Beyond 10 Nights (19 page)

Read Beyond 10 Nights Online

Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond 10 Nights
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“If I make her play by my rules I’ll fucking destroy
her, Manuel.” That just wasn’t an option. He knew what he was saying was true,
and he wasn’t prepared to do that, but he wasn’t selfless enough to let her go
either. He wanted her, damn it, she belonged to him.

“You’ll save her, Rhett.” Joining his friend Manuel
poured himself a drink, confounded by his attitude. A woman needed to know her
place, that had always been his philosophy, and the one Rhett had lived by.

“No I won’t, she isn’t really a submissive. I think
she would have been happy to just find her Prince charming, whatever the fuck
that means to women.” He didn’t claim to understand how women thought, he only
knew how to please them physically, and how to take what pleased him.

Manuel tried to understand his friend’s comment and
realized he was missing a huge part of the equation. “If she’s not a
submissive, why did you bring her here for me to fuck?” He couldn’t work that
out; it didn’t make sense to him.

“Don’t remind me of that right now, Manuel, you don’t
want to go there.” He didn’t want to remember that the only other man to touch
his Leah was his friend, and that it had only happened because of his
insistence; the memory of that night made him way to break his friend’s neck,
and he knew that wasn’t a good way to feel.

Manuel held up his hands defensively. “Hey man, I
never asked you to bring her here that night, that was all your idea, remember,
and I gave you a chance to back out of it.” He was shocked by the anger that
filled Rhett’s eyes at the mention of their night together. He had never seen
that side of his friend before, and he hoped never to see it again.

Gaining control of his temper with an effort, Rhett
poured himself another drinking, uncomfortably aware of how screwed up his
thought processes were at that moment. “I don’t blame you, this was my fuck up,
and I need to get the balls to just walk away so she can have a normal fucking life.”
He hated that thought, being without her was too painful for him to consider,
and her with someone else was worse.

“Then do what you know is right.” Manuel shrugged his
shoulders, he couldn’t see why his friend was having such a problem with it, as
far as he was concerned, if Rhett knew what he had to do then he should just do

The doorbell rang then, interrupting their
conversation. “Excuse me a moment, I arranged for a few pets to join me.” He
considered sending them away, briefly, he didn’t like the idea of denying
himself the pleasure he craved and quickly decided that his friend’s problem
was simply that he needed to be pleasured.

Ushering the gorgeous island girls into the room, he
waited as they undressed and left their clothes on hangers by the front door.
The women that played in his world knew exactly what he expected, and he
thought that maybe it was time his friend was reminded of how that was supposed
to work; he pointed to the floor and motioned with his fingers that they were
to follow him.

Rhett put down his glass as the two women crawled into
the room behind Manuel; there was no denying they were lovely, but he spared
them no more than a glance. “I should let you enjoy your time with your pets,
forgive me for intruding.”

“Stay, they know their place, you and I will continue
our conversation in the playroom.” It wasn’t unusual for him to have business
associates that shared the lifestyle in a room while he manipulated a scene. He
had mixed business and pleasure many times, and Rhett had been there on a
number of those occasions.

Following his friend and his two pets, Rhett made his
way into the play room, where he sat on a full-sized couch. He watched as
Manuel cuffed both women to a permanent suspension bar and then walked back to
join him. “This is how it has always been for us, Rhett, why would you even
consider changing who you are for a woman?” He couldn’t imagine ever giving up
the life he enjoyed, especially for a woman.

“I love this woman, Manuel, and want to be what she
needs.” He wasn’t even sure his friend could understand the type of commitment
he was trying to come to terms with; like him, Manuel had never had a permanent
relationship with a woman, he had never even had a long term involvement with a

“I would ask if she loves you, but if she demands you
give up who you are to make her happy she must not.” In Manuel’s opinion his
friend’s woman was selfish if she didn’t understand the nature and needs of a

“She hasn’t asked me to give this up, I just know it’s
not who she truly is. I was her first of course, and there are things in the
dungeon she enjoys, but I also know she wants a man who can allow her to do the
things she chooses with her life.” Telling his friend made it sound so simple,
so why was it so hard for him to give her what she wanted and needed, he asked

“I forgot that you were her first,” Manuel said as he
stood and walked over to a toy chest, from which he pulled out a pair of
strap-on vibrators and lubricating gel. He soothed his pets with encouraging
words before fitting them both with the vibrators. He enjoyed giving pleasure,
and had a reputation to uphold, even if he wasn’t actively involved with the
play just then.

Leaving his pets with their toys he returned to Rhett.
“Well, my friend, I would say you need to make a decision on what you can and
cannot live with. Personally, I wouldn’t give up this for any woman; I enjoy
the lifestyle I have.”

Was this truly what he wanted? Rhett asked of himself
as he watched the two women on the suspension bar writhe and moan as the
vibrators they had been fitted with brought them to fulfillment. They were true
slaves, he thought, with only one thought, to fulfill the needs of their

A few weeks before, that would have been enough for
him, now though, he wanted more. There had to be a balance, he’d seen it with
Janie and David and it worked for them, but was he capable of finding that type
of balance within himself, he just wasn’t sure.

Manuel left his friend to his thoughts and crossed
again to the chest, taking out a single tailed whip that time. With expert
control he made his pets dance for him; the sight of their bodies moving at his
direction was something that never got old. The life he had chosen suited him
perfectly, he thought, not for the first time.

Rhett watched as his friend played with his toys and
knew it was something he could never give up fully, but neither was Leah, and
that was problem he didn’t know how to solve. To the uninitiated it was a
lifestyle that couldn’t be understood; the ability to be in complete control
and to know that pleasure and pain were yours to give as you wished, as a
submissive gave herself to you utterly, it was a feeling like no other on

He had some serious soul-searching to do he realized.








After Leah ended the call Janie found
herself staring at the phone in her hand. She couldn’t believe what her friend
had told her had happened the previous evening; Leah was definitely coming out of
her shell, she thought with a soft laugh.

“What’s so funny, baby?” David asked, rolling over to
kiss her softly on the lips. He knew she had been speaking to Leah, but
couldn’t imagine what her friend could have said to make her laugh, or look so
bemusedly at her phone.

While he waited for an answer he ran his hand down her
body, across her breasts and stomach to her soft warmth, which he penetrated
with a finger, making her moan.

Oh God! Janie thought as David worked his magic with his
fingers, he drove her crazy. It was a few moments before she remembered his
question and felt able to answer it. “Leah slept with Alex,” she gasped the
words as his fingers plunged in and out of her.

David’s finger stilled, lodged deep in her core. “Rhett’s
friend from college?” That was going to go over about as well as a bacon
sandwich at a Bar Mitzvah, the observation passed through his mind and then
disappeared as he continued his gentle assault on Janie.

“Mmm! Yes, Sir, that one.” Her body arched into his

Forgetting about Rhett, he decided to play with his
lover as her soft moan filled the room. “You like that baby?” He grinned at her
nod, his devilish mind coming up with a new pleasure to share with her.
Removing his fingers he rolled her over so he could slap her ass playfully. “Go
use the bathroom and bring me back the tube of lubricant.

Janie loved it when he ordered her around and she
grinned as she slid out of bed. “Yes, Sir.” She didn’t waste any time and
hurried to the bathroom, wondering what he had planned for her. He knew she
always liked to relieve herself before they had morning sex, so she took the
time to do that before returning to the bedroom with the lubricant he had

“Get that beautiful ass on the bed and spread wide for
me, baby.” He gave her another swat on the ass as she climbed on and positioned

“I am at your service, Sir,” she told him with a
laugh, exposing herself completely to him, as per his instructions.

“Minx.” He shook his head at her playfulness; he
couldn’t imagine finding a better partner, either in or out of the bedroom.
“We’re going to try something new, baby; if it gets too intense I want you to
tell me immediately, okay?”

Janie had no fear, she trusted him completely, so she
nodded, still smiling, and watched, confused, as he took the lubricant from her
and covered his hand generously. She was so turned on right then she doubted
they needed to use it, and was sure he knew that, which left her curious as to
what he had in mind for her.

“Do you remember that fisting video we watched
online?” He saw her eyes widen and knew she remembered it. Chuckling he lowered
his fingers to her core, sliding two in easily, which he knew he could have
done even without the lube.

“I’m not sure my body can stretch that much, Sir.” She
wasn’t sexually inexperienced, by any means, but she did do a lot of Kegel
exercises to ensure her body remained tight and a pleasure for her master.

“That sweet little honeypot of yours, like any
woman’s, has the ability to stretch very well, baby.” He grinned as he said
that. He had begun calling it her honeypot after the night she had had her best
ever orgasm while he was going down on her. “We’ll take this nice and slow, if
it gets to be too much, we’ll stop.”

Taking a deep breath Janie nodded, she had tried
plenty of new things with him, generally finding them very pleasurable and she
trusted him completely. She was sure it would be the same then.

As his third finger slid inside her she moaned, amazed
by the sensation. He smiled at her obvious pleasure and working her with his
fingers until she came, hard. “I’ve read that this works much better if you
find a little pleasure first.” He continued to pump his fingers in and out of
her core until he felt her body become used to the invasion and it began
responding again.

Slowly, he inserted a fourth finger, pausing as she
caught her breath to give her time to adjust. “Okay?” he asked in concern, the
last thing he wanted was to hurt her.  At her nod he worked his fingers in
and out. “Baby, you have no idea how good you feel against my hand.” He
marveled at the trust she gave him.

The sensation was incredible, she admitted to herself,
and relaxed as much as possible so he could continue. As he moved his fingers
slowly back and forth, filling her more fully than she could remember being
filled, she gasped and closed her eyes, a broad smile of pleasure on her face.
It was so damn erotic, she thought.

He could tell by the look on her face she was enjoying
what he was doing, and was glad, he wanted her to. Tucking his thumb against
his palm he gave a gentle push but immediately stopped at her sharp intake of
breath. “Do you want me to stop, baby?” It was all for her pleasure he reminded
himself mentally.

“No,” she spoke softly, forcing herself to relax
again, “it feels really incredible, Sir, it’s just a bit overwhelming,” she
told him with a smile.

Her words gave him the encouragement he needed to
continue and he carefully made a fist and pushed deeper inside her clenching
sheath. He felt the pull of her body as it drew him in once his fist was past
the entrance. “You are so fucking amazing, baby.” He stilled himself
completely, allowing her the time to take in the sensation.

Though she was fuller than she had ever been she found
it wasn’t enough, she wanted to feel him move inside her; the thought amazed
her. Despite the video they had watched together, she would never have believed
it possible to fit his entire hand inside her, let alone find it one of the
best experiences she could remember. “More please, Sir.”

Chuckling softly at her demand, he began to work his
fist slowly out and then in again, watching her face carefully as he did so. It
was amazing that she allowed him to pleasure her in such a way, and he took cues
from her reaction to increase the sensations for her. The feeling of her body
flooding his hand with her desire was just as fulfilling to him as the orgasm
he gave her, he thought with a smile.

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