Beer and Circus (48 page)

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Authors: Murray Sperber

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Lake Havasu City, Arizona
Las Vegas Bowl
Layden, Tim
lecture courses. See undergraduate education, failure of lecture method; undergraduate education, lecture courses as cost efficient
Lehigh U.
Levine, Arthur
Lipsyte, Robert
Lisa Birnbach's New & Improved College Book
Los Angeles Times
Louisiana State U.
Louisville, U. of
Loyola University of Chicago
Lucas, George
Lundy, Dennis
Lyman, Frederic A.
McKaig, Richard
MacKenzie brothers
McMillen, Tom
Manley, Dexter
Marlboro College
Marshall scholarships
Maryland, U. of (College Park), college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Mason, Glen
Massachusetts, U. of (Amherst)
college sports teams
educational aspect
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Matthews, Anne
Mazatlan, Mexico
Miami, U. of (Florida)
Miami U. (Ohio)
Michigan, U. of
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Michigan State U.
beer-and-circus elements
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Middlebury College
Mid-America Conference (MAC)
Miller, Lewis
Miller Brewing Co.
Miller [Beer] Lite Report on American Attitudes Toward Sports
Minnesota, U. of (Twin Cities), college sports teams
educational aspects
Mississippi, U. of
Missouri, U. of (Columbia)
Moffat, Michael
Moll, Richard
Moore, Michael
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Motor City Bowl
Mount Holyoke College
Munn, Clarence “Biggie,”
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
academically disqualified recruits, including JUCO tranfers,
amateur deregulation
athletic scholarships
attitude on gambling
connection to beer-and-circus
dealings with IRS
ignoring scandals
money from TV
PR initiatives
promoting student-athlete label
regulating athletes' time
regulating bowl games
rules on stadium size
as trade association
NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament (March Madness)
NCAA Division III schools
student attitudes toward academics
student attitudes toward college sports
Nebraska, U. of
New England Journal of Medicine
New Mexico, U. of
New Orleans Superdome
New York Times
New York U. (NYU)
Nick's English Hut (Bloomington, Indiana)
Nokia Sugar Bowl
North Carolina, U. of (Chapel Hill)
North Carolina State U.
Northwestern U.
Notre Dame, U. of
Oberlin College
Ohio State U.
beer-and-circus elements
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Ohio U. (Athens)
Ohio Wesleyan U.
Oklahoma, U. of
Oklahoma State U.
Olberman, Keith
Olivia, Jay
Omaha World-Herald
Orange Bowl
Oregon State U.
Oregon, U. of
Orwellian concept of doublethink
applied to college sports
applied to sports journalism
Pacific Ten Conference (Pac-10)
Panama City, Florida
party schools.
See Princeton Review
, Party School lists
part-time faculty.
undergraduate education, instruction by part-timers
Pascarella, Ernest T.
Paterno, Joe (JoPa)
Patrick, Dan
Pennsylvania, U. of
Pennsylvania State U.
Peterson's Guide to College Admissions
Phi Delta Theta
Pittsburgh, U. of
Princeton Review
editorial comments
education ratings
Jock School list
Party School lists
Stone-cold Sober School lists
Princeton U.
Puch, Dorothy
Purdue U.
Queens College (CUNY)
results on attitudes toward athletes
results on college party scene
results on importance of college sports,
, results on importance of undergraduate education
results on recreational sports
rebel student subculture
current manifestation
Reed College
Reinventing Undergraduate
Rhode Island, U. of
Rhodes College
Rhodes scholarships
Rice U.
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rochester, U. of
Rolling Stone
Rose Bowl
Rosenzweig, Robert
Roy, Kramer
Rudolph, Frederick
Rutgers U.
St. John's College (Maryland)
St. Petersburg Times
Sarah Lawrence College
college sports, scandals
Schein, Howard
Schneider, Alison
School spirit.
college sports, school spirit myth
Scimone, Anthony
Scorekeepers Bar (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Scroth, Raymond A.
Seton Hall U.
Shalala, Donna
Simon's Rock College of Bard
Smith, Bubba
Smith, David
Smith, Robert
Smith College
student sororities
South Carolina, U. of
Southeastern Conference (SEC)
Southeast Missouri State U.
Southern California, U. of
Southern Methodist U.
South Florida, U. of
South Padre Island, Texas
Southwest Conference (SWC)
Soward, R. Jay
Sports Illustrated
sports media
connections to beer-and-circus
connections to gambling
promoting college sports
two-edged sword of attention to college sports
spring break.
student drinking, during spring break
Spuds Mackenzie
Stanford U.
Star Trek
Stern, Bill
Stroh Brewing Co.
Strohm, Paul
student dormitories
student drinking
causing death and serious injury
connection to recreational sports
contributing to date rape
fake IDs
female consumption rate
fraternity sponsored
influence of peers
media coverage of
in 1980s
prohibitions against
in off-campus bars
in off-campus residences
resulting property damage
Right to Party demonstrations
during spring break
at tailgate parties
student enrollment decline
student fraternities
house leaders
influence on campus
reform proposals
road trips
See also
Flutie Factor, connection to party scene
See also
student drinking, fraternity sponsored
student gambling
connection to college sports
serious consequences of
using the Internet
student sororities
as friendship network
house leaders
See also
student drinking, female consumption rate
student subcultures
influence of peers
present day
See also
collegiate, academic, vocational, and rebel subcultures
Sugar Bowl
Suggs, Welch
Sutherland, Donald
Swarthmore College
Syracuse U.
tailgate parties.
student drinking, at tailgate parties
Tampa Tribune
Tam, William
Tangerine Bowl
Tarkanian, Jerry
teaching assistants. See undergraduate education, instruction by teaching assistants
Telander, Rick
Temple U.
Tennessee, U. of (Knoxville)
Terenzini, Patrick T.
Texas, U. of (Austin)
beer-and-circus elements
college sports teams
educational aspects
Texas A & M
Texas Christian U.
Texas Tech U.
Thomas, Isiah
Title IX.
athletic directors, opposition to Title IX
Toledo U.
Touchdown Club (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Trow, Martin
Trudeau, Gary
Tulane U.
Tulsa, U. of
Turner, Jeffrey
U Magazine
undergraduate education
easy courses and majors
failure of lecture method
grade inflation
instruction by part-timers
instruction by teaching assistants
instruction by undergraduate teaching assistants
interactive learning
junior colleges
lecture courses as cost efficient
neglect of
outcomes and assessments
priority scheduling
retention of students
schools emphasizing it
student alienation from
student aspirations
student evaluations
suggested reforms
See also honors programs and colleges, contrast with regular undergraduate education
absorbing money losses from college sports
boards of trustees
bureaucratic bloat
hurt by myths about college sports
monolithic status system
national rankings
need for tuition dollars
post-WWII transformation
prestige driven
privileging research
tuition costs
under financial constraints
University Athletic Conference
Upward Drift
USA Today
USF&G Sugar Bowl
U.S. News & World Report
on admissions
on honors programs
on retention
survey on cheating
university rankings
Utah, U. of
Ventura, Jesse
Vermont, U. of
Virginia, U. of
Virginia Polytechnical & State U. (Va. Tech)
Vitale, Dick
vocational student subculture
collegiate elements
current manifestation
versus collegiates
See also
college sports, athletes as vocational students
Wake Forest U.
Warren, Robert J.
Warrick, Peter
Washington, U. of
Washington and Lee U.
Washington State U.
Washington U. of St. Louis
Weaver, Jim
Webb, Amy
Weber State U.
Wechsler, Henry
Wefald, Jon
Weiberg, Steve
Welsh, Patrick
Wesleyan U.
West Chester State U.
Western Athletic Conference (WAC)
West Virginia U.
Wheeler, Jim
Where the Boys Are
(book and film)
Williams College
Wisconsin, U. of (Madison)
beer-and-circus elements
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Wisconsin, U. of (Milwaukee)
Wooden, John
Woodstock 1999 (rock festival)
Wyoming, U. of

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