Big Spankable Asses (10 page)

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Authors: Lisa G Riley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Stories; American, #African Americans, #Sadomasochism

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“Uh-uh, Lilly…you don’t get to look away. I want you to see what I’m about to do to you,” he chastened and she forced her heavy lids to open.

When his big body came to rest lightly against hers, she moved her neck to the side, her nostrils flaring as he sensually rubbed his nose, his face, up and down her neck and inhaled.

“I love your smell. Have I told you that before?” he asked and numbly she nodded her head. He leaned away from her, spread her legs gently apart and placed them over his forearms.

“Ummm, yeah. I think so,” Lilliana answered although she didn’t think he wanted an answer. Good thing he wasn’t requiring intelligent conversation. The way he was staring at her mound filled her with such anticipation she could barely get the words out of her mouth.

to close her eyes when he raised her lower body to his face and stroked her aching pussy with a slow, heated lap of his tongue.

Lilliana arched her back in sharp response, fisted his crisp linen bed sheets, and held on for dear life as he separated her folds with his tongue and began to suckle and grazed his teeth on her clit.

He gently held on to her hood, ferreting out her nub, and carefully worked it with his tongue, lips and teeth. Lilliana lost it completely.

“Oooh, Lord! Boy, you’re going to have me speaking in tongues if you keep that up!” Sharp little flickers of delight electrified her entire body as she accepted his oral loving. Long, delicious glides of his tongue over her clit forced moans and whimpers from her throat, with her head tossing back and forth against the soft pillow in sweet agony.

When he placed two fingers alongside the inside lips of her vagina, spreading her wide and completely covered her
pussy with his lips and sucked…this time she did lose her mind. Utterly, completely, lost it.

“Stop—please, Josh. This is too much.” She barely choked out the words.

“Sshh. It’s okay, Lilliana. I’m not done with you yet,” he promised and lowered his head back between the juncture of her thighs.

As he laved her with his tongue, he eased two of his big fingers into her wet entry, and pumped them in and out, fingering the swollen folds of her pussy lips so slowly she ached.

He continued to suckle her clit, while he eased his fingers out of her streaming pussy, and one by one, inched them into the tight opening of her anus, carefully working them in, not wanting to hurt the tender tissue inside.

When she moaned in distress, he stilled his fingers.

“It’s okay, baby. Trust me, it’ll feel good.” He lifted away from the nectar between her thighs to croon. He waited until she nodded her head before he continued his journey, until his fingers were embedded second-knuckle-deep inside her ass.

She screamed from the exquisite pleasure/pain.

He played both ends of her, clit and ass, working her, pumping his fingers in and out in smooth rhythm with his tongue, suckling her turgid clit until she broke.

She came long and hard, screaming his name until her throat ached, and he had pulled every last bit of energy she had from her body. Her orgasm was so prolonged she had absolutely no strength left in her body. She had to force her lids to stay open or she would have slid right into unconsciousness without a care in the world.

She lay quiet and content in the candlelit bedroom until Josh finally withdrew his dark blond head from between her thighs.

When he kissed her lightly on her lips she smiled, tasting her own essence on his lips. She watched in languid satisfaction as he rose from his position between her legs and lay down behind her. He cuddled her close. She was near sleeping and almost missed his whispered words. “Lilliana…I think I love you.”

She felt her heart leap at his words. Silly words. There was no way on God’s green earth that he could mean them.

“Lilly, baby…did you hear me?” he asked in his sexy,
do me

“Yes,” she finally answered.

“That’s all you’re going to say. ‘Yes?’ Damn, Lilliana…”

“What? What do you want me to say, Josh?” She turned around to face him fully when she felt him try and move his body away from hers.

“An ‘I love you too, Josh’ would work,” he laughed without his usual humor. “Forget it, I was being stupid. Just a silly boy. Isn’t that what you think?”

“When I said that, I didn’t mean it, Josh. I was pissed off. I thought you were manipulating me, just like—”

“Don’t say it, Lilly. I’m serious. Don’t say his goddamn name.” The fire in his eyes was intense, reminding her of how he’d looked when he was angry with her. But Lilliana had no fear of him. He’d proven that she could trust him. Although…

“In the future, I don’t want you taking care of me, Josh. I don’t want or need that in a relationship.”

“I’m sorry, Lilliana. I just wanted to help. But I should have told you. I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to manipulate you, I promise.”

“I don’t think that now, Josh. I never really did. But can I ask you a question?” she asked.

“Yes, of course.”

“What is it you love about me?” she asked quietly.

“Why? Don’t you think you’re lovable?” He gave her a small kiss in the hollow of her shoulder.

When she didn’t answer, she heard him take a deep breath.

“Why wouldn’t I love you, Lilliana? There’s nothing about you I don’t admire, don’t crave. I love the way you smell, like cinnamon and nutmeg,” he said. She shivered when he leaned impossibly closer to her and inhaled long and deep.

“I love how your hair feels against my skin, between my fingers when you let me play with your hair,” he went on. She groaned out loud when he placed his hand into her “kitchen,” as her grandmother called the back of the hairline, and massaged her scalp.

“I love your body, your pretty breasts, your plump ass, your sexy smile, your intelligence, your loyalty, your shyness, your boldness…your everything. I love
,” he finished simply.

“God, you make it so easy to love you, when you say things like that,” she laughed shakily.

“It’s the truth. So what is it, then? Do you think you’ll ever develop those type of feelings for me?” he asked. Josh sat up and moved to the edge of the bed. He ran a hand through his dark blond hair in frustration.

Lilliana smiled at the way he looked. He was all man, he’d proven that to her several times over the last few weeks, but she couldn’t help but smile at the way he sulked right then, thinking she didn’t care about him. She crawled toward the edge of the bed and when she reached him, she lightly rested her head on his back and wrapped her arms around him.

“I’ve never told a man that I love him,” she admitted in a low voice.

“No? Not even—”

“Nope. Not even…” She allowed her sentence to dangle and smiled against his back.

“Did he say it to you?” He grasped her hands as they lay lightly on his chest.

“He did. I don’t think he meant it. It was just another way for him to try and manipulate me. It was one of the things that made him so angry. The fact that he couldn’t force me to say those words to him; that I loved him. No matter how pissed off he’d get, no matter how he threatened me, I never gave that to him,” she said.

They sat that way for long moments, neither saying anything, until Josh pulled her around and sat her in his lap. He took her face between his hands and stared at her so long she grew nervous and licked her lips, waiting for him to say something. He caressed the undersides of her full bottom lip with the rough pads of his thumbs before he leaned down to capture the lush flesh and draw it into his mouth.

“Where do we go from here, Lilliana?” he asked after he’d reluctantly released her lip.

She settled into his lap and rested her head on his chest. “I don’t know, Josh.” She felt the way he took a deep breath and laughed shakily. “I have to be honest with you. I won’t lie. This is all new for me.”

“It is for me, too. I’ve never fallen for anyone this soon,” he interrupted.

“Josh, there are so many things we don’t really know about each other. Not to mention the differences.” She sighed and suddenly felt all thirty-two of her almost thirty-three years.

“Yeah, we have differences. So what? What’s that got to do with it? Race, age difference…what the hell does that have to do with us? With how we feel about each other? And no matter what you say, I know that you care about me as well. Nobody could fake that kind of passion you show. No damn way,” he said grimly.

“Baby, I’m not saying I don’t care about you. I’ve never felt like this before. I just need some time to think about all of this. I don’t want to make another hasty decision.”

“Don’t compare me—us—with anyone else, Lilly. It’s not fair. You already know I wouldn’t treat you like he did. I know it’s only been a few short weeks, but you
I would never hurt you, don’t you? Don’t you, baby?” With desperate attention he latched on to her lips and kissed her with more feeling than he’d ever given her before.

She felt it.
It was all in his kiss.

When he withdrew from her, he rested his forehead against hers. “What are you so afraid of? Won’t you at least give us a chance? A chance that you could come to care about me as well, Lilliana? Don’t you think you could love me? That you’d trust me with your love, with your body, and know that I would never hurt either?” A small muscle ticked in his lower jaw. He clenched his teeth, his fingers tightened fractionally on her as he held her face inches away from his.

Lilliana completely came undone when she saw the threat of tears in his eyes. To see this strong, vibrant man so strongly affected crashed down even more of the walls she had erected in her heart. The remaining barriers crumbled like the useless waste they were and Lilliana realized this man was for real.

They’d known each other for a few short weeks. Her girls would probably laugh at her, maybe even think she was foolish.

Hell, maybe she was a bit foolish. But damn it if she wasn’t going to believe.

Damn it if she wasn’t tired, beyond tired of wishing, hoping, dreaming, that she’d find someone just like the man in front of her. She had no idea where this journey with Josh would take her, but suddenly her heart felt lighter than it had in years. She grinned at him, barely able to still her excitement at what she was about to say, and mean every word of, for the first time.

She covered his large hands with her much smaller ones and smiled. “It’s already too late for that, Josh.”

“What…what is it too late for? You don’t think you can ever love me?”

She turned her body fully to his and and smiled into his handsome face. The look in his eyes was real, and honest. Lilliana knew she was about to make the best decision of her life. She reached up and kissed him with all the leftover fear, excitement and love she felt for him.

“It’s too late to go back,” she said and cleared her throat around the sudden restriction before she could continue, “because I love you, too.” As soon as the words tripped from her mouth, Josh grabbed her and crushed her body against his naked chest and hugged her hard.

Lilliana wasn’t ashamed of the tears she felt easing down her face. Her tears weren’t due to sadness, not due to someone hurting or mistreating her. These were plain old-fashioned tears of
Josh was special and she knew it deep down in that place that defied common sense or description. The same place that insisted that she give this man…this relationship a chance. And Lilliana intended on doing exactly that.

She was done running, hiding and crying. That was over. Been there, done that, time to move on.

She intended to enjoy the journey and give them the chance to explore, love and learn…together.


Lisa G. Riley


Thank you to all of my family and friends who supported me through this process. I love you and your support was more appreciated (and needed) than you realize.


To my agent Cori Deyoe and my editor Hilary Sares. Thank you guys for being so thorough.




elinda closed her locker with a soft click, trying to save her pounding head from more pain. “Okay, God, I’ll make a deal with you,” she whispered from a dry throat. “If you’ll just let me get through the next ten hours without falling on my face, I promise that I’ll never again let myself be convinced that mixing margaritas and white wine has never hurt anyone.” She turned to the mirror to check herself one last time, wondering just when all the water with lemon she’d drank was going to kick in. She needed to drink to replenish what the alcohol had depleted.

“Eesh,” she said, looking at her face. She just looked so…well,
. She took another huge swig from her water bottle. She couldn’t believe she’d drunk so much—she generally didn’t drink at all, really. She didn’t like the false sense of reality people got from alcohol and the loss of control it could cause.

Trying to act normal, she made her way from the nurses’ locker room to the small kitchen located in the back of the Living Well Health Clinic where she worked as a nurse and nursing supervisor. Dr. Nicholas Pantino stood at the sink with his back to her. Oh,
come on
, not him. Not now, she thought with an inward sigh, and slumped against the doorjamb. Not now when I’m feeling like I’ve just gone a round with The Rock and lost. She studied him from her position in the doorway. He was just too sexy for her own damned good.

He was the first man she’d been even remotely attracted to since before she’d gotten married, and she’d been divorced for three years. Almost from the moment he’d started working at the clinic four months before, she’d known that things were going to change at Living Well and for her. For one thing, all the nurses and practically all the female patients between the ages of nineteen and ninety drooled over him like he was a giant ice cream cone in the middle of the desert. She was convinced that she was the only woman within ten miles who didn’t lust after the man.

Okay, so maybe she did, she forced herself to admit with another inward sigh, but at least he didn’t know it. And she didn’t plan that he ever would. Okay, so maybe he
it—again she forced herself to be honest—but she’d be damned if she’d ever confirm it for him. He had enough women swooning over him; she wasn’t about to be added to the greedy, ferocious pack.

Dr. Pantino—everyone except Mel called him Dr. Nick—was, to put it simply, one of the finest men she’d ever laid eyes on. He was at least six feet tall, had gorgeous olive skin, thick, luscious black hair, and eyes that were just as dark. His body,
, his body was just a work of art. Looking at it made her go hot and achy almost every time. And then there was the hair on his face. She itched to bury her fingers in that thick, rich, neatly trimmed beard, and she imagined his mustache would be all soft and tickly against her lips.

“Good morning, Melinda.”

Mel came out of her daydream at the sound of his voice. She prayed he hadn’t caught her staring. She straightened from against the doorjamb and walked into the kitchen. “Hi, Dr. Pantino,” she said, and went to the refrigerator for a bottle of Gatorade. Maybe the electrolytes would help send the bitch of a headache on its way. She carefully closed the refrigerator and walked over to a small table to sit down. Feeling his eyes follow her every move, she tried to act like she wasn’t hungover. She was a spectacular failure.

“Hung over, huh?” Nicholas asked her, his voice tinged with amusement. He chuckled when she sent him a dirty look without answering his question. He deliberately sat right next to her at the table. “Well, I hope you feel better soon. The water should knock it out of you. Has the lemon helped to settle your stomach at all yet?”

Mel tried to ignore his nearness. It was like heat radiated off his body, and
body was acting like it was a freaking heat-seeking missile. “A little bit,” she said, deciding to stop trying to deny the hangover. She opened the Gatorade and took a long swallow, the cold, tangy liquid tasting like manna from heaven as it slid down her parched throat.

Nicholas watched her drink the beverage. It was an unintentionally sexy move and he fully enjoyed the show. Her head was thrown back and her light brown twisted hair brushed her shoulders. Her eyes were closed. The look on her face could only be described as one of pure pleasure. He watched the muscles underneath the skin of her neck contract with each swallow of the drink and felt his heart rate speed up right before his stomach muscles tightened and his penis lengthened to push against the zipper of his pants. Christ, she could make him hard without even trying.

He resisted leaning in to take a bite from the sleek skin of her neck. Instead, he took hold of her arm and waited for her to stop drinking and look at him. “After that enticing little performance, you know I just have to ask you, don’t you? For the love of God, Lindy, when the hell are you going to put both of us out of our misery and go out with me?” He used his own personal nickname for her.

She frowned at him. “Okay, stop right there, Dr. Pantino. I can’t play with you today. And like I told you before, we are not going to go out. It wouldn’t be a good idea, so just stop asking me.”

He studied her quietly while he let his thumb caress the soft skin of her arm. “I’ll stop asking when I’m convinced that you really don’t want to go out with me.” He enjoyed working with her, and he wanted to be with her outside of work. It was as simple as that. She was making things difficult and, liking the challenge, he went along with it, but pretty soon he’d rein in all the game-playing. She was a sexy, caring, witty, intelligent woman, and besides wanting to make love to her until she couldn’t walk, he also wanted to get to know her better. Seeing her for a few hours a week just wasn’t cutting it.

Mel sighed and closed her eyes to avoid his stare. The determination in that stare was a threat to her sense of balance. She sensed,
, that what she was willing to give of herself would never be enough for him. He’d be one of those men who demanded that a woman hold nothing back. She kept her eyes closed, praying for strength as she tried not to let the soft sweep of his thumb across her skin distract her. He
have to pick today to mess with her—today when she was just too darned tired and sick to really play with him. He asked her at least once every other week to go out with him. Her answer was no every single time, but that didn’t stop him.

It had become a verbal game with them, one she fully admitted to herself that she enjoyed. But she couldn’t do it today. Today, she was almost weak enough to give in to his gentle persuasion. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you, then,” she said in answer to what had almost seemed like an accusation. She winced at the pathetic line. How sorry could she be? As comebacks went, that one fell flat on its face. She gave a mental shrug. Whatever. It was the best she could do.

Nicholas hid his satisfaction. She hadn’t denied wanting to go out with him. That was a first and would have to do for now. “Aw, poor baby. You really are hungover. Can I get you anything?” It was obvious that she wasn’t up to their little game, and he decided to forgo his usual pleasure of teasing her. She was usually more creative and gave him a verbal comeuppance every time.

He wanted her and had wanted her since he’d seen her all those months ago when he’d first caught a glimpse of her. She was sexy as hell with those long legs; high, firm ass; and smooth, brown skin. Yes, he wanted her, but she was more than a little skittish. He’d heard enough of the clinic gossip to know she hadn’t had a happy marriage and hadn’t dated anyone since the divorce. He wanted to know what kind of marriage she’d had, and he’d wait for her to tell him, but he wasn’t going to let that be an obstacle. She was going to belong to him. “Would you like something to eat?” he asked her.

Mel sighed in relief—relief that he was going to give her a reprieve. She didn’t care that he heard it. “I’m fine, thanks.”

“So what did you do last night anyway?”

“I went out with Lilly and Simone,” she said cautiously. There was no way in hell she’d tell him about the BSA ad. She’d just be asking for trouble. He’d take it and run with it.

“It appears you had a good time,” he said.

She winced as she thought about all the alcohol she’d consumed the night before. “Let’s just say it was a memorable one.”

“Well, you just keep drinking the water, and you should feel better. I’ve got some paperwork to go over,” he said as he stood. “Our first scheduled appointment is in twenty minutes. It just sounds like a bad cold, so I may not need you. You can rest that sensitive head of yours, all right?”

“Yes, thanks, but I’m fine. I just need to sit for a few more minutes. There were no walk-ins when I came in, but Jacinta is on the desk. She’ll call back if she needs help.” As nursing supervisor, Mel set the schedules for the other three full-time nurses and herself. They took turns working with the three doctors who each worked at the clinic two days a week. This week she was on the schedule to work with Nicholas.

“All right, then. I’ll see you later in exam room one.”

He stood to leave and she allowed herself to begin to relax. When he stopped behind her chair and she felt the heat of his body against her back she realized she’d relaxed too soon.
Well, damn.
“Do you know how much I want to taste you?” she heard him whisper in her ear and shivered in sudden desire.

“Pretty soon I’m going to stop asking and waiting,” Nicholas continued after he’d felt the shiver. He softly scraped his nail across the back of her neck.

Mel caught her breath and did her best not to shiver again as the muscles in her stomach tightened. She swallowed hard before saying, “How do I know you’ve been waiting?” She felt the vibration from his chuckle flow against her skin.

“Oh, baby, you can be sure that that’s all I’ve been doing since I met you. But that’s okay, because when you finally let me catch you, you won’t want me to let you go.” He straightened and left.

Mel let her body slump in the chair and rested her hot forehead on the coolness of the table. Aw, hell. Good Lord, she was in trouble. A kind of trouble she’d never experienced before. Ever. Until she’d met Nicholas, she hadn’t really known what it felt like to be so hot and bothered, regardless of the fact that she’d been married for two years. Sexually, her marriage had been a joke. For the most part, sex between her and her ex-husband had involved her lying on the bed with her nightgown rudely shoved up around her waist while he pushed his dick into her over and over again.

She’d just lie there not making a sound except for the automatic groans that came in response to her body being invaded. She hadn’t felt anything either. She’d keep her body as still as she could and her mind as blank as possible while he’d root around inside of her like he was digging for gold. When Edmund was finished, he’d get up, adjust his dick and leave—probably on his way to another woman’s bed.

Which was why until recently, she hadn’t understood what the appeal of sex was, at least not for women. Sure, she’d heard all the stories about multiple orgasms and the mythical G-spot, but they had never really resonated. She’d even felt some lust when reading romance novels, but it had never gone any further than that. Reading about the positions some of the more risqué novels described had made her hot, but it still wasn’t enough to make her a true believer.

She sighed. She’d always believed that either Edmund hadn’t been doing his job or she was as frigid as a Popsicle. She hadn’t enjoyed sex with her boyfriend in college and she hadn’t enjoyed it with Edmund, who’d cheated on her almost from the first day of their marriage. She’d actually believed that she just wasn’t meant to have sex. Until Nicholas. After meeting Nicholas, who could make her shiver and moan with just the right look, she could say with dead certainty that she wasn’t a Popsicle. And, hell, now sex was higher on her agenda than it had ever been.

“Hey, Mel!”

The voice was way too perky for Melinda and she looked up with a scowl. “Not so loud. Can’t you see some of us are trying to die in peace?” she said to friend and clinic psychologist, Dr. Cally Winston, and put her head back down on the table.

“Uh-oh. Are you really ill, or did you enjoy yourself a little too much last night with your friends?” Cally asked as she went to the counter for coffee. She was a small, shapely woman with dark, intelligent eyes that shone out of a pretty, honey-brown face. Despite the fact that she’d lived in Chicago for most of her life, her Southern accent was sometimes still very evident.

Sure now that she wasn’t going to get any peace and quiet, Melinda sat up again. “The last one.”

“Well, I don’t feel sorry for you, then,” Cally said as she sat down across from her. “I just saw Nick, and he looked pretty happy. Did you agree to go out with him?”

Melinda had shared her feelings about Nicholas with Cally a couple of weeks before. The two had become fast friends when the psychologist had started working at the clinic a year earlier. Like Nicholas, she offered her services twice a week, while keeping her own practice on the other side of the city. “No, I didn’t, but I tell you, I was really close to doing so. Thank God he didn’t push it.”

“Well, you already know what I think. You should go for it. I know you don’t trust gorgeous men like Nick who seem to have harems all their own, but he isn’t asking you for marriage. He’s just asking for a date, and besides, I know Nick. He’s not the type to date more than one woman at a time.”

“That is a part of it, yes, but he also scares me,” Melinda admitted candidly. “I told you that for the longest time, I thought I was frigid, right? Well, Nicholas has totally disproved that theory, and, well, it feels like my body is waking up from a long, deep sleep. The feelings are so unfamiliar to me that I’m not entirely comfortable with them. I always feel like I’m about to lose control around him, and I don’t like it.” She’d already told the other woman that her ex-husband had not only cheated on her, but had also been demanding, arrogant, and controlling and had not taken the time for foreplay.

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