Bent, Not Broken (10 page)

Read Bent, Not Broken Online

Authors: Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

Tags: #Fiction, #MC, #Romance

BOOK: Bent, Not Broken
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“I know. You’ve told me before; you must think I ignore you.” She smiled at him.

“You’re right,” he chuckled. “Anyway, he needs me to take care of some business and I can’t ignore it. I’ve got to head over there in a little while.”

“Oh, um, okay, sure.”

“I want you to come with me.” He held his hands up stopping her from saying anything. “I’m not going to leave you there while I take care of business. I want you to come with me and meet Deanna. She’s kind of like you. She’s Demon’s old lady. They’re together and I think you’d like her. I’ve spoken to Dad. He’s happy for both of you to come back to his place for the night. I’ll be back tomorrow morning.”

He watched her mix flour, eggs, and sugar together.

“You’re going to be away until tomorrow?”

“Out of everything I said that’s the only thing you noticed.”

She stopped what she was doing and rounded the counter. He swiveled around in his chair and she stood between his thighs.

“I was hoping we could have some fun.” She placed her hands around his neck, moving even closer to him. Although she fought it, he could feel her hesitancy. Joker was so proud of her right now. She was his little fighter.

He cupped her hips, feeling no break in the line. “You’re not wearing any panties. I like it.”

Her cheeks heated to a delightful red: the red of a ripe strawberry ready to be bitten.

“I’m not wearing a bra either.” She leaned forward, showing off her naked state underneath the dress.

“I did say later on, not immediately.” Running his hands up to her breasts, he stroked over her nipples, watching her mouth open a little. She was getting aroused. Her cheeks were flushed, and he thought about her shower. He decided to take a big leap. “Did you touch yourself in the shower?” There couldn’t be any other explanation for her flushed cheeks.


This is what he liked about Amy. She never lied to him and gave it to him properly.

“What did you think about?”

“I thought about you.”

Sliding his hand down her dress to the hem of her skirt, Joker watched her eyes. Her eyes were the key to what she was thinking and feeling. She was with him the whole way.

Her stomach growled, interrupting the moment.

“We’re going to eat and one day soon, Amy, you’re going to play with yourself while I watch. Would you like that?”

“Yes, I would like that.”

“Good.” He leaned down, kissing her lips. Even sitting on a chair he was much taller than she was. “Now, go and make me some pancakes.”

She walked back to the stove and heated up a skillet.

He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her.

His cell phone went off and when he looked down, he saw an unknown caller.

“I’m just going to take this outside, baby.”

“All right.”

Answering the call, he stepped outside, closing the door behind him.

“Hello,” Joker said.

“I take it you got my message,” Zeke said, taking him completely by surprise.

“What the fuck are you calling me for?”

“I wanted to let you know we disposed of the body. You did good there. I was actually impressed. For a man of your age and upbringing, you can make quite a mess.” Joker’s stomach turned over. What he’d done to Amy’s father wasn’t something to be lauded.

“What does my age and upbringing have to do with shit?”

“Your father is a tough man, yet he’s pretty much father of the year. You’ve not had a particularly hard life. You’ve got a talent for creating pain and I’ve got a talent for men who like to give pain.”

“What the fuck do you want?”

“I want you to consider a job in the future. I could use a man of your skills.”

“This is not going to happen.”

“Do you really think the Soldiers of Wrath is going to stop this partnership? When they get a taste for the money and the risk, it’s going to be a long profitable relationship, one I intend to keep. All it takes is a call to Demon and your ass is mine, Joker. You need to start thinking about the future with that little step-sister of yours. You want her to be happy then you’ve got to make some sacrifices. We’ll talk soon.”

All good humor and arousal left him as he closed his burner cell phone. He was pissed off; what he’d done to Amy’s father was sick, yet he hadn’t cared. Not a second had gone by when he actually cared about the pain he was creating. Was this the kind of man he was? He wouldn’t dream of inflicting pain on anyone else unless they hurt the ones he cared about.

Bruce had been a scumbag, and he didn’t doubt there were plenty more to fill the gap. Entering the kitchen, he smiled at Amy so she wouldn’t know anything was wrong. There were kids, women, men who were all suffering because of assholes like Bruce. He’d set Amy free by killing that bastard. Would he do it again? He killed for the club but never for sport. Could he look in the mirror and call himself a decent man?

“Are you okay, Joker?” Amy asked.

She cupped his cheek at the same time she put a plate full of breakfast in front of him. He went to protest when he saw her plate wasn’t full as his.

“Tell me you’re happy, Amy.”

“I’m happy. I’m with you and everything is great in the world. How can I not be happy?”

She smiled at him and any fight in Joker disappeared. He didn’t want to work for Zeke or be part of that bastard’s life, any more than he had to be. He was a member of the Soldiers of Wrath, but if he could help others by doing what came naturally to him, then he’d do it. He’d do it for the club, for Zeke, for the people he’d help, but he’d also do it for Amy. One less scumbag on the street made it easier for him to let her walk out there alone.

“Joker,” Amy said, grabbing his attention.

“What is it, baby?”

He took a large pancake, pushing it into his mouth. Amy scrunched up her nose. “What? It tastes delicious.”

“I love you.”

Joker stared at the love of his life. Reaching over the counter, he touched her cheek, caressing her soft skin. Leaving her had been the hardest thing he’d ever done, staying away, even harder. This, being with her, was his reward for keeping the distance.

“You own my heart, Amy, you always have. I love you, and I promise I’m not going to let anything happen to you ever again.” It was a promise he intended to keep.

hey rode toward
the large college town of Portsmouth to pick up Zeke’s daughter Daniella. It was three hours from Auberdanne, the city where The Soldiers of Wrath held camp. Three of the members were riding on their bikes in front of the SUV Joker was driving. Demon and Shakes were in the vehicle with him. They were silent, nearly at their destination, and had to deal with the trip back with the pampered daughter of the man that Joker still considered their enemy because of how it went down with Deanna. The fact that they were helping Zeke, the man that had crossed them, pissed Joker off, too. But Zeke could still do damage, he was deadly, had an army behind him, and part of their agreement was helping him when he asked.

“I bet she is one uptight bitch,” Shakes said from the backset. They had all been thinking that. Her father was a coldhearted sonofabitch, and because of that, they could only imagine what she was like.

“And why couldn’t he do this himself, or get one of his fucking henchmen to pick her up like a damn taxi service?” Shakes asked again, his annoyance clear.

“Man, I don’t know, but bitching about it isn’t going to make this trip any better,” Demon said. All of them were annoyed that they had to drop what they were doing just to go pick up the underground Princess.

Joker didn’t want to leave Amy, not after they had finally found a good place in their relationship, but she was safe at home, and that thought was getting him through this. He hated having to be at the beck and call of some psycho that had the club by the balls.

“So, Amy is yours now, yeah?” Demon asked. Joker glanced at the President of club and saw the other man staring straight ahead. Joker had known this was where the conversation would go once they were trapped inside this metal box on wheels.

“I want her as my old lady, have claimed her, and ain’t nothing stopping me from making Amy fully mine.”

“I hear that and understand,” Demon said.

“I don’t understand any of that woman and old lady shit. Man, I’ll stay single and fuck all the sweet-ass pussy I can get my dick into.” Shakes said from the backseat, his voice growing a little more animated. Shakes had never made it a secret that he didn’t want an old lady. Hell, the man got more cunt in the clubhouse than most of the members put together. He was a man-whore to the nth degree.

“A lot of shit has happened in her past, shit that I won’t even go into, but I am not about to turn my back on her or let her go. She’s mine.”

“Whatever gets you off, man. I don’t have anything to bitch about that because it’s your life. But for me,” Shakes said, “I don’t want any woman to tie my ass down. I’ll be doing the tying down.” Shakes started laughing, and they all knew that the brother liked to get down and dirty with the women he screwed.

Demon switched on the radio, and rock blasted through the SUV. That was their cue to end their conversation and focus on the task at hand. They drove the rest of the way in silence. When they pulled up to the university that Zeke’s daughter attended, all Joker wanted to do was turn the shit around and get home to his old lady. They pulled to a stop in front of the main building of the university, but he couldn’t see who in the hell they were looking for. Zeke was supposed to have sent a picture to their cells, but of course, the motherfucker hadn’t done that. Zeke had assured them that Daniella knew to be on the lookout for them and would contact him when she was safely with them.

“She’s probably one of those made-up bitches that has all the luxuries her piece of shit underground father gives her.” Shakes said, but no one responded.

Joker stared out the passenger side window, watched as the kids came and went out of the main building, before he saw a young woman that was probably the daughter of that piece of shit. She had long blonde hair, tight as fuck clothes that left little to the imagination with several guys hanging around her. She had one of those little designer purses hanging from her arm, a cell pressed to her ear, and even from this distance, he could see how much make-up she had plastered on her face.

“I bet that’s the bitch right there,” Demon said, and Joker nodded even though neither of the members were looking at him. She pushed her way through the crowd, looked like she had a stick up her ass. Joker knew that whoever was tied to Zeke was probably just as fucked up as he was. The blonde looked at them and started making her way toward the SUV. Before she got to them, a red convertible pulled up, stopped between the SUV and the Harleys, and the blonde climbed in.

“Okay, so not Zeke’s uppity bitch daughter,” Shakes said, and they all watched as more people filed out of the building. Another five minutes and Joker was getting pissed because all he wanted was to get back home. But then, there amongst the crowd of pierced, tattooed, and preppy punks, was this mousy young woman with nerdy as fuck looks. She was on the shorter side, definitely plump, and not like the other females walking around in skintight clothing. Her looks screamed she either didn’t care, or she didn’t know what the hell she was doing.

Joker took notice of her because she was pulling out her phone, staring at the Harleys and SUV like she was confused as hell, then started dialing a number on her phone.

“I think that’s her,” Demon said, and pointed to the brunette. After a moment, she closed her phone, looking slightly annoyed, and moved closer to the SUV. The closer she got the clearer her looks became. She had pin straight brown hair, her bangs touched her glasses, and her cardigan looked a size too large. Her long plaid skirt touched her ankles and the black Mary Jane style shoes she wore screamed school-girl-geek.

“That’s her?” Shakes asked, his confusion clear in his voice.

Joker glanced at him in the rear view mirror. “She’s coming closer, so I’m gonna say yeah.”

“Damn, she isn’t anything like I imagined.” Shakes stared out the window. “She’s kind of a hot mess in a fuckable way.”

Demon and Joker both turned fully in their seats to stare at him. “Man, remember whose kid this is. No fucking her just because you want to stick your dick in any warm pussy.”

“Unless you want your cock cut off and fed to you by Zeke and his men, I’d say back the fuck away from that idea,” Joker said.

The sound of someone tapping on the passenger side window had all of them facing Zeke’s daughter.

“You’re here to pick me up, right?” she asked, her words muffled through the glass.

Demon rolled down the window, and she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. She was a cute girl in a very non-made up way. She was plain Jane for sure, endearing maybe, but she was Zeke’s daughter. Because of that he had this bitter taste in his mouth.

“You’re Daniella?”

She nodded.

“Zeke’s kid?” Shakes asked, and Joker saw him in the rear view mirror move closer to the passenger side window. She scrunched her nose, as if disgusted to hear Shakes say that, and Joker found that confusing.

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