Beyond 10 Nights (20 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond 10 Nights
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He carefully slid his fist from her core as the
clenching folds released, letting him know she had ridden out the release

“That was amazing, Sir.” She grinned and shifted
position on the bed so she could move down his body to his cock. She wished she
could please him as greatly as he had her, and the only way she knew how to do
that was by worshipping his body.

Using her hands and mouth she lovingly showed him how
much she appreciated the pleasure he had given her. It wasn’t long before he
reached fulfillment and she swallowed each drop before moving back up to lie
alongside him.

For long minutes they lay together, marveling at the
sexual compatibility they shared. When they had recovered, and their legs no
longer felt like jelly, they enjoyed a shower together before taking their time
to dress.

Over breakfast they discussed non-essential things,
just enjoying each other’s company. He fed her from his hand, and she returned
the favor, both of them laughing like teenagers in the first flush of love.

“I want to spend the rest of my life just like this,”
David told Janie, no doubt in his mind as to his feelings for his lover.

“Well as long as we leave the house occasionally, I
see no problem with that.” She never called him Sir outside of the bedroom; it
was something they had agreed on when they first made their decision to be

“I guess I do have to work,” David said regretfully,
“living here without the power and lights might not be too exciting, although…”
He trailed off and pulled her into his arms for a long slow kiss.

Their romantic moment was interrupted by the sound of
the doorbell. “Crap, I told Leah to come on over so we could talk but I didn’t
expect her so soon.” Sliding off her stool Janie made her way to the front door
so she could let her friend in.

“Hey, Leah.” David smiled broadly when he stopped in
the doorway of the living room, where the two women were. “I’m going to run out
a grab a movie, anything sound good to you ladies?” He didn’t really need a
movie, he had a large selection of DVDs and Blu-Ray movies in his entertainment
library, but he was sure the women wanted to talk without his presence.

“Hello, David,” Leah greeted him. “I’m not sure how
long I’ll be here, so don’t worry about me.” She smiled and blushed, thinking
that she had to get back to talk with Alex after leaving her friend. She’d felt
a little awkward when she left, even though Alex had seemed normal and
unconcerned, despite what they’d done.

“You choose, babe.” Janie mouthed a thank you as he
stepped closer and kissed her on the cheek.

“Just remember you said that,” he warned her with a
chuckle before leaving them alone to talk.

“Okay, spill it, how did you end up in bed with your
boss?” Janie demanded the moment the front door shut behind David. In her
opinion it was the best thing that could have happened to her friend; from what
she had seen of him, Alex appeared to be a great guy, and was just as
attractive as Rhett, so her friend wasn’t taking a step down in the looks
department, not that that was necessarily anything to worry about, she reminded

Leah told her friend everything that had happened the
previous evening, starting with her date with Rhett, and the disaster it had
been. After that she moved on to her return to the hotel suite and her
encounter with Alex. She finished by recounting how they had enjoyed each other
before they moved from the bed, and how she now felt as though she was the
biggest slut on earth.

“Holy shit, Leah, he’s obviously into you.” Janie was
thrilled that Alex had let her take the lead, it was exactly what her friend needed,
in her opinion, and she liked Alex all the more for it.

“I have to admit I’m a little confused, I thought the
dominant did the leading.” He hadn’t made any decisions at all during their
night together, instead he had made her make every single choice; it had been a
very different experience for her. Remembering the events of the previous night
made her blush, and she fought against the impulse, even as she tried to push
from her mind the soreness that her night with Alex had left her with.

“Honey, the one thing you’ll discover about this
lifestyle is that not one single person in it lives the same way as anyone
else,” Janie told her as she led the way into the kitchen to make them both
coffee; she marveled at what she had just heard. The happy young woman before
her was what she wanted her friend to be, rather than having her sad and pining
over an asshole who couldn’t control himself enough to see what she needed.

“I’ve met dom's who think a woman should be chained on
a leash all the time, and those that just enjoy knowing that if they demand
something sexually from their submissive it will be done. Nothing is set in
stone.” She poured them both a cup, when the coffee was ready, and then they
returned to the living room to drink.

“Well he’s not my Dom, we just had sex.” Saying it
aloud made her feel even dirtier than she already did and she grimaced.

“None of that shit, Leah, you’re twenty-four years old
and you've only slept with two men; hell, by the time I was twenty I’d slept
with...well, let’s just say there’s nothing for you to feel guilty about.” She
didn’t want to get into how many men she’d slept with, the number didn’t sit
that well with her. She knew Leah though, and knew her friend would analyze the
hell out of the situation if she was given the time to do so, and would come
out of it feeling as though she had something wrong, even though she hadn’t.

“I know there’s nothing wrong with what we did, not
really, seriously I do, but…well, I just don’t know where things stand with
Rhett, and it feels sort of like I cheated on him.” She hated the way that made
her feel. She had enjoyed being with Alex, but she loved Rhett, and that left
her wondering what kind of person she was.

“You said yourself you knew he was going to call
things off on your date before he went all caveman again.” That was how Leah
referred to his mood swings, and Janie thought it fit him perfectly from her
descriptions. “He won’t ever be happy unless he controls you completely, Leah,
and that just isn’t right. Think about it, outside of a little guilt because
you feel like you cheated on Rhett, how do you feel about last night?”

“It was incredible.” She smiled, remembering how
unbelievable it had felt to be the one in charge for a change and to please
herself. The guilt remained, but she couldn’t help recalling how easy it had
been with Alex, and how comfortable he had made her. Though it had been just as
amazing with him as it had been with Rhett, there had been none of the
rollercoaster of uncertainty she’d become used to. She struggled to explain all
of that to her friend though; she just couldn’t seem to find the right words.

“Couldn’t that be saying that maybe you need someone a
little more like Alex, someone who lets you take things at your pace?” Janie
was fully on board with her friend walking away from Rhett, especially since
she wanted to smash his head in for how he had treated Leah, and she wasn’t
normally a violent person.

“Maybe, I don’t know, Janie.” She wanted to be honest
with her friend, but she wasn’t really sure what she felt. “With Rhett, it’s
like everything is so much more heightened and my emotions are on a
rollercoaster. I never know whether I’m going to be in tears or laughing my ass
off.  With Alex, it’s just freeing, knowing I don’t have to really please
him, but he’s a dom so it's not always going to be that way, or is it?”

“I don’t know Alex well enough to know what he expects
from a submissive, but it sounds to me like he’s not asking that of you right
now. Maybe he just wants a lover.” It wasn’t inconceivable, she thought, she
had enjoyed what was considered normal sex before she got together with David.
With David though, sex was always something more, she thought, feeling her lips
stretch into a smile.

“I see how happy David makes you.” Leah smiled at her
friend’s happiness, she really was pleased for her, and wondered if it was too
much to ask for her to have the same, to just be happy in a relationship.

“That’s what I want for you, Leah.” Janie knew after
her blowup over Rhett that she had crossed a lot of boundaries with her friend,
and was determined never to do that again. “Whatever you decide, I’m here for
you; I just want you to be happy, whatever that takes.” She preferred that her
friend’s happiness didn’t involve Rhett, but that was Leah’s decision to make.

“I’m so glad you feel that way, Janie, I hate it when
we argue, and honestly, I just don't know what I’m going to do yet.” She’d
never been so confused before in her life, and she knew it.

“I don’t like that either. We damned sure aren’t going
to argue like that ever again.” Laughing to take some of the heat out of her
words, she made a mental vow to never be such a demanding bitch again with her
best friend. It was Leah’s life, and she had the right to live it any way she

“I guess I’ve got some decisions to make.” The thought
of making that kind of decision made her sigh.

“Why decide anything at the moment? You didn’t marry
the guy. You’re still young, there’s no need for you to make an important
decision like this in a hurry. Feel things out, take some time to sort out your
thoughts and then do what will make you happiest.” That was the best, and
really the only, advice she could give.

“I have a week before Rhett comes back from Mexico, maybe
that will be long enough for me to work it out.” She was talking more to
herself than Janie just then, the thought of having to make such a huge
decision was a massive burden on her mind.

Things could change a lot in a week, Janie thought,
her friend had already changed significantly in a short space of time. She
hoped Alex would show her a week of pleasure, not to mention everything that
was possible in the world of BDSM, before Rhett came back and filled her head
with more bullshit. “You just do what’s right for you, honey; I’ll support you
no matter.”

They spent the next hour talking, and by the time
David returned Leah felt much calmer than she had when she arrived.

“I’m sure you guys have things planned for today, and
I’ve got some things to take care of, so I’ll leave you to it.” She blushed
bright red as she thought about what she wanted to take care of, most of which
required little to no clothing and a lot of sweaty exertion, not to mention
some experimentation.

“It was good to see you again, Leah,” David said. “If
you need me for anything, you know where I am.” He was sure if Leah told Rhett
what had happened between her and Alex she would need his help, and plenty of
it. He just hoped Alex was prepared to deal with the side of Rhett most people
were lucky enough never to discover.

“Thanks, David; you and Janie enjoy your Sunday.”
Crossing to her friend she hugged her tight. “Thanks, Janie, you always know
just what to say to get my ass in gear.”

“Good, now go and have fun, honey.” Janie hugged her
friend back and walked her to the door. “Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
They both laughed at that comment before Leah made her way out to her car.






A day in the life



While Leah was gone, Alex cleaned the hotel suite. The
maid would do the job later, he knew, but he needed an excuse to work off the
nervous energy he was feeling and it seemed the best way to do it.

The previous night had left him reeling, his
experience with Leah had been incredible, but he knew she had to be first in
his thoughts. She had left before he could speak to her about what had happened
between them and that worried him. While the sex had been amazing, he knew that
for a woman, the emotional aspect of such intimacy could mean more than the
physical encounter.

She felt much better after her talk with Janie, but
the moment she walked through the door and came face to face with Alex, Leah
found all of her awkwardness returning. They hadn’t done anything wrong, she
told herself, yet she still couldn’t stop feeling as though she had.

Desperate to break the silence, which felt painfully
uncomfortable, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I don’t
regret what happened.” The moment the words were out her hands flew to her
mouth and she turned a bright cherry red, she couldn’t believe she’d said that.

She wanted to talk with him about what had happened
between them, they lived and worked together after all, but that wasn’t the way
she had planned on starting the conversation.

Her reaction to what she said made Alex laugh and he
hurriedly apologized when he saw her embarrassment deepen. “I’m sorry, I didn’t
mean to laugh; it was just the look on your face.” He managed to control his
laughter, but couldn’t keep an amused grin from his face. “I’m pleased to hear
that you don’t regret it, Leah, I don’t want you to ever regret doing anything
you find enjoyable.” There was a pause, and then he spoke again. “What do you
say to getting out of here so we can have some fun?”

Spending some time together away from the suite would
help to ease her embarrassment, and make her comfortable in his presence again,
he hoped. It would also ease his desire to take her, though he wasn’t so sure
about that. Just then he could imagine taking her every which way possible; on
the table, the couch, in the shower, against a wall. Everywhere he looked in
the suite he saw somewhere for him to take her delectable body and he knew he
had to calm that desire and get himself under control before he did something about
his urges.

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