Behind Iron Lace (8 page)

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Authors: Mercy Celeste

Tags: #gay contemporary erotic romance

BOOK: Behind Iron Lace
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“You want another one too, cher?” She looked at Darcy, her eyes showing concern for the man sitting next to him.

“No, ma’am, I’m good. I’m going to have a couple of those beignets and hit the road.” He smiled at her and she smiled back, winking. Damn but she was pretty, long, glossy, black hair pulled up in a ponytail, nice breasts, green eyes.

“She has a husband,
, a big one,” Caleb said when she left them.

“What does
mean? I told you my French is rusty.”

“Darling, baby, love, something to that effect.” Caleb shrugged taking a sip of drink, wincing as the liquor burned his throat.

?” His question was met with more laughter.

“No, draw the word out like yeah and drop the r, Cher is the singer, and that means dear one, but we use it lightly, and because you tourists expect to hear it. Same as you expect to hear ‘how y’all are’. You ever had oysters, Darcy?”

His eyes seemed to sparkle with some sort of inner fire, or demon, Darcy couldn’t decide which. Either way his skin reacted, pulling into—what had he called them? Freezons? Shit. “No, thank you, I’m having a hard time understanding the reason anyone would put that in their mouth.”

“Because it’s good, here.” Caleb lifted a half shell off the platter and placed a drop of hot sauce in the center before he tilted his head back and let it slide into his mouth. “See? Nothing to it, goes down smooth. Salty. Your turn.”

He had another oyster loaded and, before he could figure a way out, lifted it to Darcy’s lips. Darcy let it slide over his tongue, gagging as he swallowed the slimy thing down. “Christ, that’s nasty! How can you eat it?” He followed it with a gulp of beer. “Shit.”

Caleb laughed, the sound slithering over his skin like velvet. “It wasn’t so bad. Where are your people, Darcy? They left you all alone over here in the dark. I nearly didn’t find you.”

Darcy watched him tilt another mollusk into his mouth and swallow, following it with the gin chaser. “Out there somewhere dancing, having a good time, being young.”

“So why aren’t you out there, dancing and being young? You are young too, you know? Just how young are you, exactly?”

“Twenty-nine,” Darcy shrugged, he sure as hell didn’t feel young. “I don’t dance. What’s your excuse?”

“I’m not interested in that kind of dancing tonight.” His gaze slid over him, lingering on his jaw, moving lower to catch all the points between his neck and where the tablecloth lay across his thighs, lingering there. “You want another oyster?”

“No, thanks, I’ve eaten. And I’d like to keep what I ate in my stomach.” Darcy had to turn away before the smolder in Caleb’s gaze burned him. He winced when he turned too fast.

“What’s wrong with your neck,
?” Caleb’s velvety voice dripped with concern.

“Nothing, just tension,” Darcy said, fighting the urge to flinch when warm fingers slipped under his collar and gripped the muscle going up to his neck. Strong fingers pressed into the spot as if they knew exactly where he ached. “You shouldn’t do that.”

“But it feels good. Your neck is all stiff, loosen a button on your shirt.” His voice was so close, almost next to his ear. Caleb massaged him, pressing deeper, his palm hot against his flesh. So hot, Darcy wanted to lean into his hand. Caleb pressed harder, forcing a moan from him. “I like the sound of that, just one button,
, nothing more. I’ll fix your neck for you, that’s all. Feels so nice, doesn’t it? My hand on your neck.”

He spoke softly, his accent a mix of familiar and foreign words. His voice was husky, almost sensuous. Darcy wanted the ache to disappear. He craved the pressure, the relief. He opened a button then a second. “That feels incredible.” He leaned into Caleb’s hand, letting him work his magic. His hand, so hot on his neck, drifted along his shoulder, massaging the kink out. “Feels so good.”

“I know it does. You have soft skin.” Caleb’s voice was a whisper, but so close Darcy could feel his breath on his neck. “You smell nice,

Something moist touched his neck, a slight flick of Caleb’s tongue just below Darcy’s ear. His skin prickled, pulling tight in reaction. Darcy opened his mouth to protest but nothing came out. The pressure of Caleb’s hand increased, his touch lulled him, dulling the alarm ringing in his brain.

“Do that again.” He hadn’t meant to say that. The low rumble of laughter so close to his ear nearly swallowed him whole, the sound washing through him.

“Pretty frissons on your pretty neck. You taste good, Darcy, savory. I could eat you up. I want to eat you up.” He could hear the yearning need in Caleb’s voice. He could feel his desire. It engulfed him, confused him.

Caleb licked him again, the wet heat of his tongue sent chills through Darcy’s body, he couldn’t think. He didn’t want to think. It had been too long since someone had tasted him. He thrilled at the touch, wanting more. Twisting slightly in the seat, he turned to meet Caleb’s mouth. Despite consciously giving in to temptation, Darcy gasped in surprise when lush warm lips touched his. He relaxed into the kiss, allowing Caleb full access to his mouth. Caleb simply tasted him, softly, taking his time before setting out to devour him.

Darcy didn’t remember closing his eyes, but he didn’t dare open them now. Caleb’s hair was as soft as he’d dreamed it was. Not exactly fine, but silky nonetheless. He ran his fingers through the strands as Caleb sucked his tongue into his mouth.

The lush scent of his skin nearly overwhelmed him. Warm, spicy, like sunshine and a ride through the forest after a rain; God, it was enough to drive him mad. Caleb shifted, pulling him closer, nearly against him. He locked his fingers around Darcy’s neck and held him tight as he feasted on him.

Darcy forgot to keep his eyes closed. Green eyes so bright they seemed to burn with some strange light stared into his. There was a desire so powerful there, Darcy thought they would ignite. Caleb slid his fingers along his thigh. He could feel heat through his pants, the touch felt so nice. He cupped him then, laying his palm over his zipper. His mouth turned up in a grin, triumph shining in his eyes as he broke the kiss. “You have a nice big dick, Darcy. I bet you taste so good. I want to taste you there,
, I want to make you come, drink you down.”

He rubbed him through his pants, Darcy groaned as his cock grew rigid. It wouldn’t take much to send him over the edge. He could imagine Caleb’s mouth on him. His fingers traced him, sliding along him, touching him, seducing him. Oh, Christ, it felt so good, he needed it so much, he needed Caleb’s mouth. Here now, no one would see, it was so dark in the corner booth, cut off from the rest of the… voices slowly penetrated the sexual haze. Sharp piercing voices laughing nearby, sounding so very close.

Caleb’s mouth was so warm, his fingers insistent, like a drug, threatening to drag him back under but reality intruded in the form of Bailey. She and Chester emerged from the crowd, she was laughing at something Chester whispered in her ear.

“Shit. Son of bitch. Get the fuck off me.” Darcy pulled away, ice seemed to shiver and slither over his skin.
Oh, shit, what the hell am I doing?
Christ, they’d been seconds away from…
oh, God

“No one can see us here.” Disappointment flashed in Caleb’s eyes but he moved away, his breathing was as heavy as Darcy’s own. “Come home with me. I want to make love to you so bad my teeth hurt.”

The longing in his voice nearly undid Darcy. The sound caressed him, seduced him, until Darcy wanted to do everything Caleb wanted. He shook himself, fighting off the urge, letting anger replace desire.

“Yeah, well, try that again and I’ll break them all for you.” He grabbed the glass of gin, sloshing it some before he got it to his lips. The familiar sting washed down his throat. The heat spread through his body and his mind, numbing him to what could happen if he didn’t get the hell out of here.

He could still see Bailey on the edge of the crowd, she and Chester weren’t heading this way after all, they pressed together as Darcy became aware of the music. Slow, waltz-like, a French melody over bluesy guitar, seductive, poignant. He had to get out of here before he did something stupid. “Where’s the restroom?”

“Back that way.” Caleb let a slow smile creep into his eyes as he nodded behind them.

“Just, don’t even—this isn’t happening, do you understand me?” Without waiting for an answer, Darcy climbed out of the booth trying not to touch the man’s body in any way and headed to the back of the building. The lighted green restroom sign pointed the way down a long corridor and Darcy found himself in the cramped room alone.

He stood at the sink and leaned on it for support.
Christ, Christ. Fuck.
His heart threatened to race out of his chest. He ached from wanting. He ached so badly he couldn’t walk without wanting. The man in the mirror stared back at him, his face flushed, eyes wild. He felt as if he were burning alive.
Christ. Jesus.
The water from the tap was tepid, he took his glasses off and splashed his face.
Shit. Shit. Son of a bitch.
He had to get out of here. Get home. Find a cab. Something. Whatever. He had to go or he would go nuts.

Son of a bitch kissed like a…
don’t think about it
. His hair was so soft…
don’t fucking think about it
Have to go

He pushed off the sink and stumbled out into the hall. Caleb leaned against the far wall beside a door marked PRIVATE. Son of a bitch flipped his hair back out of his face, he looked so fucking smug Darcy wanted to punch his face through the wall. He meant to turn left, head out into the bar, pay the bill and go home. He couldn’t stop himself from turning right. The teasing light in Caleb’s eyes shone brightly under the dim, single light bulb swinging over his head.

Those damned eyes ate at his soul, taunting him. Darcy couldn’t control the need coursing through him, he closed the distance between them, grabbed Caleb’s shirt in his fists and slammed him into the wall. “I don’t want to do this.” The words ached in his throat, catching on the anger that drove him.

“You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t. You would have left just now, and taken a cab back to wherever it is you stay. The question I have, Darcy, is exactly what is it you want to do to me right now?” There was no fear in his eyes. Darcy growled between his teeth, there should be fear, there should be something. There was something, Darcy could see it swirling like fire in his green eyes. Lust, pure, greedy consuming lust. Son of a bitch. “Do something, Darcy, fucking hit me or kiss me. Either way just do it and get it over with.”

“I can’t. I want to but I can’t.” He let the words slip past his lips but he knew one thing as he said the words. He did not know what the fuck he wanted. Caleb just smiled that lazy smile of his, the light swinging overhead just barely illuminating his face, but Darcy saw the fire in his eyes just the same. “I hate you. That’s all I know right now.”

?” Caleb raised an eyebrow. God, he hated people who did that, raise one fucking eyebrow just because they could, to taunt, to tease. “Because I turn you on? Admit it,
, you’re standing there with a boner just for me. All this posturing is making me want you even more. I want to taste your cock, Darcy. I want to make you weak in the knees. I want to make you forget your own fucking name. Tell me what you want,
, tell me you want me to suck your cock. Tell me—”

“I want you to kiss me. Shut the fuck up and kiss me again, before I come to my senses, before I remember why I hate you.” Darcy surprised himself when he released Caleb’s shirt, he let his hands slide along Caleb’s neck to tangle in his hair. The light in the man’s eyes enthralled him, making him ache for something he wasn’t sure he even understood.

“Just so we are clear, when I kiss you,
, I won’t be able to stop. You better mean what you say. I can’t handle the tease if you don’t.” The gleam turned dangerous, his voice almost harsh.

“No teasing. Jesus Christ, I’m so damned hard from wanting you. Why did you do this to me?” Darcy couldn’t think straight. Caleb’s breath teased his lips, his smile turned sensuous. The first touch of his mouth was soft, like before, so soft Darcy wanted to curl into him and just touch and taste.

“Because you want me,
, you want my dick in your mouth, you want me to touch you and lick you and make you mine. I’m going to make you mine, Darcy, tonight. I’m going to take you home with me and make you forget everything you know,” he said placing small teasing kisses along Darcy’s jaw.

Darcy shivered when his mouth finally closed over his. Caleb’s tongue touched his, suckled him into his mouth while he watched him with those green eyes. Desire and triumph burning so brightly there, Darcy’s knees buckled.

He slumped against Caleb, pressing him against the wall hard, his cock rigid between them. “Now,” he heard himself whisper. “I can’t wait that long. Now, Caleb, please now.”

Caleb’s low husky laugh washed over him, his eyes sparkled with his victory. “You’d let me do you in the hallway,

He didn’t know what
meant; he could barely remember English at this point. “Shit. I don’t know what I’m thinking anymore. You have me so confused.”

Caleb reached between them and pulled his keys from his pocket. Fumbling with them, he found the one he was looking for and in seconds, he had the door marked PRIVATE open. Darcy let him push him inside and up against the wall in what appeared to be a narrow stairwell. Caleb closed the door with his foot, and then almost as an afterthought he reached over and twisted a deadbolt, effectively trapping them inside. Another single light bulb lit the narrow room from somewhere near the middle of the stairs. They were in shadows, alone, together, with no prying eyes. This was messed up wrong, Darcy’s heart beat too fast, but his brain ignored the warning.

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