Big Spankable Asses (18 page)

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Authors: Lisa G Riley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Stories; American, #African Americans, #Sadomasochism

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Nicholas could tell that the light spanks had added an element she hadn’t expected and that she liked it. He leaned down to whisper against her lips, “You like that, don’t you, sweetheart? Want me to do it again?” She opened her eyes, and he saw the lust that filled them at the thought. He knew she wanted him to, but he wanted her to tell him that.

Melinda licked her lips in indecision. The slight pain really had felt good, but that she could find pleasure in the pain scared her a little bit. She licked her lips again.

Completely turned on by the sight, Nicholas bent down and kissed her, biting that tongue gently between his teeth. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I won’t do it again.”

For once grateful to have a decision taken out of her hands, Mel kissed him, her nails digging into his back as he continued to thrust forcefully into her.

She was so tight, Nicholas thought, as she squeezed around him like a hot, sweaty fist. This alone more than made up for all the months he’d waited for her, and it was much better than any fantasy he could have dreamed up. He felt his orgasm begin to build at the base of his spine, the force of it so explosive he knew instinctively that he’d have to rest for quite a while when they were finished. He looked down at Melinda. She seemed close, but he couldn’t wait much longer and decided to speed things along for her.

He reared back, simultaneously lifting her torso so that her nipples were level with his mouth. Sucking one nipple into his mouth, he bit down on it just as she bore down on his penis, unknowingly manipulating it into contact with her G-spot.

The resultant full-body pleasure stunned her into a speechless void and she couldn’t move for a moment. But as the storm raged through her, instinct took over, and she blindly followed it, riding him hard and hungrily until she thought the absolute bliss would make her lose her mind. As it pounded through her body and left her weak and gasping, the only thing she could do was sob out his name.

Nicholas wrapped his hands around her waist and forced her down on his cock as he lifted his hips to thrust into her one last time. His orgasm crashed through him, taking him cleanly and completely over the edge.


elinda awoke to feathery caresses trailing down her spine. She turned her head to look at Nicholas and smiled when she was greeted by a wicked grin. “Hey,” she whispered.

“Hey, yourself,” he said, dipping his head for a morning kiss.

She turned her head at the last minute so his lips landed on her cheek. “I haven’t brushed my teeth yet,” she reminded him softly.

Nicholas chuckled and leaned back into his pillows. “Okay, stinky,” he teased.

Smiling, Mel rolled over into his arms and rested her head on his chest. She let her toes tangle with his under the covers. “You’re on the schedule today, aren’t you?”

“Yep,” Nicholas said, and pressed a kiss in her hair, which now smelled like his shampoo. They’d showered together the night before, and he’d had her a third time against the tiled walls as steamy water flowed around them.

“How much time do we have?” She didn’t see a clock anywhere.

“Just enough time to talk about you. Are you all right this morning?”

“I’m fine,” she assured him. “Just a little sore.” Her voice softened and trailed off as she remembered him taking her against the wall on their way to the bathroom for a shower. He’d been carrying her with her legs wrapped around his waist, she’d rubbed herself against his swollen dick, and he’d backed her against the wall and had been balls deep in her within seconds. The memory of it made a tremor pass through her body. Sighing, she rubbed her breasts against his chest.

“Uh-uh, none of that now,” Nicholas chastised her. “As much as I’d love to accommodate you, you’re much too tender for what you have in mind.”

Mel thought about it. She only felt a little sore. “Maybe you could just use the tip of it,” she whispered, suddenly feeling horny.

Nicholas looked down at her with a teasing smile, thinking that she was joking, but the lust that shone clearly in her eyes told him otherwise. Quickly, he let his finger find her clit, and when she winced, he said, “Just as I thought. Lindy, you’re too tender for me to do anything down there—even touch you.”

She pouted for a moment, knowing he was right. Saying nothing, she put her head back down on his chest. “Okay, Doctor, I’ll accept that,” she grumbled. “For now.”

Nicholas laughed and got out of bed. “You stay there. I’ll be right back.”

He was naked and Mel thoroughly appreciated the glorious view from the back—and the one from the front when he returned from the connecting bath.

“Lay back.” He threw the covers off her body. “Now open your legs,” he commanded. “Oh, baby, you’re so red.” He pressed a cold compress against her flesh.

Mel sighed in relief when it made contact, closing her legs around it. “Thank you,” she said when he got back into bed.

“Now,” Nicholas said as he settled in next to her, “Tell me why you have such a strong need to be in control.”

“I’ve been talking to Cally about it, and she thinks it could have something to do with the way I was raised. And thinking about it, I can see her point.”

“I thought you said you had a good childhood,” Nicholas reminded her.

“I did. My parents were and still are wonderful. It’s just that they didn’t have me until they were forty. They had been trying for years, and when I finally came along, they felt so happy and lucky that they were overprotective. They felt like I was the only one they’d ever have, and they needed to be extra careful with me, which they were. At the same time, they were really involved in my life, almost too much so. I was never allowed to go outside alone until I was twelve, not even to just go next door to my best friend’s house. Let’s see, what else? They put me in Catholic schools because they knew that I’d be watched over carefully and that the nuns would not let me leave the building unless my mother or father was there to pick me up.

“There was just a lot of stuff they did that made me feel powerless, so as a consequence, Cally said, I became a control freak. She says that control became a valuable commodity to me the way that money and power are to other people.” She shrugged. “Like I said, I can see her point. I remember that during the college application process, I only picked the ones that were out of state so I could get away from everything. I loved my parents but they drove me crazy. I was pampered and spoiled and quite possibly could have been a useless adult if it hadn’t been for Lilly and Simone. They, especially Simone, kept me grounded. They let me know in little ways that the way my parents treated me wasn’t normal.”

“That’s interesting,” Nicholas said. “So Cally thinks that you just transferred your need to control to the bedroom?”

“Yes, the most intimate of places, when you’re at your most vulnerable.”

“Well, I’ll say one thing for Cally, she’s still as smart as she was when she was a kid.”

“You guys knew each other when you were kids?” Surprised, Melinda lifted her head to look at him.

“Yeah. She didn’t tell you?”

“No. I mean, she said that you guys had known each other before Living Well and she’s the one who recommended you, but I just assumed that it had been from working at the same hospital.”

“Oh, no, I’ve known Cally since she was a little bitty ten-year-old Southern belle, when her family moved to our block from Atlanta. She was so funny, and my sisters loved her. She was at our house all the time. I even thought that there might have been something going on between her and my cousin Griff when they were teenagers, but then when she was seventeen, she just disappeared.”

“Disappeared? Her family moved?”

“No, her family didn’t move, but one day she just wasn’t there anymore. Her family wouldn’t talk about it. I always suspected that Griff knew something, but he would just clam up when I asked him about her, so I stopped asking. It became the big mystery of Taylor Street.”

“Interesting. And you never asked her as an adult?”

“Nope. When I ran into her at the hospital about five years ago, I was so pleased to see her that I didn’t think to ask her. I told Griff about her return later that day, and he asked me to promise not to ask her anything about her sudden disappearance. I could see it was important to him, so I promised.”

“Whatever it is, it must be pretty painful or bad, because she never told me she knew you from when you were kids, and she knew that I assumed otherwise.” She shrugged. “I guess if she had wanted me to know, she would have told me, so I won’t ask either.”


They lay like that for a while, and Mel was falling asleep again when he said, “Well, it’s time for me to get up and start the grind. Feel free to spend your day off here, sweetheart. I’ll take you out to dinner when I get home tonight.”

Mel looked up at him with a smile. “Oh, good, I’d like that—oh, but I can’t. I don’t have any clothes here, and I don’t want to even consider wearing the dress I had on last night. It’s clearly for after five


if I put it on now, anyone who saw me would know that I’d had it on last night and had spent the night having sex.”

“What does it matter?”

“It just matters, okay? I guess I’ll have to sneak out to my car,” she said, and moved to get out of bed. Pain from another area made her wince. “Ow.”

“What’s the matter?” Nicholas asked. “Is the compress not working anymore?”

Mel’s frown showed her embarrassment. “Oh, it’s working fine. It’s not that, it’s my—” She cut herself off and turned over on her stomach, deciding it was best just to show him. She waited for his laughter.

And was not disappointed. Nicholas laughed so hard, tears rolled down his face. She frowned up at him. “It’s not funny, Nicholas! Just tell me how red it is!”

Nicholas stopped laughing long enough to say, “Yes, it is funny. I told you to take it easy last night, but you just kept begging for more.” He made his voice a falsetto. “Harder, Nicky, please. Just a little harder,” he mimicked her before he started laughing again.

Mel grimaced. During the last time they’d made love, she’d thought about the light slaps he’d given her earlier in the night and wanting to experience the sensations again, she’d asked him to spank her. He’d agreed and had put her across his knee like she’d asked, but he’d refused to hit her any harder than the light stings she’d already experienced. When he wouldn’t make the slight slaps any harder, she’d begged him to keep spanking her instead. He’d cautioned her that it was too much, but she’d obviously gotten carried away, as had he.

She blushed.

“Oh, look, now your face is the same color as your ass,” he teased, and started laughing again.

Mel’s lips twitched, but she clamped them together so she wouldn’t laugh. “Nicholas!” she said sulkily. “Stop laughing at me. How red is it?”

Nicholas stopped laughing and sat next to her hip. “I’m sorry, babe.” He pressed a kiss in the dip of her back. “I shouldn’t have laughed so hard, but you’ve got to admit, it is funny. Now, let’s see what we’ve got here.” He pressed a finger gently against her skin, watching for her reaction as he did so. She didn’t move. “Does that hurt?” he asked.

“No, I just felt a little pressure.”

“Okay, it’s just a little pink, so you’ll be fine. It will be uncomfortable to sit on for long periods of time, though. Stay here today. Unless you think you can take the pain, you shouldn’t drive home just yet.”

“Yeah, I was thinking that too. If I gave you the extra set of keys to my house, would you go over and grab me some clothes for dinner after you leave the clinic? I know it would be out of your way, but—”

“Don’t worry about it, Lindy. I’d be happy to. I’m happy to do anything that will keep you trapped in my bed for hours at a time, which reminds me—” he rose and walked over to his closet “—I bought you some presents.”

Mel perked up, resting her head on her hand so she could see better. “You bought me presents?” Her eyes widened when she saw how large the bag was that he was carrying. “What on earth is it? And when did you buy them?”

are some things that I thought might be fun to try while you learned about the pleasure different parts of your body can bring you.” He sat on the edge of the bed, then reached into the bag and brought out some striped material. “I got them after what happened the day before yesterday. I was determined to get you in my bed and show you just what we could do with that body of yours.”

Mel scooted over to get a closer look. “A thong? You bought me a thong?”

“It’s not just any thong,” Nicholas said and pulled out a remote control. “It’s a remote-controlled vibrating thong.”

Mel laughed. “Get out!” she said, and snatched the thong from his hand. It started pulsing against her palm and she looked to see Nicholas working the remote. “So I would wear it while you had the remote?”

“Yep, or you could use it by yourself.”

“Ooh,” she moaned. “That would be really kinky, wouldn’t it? I never knew they even made stuff like this!”

Nicholas reached into the bag and next pulled out what looked like a plastic butterfly. It was purple and had black straps on either side.

“What is that?”

“Another vibrator.”

“But it’s a butterfly,” she protested, and reached out to touch the antennae.


“Yes, but it’s still a
, plus it’s purple. I’d feel like a pervert using that one. It looks like a toy for kids. What else you got?” she asked eagerly.

Nicholas laughed in sheer delight. He’d had no idea that the toys would go over so well. He’d only thought to get them to help ease her into the world of sex in a playful way, but clearly she didn’t need any easing. He reached down again. “Pull the bag off when I lift this last one,” he told her. “It’s a big one.”

Eagerly, Mel reached over to grab the bottom of the bag, pulling it off of what looked to be an oddly shaped cushion. Shaped like a bowl, but long, the piece was royal blue in color. She poked it with a finger. “What is it?”

“It’s called the Liberator, and this particular piece is what’s known as the scoop,” he told her. He set it on the floor and pushing it down at one end, set it to rocking. “Imagine all the fun we could have on that.”

Mel watched it rock and suddenly blushed. “Oh, wow,” she said as various positions flashed through her mind. She looked at the Scoop, then at Nicholas and back at the Scoop again. She blushed some more.

Nicholas laughed at the speculative, lusty look in her eyes. “I think I’ve taught you too well.”

Still looking at the rocking piece of furniture, Mel mumbled, “When do you think we can use it?”

“Oh, God. I’ve created a sex fiend!” Nicholas snatched her up by her waist and planted a hard kiss on her mouth. “I’ve got to start getting ready. Find a comfortable position on the bed, and when I come out from the shower, I’ll rub some salve on your butt. But first, I’ll need you to get me those extra keys to your house, and you’ll need to use the bathroom if you have to, because I don’t want you to move much until the salve dries.”

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