Bent, Not Broken (14 page)

Read Bent, Not Broken Online

Authors: Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

Tags: #Fiction, #MC, #Romance

BOOK: Bent, Not Broken
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Her vision wavered and the tendrils of another orgasm swirled around her, leaving her gasping out his name, begging him for it harder and faster. As her climax burst inside of her, spiraling outward, with flashes of stars in front of her eyes, there was a part of her mind that spoke up, telling her that this is what it meant to be owned and claimed by a man that loved her.

He thrust three more times into her willing body, but he wasn’t done with her yet. He rubbed his thumb on her clit and pumped his hips forward, sliding his dick in and out of her still-clenching pussy. “Come for me again, baby. Now.”

Another orgasm ripped through her and she felt the world drifting away, but not before she heard Joker grunt from his own climax. His big body stilled and everything around her darkened as she felt him fill her with his cum. He collapsed on top of her, panting for breath, the same as she was, and finally he rolled off her. She stared at the ceiling, hoping David hadn’t heard what they had done. But she was too exhausted, too sexually satiated, that she honestly didn’t care at the moment. All she wanted was to be wrapped up in the arms of the man she loved, not worrying about anything.

“I love you, Amy,” Joker said in a deep, sleep thickened voice. He wrapped a thickly muscled, tattooed arm around her waist, pulled her close, her back to his chest. He ran the tip of his nose up her neck, and inhaled deeply, murmured something she didn’t understand, but she knew it was positive and filled with love.

“I love you, too.” She closed her eyes, feeling so good, and not because she had been sexually conquered. She felt whole, wanted, and invincible, but it wasn’t just because of Joker. She felt like something had started to shift inside of her, move through her, and make her stronger. Amy let herself slip into a contented sleep with the man she loved behind her, protecting her, and her future looking brighter.

oker rolled over
the following morning to the blaring of his cell phone. He didn’t want to wake Amy up but the stupid device seemed to be getting louder.

“You better get that,” Amy said, pulling away from him.

Falling out of the bed, Joker scrambled for his cell. He found it in his jeans pocket and Demon’s name lit up the screen.

“What?” Joker asked. He didn’t expect to be called about club business for a couple of days let alone the next morning after picking up Daniella.

“We need you at the clubhouse.”

“I just left you a few hours ago.”

“Fuck, Joker. Zeke’s coming down, and he wants to see you.”

“He’s not collected his daughter yet?” Joker asked, sitting up and paying attention. He saw Amy leave the room and head toward the bathroom.

“Nope. She’s been at the club all night. Do you want to hear some interesting piece of news?”

“Yeah, sure.” He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and figured he might as well hear it all.

“Shakes gave up his room. He slept on the couch in the main fucking bar, Joker.”

“For Daniella?” Joker asked. “He gave his room up for her?” Out of all the men, Shakes was a selfish prick who only ever did anything for himself. This was entirely out of character, but on the drive back, it had been out of character for him to ask her questions. Shakes didn’t give a shit about anyone or anything except getting laid.

“Yeah, he gave up his room. Told any man that if they went in, he’d slit their goddamned throat.”

“What did you do?”

Joker sat on the edge of the bed, running a hand down his face.

“What do you think? I added to the warning. I don’t give a fuck who Daniella is related to. She’s a fucking teenager in college. There’s no way I’m letting any of these guys think they can play with her. Fuck, this club is not for girls like her.”

“I can’t believe that bastard didn’t come and collect her. Did she put up a fight? Any trouble?”

“Nope, she stayed out of everyone’s way. She took the Chinese food Shakes ordered for her and closed the door. It was like she wasn’t even here.” He heard Demon blow out a breath across the line. “Zeke’s a business partner for the foreseeable future. I can’t have his kids jeopardizing that relationship we’re building up.”

“I get it.” As VP, it was Joker’s job to keep up to date with everything happening in the club. “I’ll get Amy and I’ll be down there as soon as I can.”

“I’d prefer it if you were here when Zeke arrives. Deanna loved Amy. She wants to know when Amy can visit again.”

“We’re working on it. Amy’s still… delicate. I don’t want to push her too hard. I don’t expect her to just get over shit in one day.”

“I get it, Joker.”

“I’m patient; I can wait, and I’m going to help her get through this.”

“You really do love this woman, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Okay, see you when you get here.”

Demon hung up the phone and Joker dropped his head.

“Problems at the club?” Amy asked.

Glancing toward the bathroom doorway, Joker hadn’t even heard her come back. She wore his shirt, and he held his hands out. “Come here, beautiful.”

She smiled, walking toward him. Amy was a natural, sensual woman. She didn’t need any tricks or teases to make him want her.

Gripping her ass, he drew her close to nuzzle her stomach. “There are always problems in the club. Everywhere I turn there are problems.”

“Isn’t that the fun part of being in the club?” she asked, sarcastically.

“No, baby.” Resting his head on her stomach, Joker closed his eyes. Peace was hard to come by in his world. “There are other things that are a lot more fun being involved in the club.”

She started to stroke his hair. Her delicate touch making other parts of him rock hard.

“How did someone so young get to be a VP? What does a VP do?”

“I am Vice President of the club. I took a bullet, almost died, and I’ve got a pretty face. All the guys listen to me. I think they want to fuck me,” he said, raising a brow, trying for coy.

Amy laughed. “There’s nothing pretty about you but I can see why they want you. You’re incredibly handsome.” She leaned forward, dropping a kiss to his lips.

Joker groaned as she deepened the kiss. “Fuck, baby, I’ve got to stop this.”


“The club needs me for club business. It’s entirely shit ‘cause I thought I had the rest of the weekend with you.”

“The girl you picked up?”

“You do listen when I talk?”

“I don’t really have a choice.” Amy covered her ears. “You make sure I hear you.”

She headed to her closet. He slapped her ass, watching it wiggle underneath his shirt.

“You’re a little vixen, baby.”

Amy chuckled and Joker made his way into the bathroom. She really was the love of his life. His very reason for breathing, and he couldn’t imagine anything happening to her. He wouldn’t survive it.

After taking a piss, he washed his hands, and then brushed his teeth, which he’d grabbed from his old bedroom, before splashing water on his face. This was not how he imagined the day panning out. Getting dressed, he walked downstairs to find Amy cooking in the kitchen. His father was sipping some juice while reading the newspaper.

“Morning, son. I didn’t expect you to be up this early.”

“I’ve got to be heading out. Club business. I’m taking Amy with me.”

David nodded. “Good. It’ll do her good to get out of here every once in a while. She’s spending too much time here again.”

“You know, I do own my own place,” Amy said, looking back at them.

“I know, and you’re more than welcome to come back here anytime. You know that, honey.”

“Love you,” she said, smiling at his father.

David nodded back. “You better treat that girl with care, Reese.”

“I will.”

Twenty minutes later, Amy placed a plate full of bacon, eggs, and toast in front of him with a cup of coffee. She took a seat beside him with the same food she’d given David as well.

“You spoil me.”

Their breakfast went by in silence as they ate. Joker kept reaching out to touch or stroke Amy, cupping the back of her neck, pulling her close to him.

“Will you two lovebirds be back tonight?” David asked.

“I’m thinking of sticking around at the clubhouse. We’re having a bit of a barbeque. Family thing, it’ll be good for Amy to meet a few people.”


“Do you want to come?” Amy asked, looking pointedly at David.

“Nah, honey. Football’s on and I’ve got a six-pack in the fridge. I’m all set.”

He knew his father was still hurting from Brenda’s loss. He wondered when he’d start dating again and if he’d even considered it. When Amy left to do the dishes, Joker sat back and asked him.

“I’m old, son. I’m not going to get back in the saddle or whatever you kids call it these days.”

“Dad, you can’t live the rest of your days alone. You’re only fifty.”

“To some, I’ve come and gone.” David sat back in his chair, looking sad. “I can’t do it just yet. This is the house I shared with Brenda. I just can’t think of looking for another woman. Brenda, she was my soul mate… the other half of me. I loved your mother, Joker, I really did, but not like I loved Brenda.”

He understood. His parents had a volatile relationship, which meant they could be kissing one moment and fighting the next.

He left his father an hour later, and with Amy on the back of his bike, he headed toward the clubhouse. She had on the helmet he was insistent that she wear even though he broke the law by not wearing one. He was a good, strong, competent driver, but he wouldn’t have her putting her life at risk.

Once inside the clubhouse compound, he saw Zeke’s vehicle was already waiting. Two of his guards stood outside smoking.

Parking his bike in his spot, he waited for Amy to climb off first before getting off his bike.

“Who are they?” she asked.

“You’re about to meet a partner of the club.” He took her hand, leading her toward the doors. From the outside they heard shouting.

“I can’t believe you left me here.” The voice sounded like Daniella.

Entering the club, Joker kept a firm hold of Amy’s hand. There, right in the center of the club, Zeke and Daniella faced each other. Behind Zeke were his two bodyguards and behind Daniella, he saw Shakes. His club brother kept his distance and only people who knew Shakes, knew how protective he was being.

“I had business to attend to.”

“You could have let me stay at college. You must think you’re some kind of god. You call me to tell me we’re spending the weekend together. What happened to inviting me?” she asked.

“You wouldn’t have come.”

“So, you order. It’s all the same with you. You’re always ordering everyone around to get them to do what you want.”

“You’re my daughter.”

“I’m sure you’ve got a stash of those around as well. I bet every freaking city has a daughter of yours. My mother wasn’t the only one you screwed.” Daniella spat each word, glaring at her father.

Zeke didn’t lose his cool for a moment.

“I don’t have any other children.”

“That you acknowledge.” Daniella folded her arms underneath her breasts. “Where is my mom?”

“Last time I checked she was vacationing in France.”

Daniella shook her head. “I hate you.”

“Unfortunately, Daniella, I’m the only one you’ve got. Your mother doesn’t want anything to do with you. I married her so that I could gain custody of you. Providing she stays out of the picture, she gets paid handsomely for it.”

From the stricken look on Daniella’s face, Joker could tell she’d been aware of the fact her mother didn’t want her. It wasn’t a shock, no; it was pain, pure and simple. Daniella hurt because no one else wanted her and she didn’t want anything to do with the one who did.

“Thank you, Demon, for coming to get me,” Daniella said, smiling at him. She moved past Zeke, who reached out to touch her. “Don’t you dare! I may be your daughter, but I’ve not been paid to kiss your ass.”

She barged out of the door, leaving the club speechless.

“I’ll have to save our business meeting for another time,” Zeke said. “I’m sorry for my daughter. She can be emotional.”

“It doesn’t bother me. Daniella behaved well,” Demon said, clearly rubbing it in.

“Yes, well, I’ve not exactly been the best father to her. I’m sure she blames me for everything that has gone wrong in her life, including her whore of a mother.”

“You’re married?” Joker asked.

Amy tightened her hold on his hand when Zeke turned to look at him.

“Yes, I was married for a very, very short time. Make no mistake, I love my daughter, and I don’t want anything to happen to her. Children, they can be your greatest joy and your greatest pain… I have to go.” Seconds later, Zeke left the clubhouse with his bodyguards trailing behind him.

“Well, I have to say, he kind of goes up in my estimation,” Steel said, standing away from the bar.

“Why is that?” Demon asked.

“Some fathers would have slapped her silly for the way she talked to him. He may be a bastard to us, but he does love his daughter.”

Joker couldn’t argue with that.

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