Beyond 10 Nights (23 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond 10 Nights
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He didn’t have the heart to wake her when they made it
back to the hotel and with very little effort he lifted her from the passenger
seat. Carrying her in his arms he bore her sleeping form all the way up to
their suite, where he set her down on the bed in his room.

Removing her shoes he covered her up and then
undressed before sliding into bed with her. The moment he slid beneath the
covers she rolled over, as if sensing his presence, and cuddled up against him,
her head resting on his chest.  As much as he would have liked to make
love to her, he found himself just as happy with the situation as it was, and
he soon fell asleep, holding her against him.








The smell of bacon pulled Leah from the bed the next morning
with a smile, though she was confused when she discovered that she was in
Alex’s room. The last thing she remembered, after the weird farm he had taken
her to, was falling asleep in the car.

She quickly realized Alex must have carried her up
from the car when they got back to the hotel; that thought brought back the
smile she had woken with. What he had done was the act of a gentleman, in her
opinion, and it pleased her that he had acted that way.

Still in the clothes she had worn the previous day, which
made her feel less than fresh and in dire need of a shower, she crossed the
bedroom and entered the living area of the suite. She found Alex seated on the
sofa, dressed in just a pair of boxers and reading a newspaper, the financial
section from what she could see.

“Good morning,” he greeted her, putting the newspaper
down and getting to his feet. “How did you sleep?”

“Like a baby,” Leah admitted. “Sorry I fell asleep on

“You were tired.” He dismissed the apology. “I had
room service send up breakfast,” he gestured toward the dining cart, from which
the smell of bacon, and other delicious foods, came.

She couldn’t help but be relieved by his
thoughtfulness; she hadn’t eaten since late afternoon the day before and her
stomach was grumbling and craving the bacon she could smell. “Thank you, I
think I could eat all of this right now,” she said, lifting the covers off the
dishes to reveal not only bacon, but toast, pancakes, sausages, and scrambled

Taking a plate she piled a selection of food onto it
and carried it, and a mug of coffee, to the kitchen island, where she sat
herself on a stool. He joined her, taking a stool a short distance away, where
he drank coffee while she ate her breakfast. “Are we okay after what I shared
with you yesterday?” They hadn’t had time to discuss the situation, and he knew
this wasn’t the best time, but he didn’t want her to be completely freaked out
by what he had shown her, especially since they both worked and lived together.

Sipping on her coffee to help down a mouthful of
pancake Leah nodded. “I really don’t think it’s anything I want to try, at
least for now, but I don’t have a problem with what you enjoy.” That was as
honest as she could be with him, she thought. “I had wondered why you haven’t
asked me to do any of that dungeon stuff, but I think I get it now.”

“I haven’t asked you because I don’t feel we’ve known
each other long enough for you to trust me as fully as I think necessary for
that kind of play,” he told her. “I do enjoy other things, besides the human
horses, as you called it,” he chuckled, “but I believe a couple needs to trust
each other fully before they should get involved with any kind of lifestyle

Leah nodded, understanding what he was saying and
finding that she agreed. “I guess I just thought that all Dom's kind of took
over as soon as they got involved with someone.” She was going to say
relationship, but she wasn’t sure that what they were doing was actually a

“There are some people that enter into the lifestyle right
from the very start, personally though, I don’t believe in doing so. I do
choose people who are into BDSM when I wish to get involved with someone, but I
prefer to get to know a potential submissive on a personal level before takings
things deeper.”

“So how long do you usually, um, date someone before
you move into that?” She hoped date was the right terminology, she just wasn’t
sure that it really applied to what they were discussing.

“That depends.” He smiled and reached over to grab her
plate, which she had emptied, and put it back on the dining cart, along with
their cups.

“On what?” Her curiosity was exacerbated by his

“I usually wait until the submissive asks to move to
the next level.” He smiled again and then crossed his arms across his chest,
waiting for her to ask her next question, knowing she must have more.

“What if she doesn’t ever ask?” He was so different
from Rhett, she couldn’t help thinking.

“Most submissive's crave the lifestyle as much as a
Master does, so it usually only takes a few weeks of enjoying each other
sexually before it’s brought up.” It had never actually taken that long in his
experience, for people in the lifestyle, regular sex was simply too dull.

“Is that what you’re hoping I’ll do?” Leah wasn’t sure
she was ready for that with him yet, or if she would ever be. She had enjoyed
the night they’d spent together, and liked that she didn’t have to worry
constantly about pleasing him, it had been a pleasant change.

“At the moment I’m happy to enjoy whatever you’ll
allow me to have of you, Leah.” He winked at her. “I need to grab a shower,
would you care to join me?”

She wasn’t prepared for that answer, and couldn’t stop
the smile that found her face at his comment. Her body instantly replied to his
question and she nodded, blushing. Taking the hand he held out to her she
allowed him to lead her back into his bedroom and then into the en-suite

Once he was in the bathroom Alex slipped his boxers
off, kicking them aside as he moved over to the shower to turn it on so it
could heat up. Turning away from the shower he watched as Leah undressed, the
splashes of color that found her cheeks were adorable, in his opinion. “You
have no reason to be embarrassed around me, Leah; I think your body is
absolutely incredible.”

His words stroked her ego, and she found herself
relaxing enough to drop her arms and let him see her as she undressed and
joined him in the shower. He made no move to touch her as he washed his amazing
body, and that disappointed her a little; she wanted his hands on her body, but
she felt uncomfortable with the idea of asking him to touch her.

Taking the liquid soap, she washed her body, keenly
aware of him watching her every move. His scrutiny made her flush deeply and
her hands faltered several times as they ran over her.

Alex barely touched her as he moved out of the stream
and maneuvered around her but her reaction made him smile. Her body tensed,
revealing just how attuned she was to him, yet still she didn’t ask him for
what she wanted. He was sure it was because she was too embarrassed to do so.

Standing outside the shower he watched as she lathered
her long hair. The sight of her, naked and wet, made his cock stand at
attention and he smiled as her eyes widened at his growth.

“You’re a hard person to understand, Alex,” she sighed
as she closed her eyes and allowed the heated stream to wash the suds from her

“Very hard at the moment,” he said with a chuckle as
she opened her eyes again.

“Would you like to make love?” she asked a little nervously,
wondering why he didn’t just make a move to take her since it was beyond
obvious that he wanted her.

“I would love to push you up against this shower stall
and enjoy your body, yes,” he answered, still making no move to touch her.

“Then do it,” she whispered softly, her body aching
for him.

“Is that what you want, Leah?” He wanted there to be
no question in her mind about who was making the decision.

“I think I might scream if you don’t do it now, Alex.”
Reaching out a hand she pulled him back into the shower and against her,
enjoying the hardness of him against her softness.

Chuckling, Alex allowed his hand to trail down between
her thighs to stroke her silken petals gently. “Never let it be said I made a
lady scream in frustration.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she moaned softly
as his long fingers inched in and out of her drenched core. “Take me now!” she
demanded softly as the pleasure became almost unbearable.

“At your command.” He lifted her leg and hooked it
around his hip as he slowly filled her, inch by glorious inch.

The feel of him stretching and filling her was an
overwhelming pleasure and she cried out softly. His movements were slow and
unhurried, and silently she screamed, urging him to move faster. “More!” she demanded,
pushing toward him with each thrust he made, wanting to feel him all the way
inside her.

With a speed that took her breath away he withdrew
from her and pulled her from the shower stall, in moments he had her bent over
the toilet as he drove home, burying himself to the hilt within her with a
single powerful thrust. She hadn’t seen that side of him before, and her hands
gripped the back of the porcelain, holding on for dear life as he rode her

The change in him was what she wanted, she knew it,
and her body responded to it, flooding almost immediately as he took her
roughly, even as she ached from taking him in so quickly.

He hadn’t meant to be so forceful, but passion had taken
the reins from him and it was only with an effort that he managed to pull out
before he came inside her. The soft groan of pain that escaped her lips as he
pulled his massive length from her clenching folds made him feel a little

Leading her back into the shower he washed the
evidence of their passion from her body and his, shaking his head. “I’m sorry I
was so forceful, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” That was the last thing he
intended. Having cleaned them he shut off the water and then got out to grab a
towel for her.

“You didn’t hurt me,” Leah assured him as she stepped
out and walked into the towel he was holding out. “It was incredible,” she
said, enjoying the way he dried her off; when he was done she took the towel
from him so she could return the favor. She was going to be sore, there was no
doubt about that, but it was a soreness she could learn to enjoy feeling she
thought with a grin.

“It might cause a few heads to turn and tongues to wag
if my new intern shows up to work bowlegged,” Alex remarked as they left the

Leah laughed at that, though it did worry her a
little. She pushed the concern from her mind however, deciding that if the
people at work wanted to talk that was their business, not hers. Feeling more
comfortable about being naked around Alex, if not a hundred percent relaxed
about it, she left the room, making her way to her own bedroom so she could get

As she crossed the suite she marveled again at how
relaxed and comfortable she felt with Alex. Outside of the strange human pony
thing, he was one of the nicest guys she’d ever met, she thought to herself. He
certainly didn’t leave her constantly wondering what side of his personality
was going to appear like Rhett had.


They drove in to work together, as they had the
previous week, and Leah quickly settled back into the graphics department with
her co-workers. She loved being there, the people treated her far more like a
colleague than an intern, which both surprised and pleased her, and she loved
the way they included her in every aspect of the campaign they were working on.

The fact that they were willing to listen to the ideas
of someone who had almost no experience in advertising was a thrill to her, and
she had to work hard not to let it go to her head.

She enjoyed her work, and the people she was working
with, so much that she didn’t even realize it was time for her lunch break
until her cell phone rang. Still laughing at something that had just been said
she quickly turned serious when she heard Rhett’s voice.

“It sounds as though things are going well with your
new job.” Rhett had argued with himself about calling Leah while she was at
work, but his need to talk to her had won out against his better judgment.

“I’m really enjoying it here.” As much as she had
enjoyed her time with Alex over the past few days, the very sound of Rhett’s
voice made her heart beat fast and she longed to see him.

“I’m glad, sweetheart, I just wanted to call and
apologize for the way our date ended.” He had given her time to cool down, he
thought, and now he just wanted her forgiveness.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve moved on.” Her heart ached
as she said the words and she moved away from her colleagues so they wouldn’t
see the sadness on her face and ask questions.

“What do you mean, you’ve moved on?” He had no idea
what she was talking about, and the tone of her voice suggested he wasn’t going
to like it.

“I knew you wanted to end things, and I've moved on
with someone else.” He had no idea what a lie she had just given him, tears trickled
down her face as she fought to keep what she was feeling from her voice.

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