Bent, Not Broken (12 page)

Read Bent, Not Broken Online

Authors: Sam Crescent and Jenika Snow

Tags: #Fiction, #MC, #Romance

BOOK: Bent, Not Broken
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“Why would you even want to know if he was your father?”

“Hello, have you met Zeke?” She slapped her hands on her thighs. “He’s not exactly the nicest man you’re ever going to meet. You’re working for him, right? You’ve seen what an ass he can be, well, why don’t you try being his biological daughter. Believe me, it’s not exactly fun.”

Demon’s cell phone ringing interrupted her.

Joker saw her face was bright red and her hands shook a little as they ran through her hair. He thought about Amy. She kind of reminded him a little of her: the vulnerability and the pain, along with the anger. Amy didn’t realize it, but she had a lot of locked up anger, and he was worried about that.

“Yeah,” Demon said. “Are you sure… No, she shouldn’t be there… Her age… Fuck, fine, whatever.” Demon hung up the phone. “We need to take her to the clubhouse. Zeke’s not finished with business and he’ll come to the club to collect her.”

“I want to get home to Amy.”

“I’ve still got to pick Deanna up.”

Daniella pulled out her cell phone and before anyone could stop her, she was already one the phone.

“Zeke, what the fuck? You told me I had to be home tonight. If you weren’t ready for me to come home, I’d have stayed at school. I’d prefer to stay at school.”

Joker kept driving even as the young girl’s voice grew louder.

He heard Zeke’s raised voice over the line.

“Whatever,” Daniella said, terminating the conversation. “Sorry, I’ve got to go to your clubhouse. I wish this wasn’t happening.”

“You’ll be safe there.”

“I’m not worried about my safety. You see the three cars behind you? That’s my special entourage that goes wherever I go. Dad’s that much of a psycho that I’ve got to have people with me at all times. He also needs you guys to transport me because he knows I try to get out of going to him.” She leaned her head against the window.

Joker had already clocked the trailing cars but not thought much about it. “If you’ve got those men why use us to pick you up?”

“I don’t know. Like I said, I hate my father and everything he stands for. I’m sorry to put you guys out like this.”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re just a kid,” Demon said.

“Yeah, a pretty big kid for my age.” She picked her book back up and no one else spoke for the remainder of the journey. Joker was itching to get his hands on Amy, which he couldn’t do until he dropped Daniella back at the clubhouse.

Demon turned the radio on for the last hour of the journey. Joker hadn’t heard from either his father or his woman.

Once he was outside of the clubhouse, he watched Demon, Shakes, and Daniella get out of the car.

“I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t go anywhere,” Demon said.

Sitting outside of the clubhouse, Joker let out a breath. He needed to see Amy to make sure she was okay. After their night together, he didn’t want to leave her alone for long periods of time. He’d been away for over eight hours and their relationship was new, but more importantly, this had been a huge step for Amy and liable to bring up a lot of painful memories.

Demon climbed back into the car.

“She settled?”

“Do you really think a young girl like that will ever be settled in a clubhouse?”

He thought about Amy and hoped to God she was.

“Let’s get this over with.”

Joker put the car into gear, heading toward his father’s house.

“So, you and Amy are step-siblings?”

“Cut that shit out. We’re not related so don’t even try to gross me out with it. I’d never touch any real sister and you know it.” Joker shuddered at the thought. Amy had always been different.

“Sorry.” Demon held his hands up. “When you’re like this I forget you’re young and you’ve still got your whole life ahead of you.”

He was in his mid-twenties, not exactly young.

“Do you really think Amy has a place in the club?”

“When you took Deanna in, did you see her as the woman you were going to love?” Joker asked, answering Demon’s question with a question of his own.

“Look man, I’m sorry; Amy and Deanna are two different people.”

“I know which is why you need to back off. I love Amy. She’s my woman and with time she’ll fit into the club just like Deanna has. It’s not going to be easy, but I promise you, I’m going to make it work.”

He gripped the steering wheel tighter. Joker refused to have doubts when it came to Amy.

Demon didn’t say anything else on the drive. The silence was tense. All he wanted to do was take Amy in his arms, make love to her, and make all of her fears go away. He couldn’t give up the club nor could he give up the love of his life. It was a decision he didn’t want to have to make.

Blowing out a breath, he parked behind Demon’s car—the one that Deanna had obviously driven.

“Well, my woman is still here. That’s got to be a good thing.”

Demon climbed out of the SUV while Joker locked it up. The moment he opened the door to his father’s home, he heard the laughter: Amy’s, his father’s, and Deanna’s. All three were giggling over something.

“Come on, you ladies are totally cheating.”

“Am not, it’s the rules of the game.”

Entering the room, he saw his father shuffling cards as Deanna and Amy were laughing.

“Hey, son, good trip?”

“The best,” Joker said, his voice void of emotion.

Amy looked toward him, her eyes twinkling with excitement. “I’m up a hundred bucks.”

“What the hell are you playing?” Joker asked, taking a seat behind his woman. He reached out to stroke her neck, touching her rapidly beating pulse.

“We’re gambling on snap.”


“It’s fun.” She leaned forward, gathering up her cards to show him how much fun. All three of them were pressing cards into the pile, laughing as they caught the same card. His father didn’t stand a chance.

“Snap?” Demon asked.

“It’s not poker of any kind but it’s fun. How long has it been since you played?” Deanna asked.

“I’m a grownup.”

Joker snorted.

“Whatever, party pooper.”

“How was your ride?” Amy asked, leaning back against his legs.

“Great.” He leaned forward and pressed a brief kiss to her lips. He wanted so much more and yet that simple kiss was enough for him for now.

“I’m going to head on up to bed.” His father got to his feet. “Deanna, it has been a pleasure to meet you. You must come around again soon.”

“I will. It was nice meeting you.”

“Come on, baby, time to go.”

They both said good night to Deanna and Demon. When they were alone, Amy spun in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck.

“I’ve missed you,” she said.


“Yeah,” she raised a brow at him. “And, uhm, I was hoping we could have more of what we did this morning.”

His cock was on alert and ready.

want you
so fucking much, Amy,” Joker said against her mouth, and she molded into him even more. She felt comfortable with this man, trusted him, and although she knew she had a lot to learn and heal when it came to being with a man, Joker was the person she wanted to experience it all with.

He started kissing her again, wrapped his hand behind her head and tangled his fingers in her hair. God, she wanted to feel him touch her intimately… possessively. She wanted those strong, long fingers stroking her flesh, those lips caressing the most sensitive parts of her. To have all that raw power wrapped up in a six-foot-five frame and over-two-hundred-pound package was almost too much for a woman to handle, but she wanted it. Desperately.

The way he kissed started off almost gentle, but with each passing second he became more demanding. She felt his hand slide along the back of her neck, gripping her nape tight and pulling her forward another inch. She let him fuck her mouth, because, in all honesty, that was exactly what he was doing. But Amy loved it and wanted more of it. He was fucking her lips and tongue with his own, fast and hard, and she could almost picture him above her, his cock thrusting into her with all that aggression. God, she had never met a man that had so much raw sexuality pouring off him like it did from Joker. And right now, she didn’t feel fear or her past creeping up on her, threatening to ruin the moment with the man she loved.

He tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. Amy’s heart pounded hard; she heard it in her ears, felt it in her throat. Her pussy was wet, so incredibly wet that she felt her panties getting saturated. He used his teeth to bite her lip, causing a flash of pain before he smoothed the sting away with his tongue. But strangely, she enjoyed it, craved more of that passion from him. She knew that being with Joker meant she didn’t have to be afraid.

“I want inside of you, baby. So. Fucking. Bad.” He broke the kiss, and she was left feeling bereft. A chill coasted over her and cooled her overheated flesh. The feel of her nipples poking obscenely against her shirt wasn’t lost on her, and the way Joker zeroed in on them made her painfully aware that it wasn’t lost on him either. He wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her against his body until she felt the hard length of his shaft right on her jean covered pussy. All his hard, defined lines were flush with her softer ones. A gush of moisture left her at the contact.

“I want you, Joker. God, I want you so badly.” She felt like she was burning alive, and only Joker could ease the fire raging inside of her.

He ran his hand along her sides and cupped her breasts. Acting totally out of character, she arched her back, thrusting her chest further into his grasp. The slow glide of his lips along her jaw had her closing her eyes and letting her head fall back, giving him better access. His other hand pressed against her lower back and slowly made its way lower until he cupped her ass.

“Oh, God. It feels so good, Joker.”

“Yeah, it does, baby.”

She hadn’t meant to say anything, but the feel of one of his hands covering her ass and the other cupping her breast was driving all common sense out of her. When he started moving his thumb over her hard nipple, back and forth, using slight pressure, she would have given him anything he wanted at that moment.

“Amy, you feel so good against me, so right.” He breathed against her throat, and as if to emphasize his point, he thrust up, grinding his dick against her material-covered pussy. His voice was so deep and rough it was like a wild animal growling and she turned her head to the side, needing to feel his mouth on hers. He dragged his mouth back up her neck, over her jaw, and ran his tongue along the corner of his mouth. “You know what I want from you, baby?” He continued to kiss and lick the side of her mouth, not giving her what she really wanted.

“What?” Right now Amy wanted pure, unadulterated sex with him, and it was a scary feeling for her because she’d never been so bold with her thoughts, feelings, or desires. He pulled back and looked into her eyes. Her breath caught at the look he gave her. He searched her face while his thumb teased the puckered flesh of her nipple and his hand caressed her ass.

“I want you to strip, get on your knees, and suck my cock.” He whispered softly.

Had he just said what she thought he said? From the look on his face, she had to assume she had heard correctly. Swallowing the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat, Amy thought about his request, about if she could really do that… follow his command and pleasure him.

Yes, yes you can, because you love this man, he’d never hurt you, and don’t you want to make him feel as good as he makes you feel?

Yes, she did.

“No pressure, baby,” he said in his harsh, gravelly voice.

“I want this, want you, Joker.”

He groaned and his hands went to the cut he wore. After that was off, he removed his shirt, showing off his hard, muscular and defined chest, and the ink that covered it all. The rolls of muscles that made up his six-pack, his defined pecs, and his bulging biceps were jaw dropping, but that isn’t what had her heart pounding in awe.

God, but was she turned on.

Joker stood, gently helped her to stand as well, and cupped her cheek. “Baby, strip for me.”

Hearing him say those words had her pulse throbbing between her thighs. It was as if his words alone elicited something deep inside of her, drawing out her needs and wants and combining them all in one hard package that represented Joker. Her hands shook as she gripped her clothing and slowly peeled it up and over her head. She took off everything until she stood before him bared, totally unobstructed. When the air hit her chest, she shivered.

“Now the rest, baby girl.”

The way he spoke had her lifting her gaze to his. His voice hitched and she could see his chest rising and falling a bit faster as he looked at her breasts. As if his gaze alone could draw the tissue taut, she felt her nipples pull tighter, felt the blood rush just below the surface of her skin. Amy didn’t wait, didn’t try and say things should go slower. Even though the chilled air hit every part of her, the very knowledge that he was staring at her had her body hot.

Maybe she should worry that David was just upstairs, that if he wanted to come downstairs, he might see something he’d regret. But knowing that someone could very well walk in on her with Joker was an aphrodisiac all on its own.

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