Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives) (14 page)

BOOK: Behind the Lens (Behind the Lives)
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I’m not! You’re the rude one, barging in here and throwing a tantrum like some
kid who’s had their dummy taken away. And Beth
a dummy, cos she
should’ve known better than to get involved with a cheat.”

a cheat!”
he hated that word almost as much as
whore and slut. Plus, half the time the people who insulted him were
self-righteous pricks and bitches who, given the chance, would jump his dick in
a second, and he’d gamble everything he owned that Josie was included in that
lot, the skank having come onto him in the past.

scowled at him. “You
a cheat; Beth caught you red-handed.”

she didn’t, she got the wrong end of the stick.”

it, cos I can pretty much guess what end of the stick that other woman got.”
She glanced down at his crotch, making it obvious what she was referring to.

glared at her, wishing he could teach the little bitch a lesson. An idea formed
in his head, changing his glare into a grin.

are you smiling at?” she asked.


crossed her arms over her chest. “Why?”

wuz thinking you might be right.”

brows pulled together. “’Bout what?”

he said, brushing his fingers up her arm.

flinched, but didn’t move away. Smiling, he turned and sauntered into the
lounge, sitting down on the cane couch. He draped his arms across the back,
amused as Josie followed him into the room, her cheeks so red he could fry
sperm off them.

do ya mean by
?” she asked, looking like she wasn’t sure he’d
come onto her. “And I told ja to leave.”

his mouth zipped, he lowered a hand to his pants, hoping that Josie was
thinking about unzipping something else. Her flush spread down her neck, which
reminded him of Corey. She smoothed a hand over her top as he continued to eye
her up. He thought she must be cold, because goose-bumps ran up her arms and
legs, but maybe he was causing them. Yeah, he definitely was, because the bitch
wasn’t cold, she was in heat.

focused on her tits, giving her the impression he was ogling them, plus they
were nice tits, the type he would have fun sandwiching his cock between. He
smiled, realising he
eyeing them up and making him kind of curious
as to whether they were real, which he would need to see in the flesh to find
out—and he would, because the bitch was drooling for his cock, the way she was
staring at it an invitation to shove it inside her mouth.

that Beth’s moved on,” he said, unzipping his pants, “I can fuck whoever I

eyes widened, Dante remembering at the last second that he’d gone commando.
Josie rushed out of the lounge, making him wonder whether she was actually
doing the right thing, but instead he heard what sounded like a lock clicking,
then the bitch was back in front of him panting for his bone. Jesus, and to
think only a few moments ago she was yelling at him to leave. She was bloody
more bipolar than he was.

jumped onto his lap and started kissing him. Disgusted, he moved his head to
the side, feeling like a dog had licked his face, which, if he had actually
considered fucking her—and he hadn’t, her kissing skills—or lack of them,
would’ve deboned his boner.

he said, trying to avoid her mouth.

pulled back, her expression surprised. “But I thought you wanted...” A smile
cut her words off. “Oh, do you wanna do it in my bedroom?”

I want you to gimme a show.”


for me.”

giggled, looking embarrassed. “I can’t do that.”

sure you can for me.” He brushed her breasts. “Plus, I wanna see these babies

giggled again, a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment doing its own dance
across her face. She pushed off him, looking like she was actually going to do
what he asked, then hesitated, embarrassment now doing a solo.

indicated with a hand. “Take your top off.”

she took a hold of the material, lifting it slowly, then started to sway her
hips from side to side as she removed the shirt, getting it stuck momentarily
around her head. She yanked it off clumsily, then threw it at Dante with a
giggle, getting him in the face. He swiped it away, his eyes going back to her
lace-covered tits, still wondering whether they were real. She turned her back
on him and slowly pulled down her skirt, showing him a matching pair of
underwear and a peachy arse. She stepped out of the skirt, then dropped her
knickers and unhooked her bra strap, turning around with her arms over her
breasts. She lowered her chest to Dante’s eye level, then let go, the twin
globes bouncing so fucking close to his mouth he forgot what he was doing.
Before he knew what was happening, she jumped onto his lap, jamming her pussy
hard against his cock. Jolting in surprise, he shoved her off him. She fell
backwards, her arse hitting the floor with a loud thud.

at what he’d done, he went to help her up. “You alright?”

She smacked his hands away, and got to her feet. “What the hell didja do that

didn’t mean to, it wuz an accident.”

crap!” she said, rubbing her arse. “You pushed me on purpose.”

cos you tried to shove my cock up your twat.”

did not, and if I did, so what?”

wuzn’t wearing a condom, and even if I wuz, I still wouldn’t fuck ya,” he said,
zipping up his pants.

stopped rubbing her arse. “What?”

wuz never gonna fuck ya.”


I’m not interested in doin’ two-faced bitches.”

eyes widened. “What?!”

why, what, why,
is that all you can say?”

I don’t understand,” she said, looking confused. “You came onto me.”

to see if you’d go behind Beth’s back.”

she’s not even with you anymore!”

still be upset if she found out.”

she wouldn’t, she’s moved on, and I wouldn’t be stupid enough to tell her.”

hasn’t moved on, you lying, cheating bitch!”

not the lying cheat, you are!”

You’re the one who tried to fuck me behind her back. And only minutes ago you
were insulting the shit outta me, yet you think I’ll let ya ride my cock.
You’re fuckin’ delusional.”

not delusional! And I wuz standing up for Beth before.”

make me laugh, cos if you really cared ’bout her you wouldn’t be tryna jump my
bones, you hypocritical bitch.”

eyes lit up. “You’re horrible!”

you’re a skank who cares more ’bout her pussy than her own family.” His head
whipped to the side, the slap making him laugh, amused that he’d finally made
her madder than he was.

outta my house!” she screamed.

rhymes with you’re a ho.” He turned and headed for Beth’s room.

ran after him, screaming, “Get out, get out, get out!”

sat down on Beth’s bed and kicked off his boots.

picked them up and dumped them on his lap. “Put them back on and leave.”

he said, shoving them onto the floor.

call the cops if you don’t.”

lay down, placing his hands behind his head, amused that she was still naked.
“I’d say blow me, but I know you’d take it literally, so go frig yourself.”

asked for it!” She stormed out of the room, returning seconds later with a
phone. She angled it so he could see her press the emergency number.

shot out of bed and grabbed it off her, then threw it at the wall, taking great
satisfaction as it smashed apart.

She picked up the broken pieces. “You’re paying for that.”

if you tongue fuck your own arse,” he said, putting his hands behind his head
again. “You’re already naked, so go on, do it, I’m sure you’ve had enough
experience, considering everything that comes outta your mouth is shit.”

latched onto his bicep. “You’re leaving. Now!”

yanked himself free and waggled his tongue at her. “Still waiting for the

head started vibrating, reminding Dante of the cartoon characters who had steam
coming out of their ears. She grabbed his arm again. “If ya don’t leave, I’ll
get my big neighbour to toss you out on your arrogant arse.”

get him, and by the way, this is the last time you touch me, so make the most
of it, ho.”

let go. “I’m not a ho! You are!”

sorry, you can’t be one, considering no one would pay to get slobbered.” He
wiped his face for effect. “Jesus, where didja learn to kiss, at doggy school?
And I’m glad I didn’t let you near my bone, cos you woulda chewed the damn
thing off.”

screamed undecipherable words, then took off.

yelled out, “Thanks for the mammaries! And sorry for saying that you couldn’t
be a ho. I wuz just teasing, cos your pimp is a real top bloke.”

gonna get my neighbour to kick you out!” she yelled from what sounded like the

and tell him I want my money back. I asked for a big tranny, not a big fanny!”

crashed, then footsteps ran out of the house, the sound returning a few minutes
later. Fully dressed, Josie entered the room with a huge bloke who had fists
the size of Dante’s head. Dante shot up, eyeing the guy wearily.

tells me you’re causing her trouble,” the guy said, his voice as gravelly as
his face.

I’m not; I’m just waiting for my girlfriend.”

Cutie, doesn’t want you here, so leave.”

is a bitch who needs to keep her mouth shut and stay outta other people’s

guy’s ugly-arse face pulled into a tight grimace. He took a step towards Dante.
“I’m gonna enjoy wiping that tattoo off your girly face, poser.”

sneered at him. “Girly? That’s a new one. Do ya think I look like I’d suck your
li’l dick?”

guy’s expression darkened for a second, then he started sniggering. “I thought
you looked familiar. You’re that Rata slut on Cutie’s computer.”

your mouth! Or I’ll fuck up your face worse than the bus did.”

guy’s eyes flashed, then he drew back a monster of a fist.

it could get near his face, Dante kicked him in the nuts. The big bastard
dropped to the floor with a squeak and a loud thud. Dante grabbed one of his
boots and pushed its toe into the guy’s mouth, saying, “Blow my dirt,

him alone!” Josie shouted, shoving Dante back into the bed.

pushed to his feet, giving her a glare. Looking scared, Josie backed up, then
ran for the front door, screaming like some dumb-arse chick from a slasher

his head, Dante picked up his boots and sat down on the bed to pull them on.
“Unlike that bitch, I’m not a slut,” he said to the moaning guy on the floor.
“That photo wuz taken while I wuz asleep, which means I’m the one being wronged
here, not that two-faced perv. And by the way, your
only got you
after I turned her down.”

guy said something, but Dante couldn’t understand. He wondered whether he’d
damaged anything, then shrugged, not really caring, since it was the dickhead’s
fault for falling for the li’l tart’s damsel in distress routine.

finished doing up his boots, then stepped over the guy, now pissed off that he
couldn’t wait for Beth. He left the house and jumped into his car, noticing
Josie banging on a door across the road. She glanced back as he started the
engine. He gave her the finger, then put the pedal to the metal and took off,
the pub his next destination.







Saul held the door open for
Beth to get out of the car, like she was royalty or a star, ready to walk
across a red carpet where adoring fans would wave and ask for her autograph,
but instead, the only red she would be seeing was her own blood, because she
had a gut-twisting feeling she was walking to her death.

pushed out of the car, unsure of what Saul would do next, the man switching
between sultry and rough, something that would normally turn her on, but not in
this situation and not with him.

smiled at her, causing her to shrink away, his gaze stripping her bare. He
moved closer, placing his hands on either side of her, leaning them against the
car. “Don’t move,” he said, “I want to fix your hair.”

sucked in a breath as his hand ran down her hair and lingered on her breast.
She wanted to smack his hand away, but knew it would only make things worse, so
instead, she focused on his chest. He was wearing a black button-down shirt
with a few buttons left open, revealing a muscular torso. She closed her eyes,
not feeling comfortable with looking at any part of him. He stopped smoothing
her hair down, then hooked a finger under her chin and lifted it up. She kept
her eyes closed as he ran a thumb under her eyes. “Your makeup is running,” he

because you made me cry.

can open your eyes now,” he added.

if you disappear.

can’t do that,” he laughed, making her realise she’d spoken out loud. “So, open
your eyes, Beth.”

opened them, instantly regretting it, because Saul was staring down at her like
he wanted to devour every inch of her body, the way he was biting his lip
adding to the impression. She didn’t like men who looked at her like that,
well, with the exception of Dante, and in the past Ash, but
because she didn’t want him. Oh, he was incredibly hot, but SHE STILL DIDN’T
WANT HIM, or anything to do with the creep. He smiled at her like he was
reading her mind and disagreeing.

a voice came from their right, thankfully pulling his attention away from her.

was openly glaring at Saul. “I thought Craven said that you weren’t allowed to
touch her,” he said.

narrowed his eyes. “He never said that and be careful with the way you look at
me, boy.”

Nike said, sounding anything but.

shook his head. “You have balls, I give ya that, but if you mention anything to
the Ratas about this, you know what will happen.”

have no intention of speaking to them.”

means you won’t end up like the last chauffeur.” Saul frowned, looking unhappy
with his words. “And I understand your distaste with certain parts of the job;
just don’t show it around the bosses if you want to keep those balls of steel.
And by the way, Craven hopes you’ll accept his new job offer.”

am,” Nike said. His hard gaze moved to Beth, again reminding her of the hitmen
from the mobster movies. She wondered whether that was his new job, because
right now he looked like a killer.

gave her a disdainful look, then turned away, telling her that she was of
little importance to him, his loyalty to Ash forgotten. Saul placed a hand on
Beth’s back, directing her towards a large warehouse, which looked like a
carbon copy of the other buildings lining the street.

Polynesian man with a cleft palate opened the door to the warehouse as they
drew closer. Beth stepped inside, then stopped in absolute horror, making Saul
bump into her. Barely twenty feet away from where they stood, a naked teenage
boy was bent over a desk, being sodomised by a big man in a suit—while people
filmed them.

is a legitimate business,” Saul whispered in her ear. “The male on male scene
is for an internet website, since gay sex does better via that avenue, while
the other scene—” he pointed to a woman and man sitting on a bed on the far
side of the warehouse, looking like they were waiting their turn, “—is for DVD.
Helena will be acting as a virgin who gets her virginity stolen by a burglar.
Corny, I know, but it sells.”

loud shout of “That’s a wrap!” pulled Beth’s attention back to the gay sex
scene. The naked teenager was wiping his face with a towel while a woman placed
a robe over his shoulders. The big man in the suit zipped up his pants and took
a bottle from another woman.

want you to meet one of those men,” Saul said.

took a hold of Beth’s shoulders and forcibly directed her over to the set. The
males both turned to look at her, the smaller one smiling at Beth. Up close, he
didn’t look as young as she’d originally thought, his face suggesting he was
perhaps in his mid-twenties, although his small body spoke contrary. “Heya,” he
said, his voice sounding deeper than she’d expected. He was cute with reddish
hair, his features just shy of being pretty.

not for you, Jimmy,” Saul said.

pulled a face, then started speaking, his accent sounding Irish. “But I want to
do some sweeties for a change. I’m sick of being bucked. I didn’t get into porn
to be an arse bandit; I got into it for dat.” He pointed at Beth. “I’d much
rather get her bucket than that caffler get mine,” he added, throwing a glare
at the suited man.

grinned. “I have no idea what you just said, Jimmy, but if you want to fuck
women for money, you have to find a four leaf clover, because you’re sheer out
of luck. People would rather see you getting fucked than doing the fucking.
Blame it on your pretty DNA, not us.”

grumbled, “This is shite,” before storming off.

laughed. “Looks like he didn’t like what you did, Ant,” he said to the guy in
the suit.

never please the hetros,” Ant replied, giving Beth a disdainful look. His harsh
features and muscular frame reminded her of Sledge, although he was bulkier and
older, late twenties at a guess. “Why have you brought me another female,
Saul?” he said, his voice scolding. “I told you we need more cock, not pussy.”

not just any pussy, she’s Dante Rata’s woman,” Saul replied. “And before that
she was Ash’s other half.”

sour expression turned into an instant smile. “I thought you looked familiar.
You’re the one who caused Dante to flip out.”

eyes widened, horrified that more people had seen the video. “I had no
knowledge of being filmed.”

course you didn’t, otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten the footage.”

responsible for it?”

certainly am.”

illegal to film people without their permission.”

smirked. “Are you going to tell on me, dear Bethany Alexandra Connor?”

face went slack. “How’d ja know my name?”

your face isn’t memorable, I make it my business to know everyone’s name, no
matter how small a part they have in my films.”

not in any film.”

thought that’s what we were talking about. Didn’t Saul show you your screaming

not a film!” she snapped. “You won’t get away with this.”

I have for quite a number of years now, and if you choose to live with drug
dealers, you can’t really do much about it, now can you?”

don’t live with the Ratas anymore.”

still linked to them, and if you want them unharmed, you’ll keep your mouth
shut. By the way, has Ash ever mentioned an Ant or Anthony Torres?”

shook her head.

frowned. “You sure he didn’t tell you about me?”

I’m sure.”

eyes flashed with anger. “So, he ruins my life and I don’t even get a mention.
Well, what goes round will come around for him and his brother. But, dear
Bethany, I hold no grudges against you.” He offered his hand.

kept hers glued to her side.

raised an eyebrow. “Not going to shake my hand?”

saw where you put it before.”

sniffed his fingers. “Yes, it does smell of Jimmy.” He wiped his hand on his
pants, then held it out again. “All clean now,” he said, smiling.

took a step back into Saul, who gripped onto her shoulders. “I wouldn’t shake
your hand either, Ant,” his deep voice rumbled, causing chills to run down her
spine. She went to pull free, anything to escape his touch, but he dug his
fingers in, securing her in place.

you hurt me so, Saul,” Ant said, although his grin stayed fixed on Beth. “By
the way, I’d love to fuck the Rata brothers over in more ways than one, but even
better, it would make me come seeing those two at it together. Now, which one
would fuck the other? Personally, I’d get Dante to do Ash, because we all know
Ash likes cock, especially his step-daddy’s.”

wuz raped!” Beth yelled, ripping free from Saul.

grabbed her again before she could attack Ant. Enraged, she yelled and
screamed, trying to break free, but he pulled her hard against his body, his
arms too strong and unrelenting.

go!” she screamed, slamming the back of her head into his chin.

grunted, but instead of letting go, his grip tightened, making her feel like
her ribs were being crushed. She cried out, the pain incapacitating her, then
before she could register what was happening, an arm wrapped around her neck.
Panic kicked her mind back into gear, Saul’s threat of snapping her neck making
her scream and claw at his arm. A hand clamped over her mouth, then he bit her
ear, the shock of what he was doing freezing her in place. The grip around her
neck loosened a fraction, then Saul let go of her ear, giving it a kiss. “Don’t
ever hit me again,” he said, his mouth caressing her skin, “because, baby, I’ll
hurt you worse.” He pushed his lower half into her back, his erection making
her gasp.

two look great together,” Ant said. “I’d love to film Saul fucking you.”

no, no,” Beth babbled, fear distorting her words, making them come out in sobs.
“He can’t, please, don’t do this to me.”

wouldn’t be doing it, Saul would,” Ant said, turning his attention to Saul.
“You want to fuck her for the camera?”

Saul said, his answer sending waves of relief through Beth.

refocused on Beth. “Pity. Still, at least I get to film your man’s delicious body.
I’m so looking forward to working with him up close and personal.”

never work for you,” Beth sobbed.

yes he will.” Ant waved over a man with a buzz cut and camo pants. “Take her to
the lock-up room, then get some coffee for the team.” His head snapped around
as a woman called out his name. Several feet away, one of the female assistants
was holding a phone, telling Ant that his father was on the line. Ant headed
over to the woman.

man in the camo pants took Beth from Saul. She screamed at him, letting loose
with a kick to his shin. Hollering in pain, he let go of her and grabbed his

pulled Beth back into his arms, clamping onto her tight again. He growled into
her ear. “You better calm down or I’ll tell Ant about your pretty little

went still.

loosened his grip slightly. “Just remember what he did to Jimmy.”

bit her lip to stifle a sob; the horrific image flashing across her mind.

go with the nice man, because, unlike me, he has no interest in you other than
doing his job.”

are you so interested in me?” Beth said, without thought.

thought that was pretty obvious.” He ground his groin against her, making her
gasp, then pushed her at the assistant, who grabbed Beth again, this time
restraining her from behind.

sound of a door banging diverted her attention away from Saul. A Japanese man,
who had just entered, was now walking across the warehouse, heading for Ant.

handed the phone back to the female assistant. “Hello, Jade,” he said, smiling
wide, “as always, it’s a pleasure to see you.”

smile spread across Jade’s face, a thousand times nicer than Ant’s. Beth
wondered whether he was a porn actor, because he was stunning, although he
looked more like a movie star, his expensive suit and graceful way of walking
giving him an air of authority.

let out a surprised yelp as the assistant tugged on her a bit too hard, telling
her to come with him.

stopped in front of Ant, his attention shifting to Beth. His smile dropped.
“Isn’t that Dante’s Beth?” he asked, his voice sounding American.

Ant replied.

is she doing here?”

a porn actress giving us trouble,” Ant said, looking amused.

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