Big Spankable Asses (9 page)

Read Big Spankable Asses Online

Authors: Lisa G Riley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Stories; American, #African Americans, #Sadomasochism

BOOK: Big Spankable Asses
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ang it. I need blueberries and all he has is raspberries…Simone, have you ever made raspberry pancakes?” Lilliana muttered, looking into the back of Joshua’s fruit bin in the refrigerator as she spoke on the phone to her friend early Saturday morning. She’d spent the night with Josh and had gotten up early in order to make him breakfast.

“No, you’re not making him blueberry pancakes!”

“Yep, sure am…and homemade at that!”

“It’s like that, huh? He put it on you so hard you’re making homemade pancakes…oooh, go girl!”

“Sim! You’ve
idea…yum! We already, um, used the strawberries and whipped topping last night so I have to improvise for my pancakes!” Lilliana laughed happily, feeling no shame in her game.

“Ooooh…you so nasty!” Simone chortled. “I can see your fast behind now, running around the kitchen in flip-flops, wearing his shirt and no damn panties on…damn hussy!”

“Not flip-flops, got on socks instead.”

Lilliana looked down at her garb and refrained from laughing out loud. Besides the flip-flops, Simone had nailed it. She’d gotten up less than an hour ago and after she’d kissed a groggy Josh good morning she’d grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be his T-shirt, and pulled it over her head. She’d pulled on a pair of his socks and scrunched them down. Sans panties, she’d left the bedroom and made her way down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

“Well, I’m no culinary expert, you know how I avoid the whole domesticated thing.”

Lilliana could picture the look of disgust on her friend’s face as she said the word “domesticated” and refrained from laughing. Simone was as far from domesticated as any woman could possibly be and took pleasure in reminding a man of that, if one ever mistakenly thought she wanted more than fun and good times from him.

“Yeah, I know. I could be experiencing PMS—I feel kind of irrational. So…speaking of domesticated and all of that, when are you going to place the ad for someone to…” Lilliana allowed the sentence to trail off and waited.

“Spank my ass?” The laugh Simone gave was short and to Lilliana’s ears sounded forced. “Ummm. Who knows? Soon, I guess. Anyway, tell me what you and the young wonder stud have planned this weekend,” she asked lightly.

Lilliana was tempted to call her out but refrained. They’d made the agreement that when they’d placed their ads they would decide when and if they wanted to share the details with each other. So for now, she let it go.

“Ummm. Well, let’s see. After I make breakfast I’ll go serve it in bed to him. After that, I figure it should be around lunch time…”

“Nasty heffa. Go on, I’m listening,” she giggled and they both laughed.


“Uncle Allen isn’t as bad as you make him out to be, Lan. I think you need to either come to terms with the fact that dad alone made the decision to leave, or let the shit go. Either way, it’s time to move on,” Josh said to his brother. He held the phone away from his jaw as he stared at his face in the bathroom mirror and rolled the electric razor over his morning stubble.

Usually when his brother talked about their uncle or their father, a hard knot of stress would ball up in the pit of his gut. He didn’t like to think too much about the hows and whys of his father leaving. He’d been so young at the time, and besides, his father had been busy with the business when he was there. The truth was Josh hadn’t ever been particularly close with him.

When his father had disappeared, leaving only a note saying he no longer wanted to be a part of the family or the business, Josh had felt the sting of his betrayal like the rest of the family. But for his older brothers, particularly Landon, it had been worse.

“Does this mean you’re not coming home this year for the holidays?” he asked, moving his jaw side to side and examining his shave.

“I don’t know yet. Depends on this mission. If it’s over by then…I may,” Landon hedged.

In addition to his distrust of their uncle, Landon was in Special Forces. Athough Josh could never tell the exact nature of what he did or where he went, Landon was able to tell the family enough to let them know when he was okay and in the country, which was rare. 24/7, Lan lived and breathed Black Ops, which made his next statement even more surprising.

“Maybe I’ll take leave. Come home and check out what’s going on.”

“You? Take a vacation? What brought this on?”

“We don’t call it ‘vacation,’ you damn pussy,” Landon guffawed, “It’s called leave. We take
from duties. And I want to check out this woman who’s got my baby brother’s shorts in a knot,” he finished.

“She’s got more than my shorts in a knot, man. She’s got my heart. And I know you don’t like Uncle Allen, but he helped me out and made sure Lilly got hired on full time at the firm,” Josh said as he sat down on the end of the bed.

“What did he do that was so great?”

“All I had to do was ask and he made sure it happened. It was pitiful, man. She was working as a temp, no medical or dental, making God-knows-what an hour. Hell, she couldn’t even go to a doctor’s office to get her birth control pills, she said she went to the damn free clinic to get them! I told Uncle Allen I needed him to get her on full time…”

“It’s the least he could do. Hell, you own stock in the damn company, it’s as much yours as his,” his brother interrupted.

“That may be true, but he still helped me out of a jam. I didn’t know what I was going to do about Lilliana, but Uncle Allen got me out of that. I knew she wouldn’t accept anything from me directly, but she needed medical. She needed a stable job and Allen helped me take care of it. He’s not as bad as you think.” Josh’s voice trailed off when he heard a gasp and looked up to see Lilliana standing in the doorway with a tray, wearing his T-shirt and a murderous expression on her face.

He mumbled a goodbye to his brother and quickly got off the phone and stood to walk over to her. He could tell by her expression she was pissed off. Her next words confirmed it.

“You manipulative son-of-a-bitch!” She threw the tray down, food splattering everywhere, and spun around to leave the room

Damn. She’d overheard his conversation.


Lilliana had never been so hurt in her life. He sounded way too much like Marcus. Just another full-of-himself asshole who hid it better, that was all. She didn’t need another man taking care of her. She didn’t need another man thinking she was useless. She didn’t need another man who would tell her she was a leech and a waste of space. She didn’t need another man…tears were running down her face when Josh grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to face him, his breathing harsh.

“What the hell is wrong? What did I do that was so bad?” he asked, confusion etched harshly on his face.

“I don’t need you, or any other man to take care of me! I’ve been doing that since I was a child! I am more than capable of taking care of myself. So thank you and your rich Uncle Allen,” she said, her breathing just as harsh as his, “but no fuckin’ thanks! You’re no better than that jackass I was with for twelve years! Well, I learned my lesson. It may have taken my dumb behind twelve years, but I finally learned! Nobody has to take care of me! You’re just a silly boy trying to be a man…no damn thanks!” She tried to jerk her arm away from his, but he held on. His grip didn’t hurt her, but she sure as hell couldn’t get out of it.

“Oh, okay. You think I’m no better than Marcus? You think I’d hurt you? Make fun of you and hit you? Treat you like shit and demand you fuck me? Is that what you think, Lilliana?” The look on his face was fierce and set. Lilliana panicked and tried to strike him as she increased her struggle to escape his hold. He simply allowed his hands to slip down her arms and held her above the wrist, effectively preventing her from hitting him or getting away.

“Get your damn hands off me, Josh! I mean it, let me go!” She struggled and yelled out in surprise when he suddenly lifted her into his arms and angrily strode back into the bedroom and slammed the door closed.

“Just in case you get too loud, I wouldn’t want the neighbors to know what I’m doing to you,” he muttered grimly and tossed her on the bed.

Before she could do more than bounce a few times on the firm mattress, he’d reached into a side drawer and withdrew several long strips of black leather. With obvious expertise, he had her bound and trussed, her hands behind her back and her ankles securely fastened, so fast she didn’t know what hit her.

“You can’t trust me, Lilly? Think I’d hurt you, baby?” he whispered hotly in her ear, just before he ripped the T-shirt she was wearing completely off her body and flipped her onto her belly.

“What—what are you going to do?” she asked, apprehension, fear, and…excitement all pooling together in her belly as she waited to see what he’d say, what he would do to her.

He didn’t say a word, and in the position she was in, she couldn’t see him. All she heard was the hiss of his zipper and the rustle of jeans that he was no doubt removing from his body.

From her side vision, she saw him remove a condom from a wrapper and smooth it over his rock hard erection. The dip in the bed told her he’d joined her and seconds later, he’d taken a pillow and, lifting her by the waist, he’d placed it underneath her belly.

“Are you okay? Are the restraints too tight?” he asked against her ear. Lilliana refused to speak to his crazy ass, and only gave him a short nod telling him she was fine.

“Are you saying ‘yes, I’m okay, sweetheart?’ Or ‘the restraints are too tight, you asshole?’ Hmm, Lilly? Which one is it?” he asked and bit down lightly on her earlobe. When she yelped he suckled the small sting.

“I’m fine…you asshole,” she said, refusing to allow him to pull her in.

He laughed and she caught her breath when he lifted her ass high in the air and bit down on one of her cheeks.

“You really have an ass fetish, don’t you?” she taunted him, and hoped he didn’t see the cream she felt easing down her thighs when he bit the other cheek.

“No. Not just any ass will do. I need a big spankable ass to set it off for me,” he told her as he spread her cheeks apart and lightly massaged each round, firm globe.

She felt self-conscious as hell with her hands tied behind her back, feet trussed up like a Thanksgiving Day bird and her fat behind raised high in the air while he stared and played with her.

Lilliana thought she’d die if he didn’t do something soon. Either let her go or stop playing with her—the anticipation was killing her.

Within moments, she felt the long hot glide of his tongue against her anus and she stifled the moan of delight, and instead cussed at him. “Damn it…let me go! I don’t want this,
or you
, now let me up!” she yelled.

He laughed and ignored her as he continued to lap at her and when his fingers worked around the front of her and started to play with her clitoris, Lilliana gave up the fight and gloried in the feel of him playing both ends of her.

“You like that, sweetheart? Do you like the way I make you feel?” he asked, and when Lilliana felt the tip of his dick against her opening she automatically bucked against the restraints, no longer comfortable with his form of play.

“Yes…” she murmured and waited to see what he’d do next.

“Do you trust me, Lilliana? Do you trust that I would never hurt you or do anything to you that you wouldn’t want done?” he asked and continued playing with her clitoris as his cock touched the opening of her anus.

Although the feelings he was arousing in her made logical thinking fly out the window, Lilliana thought about what he was asking. Did she trust him?

She’d only known him for a few short weeks. She’d known Marcus for over ten years. How could she trust someone she’d only known for such a short time not to hurt her? How could she believe that he wouldn’t take her for granted or manipulate her? She didn’t have the answers to those questions.

“I don’t know. I…” She stopped speaking when she felt the broad head of his penis enter her vagina and she let out a long groan of pleasure. If she felt disappointment that he didn’t finish what he’d started, she shoved that thought to the back of her mind as he plunged and stroked her, giving her mind-blowing pleasure.


“Umm,” she moaned. “That feels good.” Lilliana glanced down to see Josh give her a toothy grin. Seconds later, he’d lifted her foot from where it lay against his chest and take her big toe into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it before he allowed it to pop back out. Lilliana nearly came from the caress.

After their explosive lovemaking he’d untied her and they’d lain together, silent, for long, contented moments, allowing the sweat to cool on their bodies before he’d lifted her and brought her into his bathroom, sinking down with her in the oversize Jacuzzi-style bathtub. After a leisurely scrub, rosy and content from the bath, he had put her down on the bed and stretched out beside her.

“You like that, Lilly?”

“God, yes,” she moaned and slumped further down in the bed, against the overlarge pillows lining the headboard. He chuckled and took each of her toes into his mouth, licking and lapping them, gobbling them up like they were candy.

She cried out when he reached her pinky toe. With a final swirl of his tongue he allowed her foot to slide out of his mouth and land on his lightly furred, muscled chest. He then began to crawl up her body, on all fours, eyes hot, his erect penis brushing against her inner thigh on the way up.

“You know, no one should have toes that taste that good. If your toes taste like that, I wonder what the rest of you tastes like. Hmmm. How about I find out?” he all but purred.

In that moment, Josh looked to her like an oversized hungry cat and she was the big old bowl of cream he wanted to lick.

He kept his gaze trained on her and the look he gave her was scorching hot. It was mingled with lust and some other emotion she didn’t want to examine too closely. The intense stare, the way he felt rubbing against her overheated body, the feel of his dick rubbing along her skin, forced Lilliana to tightly close her eyes, unable to contain the anticipation.

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