Read Beneath This Man Online

Authors: Jodi Ellen Malpas

Beneath This Man (67 page)

BOOK: Beneath This Man
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‘Right answer.’ He lifts my hips and rams upwards, yanking me down on a guttural bark. I scream and grab the back of the chair. ‘Like that?’ he asks as he withdraws and rams straight into me again.

‘Oh, God, Yes!’ My head rolls, my eyes close.

‘Eyes!’ he barks on another crash of our hips. ‘Feel it, Ava. Do you feel it?’  

I drag my eyes open, my vision blurred. The pure, carnal, possessive expression on his handsome face makes me feel like the most desired creature alive. ‘I feel it.’

He groans and smashes upward over and over, lifting and yanking me back down to meet every punishing advance of his hips. A sheen of sweat invades his brow, his jaw muscles are locked and the vein in his neck is bulging. I grip tighter on the back of the chair, turning my knuckles white. I want to kiss him, but for one, he hasn’t said I can, and secondly, our mouths will never stay joined. My core is twitching, the over used, overworked bud of nerves screaming for a break from such intensity, but I need one more – just one more.

‘I’m close.’ My desperate words are disconnected and hardly decipherable. ‘Jesse, I’m close!’ 

‘Wait!’ he grates and smashes upward again. The grip he has on my hips is nearly painful. ‘You’ll wait.’

‘I can’t.’ I cry, and he stops instantly, the lack of friction and rhythm chasing my orgasm away.

‘You’ll wait.’ he pants. He’s twitching like mad within me. How does he do that? His breathing is heavy and laboured. ‘Control it, Ava.’

‘I can’t control anything with you.’ I rest my head on his shoulder as the fire in my groin cools slightly.

‘I know,’ He turns his face into my hair and kisses me. ‘I own you, so I’ll control it.’ He circles his hips gently, stirring my abandoned orgasm. I can’t argue with that claim. He totally owns me and I’m under no illusion that he’s talking only of my impending climax.

‘I love you.’ I murmur against his damp shoulder.

He sighs. ‘I love you too, baby. Shall we come together?’


‘Put those lips on me.’

I slide my lips across his neck, to his jaw, straight onto his mouth and he starts a lazy, languid rocking of my hips, back and forth as I drown in his mouths attention of mine.

Gentle Jesse; it’s like I’m in a relationship with a dozen different men.

‘Hmmm. You’re delicious.’ he says. I hum into his mouth and feel him smile. ‘I can feel you tightening around me. It feels so good.’ He guides my hips, grinding us together.

‘You feel good.’ I clench my thighs and move my hands to his hair to pull him closer.

‘Come for me.’ He delivers a few measured rotations, followed by a flick of his hips, and I roll gently over the edge on a long, satisfying groan into his mouth, my third release of the session not as body splitting, but no less earth moving or fulfilling. ‘Oh, Jesus.’ he garbles, his body going rigid. I can’t feel the sensations of his hot cum flooding me, but all the other signs of his climax are there. He holds me still in his arms. ‘You.are.amazing.’

I grab onto his jerking cock greedily and draw him into me. It’s pleasure embodied. He is pleasure embodied. ‘That was so good.’ I say, lavishing his lips. He lets me have my way, holding me as close as he can get me and circling teasing, feathery strokes on my hipbones. ‘It wasn’t so bad, was it?’ I ask.

‘No, it wasn’t, but it’s still something between us.’

‘You want to trample the condom.’ I grin against his lips.

‘I do.’ He pulls back and smiles. ‘You need to get ready or we’ll be late.’

I resume smothering his face. ‘Where are we going?’ I could quite happily stay right where I am. ‘I’m comfy.’

‘For dinner. I made a reservation.’ He laughs lightly and cups my cheeks in his hands, pulling my face away. ‘Shower.’

‘Let me love you.’ I dip down and work my way to his ear, biting down gently.

‘Ava.’ he warns, pulling me from my nuzzling. His eyes flicker with mischief as he reaches forward and traces the edges of his mark on my boob. ‘You’ll always have this.’ He looks up at me. ‘Always.’

I reach forward and draw my own little circle around my mark on his pec. ‘You should have your name tattooed on my forehead,’ I grin. ‘And then there will be no mistaking who I belong to.’

He raises his eyebrows and pouts slightly. He’s probably considering it. ‘Not a bad idea.’ he says dead pan. ‘I like it.’ He stands with me in his arms, and I resume my customary baby chimp style hold of him.

He takes us back upstairs, maintaining our connection until he reaches the bed, slips out of me and lowers me gently to the sheets. He shakes his head on a disgusted snort and pulls the condom off, knotting it and chucking it into the bin.

‘On your front so I can put some more cream on you.’ He encourages me to turn over, smoothing his palms over both of my bum cheeks. I most certainly do not want to go out now. I want to lay here all night with Jesse astride my back rubbing his delectable hands all over me.

‘I need a shower first.’

‘I’ll do it again after.’

I smile. ‘You need cream.’

‘I’m fine. It’s all about you.’ He settles himself on my bum and squirts some cream on my back.

I jump as the coolness stabs my back. ‘Where was the warning?’ I grumble.

‘Sorry, this might be cold.’ He laughs.

I crane my neck around and he dazzles me with his smile, which I know is reserved only for me. I return my head to rest on my forearms. ‘You’re so handsome.’ I mumble dreamily, as he starts working the cream over every inch of my back. ‘I think I’ll keep you forever.’

‘Okay.’ he agrees, laughing again.

‘Where are you hiding my pills?’ I throw the question into the mix casually, and the sudden stilling of his hands tells me I’m so right. He’s hiding them, I know he is.

‘What are you talking about?’

‘I’m talking about the fact that my contraceptive pills have recently been growing legs and running away and it’s only been happening since I met you.’

‘Why would I do that?’ he asks, his hands moving in slow, cautious circles over my back.

Why would he do that? I don’t know. Why does Jesse do many of the things he does? He’s a fucking mystery, with his challenging ways and unreasonable demands. ‘I’m not going anywhere, if that’s what you’re worried about.’

‘No, you’re not.’ He laughs.

‘It’s fine. I’ll go to the doctor’s to replace them.’ I say casually, and I’ll be hiding them. I have no idea what I’m going to do if I am pregnant. Die on the spot, I think. His hands become firmer on my back, only reinforcing my suspicions. ‘You’ll just have to wear a condom until I can re-start my course.’ I add.

‘I don’t like wearing condoms with you.’ he strains the words out.

‘We won’t be having any sex then.’ I conclude smugly. He is so hiding my pills.

‘Watch your mouth!’

I laugh to myself. I don’t know why. I should be raging, panicking, worrying. I can’t even begin to imagine how he would be with me if I was carrying his child. Holy shit, it would be unbearable. He would wrap me in cotton wool, lock me in a padded cell and guard it for nine months. Jesus Christ. I really hope I’m not pregnant. My life would be over. And how would he be with his children if he’s like this with me? Waiting for this period is going to be the longest time of my life.

‘You okay?’ he asks.

‘Fine.’ I answer quickly. ‘How long has Cathy worked for you?’ I ask, diverting the conversation from what is a completely pointless one. He’ll never admit it, anyway.

‘Nearly ten years.’

‘She’s fond of you.’

‘She is.’ he says quietly, and I know he feels the same way about Cathy. By his own admission he couldn’t live without her.

‘Does she know about The Manor? Ouch!’

‘Baby, I’m sorry!’ Oh, the fear in his voice. His lips fall straight on my back to kiss me better. ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry.’

‘It’s fine. I’m fine. Unravel your boxer shorts.’ I feel him lift slightly and then the short, sharp connection on his hand across my arse. ‘Hey!’

‘Don’t be clever.’ he admonishes me and glides his palm over my cheek.

‘Well?’ I push.

‘Well what?’

‘Cathy. Does she know about The Manor?’ I feel some cream land on my bum cheek and then his hand working it into the sting.

‘Yes, she knows. It’s not some secret society, Ava. There are no cloak and daggers. You’re done. Up you get.’

‘You kept it a secret from me.’ I mutter indignantly, sitting myself on the edge of the bed.

‘That’s because I was falling hard and fast in love with you and it scared me to death to think you would run away from me if you found out.’ One brow arches accusingly, and I know what’s coming next. ‘And you did.’ he finishes.

‘It was a bit of a shock.’ I try to defend myself. The subsequent events after my discovery still make me shudder, and I want to point out that I came back to him after the whole Manor bombshell. It was the drinking that really made me run. ‘I knew you were experienced, but I didn’t anticipate it was because you owned a sex club that you utilised excessively.’ I don’t relish the reminder.

‘Hey!’ He closes in on me and lowers me to the bed dropping a kiss on my lips. ‘Let’s not re-visit old news. It’s all about us, and now and tomorrow and the next day and then the rest of our lives.’

‘Okay. Kiss me.’ I grin.

‘I’m sorry. Who has the power?’  His lips are twitching as his eyes flick from mine to my lips.

‘You do.’

‘Good girl,’ He drowns me in his mouth, giving me exactly what I want, but all too soon he pulls away. I express my annoyance with an audible grumble, and he narrows his eyes on me. ‘I’m ignoring you. Wear your new cream dress.’ He gets up and leaves me to shower and prepare for dinner.


I walk into the kitchen feeling very special in my new cream dress, narrow gold belt and new cream heels. My hair is swishing across my back and my make-up is light. I skid to a halt on my heels as I get my first eyeful of Jesse. He’s on his phone, listening intently and he looks mouthwatering in his navy suit and pale pink shirt. My roving eyes work their way from his tan Grenson’s, up his long, lean legs, past his firm, perfectly toned chest and to his clean shaven, devastating face. He’s scowling.

I frown at him and his eyes soften as he perches on a stool and pats his thigh. I wander over and rest myself on his lap while I search through my bag to find my gloss. His face goes straight into my hair on an inhale and his arm snakes around my waist pulling me closer.

‘So, what can you tell me other than that?’ He’s speaking with little civility.

I turn and give him a questioning look as I sweep my gloss wand across my lips. He ignores my obvious curiousness and kisses me lightly on the cheek.

‘It’s fucking convenient that the other camera is broken.’ he says shortly. ‘Have you checked the footage from outside the bar?’

Oh no!

He seems to take a relaxing breath. I squeeze his thigh and he looks at me, then kisses my forehead. ‘Fine, let me know what you find.’ He chucks his phone on the worktop and it slides a good few feet. ‘It’s a fucking joke.’ he mutters.

‘You think it was Mikael in the footage, don’t you?’

‘Yes, I do.’

I don’t know why I feel shocked, I knew he thought it, but the confirmation makes me more on edge. ‘Do you think that Mikael drugged me?’ I spit the question out.

‘I don’t know, Ava.’ He sounds completely deflated.

‘It’s a bit farfetched, isn’t it?’

‘He hates me, Ava. He knows you’re my Achilles heel. He’s been waiting for this.’

I stand, turning to face him. ‘Should we go to the police?’ I ask. Jesse’s concern is really concerning me now.

‘No,’ He shakes his head. ‘I’m dealing with it.’

‘Okay,’ I say quietly. I’m not arguing with him on this.

He sighs. ‘I should be walking away from you. If I could bear it, I would.’

‘What?’ I recoil, feeling panicked that he would even suggest such a thing.

‘I’ve upset a lot of people, Ava.’

‘Shut up!’ I’m feeling angry, ‘Don’t say things like that.’

‘Ava, the drink, the women…’

‘I said, don’t!’ I shout. ‘I don’t need a reminder that there have been other women since I’ve met you.’ I’m really mad now.

‘I’m sorry. I wish I could change everything, except you. You’re the only right thing in my life and I’m even making that all wrong.’ His head drops.

Tear start to build in my eyes. I know he’s remorseful, I know he has regrets. Damn it, I know this. I grab his chin and bring his face up to mine. ‘Don’t.’ I grind the words out.

He sighs, running his eyes all over me. ‘I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.’

‘You reminded me.’

He smiles mildly, then narrows his eyes on me playfully. ‘I like your dress.’ His hand slides up the inside of my thigh and sweeps through the seam of my knickers.

‘I like my dress too.’ Damn, I’m panting again. My bag tumbles to the kitchen floor and I grab the front of his suit jacket.

He slips his finger out and brings it up to my mouth, wiping the wetness straight across my freshly glossed lips. ‘I’m a very lucky man.’ He pulls me onto his lap and tilts me back, pushing his lips against mine on a long, lingering, sensual kiss. When he’s taken what he wants, he pulls back and flashes me his smile, reserved only for me.

I return it, running my thumb across his full bottom lip. ‘That colour doesn’t suit you.’ I drag away the soft, nude sticky gloss/cum.

‘No?’ He pouts, and I laugh. He stands me up before grabbing the remote control for the sound system. ‘I want to dance with you.’

‘You do?’

‘I do.’

I smile when Foster the People
Pumped up Kicks
fires from the speakers, very loudly. Oh, he
wants to dance. I’m yanked into his chest, his palm rests on my lower back and his spare hand grasps mine.

I place my other hand on his shoulder and look up at him on a smile. ‘You make me so happy.’

His eyes twinkle, his luscious lips tipping at the corner. ‘I’m going to make you happy for the rest of my life, baby. Let’s dance.’ He starts stepping backwards out of the kitchen and as soon as we’re in the vast open space of the penthouse, I’m immediately twirled out and brought back in again before he starts guiding me around the room. I laugh, looking up into his shining pools of green pleasure as I’m weaved between the furniture, twirled around while he smiles down at me. I’m guided from one end of the penthouse to the other, out onto the terrace, around the decking before being taken back inside.

BOOK: Beneath This Man
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