Big Spankable Asses (6 page)

Read Big Spankable Asses Online

Authors: Lisa G Riley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Stories; American, #African Americans, #Sadomasochism

BOOK: Big Spankable Asses
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She was shy at times, bold at others and sexy all the time. He wanted to get to know her better and he didn’t want to scare her off by asking her if he could spend the night with her, although he wanted to so badly he felt like howling at the moon. He wanted to take that beautiful, curvy body of hers and do wonderful things to it.

But there was no way in hell she’d be willing to ask him in. No way. If he thought for one minute that she would…

“Josh, would you like to come inside?”


our home is beautiful, Lilliana.” Josh looked around her small house and Lilliana was proud of how she’d pulled together her secondhand furniture and accessories and made them their own.

“Thank you, Josh. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?” she asked. The look in his eyes sent those chills racing down her spine again. She motioned for him to sit down and sat down next to him, after she’d turned on the small CD player and the low sounds of a sexy, bluesy sax filled the air as she sat near the arm of the sofa.

“No. But you can come closer. I won’t bite, not unless you want me to,” he laughed. She smiled and scooted her body closer to his along the sofa, and nervously placed her hands in her lap.

“So why did you leave Chicago when you were younger? Didn’t you say that you left as a teenager? You’ve only recently returned, right?” He casually placed his arm around her shoulder, turned his body and pulled her even closer so that she faced outward and was nestled in front of him. Lilliana allowed the intimacy, kicked off her sandals and curled her feet underneath her bottom before she answered.

“To be honest, I didn’t think much about it. I told you I was the oldest of four kids, right?” she asked. He nodded his head and feathered caresses over her exposed shoulder in the halter that she wore, raising goosebumps down her arm.

During their date she’d found it easy to tell him about her family. “Yes, you did,” he said and continued to caress her arm.

“I was tired of taking care of my brothers, cleaning the house, making beds, combing hair…there was no other alternative for me, I don’t think. It was leave or go insane. I mean, I felt guilty about it for a long time,” she said and paused.


“Why, what?”

“Why did you feel guilty? You had nothing to feel guilty for. If anything, it sounds as though your mother should feel guilty,” he murmured.

“I don’t know. Our father wasn’t around. My mother needed me, depended on me. I should have stayed and helped her.”

“Lilliana, that wasn’t fair of your mother to expect you to take on the parent role for your brothers. From what you told me, it didn’t seem as though you ever had a childhood of your own. Please don’t get mad at me, but I think it was unfair—and that’s putting it mildly—for your mother to expect you to care for your brothers like they were your own children. To the point that you never went on a date, never participated in school events, never did anything that normal adolescents get to do. No, I’m sorry, I don’t think you have a damn thing to feel guilty for. Now your mother? That’s another matter,” he said grimly.

This man didn’t know her, didn’t know anything about her but the injustice of her childhood affected him. He nestled her closer to his body and she felt the unmistakable feeling of his mouth lightly kissing the top of her head, and the small gesture touched her deeply.

“She was a whole hell of a lot better than Marcus,” Lilliana sighed.

“The man you lived with before you returned to Chicago?”

The amber glow of the lamp, the low music, and the nearness of Joshua made it easier for her to open up about her time with Marcus and the way he constantly berated her, until eventually his verbal abuse escalated to physical abuse.

“So you ran away…to something worse,” he said grimly and Lilliana sighed.

“I guess so. I knew it was time for me to go. I may be stupid when it comes to people using me, but I’m nobody’s punching bag.”

Joshua didn’t like to imagine a sad Lilliana growing up with so much heavy responsibility on her small shoulders. He’d grown up relatively free from anything like that. Although he’d had the burden of knowing his father had left his family when he was barely five years old, he had no real memories of his dad. His uncle had stepped in and filled the shoes his father left vacant. Any bitterness he felt at his father’s desertion, he’d gotten over a long time ago.

And if he ever had any thoughts about his dad, he quickly shoved them to the back of his mind.

But thoughts of Lilliana taking care of her brothers all day every day, missing out on life, being used as a servant by her mother, was unbearable.

And as he listened to her low words, the way she described the things her ex had done to her to humiliate her turned his stomach.

He felt his hands clenching in tight fists and forcibly relaxed them so he didn’t scare her. But the thought of a man hurting this small woman fucked with his mind so badly he wanted to jump up from the sofa and run to California and find his ass and beat the shit out of him.

How anyone could lay a hand on her in anger was beyond him. Her spirit, her quiet sense of humor, her laugh…everything about her was beautiful. He had no idea how or why, but in the short time he’d been with her, their one conversation over the phone, he was falling for her.

He also knew, from the way she looked at him and the way she opened up to him as though they’d known each other forever, that she felt it as well.

Josh turned her around and tilted her face toward his. “Lilliana, you never have to worry about me raising my voice to you, much less lift a hand to hurt you. I swear to you, I would rather cut my hand off than ever hurt you. You can trust me.” He lowered his head and kissed her softly on the lips.

He released her when she gently pressed her hands against his shoulders to end the kiss. The look in her eyes was scared, excited, and questioning, and he waited to see what she would say to his declaration.


Lilliana felt restless and on edge as she sat up and away from him. If she didn’t get away from his intoxicating nearness soon, she’d do something crazy.

“Would you like something to drink?” she asked again. She didn’t wait to hear his answer. Instead she leaped up from the sofa and quickly walked the expanse of the room toward the kitchen. She was two seconds away from asking him to make love to her, what with his nearness, the low lights, sexy music and the way he was looking at her…

She knew he didn’t want anything to drink, and neither did she. But it was easier than trying to figure out how to ask him if he’d make love to her. How in the world did you ask that? She put to the side thoughts of what she might feel like in the morning if she were to make love to a virtual stranger tonight.

She wanted to make love with this man and she wanted to do it now. She didn’t want to think too deeply about it, didn’t want to weigh the pros and cons, she just wanted him to sex her up. Like his life depended on it. She wanted him to lay it on her. Just like Simone said…spank her fat ass, and
her like it, she thought with a heady rush.

She hoped he knew what he was doing, as she wasn’t all that experienced. Outside of Marcus, she’d only made love with two other men. One before Marcus when she’d first moved to California, and the other after their breakup.

Both experiences had been less than desirable and had confirmed her belief that maybe Melinda was right and it was all hype. Chill, she told herself. Make some iced tea.

Lost in her thoughts, she missed that Josh had walked up to her in the small kitchen and now stood less than a foot away from her.

When he took the pitcher of tea out of her hand and placed it on the small countertop away from her suddenly nerveless fingers, she stifled a moan. Even that brief contact of their fingers brushing excited her.

She was a hot mess.

“Come here, Lilliana…let me touch you,” he said in a low voice, in the semidarkness of the room. She had turned on the standing Tiffany lamp in the living room and the only light in the kitchen came from the small bulb in the open refrigerator.

Lilliana released her hold on the fridge and walked the few paces to where Josh leaned against her small counter and allowed him to take her in his arms. He tilted her head to the side and surprised her by kissing her on the side of her neck.

Oh, God. How in the world had he gone to her
? He slowly licked the side of her neck, just underneath her earlobe and…Lord, was he going to…she groaned.

“Ummm,” was all she could say when he lightly took the end of her earlobe into his mouth and sucked it gently, into his mouth. He licked and laved her earlobe and Lilliana felt the wetness pool between her thighs from the simple caress.

He released her earlobe and his mouth traveled along her lower jaw, delivering warm, wet kisses along the way until he reached her mouth and delivered soft, nibbling kisses that left her weak and wanting. When he took her lips between his, Lilliana felt the wetness increase between her thighs and clenched them tightly together in response. He grabbed her ass, pulling her closer to his body, and she shamelessly pressed against the thick bulge inside his jeans.

He worked her lips, kissing and licking her mindless. The way he kissed her, coupled with the way she was grinding against his dick—Lilliana felt the unmistakable sensation of an orgasm, hovering, just out of reach.

“Oh God, no way. I can’t believe this, I can’t believe I’m going to come this way,” she mumbled, embarrassed, and pulled away from him.

“Baby, it’s okay, just go with it.” Josh refused to allow her to break away from him—instead he pulled her closer. He lifted her onto the counter, spread her thighs and stepped in to the vee of her legs. He continued to kiss and stroke her, keeping his hand on her ass and pulling her to the very edge of the counter while he wrapped her legs around his waist.

He moved her body up and down along his, working her, helping her to grind herself against him until, helpless, she felt the orgasm as it ripped through her body.

“Oooooooh, I’m coming! I’m coming…I’m comiiing,” she groaned and cried. Josh continued to move her lower body against his erection until the orgasm claimed her completely, leaving her body weak when it was over. Replete, she slumped and he caught her slight body against his chest. He kissed and calmed her before he leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Where’s your bedroom, baby?”

Lilliana was still seeing stars and she weakly lifted her head from his chest and pointed. “Right there, through that small hallway.” Unresisting, she lay back against his hard chest when he effortlessly lifted her and strode in the direction she pointed.

The light in the room came from the streetlights outside and streamed inside the open, curtained window as he walked to the bed. He laid her gently on the bed and immediately went down on his knees to massage her feet before he walked his hands up her legs to the waistband of her jeans and unbuttoned them, never taking his eyes away from her.

“Do you mind if I undress you?” he asked.

“No, not at all,” Lilliana whispered and leaned back against the pillows, allowing him to undress her. It was something no one had ever done for her, undressed her with such exquisite care, removing her clothes slowly, with such anticipation, as though she were a birthday package he was excited to unwrap.

Although she knew she should feel nervous, perhaps scared, she didn’t. Surprising.

She had just met Josh, and although she’d been in a relationship for over ten years, she knew she was sadly lacking in the knowledge of how to please a man. Lord only knew how many times Marcus had told her that.

But that didn’t matter to her. Not here, and not now. All thoughts of Marcus and his abuse flew out the window as Josh said in his sexy deep voice, “Lift your bottom, sweetheart…I need to get these jeans off.”

Lilliana laughed, feeling free and happier than she had in a long time. She lifted her butt and allowed him to peel the jeans away from her body, leaving her wearing nothing more than a pair of thong panties. The thong she wore had been a gift from Simone and had a caricature of a sista wearing her hair big and nappy, with the words
“if it ain’t rough, it ain’t right”
blazoned right across the center of her coochie.

She loved the double entendre. She saw that Josh had been able to read the words in the dim light of the room when he smiled and said, “Do you like it rough, Lilly?”

Lilliana licked suddenly dry lips and stalled. What did he want her to say? She felt an uneasy sensation in the pit of her gut. She hoped he wasn’t like Marcus. She silently prayed to God that he wouldn’t be really rough with her. That he wouldn’t hurt her. Her instincts were telling her no, she’d felt a connection with him like no other, but…

“No, I don’t. I don’t like to be hurt,” she whispered.

Josh had sat on the edge of the bed and lightly, with what felt like reverent fingers, brushed his hands back and forth over the front of her panties, before he slipped a finger beneath the edge and started rubbing her clit softly.

She moaned when he kept playing with her clit, before he removed his fingers and allowed her panties to cover her. He continued to play with her through the silk.

“I would never hurt you like that, Lilliana. I told you that, and I meant it. But when done right, rough can be so damn good, baby. It’s got to be done right, though,” he said.

She moaned when he removed his fingers from her panties and she almost fainted dead away when he took the finger he had been fingering her clit with into his mouth and sucked.

“Sit up, please,” he asked gruffly. She leaned away from the pillows and watched with half-closed eyes as he crouched closer to her and deftly untied the strings of her halter, letting the top fall down to her waist. Her large breasts were bare and Lilliana automatically crossed her arms over them.

“No, don’t hide them from me, let me see them, Lilliana.” He removed her arms from her breasts and stared down at her. The look in his deep blue eyes was intense, hot, and nearly unbearable.

“What? What is it? What’s wrong?” she asked when he didn’t say anything, and instead continued to stare at her breasts.

“What’s wrong?” He laughed huskily as he mimicked her question. “Nothing’s wrong, baby. You have beautiful tits, so creamy and brown…so perfect,” he finished.

His words were stark and blunt. Lilliana felt the intensity of his stare along with the stickiness of her own cream against the inside of her thigh as his words and looks washed over her like warm rain.

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