Jeremy pulled out his iPad and started touching the screen all over. “I talked to one of my contacts downtown,” he said with a wink and I rolled my eyes, “and he informed me that your dad’s last two business deals have gone to hell, so he is desperate to make this one work. The park property is prime location for some new high-rise housing that he wants to put in and he is not going to stop until he gets it. He’s desperate, with a capital D,” Jeremy said, as he snapped his fingers in the air.


“That property belongs to the kids,” I practically shouted, as I thought about what a dick my dad was being.

“I know that and you know that, but what it comes down to is money and your dad is willing to do whatever it takes to take over the property himself, even if that means he has to betray his own son for it. What a horrid thing,” Jeremy shuddered.

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” I muttered.

An idea popped in my head as I thought about the upcoming social I was hosting at the Lafayette Club.

“Jeremy, pull all the names that are involved in acquiring Lot 17…city managers, lawyers, every last person and invite them to the social we’re hosting in a couple of days. I have some networking to do.”

A sly smile crossed Jeremy’s face as he took notes on my demands. “Not a problem. I’ll get invites sent out by courier tonight.”

“Thank you, is everything set for the event?”

“Yes, just stopped by the caterer today to make sure everything was on track, which it is. The linens, tables, chairs and lighting have been rented.” We decided to get the even catered because it would be too big for our chef to handle, which he was happy about.

“We’re just doing high-top tables, right?” I asked, trying to recall what kind of set-up we agreed upon.

“Yes, high-top tables, upholstered benches for those who need to sit, black linens and deep purple lighting with chrome candelabras throughout the house. It’s going to be sexy chic with your name written all over it.”

“Perfect. I am hoping to gather a couple new members, not that we need any, we’re pretty much booked solid for a couple of months, right?”

Jeremy scrolled through his iPad again, as he looked to confirm the schedule. “Yes, Kace sent me the latest updates this morning and we don’t have any openings for at least two months. I would say the club is doing quite well. I also think it helps that you brought in that feisty new girl.”

If Jeremy wasn’t gay, then I would have put Jeremy in his place for talking about Goldie. I knew Jeremy was harmless, though. Then the thought of why the club was doing so well came to mind. I didn’t like the fact that Goldie was drawing so much attention; it didn’t help that she was petite but had curves to kill and Tootse dressed her in the skimpiest outfits. An annoying sense of unease crept through my body as I thought about all the creeps that walked through my club and the potential harm they could do to Goldie. I didn’t trust anyone, especially the men who walked through my doors; that was why I pulled lap dances and maybe because I didn’t want her getting even close to another man.

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