Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives) (11 page)

BOOK: Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives)
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doesn’t mean you can’t fuck pussy.”

I can’t go to parties, cos my immune system’s down.”

smile widened, like that was exactly what he wanted to hear, then he focused on
Sledge as though Corey had disappeared into a puff of marijuana. “Okay, then we
can go,” he said to Sledge.

I can’t,” Sledge replied, his eyes flicking between Tama and Corey. “I hafta
look after Corey since he’s not well.”

won’t mind, will ya, Corey?” Tama said, giving Corey a look that read, ‘You
better not, or I’ll bash the shit outta ya.’

do ya know there’s a party?” Corey said, not answering Tama’s question. “You’re
s’posed to be on the run.”

have some real good contacts that are willing to help me out. They’re crims, so
they won’t dob me in.”

Sledge promised to stay with me.”

promised to stay with me
,” Tama mimicked. “You sound like a li’l girl who
wants someone to hold her hand. And if I need Sledge as my wingman, then he
should come with me, cos my balls are ready to burst. You don’t know what it
wuz like in prison. I wuz sick of the sight of my own hand.” Tama looked back
at Sledge. “And you owe me for saving your bro, as well as taking the fall for
attacking Nike. You didn’t go to prison,
did. So, are you gonna be a
true mate and come with me to the party?”

stabbed Nike; I only hit him, and you—”

your mouth and answer me, you ungrateful bastard!”


it’s on my face,” Tama said, taking a step away from Sledge, the humour no
doubt used to disguise his fear.

be a smart cunt.”

so when Corey’s a smart cunt, you let him get away with it. Guess my arse ain’t
pretty enough for you.”

leaned forward. “What did you just say?”

you let Corey get away with shit, but me, nope, not the person who saves your
bro. Instead you try to bash me.”

you said sumpthin’ ’bout Corey’s arse.”

used to be fat, now it’s skinny, so what?”

you insinuated I wuz gay.”

Do you even know what that means? Hell, I don’t, and I would never call you a
fag, cos you ain’t.” Tama threw a glance at Corey, almost as though he was
saying: ‘unlike
’. “So, will you pretty please, with a virgin’s
cherry on top, come with me, cos I would really,
appreciate it so
much,” he said, putting on a stupid voice.

you’re a cock,” Sledge said.

grinned. “Which means I’m forgiven and you’ll come?”


Corey yelled at Sledge. “You can’t, you’re not allowed to.”

glared at him. “Are you his girlfriend or sumpthin’? Cos only bitches demand
that shit, not mates.”

shook his head like it was about to take flight. “No, he just promised to look
after me. It’s hard gettin’ round on crutches, and I’ve only just gotten outta

can have one night out, can’t he?”

I’m coming.”

just said you can’t cos of your immune system.”

don’t care, I ain’t staying home if he’s goin’ out.”

come if you want, I don’t care, just as long as we get some chicks I’m happy,”
Tama said, pulling open the fridge. “The party’s not starting for ages, so I’m
gonna have a feed, then shit, shower and shave before catching some shut eye.”
He pulled out a piece of pizza, muttering, “Sweet” before shoving it into his
mouth, then he headed past Sledge. “I’m gonna stay in your room.”

can’t,” Corey said. “Sledge only has a single bed.”

pushed past Corey, almost knocking him over. Sledge followed him down the
passage, with Corey hobbling after them. Tama started poking his head into the
bedrooms, stopping to pull a face at Naf’s. “It reeks in here. Who sleeps in
this shithole?”

bro,” Corey answered.

he’s gross. And by the way, where is the chunk stain?”

taken off. Left a note saying he needs some time alone.”

you can have his room and I’ll take yours.”


your brother who stunk up the room, so you should suffer.”

pay rent, you don’t.”

I reckon your mummy and daddy pays it.”

pulled a face, hating that Tama was right. He wanted to pay his own way, but
couldn’t do much since getting cancer, so he lived off the allowance he got
from his mum.

grinned, his gaze knowing. “Then I’ll take the girl’s room and will do whoever
it belongs to.”


pulled a face. “Gross, I ain’t fucking her.” He looked at Sledge. “Then you
take Naf’s room and I’ll take yours.”

I’d rather bunk in with Corey, cos Naf’s room’s toxic and Corey has a double

scowled. “You can’t sleep in there.”

don’t see why not? We’ve shared a bed when we’ve all bunked at my old place.”

gaze moved to Corey, his eyes going up and down him again, then he smiled. “No
worries, you pro’bly won’t be home tonight anyway, Sledge.”

clenched his jaw, trying his best not to glare at the prick. Tama’s upper lip
twitched, like he was aching to insult him, then he glanced in Corey’s bedroom.
“Smells like you’ve been wanking, wanker.”

off,” Corey said.

turned around so fast, Corey almost fell back into Sledge. Tama grinned wide,
then headed into Sledge’s room, closing the door behind him.

indicated for Sledge to follow him into his own room. Sledge locked the door
behind them as Corey sat down on the bed, resting his crutches next to him.

are we gonna do?” Corey whispered. “He can’t stay.”

sat down next to Corey. “We can’t do anything ’bout it, he’s our mate; he needs

he’s an escaped convict. We could go to jail for helping him.”

take the fall if we get caught.”

I’m sick of you gettin’ in trouble cos of him, and there’s no way I’m letting
you go to jail for that shithead,” he hissed the last part.

pointed a finger at Corey. “Watch what you say ’bout him.”

angled his chin up. “Or what? You’ll hit me like you tried to hit him?”

pulled a face. “Of course I wouldn’t.”

he more important to you than me?”

you know that you’re everything to me.”

I’m everything to you then you shouldn’t be putting me at risk with him being

already said I’d take the fall.”

means you’re willing to go to jail for him, leaving me all alone.”

breathed out. “I’m not leaving you, this is all talk; and show some loyalty,
he’s our mate.”

mate, not mine.”

frowned. “What’s this all about, Corey? You used to like him.”

a rapist.”

he’s not.”

he is, and I should phone the cops.”

you bloody dare.”

do whatever I like.” Corey angled across the bed, reaching for his phone on the
bedside cabinet.

leaned over and grabbed his wrist, laying Corey out flat on his back.

go of me,” Corey hissed.

shook his head. “If you love me you’ll keep your mouth shut, cos I won’t put up
with you dobbing Tama in.”

gritted his teeth, upset that Tama meant more to Sledge than he did.

continued, “And don’t you dare tell him ’bout us?”

won’t,” Corey said, trying to hold back the tears. How could the day go from
being perfect to shit within minutes? “Now, lemme go.”

be like that,” Sledge said, leaning forward to kiss Corey.

moved his head to the side.

Sledge said. “Don’t get upset with me, not today please.”

looked back at Sledge, who was staring down at him, his eyes begging him. He
frowned, remembering what Sledge had been through earlier.

moved his hands to Corey’s face, gently cupping it. “I love you.”

than Tama?”

course, you shouldn’t even hafta ask that.” Sledge leaned down, placing a soft
kiss on Corey’s lips, making Corey melt into it like he did every time Sledge
kissed him. Sledge pulled back and rubbed his nose against Corey’s. “There’s no
one I love more than you.”

flicker of hope filled Corey. “Really?”

You’re everything to me; I just have to learn to be everything for you.”

you are.”

I’m not. I can’t even tell people we’re together. I just need time to work out
how to handle their reactions.”

what they think.”

braver than me, cos I can’t not worry ’bout what others think, especially
people like Tama, who hates gays.”

he isn’t a true friend if he doesn’t accept you and me as we are.”

the way he is, he can’t help it.”

too soft when it comes to him.”

said that ’bout me when it comes to you.”

exhaled. “Can’t we just get rid of him some other way?”


do we really hafta go to this stupid party? Cos there’s no way you’re fucking
any bitches.”

won’t cheat on you, no matter who he pushes at me. And when Tama finds someone
he wants to root he always takes off with them, so he won’t know what I’m doin’
who I’m doin’, which by the way will be you.”

smiled. “You’re gonna risk fucking me at someone else’s house?”

sure we can find someplace private where you can suck my dick.”

you can suck mine,” Corey said, hopeful.

hell, that def ain’t happening.”

so my mouth is good enough, but yours ain’t?”

cos the only thing my gob will be sucking is your face.”

Corey covered his face as Sledge started making crude slurping noises as he
tried to kiss him. “Stoppit!”

boot banged against the wall, followed by Tama yelling at Corey to shut the
fuck up.

Corey uncovered his face. “We can’t do shit with him in the next room.”

worry, he won’t stay here forever, and if we’re lucky he’ll hook up with a
chick tonight and stay with her.”

hope so.”

he’ll be gone soon, so there’s no needa worry, babe.”

nodded, although he didn’t believe it, because wherever Tama went, shit
followed in abundance.







Beth lay on her bed, unable
to stop crying. After she’d left Dante’s place, she’d been determined to find a
way to get him back, and his ex out of their lives, but as she drew closer to
her new place, Dante’s harsh words finally hit home:
‘Talking’s over, we’re

a cup of tea,” Josie said, breaking Beth’s train of misery.

wiped her cheeks and looked up at her cousin. Josie resembled Corey with her
pale skin and reddish-brown hair—well, before he’d lost it, but unlike Corey’s
messiness, Josie took pride in what she wore, her black work pants, heels and
tiki T-shirt giving the illusion that she was sophisticated, which the airhead
was anything but.

cry,” Josie said, shifting about awkwardly, like she was aching to take off.

her face again, Beth swung her legs out of bed and sat up. She reached for the
cup of tea that Josie held out. Ever since Josie had caused an argument between
Beth and Dante, her cousin had been doing everything to make up for it, and
although Josie had a huge crush on Dante, she’d actually looked relieved when
he’d taken Beth back, but now they’d broken up again, the guilty look had
returned, like she was the cause of Beth’s despair.

did Dante cheat on you with?” Josie asked.

ex called Kara, but I’m not absolutely sure he did. He appeared to be telling
the truth, although that bitch said he wuzn’t.” Beth put the cup of tea on the
bedside table. Her room was small with only a single bed, a cabinet and the
little table next to her pillow, while the rest of her stuff still remained in
the two suitcases under the bed.

say she’s telling the truth,” Josie said, lowering herself to sit next to Beth,
“cos everyone knows Dante’s a man-whore.”

call him that!”

he is. All he’s good for is one or two fucks then he’s onto someone new.”

not like that!”

you said he wuz always bringing women home.”

wuz before I got with him.”

guys have been together only a week, and you’ve already caught someone in his

he might not have cheated, and I’ve never actually seen him cheat on anyone.”

have now; he’s just not boyfriend material.”

didn’t actually see him on top of her.”

kidding yourself. It’s better you discover this now than further down the

I want him back.”

shook her head. “Why can’t you see that you’re better off without him?”

were perfectly happy until that blonde bitch ruined everything.”

you weren’t. This is your second break up in a week, both times him dumping
you. Don’t cha think that means sumpthin’?”

I love him,” Beth said, feeling even lower now.

cos he’s gorgeous.”

it’s more than that.”

it. When someone looks like him, they ain’t gonna stick around. Those types of
guys are always gettin’ women throwing themselves at them, and if his ex didn’t
come along, then another woman would have, and another, and another, and I know
if I had half the chance, I’d be on him in a second.” Josie’s face dropped. “I
didn’t mean it literally, and only if you weren’t with him. No, I meant, if you
had no interest in him, cos I wouldn’t do that to you, I really wouldn’t.”

shook her head, knowing the last part was a lie, but right now she didn’t care.
“I’d still take him back even if he did cheat on me.”

can’t be serious?”

am. I want him so bad it hurts.”

started rubbing Beth’s back in a circular motion. “I understand; I loved my ex
a lot too, but he wuz no good, like Dante.”

shook her head. “You don’t know Dante like I do; he’s not like what you think he

reckon you’re wrong—” Knocking came from the front door, interrupting Josie’s
words. She got up and headed out of Beth’s room. A few seconds later, a man’s
deep baritone was asking for Beth.

pushed off the bed and reluctantly headed into the passage, stopping dead when
she saw Saul. Craven’s right-hand man was standing in the entrance, his
impressive physique towering over Josie.

smiled at her, ignoring Josie, who was ogling him like he was a Chippendale.
“Hello, Beth, it’s nice to see you again,” he said, doing a great Barry White
impersonation, his voice so deep and sexy it could melt a woman’s knickers off.
But instead of turning Beth on, it had the opposite effect, scaring the living
daylights out of her.

opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out, because she knew why he was
here: to use her to blackmail Ash and Dante into taking their jobs back,
because the last time the brothers had tried to quit, one of Craven’s men had
kidnapped Ash’s son. She took a step back, assessing whether she could make it
out the backdoor fast enough, but hesitated, worried about leaving Josie

frowned. “I hope I’m not upsetting you by being here.”

piped up. “Oh, it’s got nuthin’ to do with you, she’s just upset over a nasty
break up.”

headed over to Beth, making her back up. “Really, Beth, there’s no need to be
scared, I’m only here to ask for help. Do you know of a woman called Kara

stopped by the kitchen doorway, taken aback by his question. “Dante’s ex is called

she have a rosary tattoo on her right arm and hand?”

nodded. “She’s at Dante’s house.”

exhaled loudly. “God, I hope she’s not blackmailing him too.”

eyebrows shot up. “What?! What do ya mean?”

He studied
the floor, taking a few seconds to answer her. “She’s blackmailing me over a
sex tape that was filmed without my knowledge.”

eyes widened. “Seriously?”

yes, and if she’s with Dante then she’s probably doing the same to him.”

God!” Beth gasped. “Didja tell the police this?”

sighed. “Yes, but they did nothing, because I can’t prove it, then the next day
some thugs showed up and threatened me for going to the cops,” he said, lifting
up his shirt, revealing a large bandage wrapped around his torso. “They cracked
one of my ribs in retaliation.”

scooted around in front of him. “Oh, you poor baby.”

took Josie by the shoulders and steered her towards the front door. “Go to
work, I needa talk to Saul alone.”

pulled free from Beth’s grip. “No, I’ve still got time.”

you don’t,” Beth said, “if you’re late for work again you’ll get fired. You’ve
already had two warnings.”

pulled a face. “But he’s hurt and I wanna help.”

came for me, not you, so go before you lose your job.”

okay.” Josie turned back to Saul, giving him a sympathetic smile. “If you need
a safe place to stay you can take my room,” she said, pointing to it. “And help
yourself to food; I’ll be back by six.” She walked up to him and gave him a
kiss on the jaw, her heels not high enough to reach his cheek, then grabbed her
bag and keys off the set of drawers by the door and left.

stared after her, looking dumbfounded. “Is she always so forward?” he said.

Beth replied, more concerned over what he’d said earlier than her cousin’s
skanky ways. “You needa warn Dante ’bout Kara.”

turned back to her. “I’m more than happy to, but I doubt he’ll believe me,
unless you’re willing to back me up.”

most certainly am. Just lemme get my keys, then we can head to his place,” she
said, turning to her room. She grabbed her purse, stuffing it into her jeans’
pocket, then snatched up her keys and went for the front door, her pulse racing
again, but this time with hope, rather than fear, because with Saul at her
side, she could get Dante back and Kara out of their lives forever.

stopped in her tracks as she stepped outside, the sight of Nike Daniels
standing next to a Maserati taking her by surprise. He was staring right at
her, the slight scar running down his left cheek, coupled with his dark suit
and chauffeur’s hat, making him look dangerous, and reminding her of the
gangsters from the
movies, even more so since he could pass
off as Italian. She shook the silly thought out of her head, knowing he was a
mix of Māori and Scottish, and just a boy of eighteen, although he
appeared older, his eyes so soulful.

we take the same car?” Saul said, indicating towards Nike. “I’ve got a
chauffeur for the day.”

it’s alright, I’ll go in mine,” Beth said, not feeling comfortable getting a
lift with Saul, no matter the situation.

be silly, it’s a waste taking two cars, and I’ve got to come past your place on
my way back home.” Saul smiled, causing dimples to appear in his cheeks. “How
many people can say they’ve had a chauffeur drive them around in a Maserati?”

looked back at Nike, thinking she was being ridiculous for turning down the
lift. The guy was a friend of Ash’s, and someone who’d gotten his job with
Craven through Dante—although she didn’t like the feud he’d had with her
brothers’ gang, but that appeared to be over, and again, he was a friend of
Ash’s, so there was no need to worry, no matter how much her stupid gut was telling
her not to get into the car. But it would be rude if she didn’t, plus Saul was
willing to help her get rid of Kara. Yeah, she was being silly, because this
wasn’t about Craven, it was about that nasty bitch, the cause of all Beth’s and
Saul’s problems.

went to say okay, but the word froze in her mouth as Nike mouthed “Run.” She
glanced up at Saul’s smiling face, knowing he hadn’t seen what Nike had done.

Saul said. “What do you say? Shall we go together?”

Beth’s heart-beat kicked up a hundred notches. “Ah ... n-no, I should go alone,
cos I’ll pro-pro’bly stay longer at Dante’s,” she stuttered, glancing at the
empty road and wishing that the neighbourhood kids were playing on the tarmac
like they usually were. She wondered whether anyone else was home, and whether
they would hear her scream.

no problem,” Saul replied, his answer taking Beth by surprise. The man looked
over at Nike. “Open the door and start the engine, Nike.”

opened up, then jumped in the driver’s seat as Saul turned away from Beth. She
exhaled with relief, wondering whether she’d imagined what Nike had mouthed,
then jolted in shock as Saul spun around. He clamped a hand over her mouth and
bundled her into the back of the Maserati before she could even consider
screaming. He climbed in after her and slammed the door shut, snapping at Nike,

backed out of the driveway as Beth went for the other door, scrambling for the
handle, which wouldn’t open. She turned back to Saul, screaming as he lunged at
her. He grabbed her by the neck and jerked her towards him. “Shut up or I’ll
snap your fucking neck.”

her mouth shut, Beth’s gaze shot to Nike, hoping he would help her, but his
eyes were glued to the road as he headed in the opposite direction to Dante’s

leaned in close to Beth’s ear, whispering, “I normally like screamers,
especially in the bedroom...”

moved her head away, a sob escaping her mouth.

I didn’t take you for my pleasure,” he continued. “Instead, my boss thinks you
might be of some use to him.”

I’m not with Ash or Dante anymore,” she said, horrified that her initial fears
were founded. “So you can’t use me against them.”

boss begs to differ.” He let go of her neck and picked up a bag from under the
front seat, removing a laptop from it. He turned the computer on and opened up
the media player. “Notice anyone in particular?” he asked, pressing play. An
image of a sleeping Kara appeared, then the camera panned out, taking in the

Dante’s room,” Beth gasped, her shocked gaze flicking up to Saul.

tapped the computer. “Look at the screen, not me.”

refocused on the video as Dante’s bedroom door opened, then an image of Beth...
She gaped as she watched herself yell at Kara, then attack the woman, the
catfight from earlier playing out until Dante stopped it. Saul clicked out of
the video, then brought up another one. Beth’s eyes grew to the size of saucers
as Dante appeared on-screen, his naked body blanketing hers, something that had
happened six days ago. Dante continued fucking her as she screamed, looking
like she was in pain, but she knew differently, those moments the best sex
she’d ever had. Then Dante shot off her in a distressed state, while she
remained on her stomach, still enjoying her orgasm and totally unaware of his

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