Bennett (On the Line Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Bennett (On the Line Book 2)
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Tonight, I had the real thing, and I wasn’t going to waste a moment. I ran a hand up the back of her shirt and unfastened her bra, then cupped her full, round breasts with both hands.

“Mmm, Bennett,” she moaned.

“I love these tits, Char,” I said, squeezing them gently.

“They’re bigger,” she said, her tone breathy, “I guess because they’re swollen.”

“They’re perfect.” I pulled her shirt up over her head and tossed it to the floor.

Charlotte’s chest rose and fell with her heavy breathing. A lock of hair rested on one breast, its curled end tempting. I took it between a thumb and forefinger and stroked it, soon dropping it to spend more time on her breasts.

I bent and took one tight pink nipple into my mouth, slowly licking and sucking. Charlotte’s moan made my erection twitch eagerly.

“Sit,” she said, taking a step back. She pulled her pants down past her hips and they fell at her feet.

My gaze fell on the triangle of light brown curls visible through the white fabric of her low-cut panties. She blushed as I took her in. This moment would appear in so many of my fantasies when I was on the road.

“Sit,” she said again.

I wanted to pick her up, put her on the bed, and bury my face between her thighs for the next thirty minutes. But instead, I stripped off my T-shirt and did what she’d asked. Looking the way she did right now, Charlotte could have asked me to crawl under the bed or out the window and I would have done it.

She approached and dropped to her knees in front of me.

.” My head tipped back as she unfastened my jeans and lowered the zipper.

I eased my hips up off the bed and pulled my pants and boxer briefs down. Charlotte took over, lowering them to the floor and then easing each of my feet out.

She teased me, her tongue doing a delicate dance over my inner thighs and then my lower abs. I hissed in a breath and ran a hand into her hair, tugging on it near her scalp. She moaned against my skin and continued with the torture.

Finally, her tongue found its way to the tip of my cock. She swirled a slow pattern around the head and I groaned. My hand instinctively tightened in her hair but I forced myself not to push. Whatever pace she wanted to set was good with me.

“You taste good,” she said softly as she licked the bead of moisture from my tip.

My arm muscles tensed and I dug my other hand into the bedsheet, gripping a handful of mattress. She was driving me fucking crazy here.

When she took me all the way into her mouth, I let out a long, loud groan. The tip of my cock found the back of her throat and I closed my eyes, never wanting this to end. I was breathing hard, my whole body on fire for her.

She stopped the teasing all at once, her hand and mouth working up and down on my dick so damn well the urge to come hit after just a couple minutes. I tensed, telling myself not to, but it had been so long since I’d had a blow job, and it was Charlotte, my fantasy woman, bobbing up and down on my dick, her tits bouncing and her round, full ass sticking out just right.

I imagined I was behind her, not even taking the little white panties off. I’d just slide them aside, ease my cock into her wet pussy and fuck her until she was screaming my name.

Ah, fuck. That was it.

“I’m gonna come,” I said quickly, pulling lightly on her hair.

Instead of stopping, she tightened her hand around my shaft and cupped my balls with her other one. I groaned hard, my hips arching up as I came in her mouth.

My muscles went slack as she finished me, not missing a single drop.

“You almost killed me there,” I said, falling back onto the bed. “Damn, woman.”

She curled up on her side next to me. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now.”

“If I’d known, I would’ve made it happen sooner.”

She smiled and I kissed her, tasting myself on her lips. “You’re so damn sexy, baby. Spread those legs for me so I can have some fun now.”

“Actually . . . I have something else in mind. When you’re . . . up to it, I mean.”

“I see what you did there,” I said, grinning at her. “Give me like five minutes.”

I traced a path down her arm to her hip and then back up to her jawline.

“Have you ever been in love?” she asked softly.

I grazed my fingers across the swell of her stomach. Why couldn’t we just talk about this, the future—
future—instead of the past?

“There was someone in college,” I said. “From my hometown. We were at different schools.”

Charlotte’s eyes were bright, but this time, it was with curiosity rather than arousal.

“What happened?”

I shrugged. “It didn’t end well. It’s a painful subject.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry you asked. I’ll tell you about it at some point. What about you? Ever been in love?”

She sighed softly. “I don’t know. I’ve told a couple guys I loved them, but I’m not sure I meant it. There just comes a point where you feel like you’re supposed to say it, I guess.”

I slid a hand onto her hip and kissed her forehead. “Don’t ever say it to me unless you mean it.”

“How did you know you were in love when you were?”

“Because I cared for her so much it hurt sometimes.”

She cradled my cheek in her hand. “This is the happiest I’ve been in a while.”

“Me too.”

My body craved her closeness, so I kissed her. Soon she was exploring my skin the same way I was exploring hers. I got up on my elbow and eased her onto her back, my dick rock hard and ready for round two.

“Can you . . . lie back?” She pressed a palm to my chest.

Hell yeah, I could. I got on my back and she rose to her knees, straddling me. I breathed out, done in by the sight of her. How could I ever get enough of her soft curves and smooth skin?

She leaned over me and slowly sank down onto my dick, moaning the whole way.

“Ah fuck, Char,” I said, holding on to her hips. “You’re so wet.”

She was a goddess. I was awestruck at the way she looked riding me, hair tossed back and round tits bouncing. What I liked best was that this was for her. She had no regard for whether or not I was close to getting off. Instead, she was using my body strictly for her pleasure. I’d never seen anything sexier.

“Oh, Bennett.” She was panting and she gripped my forearms tightly, her nails embedding in my skin.

It was so fucking good. She cried out and I pulled down on her hips, making her moan loudly. This had been all her, but I couldn’t help making her come a little harder.

Buried deep inside her, I came again myself. Her name came out of my mouth as little more than a whisper as my body tensed and I released inside her.

She grinned, her cheeks a gorgeous shade of pink. As soon as she’d swung her knee over me, I pulled her down beside me and wrapped myself around her, my chest to her back.

“Oh,” she said suddenly, jumping slightly. “Give me your hand.”

She moved my hand over her belly.

“You feel that?” she asked.

I closed my eyes and concentrated. “I don’t feel anything. The baby’s kicking?”

“Yes.” There was a smile in her tone.

“I can’t wait until I can feel it.” I kissed her shoulder and sat up. “I’m gonna go make us some plates of dinner to eat in bed.”

“You’re amazing.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I took one more look at her, naked and relaxed in my bed, before heading into the kitchen.

I wanted to enjoy this moment. We got too little time alone together for me not to. But our earlier conversation crept into my consciousness.

“I cared for her so much it hurt sometimes.”

It was how I was feeling about Charlotte right now. My feelings for her were an out-of-control freight train, barreling down the tracks. I’d vowed not to let this happen again, but not only did I think it wasn’t possible to stop the train, I didn’t want to.


I woke up slowly the next morning, too warm and content to snap back into awareness. Bennett had held me against him all night, and now he was snoring lightly, his head laying on my hair.

Our dinner plates were on the floor. We’d spent our whole evening in his bedroom, which I was just now getting a look at.

It was small, with dark paneled walls and beige carpet. There were no decorations, just a queen-size bed and a dresser. Everything about this room said this was Bennett’s temporary player housing.

He could get called up to an NHL team anytime. I considered that for the first time, realizing how much I’d miss him.

Would he be here when our baby was born? I wanted him there. No one else, just him. He was quickly becoming the most important person in my life.

We could be whatever we wanted to each other. I wasn’t gunning for a marriage proposal by any means. I liked what we had.

He shifted in his sleep, made a grunting sound, and tightened his hold on me. I slowly eased my hair out from under his head. Much as I wanted to stay like this all morning, I had to pee too much to do it.

“Where you goin’?” Bennett asked in a deep, sleepy tone as I made my way out of bed.

“Bathroom. Want me to make breakfast?”

He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’ll help.”

I took my overnight bag into the bathroom and brushed my teeth after peeing. There were two toothbrushes in a holder on the counter, and I sighed as I realized one of them belonged to my brother. The little sister in me wanted to dip his in the toilet, but I didn’t know which one was his so I refrained.

I got dressed in jeans and a clean shirt, pulled my hair into a loose, messy bun and went into the kitchen. Bennett stood in front of the fridge, shirtless. A pair of sweats hung low on his hips and his hair was tousled from sleep. I couldn’t help wrapping my arms around him from behind.

“Omelets?” he asked. “Or pancakes?”

“Mmm, either.” I pressed my cheek to his hard, broad back, wishing we’d stayed in bed.

“Pancakes,” he said, turning around and wrapping his arms around me. “You sit and I’ll cook.”

“I can help.”

“Nah. This kitchen requires a special touch. You have to know just how to spill pancake batter on the stove and counters to piss Liam off.”

I laughed and sat down at the small kitchen table. “So you like aggravating him?”

“So much. He’s too damn easy.”

“I’ve been texting him trying to set up dinner, but you guys have so many games and he’s busy on the nights you’re home.”

“With Keri, I think.”

“The only night he was free last week was the night of my yoga class so I couldn’t make it.”

Bennett turned around, his brows arched with interest.


“Yeah, I started a prenatal yoga class.”

“Cool. I’m all about your flexibility.”

My gaze wandered to the stack of unopened mail on the table. The letter on top was addressed to Bennett and had a red lip print on one side. Kind of weird . . . I lifted the envelope up and saw the next one was for him, too. Also the one after, but this one had hearts dotting every “i” on the return address from a Christina Miller.

“You checking out my fan mail?” he asked, grinning.

“Is that what this is?”

He shook his head and looked sheepish. “It’s because of that Hottest Men on Ice thing. Keri wants me to respond to all of them.”

“There are at least twenty of them.”

“Yeah. I’ll keep it short and sweet. My Facebook page has more than a hundred new friend requests, too.”


“I’d post a pic of me and you if you’d let me.”

“Ha. What a way for Liam to find out.”

He gave me a serious look. “We need to make it happen. I want to be with you when I’m home. I also hate him thinking I’m some douche who ditched you.”

“He doesn’t even know it’s you.”

“I just don’t like it, okay? We should be spending Christmas together.”

“We should?”

“Yes. Don’t try to tell me you don’t agree. We need to be part of each other’s families.”

“Because of the baby,” I said, nodding.

“And because of us. If I care about you enough to mention you in an interview, I sure as hell care enough to bring you home to meet my family.”

I nodded, not trusting myself to talk past the lump in my throat. My heart couldn’t even take this man. The longer I waited to see if he’d screw up and pull a Riley on me, the more I saw how loyal and sweet he truly was.

He was right. Liam needed to know. Bennett deserved to know I thought enough of him to take on my brother’s wrath. I just had to find a way to direct it at myself instead of Bennett.

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