Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives) (10 page)

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started scissoring his fingers, his facial features changing as his other hand
latched onto his cock, his breathing quickening. Sledge continued to watch, the
sexy look on Corey’s face driving him crazy. His boyfriend had his eyes closed
and his full lips parted, seemingly lost in what he was doing as though he’d
forgotten that Sledge was watching, his expression so damn hot it was making
Sledge’s balls hurt.

it,” Sledge said, grabbing the condom off the bed and ripping it open.

opened his eyes and smiled up at Sledge, then turned onto his side, lifting his
good leg higher, giving Sledge free access and a view of where his cock was headed.
Now desperate, Sledge tried to roll on Corey’s condom, but the bloody thing was
too small. Giving up, he dumped it and ran to his room, quickly finding one of
his own. When he returned to Corey’s room, his boyfriend looked almost ready to
cry, like he’d thought Sledge had been scared off.

held up the condom packet and grinned. “Your condom wuz itsy-bitsy, so I had to
get one of my own.”

face changed from upset to angry in a second. “It’s not that small!”

ripped open the packet and pulled on the condom, his smile not disappearing,
instead it grew, Corey’s sullen expression amusing him.

onto your stomach,” Sledge said.

expression changed again, his face now eager. “No, take me from the side, and
go slow,” he said, his voice trembling a little, the fear and excitement in the
waver making Sledge a little weary, but still not enough to stop.

got onto the bed and moved behind Corey, positioning his cock, then pushed to
get inside, the head breaking through Corey’s tight opening.

squeaked out, “Slower.”

stayed still for a moment, although he didn’t want to, the tightness making it
hard to hold back, plus Tama was wrong, because it wasn’t dry at all, the lube
making it moist. He entered a little more, causing Corey to squeak again, then
a bit more, feeling like he was getting the life squeezed out of him. He wanted
to thrust so fucking hard, the in-between stage excruciatingly slow, but again,
he pushed in another couple of inches, his fear of hurting Corey overriding his

you’re huge,” Corey gasped.

want me to stop?”
Please don’t say yes.

no,” Corey said, pushing his arse backwards, the movement swallowing up the
rest of Sledge’s cock in one go and sending him into rapture. Corey’s shout of
pain broke through Sledge’s high.

okay?” Sledge breathed out, straining as he held tight onto Corey’s hip.

shit, shit, that burns,” Corey gasped. “Just stay still for a minute.”

Sledge said, kissing in between Corey’s shoulder blades. “Sorry for hurting
you.” He nuzzled Corey’s neck, then moved Corey’s beanie up a little so he
could suck on Corey’s ear. Corey went to grab his beanie, but Sledge latched
onto his boyfriend’s hand, stopping him. “Just gonna play with your ear, babe,”
he said, trying to calm him down, Corey so self-conscious about the loss of his

Corey relaxed, Sledge started nibbling and sucking on his boyfriend’s earlobe,
causing Corey to pant. Sledge pulled back. “I better stop that, cos it looks
like you don’t like it,” he said, trying to restrain from laughing, amused by
the way Corey was angling his ear towards him.

like it, I like it, don’t stop, don’t stop...”

stop what?”

ear, my ear, suck it, pleeease.”

move your head away before you headbutt me.”

Corey said, doing what he was told.

moved his mouth back to Corey’s ear, blowing puffs of hot air across the skin.
“Do ya like that too?” he asked, although he already knew the answer, Corey
pushing his head back again.

yeah,” Corey groaned.

hand moved around to Corey’s nipples, tweaking them as he started sucking on
his babe’s earlobe.

me now, please fuck me,” Corey cried, moving his butt back and forth, making
Sledge forget about Corey’s ear in an instant.

started rocking into Corey, watching his cock go in and out, the back of his
mate both looking and not looking like a chick. That thought made him groan
again. Yeah, Corey was his chick, his babe, his everything. He kissed Corey’s
neck, then started nibbling on his ear again, pulling out a cry from Corey. It
fascinated him how sensitive Corey was there, plus it turned him on no end.

fondled Corey’s flat stomach, finding it just as erotic as a female’s, then he
forced his hand down to Corey’s cock, reminding himself he was fucking a guy,
but instead of it turning him off, Corey’s hard-on excited him more, the little
shaft so smooth, nothing like his own.

groaned louder, which just made Sledge want to fuck him harder. Pulling back,
Sledge grabbed Corey’s hip and started moving faster, knowing this was exactly
what he needed, what he wanted, and right now, he didn’t care if it made him
gay, because he wanted to fuck Corey so bad that it was no longer a choice, but
a need.

started whimpering, making Sledge lose control. He gritted his teeth and
started pounding him so fucking hard he thought he’d crack Corey’s cast and
tear him a new hole. Corey shouted at him to go slower. Sledge slowed down for
a few stokes, then started pounding again, his desperation to come now taking

cried out, his entrance tightening around Sledge’s cock. Not able to stop even
if he wanted to, Sledge came harder than he’d ever done before, the rush so
fucking strong, it blanked out his mind, only pure bliss remaining. He stayed
still, riding the wave, wanting it to last forever, then once every last drop
was out he collapsed, his body rung out and his mind gloriously empty.

banged on the window, snapping Sledge out of his high. He glanced over his
shoulder at the window, noticing that the curtains weren’t fully drawn.
Unwillingly, he pulled out of Corey and got off the bed, wondering what the
noise had been as he peered outside. The front lawn and street were empty.
Shrugging, he pulled the curtains fully across and went back to Corey, who was
now on his back, staring up at him with a mixture of a stoned and pained look.

gaze moved to where Corey’s cock had been, relieved that his boyfriend had come
too, the wet patch hard to miss, although it freaked him out. “I really fucked
you,” he said, the reality of what he’d done completely and utterly hitting
home. He couldn’t pretend any more that he wasn’t gay, and even more so since
no female had made him lose control like that.

wuz the best sex
,” Corey said. “But fuck, you’re a rough bastard.
Sheesh, man, that burned. When I say it hurts you don’t fuckin’ keep ramming

I got carried away.”

don’t say so. That fuckin’ thing should come with a warning,” Corey said,
swiping out at Sledge’s cock.

Sledge stepped out of Corey’s reach. “But you still said it wuz the best sex
ever. So, stop whining or I’ll shove my cock up your arse again.”

grabbed a pillow and covered himself below. “No fuckin’ way you’re gettin’ that
monster in me again today.”

laughed. “You know you loved every bit of it.” He pulled off the condom and
held it up. “And look at this load.”

shook his head, although a smile appeared. “You think you’re a stud now, don’t

and you’re my sweet li’l chick.”

smile dropped. “I’m not a chick.”

my cock inside of you, you are.”

an arsehole.”

your arsehole is the tightest pussy I’ve ever had.”

threw the pillow at Sledge, making Sledge laugh again. He dumped the condom in
the rubbish bin then climbed onto the bed, grabbing Corey’s arms as his
boyfriend went to hit out at him.

tried to get free, his expression angry. “Stop relating everything we do to
females, it pisses me off. My arse ain’t a pussy.”

the one who called it a cunt first.”

said it once, but it doesn’t mean you hafta treat me like a girl. I don’t like

up, man, I’ve only been with chicks, it’s all I know, and you’re cute like a

wrenched his hands free. “See, you’re still doin’ it. Stoppit.”

grabbed Corey’s hands again. “Calm down, gimme time, as I said, it’s all I

quit it now.”

you being so touchy? We just fucked; you should be happy.”

if you keep fuckin’ me like a chick, cos sooner or later you’ll leave me for a
real one when you realise you miss tits and pussy.”

kissed Corey’s nose. “I won’t leave ya, babe, and they can’t gimme what you

what? A torn fuckin’ arsehole. Man, you hurt it,” he said, screwing up his

didn’t tear you, and you came.”

and now the pain is coming too. I won’t be able to sit on it for a week, you

laughed. “You are so funny.”

eyebrows lifted. “So, you think my pain is funny, do ya?” He wrenched a hand
free and squeezed one of Sledge’s nipples. “Is that funny?!”

You’re gonna get it for that, you li’l shit.” Sledge wrestled Corey onto his
stomach, laughing as Corey started squealing, “Not my arse! Not my arse!”

his grip on Corey, Sledge leaned over and kissed between Corey’s shoulder
blades, only letting go when Corey quit struggling. He started kissing down
Corey’s spine, stopping right above his arse. He ran a hand over the little
mounds, blowing air in between the crack. Corey shivered and whimpered, like he
was in two minds over getting fucked again. Sledge parted the cheeks and blew
more air over Corey’s entrance, which fluttered in response, although Corey was
right, it did look sore, the redness making Sledge wince. He flipped Corey onto
his back and kissed his lips, pulling out a moan from Corey.

pulled back. “You’re gonna clean me now.”

Corey said, looking dazed, like his mind was still on kissing.

cock, your mouth.” Sledge climbed onto Corey’s chest, making sure he didn’t put
any pressure on it, then took a hold of his own cock. “Get to work and start

snapped out of his haze and pushed out at him. “Fuck off, you dirty cunt!”

you’re gonna finish the job, so say
and open wide.”

pretended to zip his mouth. Sledge grabbed Corey’s face and angled his cock
towards it, laughing as Corey covered his mouth, his eyes going round.

lemme in,” Sledge said, still laughing.

pushed out at him with one hand and shouted “Get off!” through the other.

grabbed Corey’s hand and pushed it to the side, laughing louder as Corey
squealed, moving his head from side to side so Sledge couldn’t put his cock
near his mouth. Sledge tightened his grip on Corey, then bent over and kissed
him. Corey’s body slowly relaxed into the mattress as he returned the kiss, the
cute little moans coming from him making Sledge want seconds, and thirds, and
fourths—and forever.







Corey jolted as someone
banged on the front door.

climbed off him and snatched up his gruds, quickly jumping into them along with
his leather pants.

rid of whoever it is,” Corey said, desperate for more of Sledge’s mouth.

Sledge stopped zipping up his pants and grabbed his own crotch. “You can’t get
enough of this, can ya?”

smiled wider. “Most fucking definitely, and I’m gonna give you your wish.”

really? And what’s that?”

here.” Corey shaped his mouth into an ‘O’ then pointed at it, laughing as Sledge
yanked off his pants and crawled back onto the bed. “Wash it first, you dirty

you’ll clean it for me,” Sledge said, aiming it for Corey’s mouth again.

covered his mouth, yelling, “Stoppit! You’re soft.”

whacked his cock against Corey’s hand. “Well, make me hard then, cock-sucker,
or are you a cock-tease?”

gripped tighter onto his mouth as Sledge tried to pry his hand away, both of
them laughing. More banging started up, this time combined with the door

Sledge got off the bed and grabbed his leathers again, tugging them on. “I’ll
get rid of whoever it is then your mouth’s mine,” he said, grinning as he left
the room.

your cock first!” Corey yelled, then laughed, so fucking happy. Smiling, he
turned onto his side and angled his head around; curious to get a view of what
Sledge had seen. Tyler, a past fling, had said he had the cutest arse after a
fucking, all red from being pumped. But he couldn’t see anything cute about it.
Maybe Tyler meant his hole? Naaah, he must’ve meant his butt-cheeks, but then
again, Tyler couldn’t have, because they were so skinny, no meat at all. Now,
Sledge had gorgeous arse cheeks: Muscular and brown, not like his own starved

pushed out of bed and bent over it, supporting himself by resting his hands on
the mattress, then angled his head again, trying to see what his butt looked
like in the mirror. He grimaced. How the hell could his scrawny, pale arse be
cute—or juicy? A fat or muscular arse was juicy, not what he had. He wrinkled
his nose, now realising what Tyler had meant by juicy. That was disgusting. He
didn’t know how Tyler could have rimmed him. Ew! Though, he didn’t mind it
being done to him,
, he liked it—
a lot
, just would
never return it, although... He might kiss Sledge’s muscular arse, and if he
got half a chance he would fuck it in a second, though, he kind of wanted to
keep his dick, because he was sure Sledge would rip it off if he went anywhere
near his juicy hole. Corey laughed. Yeah, now he understood how juicy could be

yell jolted him out of his thoughts.

have a fuckin’ nerve showing your face!” Sledge boomed from the other end of
the house.

crash came from the lounge, making Corey panic. He swiped up his boxers and
pulled them on, along with a shirt, then grabbed his crutches and headed for
the door.

the fuck is your problem?!” another voice yelled, sounding like— No, no, no! It
was Tama.

my problem?” Sledge yelled back. “You tried to kill my brother!”

did not! I helped him, and in return the bastard tried to kill me!”

hobbled down the passage with his crutches. Through the doorway he could see
Tama holding Sledge back with a chair, the scene resembling a ringmaster trying
to tame a lion, and Sledge certainly looked vicious enough, like he wanted to
tear Tama apart limb by limb.

Sledge shouted. “Ash said you threw a knife at him. He showed me where it
sliced his arm.”

lifted the chair higher, jabbing it out as Sledge tried to grab it. “I never
meant for it to get him, it wuz only a distraction so I could get outta there.
And I saved him from your stepfather, then he had the nerve to threaten me. He
ran at me, so I threw the knife and took off. I didn’t wanna fight him, all I
did wuz try to help, but he wuz off his head – nuts!”

stopped batting the chair legs, like Tama had hit home, the words ringing true,
because as far as Corey was concerned, Ash
nuts. “You’re not
bullshitting me, are ya?” Sledge said, now looking uncertain.

would I be? I’m the one who stopped your stepfather from fucking Ash, stabbed
the shit to death for it. Ash must’ve told ja that, which means I saved him
from that sick fucker. Why would I have done that if I wanted to kill Ash?”

stepfather isn’t dead.”

face dropped. “What? No, no, I stabbed him twice, and he wuzn’t moving, so he
has to be dead, no one could survive that.”

on life support.”

the fuck did they do that for?! He’s a sick fuck. He had your brother chained
up like some fuck-toy. He wuz bloody naked,” Tama said, lowering the chair a

the system is full of fuckin’ liberals who haven’t had anything bad happen to
them!” Sledge grabbed an ornament off the cabinet and threw it at the wall, his
face enraged, making both Corey and Tama jolt.

bro,” Tama said, his expression scared, not something Corey was used to seeing,
because the prick usually gave the impression that he could take on the world
and win.

breathed out, his muscular chest heaving up and down like a wounded bull ready
to attack, then he ran a hand over his face. “Shit, I’m sorry, my head’s all
fucked up, I ain’t thinking straight. Of course you wouldn’t have hurt my bro
on purpose.”

lowered the chair, but still kept it in front of him. “You mean it?”

nodded. “Yeah, and you’re right ’bout Ash not being right in the head. He
pro’bly didn’t realise you were tryna help him. My stepfather messed him up
pretty bad.”


when didja get back in Auckland?”

Tama said, his gaze flicking to Corey, who was resting against the doorframe.
His eyes moved down Corey’s body to the cast, his expression surprised, then
his face twisted in disgust as it flicked back up to Corey’s face. “No bloody
way, it can’t be you.”

raised his chin, not understanding Tama’s revulsion, although he did understand
his surprise. In the three months that Tama had been in prison, Corey had lost
a shitload of weight, cancer whittling him down to a ghost of his former self.

cha lookin’ at?” Corey said apprehensively, readying himself for an insulting
remark, Tama’s mouth nastier than a crack whore’s with Tourette’s.

sneered at him. “A li’l fa—” He cleared his throat, his gaze flicking to
Sledge, then back to Corey. “What happened to your leg?”

attacked then hit by a car.”

why are you so skinny now? I didn’t recognise ya, actually thought you were a
girl when I first saw ya.”

jaw clenched. “I don’t look like a girl.”

say that, just thought you were one at first, cos...” He frowned. “Just answer
my question. Why you so skinny?”

Corey said, feeling self-conscious as Tama’s eyes continued to wander up and
down him, his dark gaze still filled with disgust.

yeah, I forgot,” Tama said. “Still, it makes you look like a smaller, Pākehā
version of your sis.”

not a Pākehā!” Corey yelled, hating the Māori reference for
white people.

flickered across Tama’s face, replacing the revulsion. “Oh, yeah, I forgot you
don’t like that word, but it’s not my fault you look like a whitey.”

half Māori, just like you, so you can’t call me a Pākehā.”

Island Māori aren’t real Māori, cos you’re just a Raro.”

are still Māori.”

not New Zealand Māori, so fuck off back to the islands, FOB.”

not fresh off the boat, I wuz born here.”

don’t care; you’re still a Pākehā, no matter what you say.”

you, you arsehole!” Corey lifted his crutch, wanting to hit Tama with it.

moved in front of Tama as he went for Corey, shoving Tama back.

jabbed a finger in Corey’s direction. “He insulted me! He needs to learn

insulted him first,” Sledge said. “So back off or you’ll get it from me.”

glared at Sledge. “I’m the fuckin’ leader of our gang, not you. Some right-hand
man you are, threatening me over that white piece of shit.”

shoved Tama into the kitchen. “Watch your fuckin’ mouth!” he yelled, “Or I’ll
paint your face with your own blood.”

the fuck?” Tama said, banging into the fridge. “You psycho or sumpthin’? He
insulted me, not the other way round.”

insulted him! Do ya even hear the shit that comes outta your racist mouth?”

ain’t racist.”

hell you ain’t, so apologise to Corey.”

gaze flicked to Corey. “No fuckin’ way, he’s grinning at me,” he said, pointing
at Corey.

wiped the smile off his face before Sledge turned. “No, I ain’t.”

lying,” Tama said.


you are.”

you’re the liar.”

you are.”

you are!”

shut it, both of you!” Sledge hollered. “You’re like two li’l kids, and you,”
he jabbed Tama’s chest, “still haven’t said sorry, so do it before I lose my

Tama said, his gaze moving to Corey. “I’m sorry I called you a
white Pākehā
shit, Corey. Oh yeah, and I’m also sorry I called you a

good then,” Sledge said, totally oblivious to what just happened.

scowled at Tama, who looked like he was trying not to laugh, which irritated
Corey even more, because he knew Tama was taking the piss out of him, those
words and how Tama had said them definitely not an apology, but a double

how ja hurt your leg, Core-rey?” Tama grinned, making Corey want to wipe it off
with his crutches.

already told ja, I wuz attacked then hit by a car.”


not funny!”

I guess it would’ve hurt like buggery.”

glared at Tama, not liking his choice of words, nor the look in Tama’s eyes,
which made him feel dirty, like Tama knew what Corey liked sexually.

Tama said. “Since I wuz a prick to you, I’m gonna make things right by finally
gettin’ your virgin arse laid. And since you’re no longer a fat chunk stain I
won’t have any probs finding a chick to bounce off your weanie.”

ain’t a virgin.”

grinned. “Okay, one out of two ain’t bad, cos your dick is definitely weanie.”

would you know? Have ya been perving, you poof?”

grin dropped. “No! You’re the faggot.”

lifted a crutch. “Then come closer so I can fuck your cunt with this crutch,

pushed Tama back as he went for Corey again. Glaring at Sledge, Tama jabbed a
finger in Corey’s direction. “You made me say sorry, now make him say it back!”
he yelled at Sledge.

that wuz funny,” Sledge replied.

if I fuckin’ jam the crutch up his cunt, then I’d like to see you laugh at

sniggered. “That would be funny too.”

Corey snapped.

sneered at Corey. “I betcha you’re lying ’bout fucking a chick.”

not, I fucked Juliet,” Corey said, eyeing Sledge to see if it still upset him,
but Sledge barely registered the comment, his attention more on Tama, who was
looking like he wanted to puke.

ain’t a real chick,” Tama said. “That’s Sledge in drag.”

punched Tama’s arm. “Don’t talk ’bout my sis like that, you bastard.”

Tama rubbed his arm. “But it’s true; Corey might as well be fucking you for all
the diff it makes.”

don’t get fucked!” Sledge yelled, “So watch your mouth.”

you’re a grumpy bastard today.” Tama’s gaze shifted back to Corey. “And you,
you’re gonna lose your
virginity with a

real, so stop insulting her!” Corey snapped.

in my opinion, and there’s a party out West where we can get some bogan chicks
to bounce off our dicks.”

can’t go, I’ve got cancer.”

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