Beyond 10 Nights (38 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes,Karl Jones

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beyond 10 Nights
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“As long as we’re both clear on
where we stand, then I hope you can be open-minded enough to do this. You have
my word that I will protect her.” He would have protected her even if he hadn’t
promised Rhett, he thought to himself, but if the words eased his friend’s
mind, then it was a simple enough thing to do. “To be honest, I don’t think it
will be too difficult to keep her occupied, between work and the Ranch I should
imagine she will be plenty distracted.”

“That’s all I can ask for. I’m going
out of the country for the next month for therapy; I’ll forward you the
location when I get there, but I would prefer it if you keep where I am between
you and David, unless something serious comes up and she truly needs to speak
with me.” He knew that getting out of Chicago, at least during the initial
stages of his counseling was the only way to make sure he didn’t try and visit
her; he simply wasn’t strong enough yet to fight his own desires.

Alex was shocked again, it was clear
that Rhett really was going to do what was best, both for himself and for Leah.
“You have my word, unless something important comes up, Leah will not know
where you are.”

“I guess that’s it then, take care
of her, Alex.” There really wasn’t anything else to be said, he decided.

“Take care of yourself, Rhett.”
Hanging up the phone Alex shook his head in amazement.








Leah joined Janie in the hot tub,
where she told her friend everything that she and Rhett had talked about,
though she did leave out the embarrassing scene she had made. She was surprised
when Janie evinced no shock over the offer Rhett had made. “You don’t find it a
little odd that he now wants me to go to the Ranch?” she asked.

“I’ll admit that for Rhett to agree
to share you with another man is way off the radar for what I thought he would
be prepared to do, but in some ways he’s just keeping you in check.” She
doubted that was what Leah wanted to hear, but after listening to what her
friend had to say it made sense to her.

“Keeping me in check?” Glancing at
her friend in confusion, Leah waited for her to continue.

“Rhett needs time to get his act
together, and while he does that he doesn’t want you going off and getting
yourself hurt. Having Alex become your master gives him peace of mind; he knows
Alex, and what his take on the lifestyle is, and he trusts him not to do
anything that would hurt you. I could see David doing something like that if he
needed to be away from me for an extended amount of time.” It actually made her
feel a grudging respect for the man, knowing that Leah’s safety was that
important to him.

“You’ve completely lose me, Janie.
Why wouldn’t I be safe without Alex or Rhett?” That was just as confusing to
her as Rhett's need to be apart from her to get his ‘act’ together. She didn’t
understand why Rhett couldn’t see his counselor and still be involved with her.

“You’re a new submissive,” Janie
explained, “and you have all these feelings and desires that he’s brought out
in you. It makes sense that you would want to explore. Very few of us that find
ourselves interested in this lifestyle will remain away from it for long;
there’s always this pull, a craving, that you just don’t get in a more normal
relationship, that will make you want to explore more.”

“It’s only for a few months, Janie.
Before Rhett, I waited twenty-four years.” Leah laughed, thinking that she
could easily manage to go a couple of months without any kind of sexual

“Maybe you could, Leah, but I’m not
so sure. During those twenty-four years you had never really experienced sex,
so you didn’t know what you were missing; now you do know, and you won’t be
able to go that long without wanting to feel again what Rhett and Alex have
shown you. I know I wasn’t.” Janie knew she wasn’t quite the same sort of
person as Leah, but for her, once she’d had sex, good sex that was, she’d
wanted more and more of it, and once she’d experienced the BDSM lifestyle, she
had never again felt the desire to return to plain vanilla sex.

“So you’re saying that I’ll become a
nymphomaniac now?” She couldn’t help it, the thought made her giggle.

“Of course not, I’m just saying that
you’ll want to explore.  Rhett knows that, and he’s smart enough to
realize that you are better off doing that with Alex, who you know and you both
trust. Hell, the man is like a walking advertisement for orgasms, you’d be
crazy not to explore with him.” She would, if David gave her the go ahead,
hell, if she wasn’t with David she’d probably be fighting her friend for him.

Thinking about Alex aroused an ache in
her loins, and Leah nibbled on her lip. “Okay, that one I’ll give you, he is
incredibly handsome.” That was putting it mildly, she thought with a grin, she
couldn’t imagine any woman not being willing to kneel at his feet.

“So are you going to go to the
Ranch?” Janie really hoped the answer was yes, though she couldn’t help
admitting to herself that her reasons were at least partly selfish. She wanted
to find out about the pony lifestyle, and having Leah go to the Ranch gave her
the perfect excuse.

“I keep telling myself I shouldn’t,
but yes, I’m going to go. I mean, Rhett did tell me to, so I’ll only be doing
what he said.” The truth was, she was really curious, and it was an opportunity
she doubted most people got. So what if she was trying to convince herself it
was okay for her to enjoy Alex, she thought.

“I’m sure that’s the only reason
you’re going.” Janie laughed and splashed her friend. “But whatever helps you
sleep at night, honey.” She was glad that Leah joined in the laughter, because
she couldn’t help but wonder if she was doing the right thing by encouraging
her to go.

“So, do you think it’s as intense as
Rhett made it out to be the other night?” A part of her was terrified she
wouldn’t be able to handle the pony lifestyle, the other was as excited as sin.

“I’m sure that if it’s too much
we’ll be able to take the first horse out of there,” Janie joked, though she
couldn’t help feeling a twinge of concern herself.

“What are you ladies gossiping
about?” David asked with a chuckle for the look of surprise he received from
both of them at his sudden appearance.

“We were discussing exactly what
punishment should be dished out to people who decide to sneak up and scare the
hell out of us,” Janie told him with a laugh as her suddenly racing heart

David quickly moved over to Janie
and sat, pulling her into his lap. “Something tells me that the discussion
might have been a little deeper than that.” Grinning, he held her against him
while he waited patiently for one of them to confess.

“We were just talking about the
Ranch, and well, honestly, I’m a little worried that I won’t be able to handle
it.” Leah felt that David was her friend and she could be completely honest
with him.

“I’m sure Alex will be a good
trainer for you, and will consider your feelings, no matter what he does.
Besides Janie and I will be there with you, so if it gets to be too much, we’ll
just leave.” He smiled at Leah as his fingers moved to Janie’s temples so he
could massage them gently.

Nodding at his words of
encouragement, Leah felt some of her nervousness ebb away. With her best
friend, and two men she trusted, everything would be fine, she told her. “I’m
sure you’re right, David, and in all honesty, it’s as exciting as it is scary.”
She admitted with a soft smile.

“I don’t know about you guys, but
all this soaking and talking has made me ravenous, what do you say we call Alex
and see if he’s interested in eating out tonight?” Janie wasn’t really all that
hungry, but the feel of David beneath her was making her ache for something
other than food, and she wasn’t sure how comfortable her friend would be if
they had sex in front of her. A part of her was tempted to see, since the idea
turned her on more than she was prepared to admit, a part of her even hoped
that if they did that Leah would want to join them, but she thought it best not
to chance things.

“I’ll go and give him a call.” Leah
grinned at the expression on her friend’s face, she knew just what was going
on, and was more than happy to give them some privacy. “I’m going to grab a
shower after I call him, so you guys enjoy your fun.” Laughing softly she got
out of the hot tub and went off to make her phone call.


“That was very naughty of you to
turn me on with Leah right there, Sir.” Janie grinned and wiggled her ass against
his stiff cock.

“Are you reprimanding me, young
lady?” he asked with a mocking smirk. “I do believe I’ll have to come up with a
suitable punishment for such behavior.”

“Absolutely, Sir, and I think it should
be a long, hard punishment,” she told him, reaching between her legs for a
moment to grasp his shaft before she turned herself around in his lap and
wrapped her legs around his waist.

Chuckling at her antics, he
proceeded to punish her with his body until they both came undone together.








Alex waited impatiently for the trio
to arrive at his hotel, and when they did he led them through to the
restaurant, where he had booked one of the private rooms so they could eat and
talk without being disturbed. Holding out a chair for Leah, he waited until
they were all seated, and the waiter had taken their orders, before speaking.

“Leah, I spoke with Rhett earlier,
and he expressed the wish that you allow me to train you at the Ranch while he
undergoes counseling. I want to make sure this is something you want for
yourself before we go any further.” He hoped that she was going to give him the
opportunity to share his world, but it would only happen if it was what she
truly wanted.

“I’ve thought long and hard about
this, Alex, and yes, I want the chance to explore with you. I have to admit,
though, I am a little afraid.” Nibbling on her lower lip, hoping her eyes
didn’t reveal exactly how scared she was.

“I can understand that, Leah, and I
promise you, I will be very gentle.” He smiled warmly, understanding how
terrifying it must be for someone with her limited experience.

“If I discover I can’t do this, I
need to know that you and I will still be friends.” She wasn’t sure she would ever
really be able to consider Alex, simply a friend, not after being his lover,
but she at least had to try, she thought.

Reaching over, he took her hands in
his. “If you decide this isn’t for you, I’d hope that we could still be
lovers.” He loved the blush that stained her cheeks, finding it simply

“I’d like that too.” She lowered her
eyes in embarrassment, though she was secretly glad he had said the words that
she hadn’t been able to bring herself to.

“Janie, are you and David still on
board with this as well?” Smiling warmly at Leah, he turned to the other couple
and waited for their input on the situation.

“If this is something Janie wants to
try, then of course I am willing,” David said, “but I am a little concerned
about my position in all of this.” Being trained as a pony was not something
that interested him. “I have to admit that being someone else’s submissive
doesn’t appeal to me at all.”

Janie laughed. “You won’t even
submit to me, so I can’t see you submitting to anyone else.” She gave her lover
a smile and then turned her attention back to Alex, hoping he had a solution.

“I can train you as a pony Master,
David,” Alex told him. “It’s a completely different form of training, but I
think you’ll find it not that different from the relationship you now have with
Janie, albeit with some changed tactics.” The thought of showing David how to
share with Janie, as well as training Leah, excited him.

David nodded, and took a sip of the
drink that had been placed before him by the discreetly efficient waiter. “Then
I think we can abide by that.” He was interested in learning some new
techniques; he couldn’t help admitting to himself.

“Wonderful, then we’ll all visit the
Ranch this weekend.” Alex couldn’t wait to share his lifestyle with all of them.

Their food arrived a short while
later and they all tucked in; while they ate Alex answered the questions the
other three had about the Ranch, while explaining that most of what happened
there would have to be experienced to be understood.

After dinner, Alex asked Leah to
stay with him for the night, which she agreed with only a little thought,
having enjoyed the evening. Together they walked Janie and David out of the
hotel before making their way upstairs to his suite. Leah wasn’t sure why, but
she was more nervous than she had been the first time they were together.

“What’s going on in that beautiful
mind of yours darling?” he asked with a smile as they walked into the living

“I always want to be honest with
you, Alex.” At his smile, she continued speaking, “I guess I’m still a little
worried about the Ranch, and all the stuff with Rhett, and the work with your
company. It’s all a little difficult to deal with at once.”

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