Best Black Women's Erotica 2 (16 page)

BOOK: Best Black Women's Erotica 2
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As I gaze up at the audience of stars, I am filled with heat, yet I remain empty. My breasts rise and fall as my breathing slows. Minutes fly by as I fight to quell the rising tide in my gluttonous cavern. My need has not yet been sated.
I grow more determined.
There is something I must give you: a talisman of sorts. A rabbit's foot, a sow's ear, a monkey's lip.
I move closer to the doorway through which you have disappeared.
Trembling fingers secure the tent flaps behind me as I slip into the darkness of your desert home. Moonlight filters in from the slit in the roof, and I marvel at your perfection as I kick off my boots and tear at my clothing. Bathed in silver, your form is outlined on the low cot, tangled and ensnared in the olive-drab sleeping bag.
Mortar rounds explode to the east as I tiptoe through the yielding sand and slide in beside you, my thighs draping over yours as I snuggle into the hard lines of your physique. You stir gently but do not awaken. Heat radiates from my skin as I move closer, desperate to be one with you.
My hand snakes lazily across your chest, fingers tangling in the curls that cover your smooth brown skin. I drag my fingers lower and find your navel, gently rubbing around its soft perimeter. I feel an inferno glowing from its center and bursting from your groin, and my hand plunges there like a heat-seeking missile.
I search gingerly.
Your manhood is regal. Proud and defiant. It lurches at my contact, the thick veins bringing sweet delight to my wandering fingers. I wrap my hand around your thickness, and tiny volts of electricity radiate from my palm to the tips of my breasts. My nipples harden and reach outward.
I grasp the crest of your beautiful black penis and glide my hand over the mushroom-shaped head. My hand stops just beneath the swollen crown and I squeeze gently. Your body stiffens and you moan softly in your sleep. Gently, I pump up and down, squeezing softly each time I reach the top of your shaft.
I find your heavy balls and fondle and massage them both with one hand. Slowly, your hips begin to gyrate, making deep fucking motions into my moist palm. I slide my body
against you, and your legs move apart. I nestle down in the
between your thighs and make myself comfortable. I lick your left nipple and then greedily begin to suckle, making hectic swirls with my tongue and biting gently as I pull your tiny knob into my mouth.
Your arms close around me, gripping me firmly as you pump your steel into the softness of my stomach. I break the contact and slide down your body, my tongue leaving a wet trail on the landscape of your belly and chest.
The heavy scent of your manhood rises to meet me and my pussy begins to drip. I ignore the explosive echoes of cannon fodder and bury my nose in your pubic hair, then slide further down into your heaven. I part your thighs a bit wider, then cup your balls gently in my hands. I lick first one, then the other, before opening my mouth to invite them both inside. I suck your balls like precious candy as I grip the extra-hard shaft of your penis. Your moans tell me just how much you like my technique, and I renew my motions with vigor.
Suddenly, I release your heavy sac and lower my wet mouth over the head of your black serpent. You groan deeply as my boiling cave descends like black lava over your eager, pulsating shaft. I wrap my full lips firmly around the base, and suck and slurp greedily as I take six, seven, eight, then all nine inches down my throat and bathe it lovingly with my soft tongue.
I sigh. The sensation of your throbbing manhood, vibrating and pushing at the back of my throat, is like no other. I pull back a bit and leave inch by inch of it exposed to the naked air, then I slam my head back down and make hot circular motions as I play tongue games with the main vein running along its side. I slurp and nibble and suck until your hips buck wildly and you fuck my mouth as if it were a pussy. I can feel your cum building and swirling along toward an explosion, and I squeeze hard with one hand and rub your ass with the other.
You almost scream with pleasure as you rock back and forth into my mouth. I rub my legs together, the slippery cream of my pussy sliding down my thighs. Suddenly you pull your self from my mouth and gather me up to face you. Your tongue now probes where your penis has just been, and we share the sweet taste of your manliness between us. Your fingers find my dripping center and you gently part the lips and rub my clit, dipping down into my silky pot of love and bringing the moisture up to slather my growing bud.
I sigh deeply and spread my legs wider. You lay me back and kiss each of my erect nipples. You cup my breasts in your hand and rub and knead them as if they are two beautiful brown babies. With one hand you stoke my heat and slide your fingers in and out of my wet sheath, and with the other you squeeze my breasts while you lick my thick nipples.
I almost faint when you plunge your head lower and cover me with your nibbling lips. The sensation is far too exquisite and I fight you momentarily, unable to bear such direct pleasure. You push me past that point, gently licking my mound with building pressure on my clit. Every few seconds you reach down with your tongue and dip inside, gathering my juices and rubbing them all over my clit. I squeeze my thighs together and fuck at your face, my legs thrashing wildly from pleasure.
You lick my slit, up and down, deeply inserting your tongue, then withdrawing it and swirling about my clit and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. I grab your head and push your face deeper as my orgasm bursts forth from me in a long flood of liquid that you lick and suck and swallow with joy. I purr like a kitten as my bottom rubs against the coarse cot and I cup and squeeze my own breasts in satisfaction. You kiss each of my thighs, then slide your body up to mine.
The scent of gunpowder rides the tails of a leftover breeze,
and I glimpse your erection in the shadows of the moonlight and shiver. Its majestic beauty is undeniably powerful and alluring. Somehow, as you suckled from me, your regal weapon has grown an additional two inches, and it now spits white love from its tip and throbs menacingly as it approaches my soft brown hole. I bite my lip as you enter me with one massive thrust, pushing every bit of your thick hard meat into me at once.
Pleasure waves explode in my womb as you fill me. I groan as you pound and push and buck wildly into my gaping softness, your thrust so powerful and long and hard that your balls slap my ass wetly each time the tip of your penis rams my womb. My legs are spread wide enough to split as you grab my ass with both hands, lift me slightly from the cot, and burrow within me so hard and so deep I almost cry from the intense pleasure-pain. I rub your ass with both hands and hold on tight as you ride me, sliding and slamming in and out. My wetness splashes against your thighs. Our hairs tangle and mingle as my eager mound rises up to meet you, waves of cum soaking your pounding organ.
You moan in ecstasy as you take a swim in the hot pool of my honey, splashing around madly, pushing deeply and withdrawing. Your balls tighten; your anus pulsates; my teeth rake across your nipples. My hands are slapping your ass, clenching and drawing you further and further and deeper until you pound and thrust even harder, your chest crushing the pillows of my breast. My pussy is sliding hot and wet up your shaft. My thighs clench and relax, clench and relax as you fuck me and I fuck back. Then an explosion ignites from you, sending hot waves spiraling up your tube and shooting like lava out the tip of your shaft.
Your roar eclipses the desert moon as you cast your burning wetness into the softness of my well. We hold each other tightly as shock waves curl our toes, harden our nipples,
drench us in blessed sweat, and extinguish our shared heat.
What seems like hours later, our breathing finally slows and you kiss me gently and smile, your eyes shining like black diamonds. Your manhood growls its satisfaction and I smile back and kiss each of your eyelids, searing your features upon my memory; then I slip from your arms and retrieve my clothing and quietly depart.
We do not speak, you and I, and we never will. Yet, as I steal away beneath the bright Arabian stars, our eyes form a covenant: a promise made possible due to the binding of our flesh and the heat we shared on the platform of your desert bed. Silently, your eyes accept your fate as they thank me for the gift of my loins, your armor and your shield, to fortify and strengthen me and to ward off all danger.
My eyes hold the promise of remembrance as I vow to hold tight to the precious pool you deposited deeply in my womb. To hold tight to the essence of you, a brave black leader of men, who in the darkness of night planted his seed with a queen, and, in return, was inoculated with enduring life in the broiling hot theater of death.
folade mondisa speaks-love
“pull up your skirt i want your seaweed
move your panties to the side
show me the hair under your arms
you haven't shaved have you don't break
my heart and tell me you shaved again
pull up your shirt so i can smell the musk your hair
traps in farther more tell me you want me to swim
beneath your wet seaweed
you smell so fucking good your scent is so intoxicating”
a jar of honey a teaspoon of her blood will heal him in my own mind the elements became a reincarnated thing one october evening…. there is an old voodoo spell if a woman drops as little as a teaspoon of her blood into a man's tea it is said that she will never leave his head that he will never leave her he'll always want her triangle the wet sweet the middle but this spell is for the fool
who won't drink the blood willingly for the fool who doesn't know the power of her honey will heal him (these are things i know)
with all my intuition you like an apparition
mysteriously appeared before me
moon conjured you out of nowhere but i've known you
ram lover
remember the magical way
your oculus disappears into your orgasm the jerk
your deflational heaviness descending me
pull up my sleeves wrap your fingers around my intuition
you ask, “are you a witch?”
my divining plate would narrate omens
when we fuck waves thunder
when i am swimming when i am casting cowries with other
sirens when i am a rockfish skipping stones across
the water's surface and feel the pounce of your feet
upon earth
near me i celebrate you
he adores hair rubs his nose his eyes his mouth and tongue
in mine in any crevice
that grows hair that is where he dwells where his head
moves in a back-and-forth motion
like there is jazz flowing from those places
he adores hair asks me “
do you wonder why i love hair so
much but shave the hair
from my cock?” “
no absolutely not” i tell him i know
that he shaves
his own hair to be closer to mine but there are times when
he is out of me when i cannot access him my legs gyrate
openings go into convulsions cunt hallucinates organs
kick and scream my openings pour heels pound floor like
hands to jembe my heart turns sensory to find him my
pheromones pant they need water I need breath need
for him to dwell in my entry why?
because each time we fuck he heals me
i ask, “what turns you on?”
he answers, “the hunt”
a long journey a huge organ a pelvic area will stagger
i want to bring you toys i want to tie you up i want to blindfold you i want to bring food i want to eat on you i want to eat from you i want to eat you i want to bring you toys battery toys fruit toys cream i want to bring you a living breathing toy that talks i want to watch you lick her i want to watch her lick you i want to see your body move with a woman's body i want her to eat your pussy while your lips are wrapped around my dick you suck good dick yeah you definitely suck good dick would you object to the toy the living breathing toy the female toy would you object kamania?
oil rests on his skin line my tongue devoted to the
bittersweet of it hovering over me
he feels like rain he is a lion mane wide mouth the
beast in him echoes through release in the loud way he
holds himself there and bends to the side and holds
himself in it and straightens into an ejaculation echo
the beast in him descends and parallels me prancing into
a whisper he tells me he wants my breath and tongues the
right hand crease of my smile he makes that place
the inverted prism of my organs
my mouth comes the veins in my neck come my throat
pants spring is born in me
he asks me, “do men approach you? often? how? what do they say? how do they look at you? how do they respond? where do they think you're from? do you respond? what do you say? do women approach you? how often? more than men or just as much? i thought you said men don't approach you that often? what do they say about you? mysterious? it's very true they share my observation they detect the witch in you”
my mystery be coming apparition
I whisper,
“why are you becoming selective and cautious about my
energy? what do you mean it's too powerful?
why are you becoming ‘safe?' why have you started
to fuck me on top of the bed instead of pulling back
the sheets? why don't you hang my coat in the closet
next to your clothes? why
do you hang it from the door neatly on a hanger like it's
my apparition? why do you fix the hang of the fabric?
why do you straighten the collar?”
and then I scream, “why do you always smell the scarf
before you place it carefully around the coat's neck? why
don't you just hang it in the closet? why has the word
attached become a curse? why the last few times i've
seen you have you wrapped your hair in red cotton?
why are you keeping your hair ‘safe'
from my fingers? lover, why?”

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