Beer and Circus (47 page)

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Authors: Murray Sperber

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A Payroll to Meet
Abercrombie & Fitch Clothing Co.
Abunasser, Joe
academic student subculture
at non-Big-time U's— 32,234
connection to faculty
current manifestation
versus collegiates
Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)
Adande, J. A.
complicit in athletic department money losses
dealing with college sports problems
dealing with binge drinking
dealing with faculty
dealing with students
admission offices.
See also
Flutie Factor)
promoting beer-and-circus
promoting college sports
scrambling for warm bodies
selectivity myth
special admits for athletes
Akers, Fred
Alabama, U. of (Tuscaloosa)
alcohol beverage companies
targeting students
Allen, Kevin
Alters, Diane
also student fraternities, alumni
money contributions to alma maters
American Council on Education
American Graffiti
Amherst College
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co.
See also
Spuds MacKenzie
Animal House
Arizona State U.
beer-and-circus elements
college sports teams
educational aspects
Arizona, U. of
beer-and-circus elements
educational aspects
Arkansas, U. of
Association of American Universities (AAU)
Astin, Alexander
Atchley, William
athletes. See college sports, athletes
athletic departments.
See also
college sports, money losses
annual deficits
courting sports media
money from NCAA
scrambling for dollars
wasteful spending
athletic directors
opposition to Title IX
role in NCAA
Atlanta Constitution
Auburn University
Bagnato, Andy
Ball State U.
Barber, Benjamin
Barber, Red
Barry's Bar and Grill (Lincoln, Neb.)
Baylor U.
connection to undergraduate education
See also
admissions offices, promoting beer-and-circus; sports media, connections to beer-and-circus
Beil, Larry
Belushi, John
Bennington College
Berman, Chris
Big 12 Conference
Big East Conference
Big Ten Conference
Big West Conference
Big-time U's
Bird, Larry
Bisher, Furman
Bloom, Allan
Boeheim, Jim
Bogan, Allen
boosters (as opposed to alumni)
Bostian, Teri
Boston College
Boston Globe
Bowden, Bobby
Bowl Championship Series (BCS)
Bowling Green U.
Boyer Commission.
See Reinventing Undergraduate Education
Boyer, Ernest
Bradley, Bill
Brandeis U.
Brand, Myles
Brigham Young U.
Brown U.
Brucker, Nancy J.
Buckley Amendment
Buffalo, U. of,
college sports teams
educational aspects
Bulger, William M.
Burgan, Mary
Byers, Walter
California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech)
California, U. of (Berkeley),
California, U. of (Los Angeles)
California, U. of (statewide system)
Cancún, Mexico
Carey, Jack
Carleton College
Carnegie Foundation. See also
Reinventing Undergraduate Education
1929 report 1987 report Clark Kerr's work for
Carnegie-Mellon U.
Case Western Reserve U.
Case, Wendy
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Central Florida, U. of
Central Michigan U.
Chace, William M.
Chambers, John
Cheating 101: The Benefits and Fundamentals of Earning an Easy A
(TV series)
Chicago Tribune
Chicago, U. of
Chivas Regal Effect. See universities, tuition costs
Chronicle of Higher Education
Chung, Connie
Cialdini, Robert
Cisco Systems
Claremont (California) Colleges
Clarkson U.
Clark, Burton
Clemson U.
Cliff's Notes
Clinton, Chelsea
coaches. See college sports, coaches
Cohen, Jodi S.
Cohn, Linda
Coleman, Mary Sue
Cole, William
college guidebooks.
See titles of individual guidebooks
College of the Atlantic
college presidents
dealing with alumni
dealing with binge drinking
dealing with college sports
dealing with faculty
dealing with financial constraints
ignorance of college sports
college sports
academic assistance for athletes
academic scandals involving athletes
athletes as collegiate students
athletes as vocational students
athletes' attitudes toward regular students
athletes' graduation rates
athletes involved in gambling
coaches' annual incomes
coaches' demands on athletes
connection to campus party scene
fans' dislike of losing
fans fighting
importance in American culture
importance of winning to fans
importance to students
money losses
non-academic scandals
possible reforms
priority seat tax dodge
professionalization of
school spirit myth
See also
admissions office, promoting college sports; student gambling, connection to college sports
College Sports Inc.
collegiate student subculture
antipathy to academics
incorporating spring break
infatuation with alcohol
involvement in gambling
vocational elements
Colorado, U. of (Boulder)
Comedy Central (TV network)
Complete Book of Beer Drinking Games
Conklin, Richard W.
Connecticut, U. of (UConn),
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Coors Brewing Co.
Cornell U.
Dartmouth College
Daytona Beach, Florida
Decapua, Matthew
Dempsey, Cedric
DePauw U.
Des Moines Register
Detroit News
Digby, Joan
Dillard's Department Store
DiMaggio, Joe
(comic strip)
Dreisell, Charles “Lefty,”
D'Souza, Dinesh
Duke U.
East Carolina U.
Eaves, Jerry
Edelstein, Scott
Edwards, Harry
Ehrlich, Thomas
Emory U.
Eskovitz, Joel
as Bristol University
influence on college students
influence on sports culture
promoting Midnight Madness
updated scores for gamblers
ESPN The Magazine
attitudes on college sports
dislike of collegiate subculture
fighting the system
Intercollegiate Athletic Boards/ Committee
membership in academic subculture
neglecting undergraduate education
obliviousness to undergraduate students
pressure to do research
successful teaching methods
fans. See college sports, fans; Orwellian concept of doublethink, applied to sports fans
Fass, Richard A.
Fiesta Bowl
Figler, Stephen K., and Howard E.
Fischer, William
Florida Citrus Bowl
Florida State U.
beer-and-circus elements
college sports teams
educational aspects
Florida, U. of
beer-and-circus elements college sports teams educational aspects
Flutie, Doug
Flutie Factor
connection to party scene
loser image downside
Forrest Gump
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Fowler, Chris
student fraternities
Freeway Fliers (California part-time instructors)
French, Ron
Geoffrey, Gregory
George Mason U.
Georgetown U.
Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)
Georgia, U. of
Giammetti, A. Bartlett
G.I. Bill of Rights
Ginsberg, Allen
Girardi, Steven
grade inflation. See undergraduate education, grade inflation
Graduate Record Exam (GRE)
Grateful Dead (rock band)
Greiner, William
Grinnell College
Hackett, Paul
Hall, Mel
Hampshire College
Hanson, David
Happy Valley
Harrick, Jim
Harrington, Mike
Harris, Lou
Harvard U. School of Public Health
Hawaii, U. of
Heisman Trophy
Hill, Michael
Hirt, Edward
Hofstra University
honors programs and colleges contrast with regular undergraduate education
extra perks for honors students
siphoning off best students
siphoning off best teachers
Houston Chronicle
Houston, U. of
How to College in the 1990s
Howard U.
Hunter College (CUNY)
Illinois, U. of (Champaign-Urbana)
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
Indiana Daily Student
(student newspaper)
Indiana State U.
Indiana U.
college sports teams
educational aspects
party scene
student subcultures
Indianapolis Star
Insider's Guide to the Colleges
on academics
on beer-and-circus
on party scene
International Sports and Leisure Co. (ISL)
See also
student gambling.
Iowa State U.
Iowa, U. of
Iverson, Allen
Ivy League universities
Jackson, Bo
James, Courtney
Jenkins, Dan
Jimmy John's Sandwich Shops
John Hancock Sun Bowl
Johns Hopkins U.
Johnson, Earvin “Magic,”
junior colleges.
NCAA, academically disqualified recruits, including JUCO transfers; undergraduate education, junior colleges
Kansas City Star
Kansas State U.
Kansas, U. of
Karge-Taylor, James
Katzenmoyer, Andy
Kentucky, U. of
Kenyon College
Kerouac, Jack
Kerr, Clark
Kids in the Hall
Knight, Bob
Koop. Everett
Kornheiser, Tony
Krause, Edward “Moose,”
Krier, Beth Ann
Kryzewski, Mike

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