Big Spankable Asses (21 page)

Read Big Spankable Asses Online

Authors: Lisa G Riley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Erotic Fiction, #Erotic Stories; American, #African Americans, #Sadomasochism

BOOK: Big Spankable Asses
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“You’re not gonna do anything but make a fool of yourself,” Javon said between chuckles. “Does she have to spell it out any clearer? She don’t do the interracial thang.”

“That’s too bad.” Because when Shaun looked at her he didn’t see race. All he saw was a beautiful woman in four-inch stilettos and a body that screamed, “
Do me!”
He had come out tonight to meet her, and some way, somehow he was going to find a way to change her mind.


“Did he just ask you out?”


“And you turned
down?” Amber punched Simone lightly in the forearm. “What’s wrong with you? He’s gorgeous.”

“Oww!” She rubbed her arm. “No offense but he’s also white.”

Amber pursed her lips and glared over at her. “If you haven’t noticed, so am I. Since when has color been an issue?”

Simone gave her a dismissive wave. “It is when it comes to dating. It’s too complicated.”

“What’s complicated about it?”

Simone didn’t answer.

Amber frowned almost disapprovingly. “Race has got nothing to do with it and you know it. Don’t I remember you mentioning once that you dated a white guy in college?”

Simone finished mixing the drink and didn’t dare look at Amber because she would know she was lying. “That was a long time ago. People change.”

“Uh-huh. We’ve been friends for too long. Being the wrong color is a lame excuse. Now come off it.” She grabbed her arm. “Tell me what’s really going on.”

Glancing at her friend’s questioning eyes, Simone sighed. There was no way she could let Amber know that just looking at him made her nipples hard and her kitty cat meow. “Okay, I’ll admit I lied. But there is something about him I don’t like.”

“Could it be that a white boy has your juices flowing?”

Simone returned her grin. Amber was too smart for her own good.

“Come off it, Simone. He’s gorgeous and you know it.”

That was an understatement. He was
. She sobered before saying, “It wouldn’t work.”

Amber frowned. “I don’t get it. You’ve said you’re not interested in a commitment. If that’s true, what difference does it make what color he is? The only thing important is how much that gorgeous man is working with.”

Simone’s brow rose. “Speaking of dicks…” She purposely allowed her voice to trail off. “You know what they say about white boys.”

Amber quickly wagged a finger in front of her face. “Uh-uh. Don’t even start that mess about white men having small dicks. Michael’s got more than any one man should be blessed with. Not that I’m complaining,” she added with a light chuckle. “But don’t forget I used to date David, who was black, and his dick was small enough to jack off with a pair of tweezers.”

Laughing, Simone couldn’t help gazing across the floor at her mystery man. He was talking to a black dude with a smooth bald head. Simone loved bald men but tonight he didn’t do anything for her. The only thing she had eyes for was the man with the ponytail, standing beside him. His skin was dark, a strong olive. She couldn’t tell if he was deeply tanned or whether it was his natural skin tone. Just watching him, her breathing became difficult. Her pussy pulsed and she could feel evidence of her arousal running down her inner thigh.
That’s what you get for not wearing any underwear.
A customer waved for another round and she squeezed her thighs together, then moved to help him.

Even as she busied herself she was still utterly aware of the man barely twenty feet away. She knew every time he was staring at her because the hairs at the nape of her neck stood up and made her shiver inside. She couldn’t help looking at him. Oh, he was definitely scrumptious. But she couldn’t go there even if she wanted to. With one single glance, he had the ability to make her feel things that she didn’t need to feel and that meant he was all wrong for her.


“This is DJ Rated R coming to you live from Situations Nightclub, the hottest spot on the South Side. We’re about to slow it down and try to get a couple of love connections up in here, ’cause I got that Friday night fire! But first, let me introduce you to our lovely hostess, Simone Thomas. Simone, come on over and show us some love!”

Shaun was stunned when he saw the beauty from behind the bar sashay onto the stage. His dick bucked. She wasn’t a barmaid, she was the owner.

“So tell us, Simone. You got a man?” the deejay asked.

Ignoring the catcalls and whistling, she shook her head. “Nope. I can’t seem to find a man who can handle all this.” She spun around to show what
all this

“That’s a damn shame.” DJ Rated R shook his head as his gaze raked her from head to toe. He then spoke softly into the microphone. “Tell me something…what’s it gonna take for a man to get with yo fine ass?”

Simone took the mike, and a toe-curling smile claimed her lips. Shaun held his breath and waited.

“Well, Rated R, I’m gonna keep it real. I’m ready to put the vibrator away.” She paused and gave a delightful giggle as the women surrounding the stage agreed. “I’m tired of faking it. I’m fienin’ for a man who can satisfy me in and out of the bedroom.”

“I know that’s right!” a woman cried from the center of the crowd.

Simone laughed before continuing. “I tell you what. I’ve got a proposition for all your single listeners. I’ll go out with any man who can tell me what B.S.A. stands for. If you can guess and you’re up for the job, you’ll get to spend the night with me.” She handed the mike back to the deejay as loud murmurs spread across the floor.

“There you have it. Yo, fellas, you can have a night with this fine—and I do mean
—honey. All you gotta do is tell us the meaning of B.S.A. What’s it gonna be?”

All at once everyone started calling out possibilities. One short dude raced up to the stage and shouted, “Is it beautiful small ass?”

Simone turned around slowly and dropped a hand to her waist. “Do you see anything small about this?”

“Hell no!” someone shouted from across the club.

“Black sistah with ass!”

Again, she shook her head. Several more tried and didn’t even come close. Shaun wasn’t surprised. It just meant they weren’t the man for the job.

From where he was standing, Shaun was close enough to see her face. Her eyes were wide, deep-set and chestnut brown. Her lush red lips were the color of cherries, plump and just as ripe. As she continued to stand there, listening to all of the pitiful answers, all he could think about was holding her in his arms while he licked and sucked her juicy lips. He wanted her and he wanted her now.

Shifting slightly, he wondered why he was feeling none of the hesitation he’d felt in the past about indulging in a one-night stand. Tonight, he wanted more than anything to bury his dick so far up inside her heat, he wouldn’t know where she started and he ended. The overwhelming feeling was so unlike him. But he wasn’t worried. Tonight he was going to allow his heart and mind to govern his actions.

After a few more tries, Simone waved to the crowd, then left the stage and headed back toward the bar. Shaun downed the rest of his beer in one swallow, then reached in his pocket for a stick of gum. “Excuse me, Javon. I’ve got some unfinished business to attend to.”

His friend gave him a sympathetic smile. “Yo, Shaun, how many times she gotta tell you no, dude?”

“As long as it takes to get her to say yes.”


Simone spotted him heading in her direction. Her pulse raced and breathing was now difficult to do. His muscular body moved with innate grace that made a woman pay attention. And his fine ass was definitely getting a lot of admiring looks. She swallowed as he moved close enough to brush against her knees, then gazed up at him with her mouth open like some starstruck teenager, which was so not her.

“Hey,” he said in a husky voice that made her nipples tingle.

“Hello, would you like another drink?” she asked, shifting nervously from foot to foot.

He stepped closer. “No, I would rather have a dance.”

Shivers coursed through her body as his minty-fresh breath played havoc with her mind. Simone glanced quickly over to the packed dance floor. The music had slowed down and hips were gyrating against each other. Swallowing, she declined. “I’m working.”

His sexy lips curled in a playful grin. “I got the impression you were the owner.”

“I am,” she replied with a defiant tilt of her chin.

“Then you can take a break.”

Quickly, she shook her head. “I don’t think so.” Needing to put some distance between them, Simone moved and retrieved a damp rag and started wiping off the bar. She watched the handsome stranger out of the corner of her eye and wondered why he was still standing there when she had made it boldly clear that he was not her type. He said nothing. Just stood there watching her.

Fine! Two could play that game.

While she worked, she took the opportunity to take a closer look at him. There was a small diamond stud in his left ear, and dimples that were visible even when he wasn’t smiling. He had long, lush lashes, and sexy lips. Damn, she loved a man with nice lips. It took everything she had not to lean across the bar and press her mouth to his.
Girl, get it together
. Swallowing hard, she dropped her gaze to the counter. Yep. The man was all wrong for her.

She looked up again and found that he was still standing and waiting with his arms folded across his massive chest. He just stared and said nothing. Simone knew she should turn and go to the other end of the bar but her feet wouldn’t move. Finally, unable to stand the tension, she asked, “Can I help you with something?”

“Yes. I’m waiting for you to get done so we can dance,” he replied.

Simone dropped a hand to her waist. “Didn’t I tell you I’m—”

“Go on, Simone, and dance,” Amber intervened after ear-hustling on the conversation. She ignored Simone’s frown and glanced over at the handsome stranger. “What’s your name?”


Her smile widened. “Well, Shaun, this is my boss, Simone. Simone, this is Shaun. Now that we’re past the introductions, you’re now permitted to take her out onto the floor,” Amber said, pushing her from behind the bar.

Before Simone could object, Shaun took her hand and led her onto the crowded dance floor. As soon as he wrapped his arms around her, she forgot about being angry. Her body fit against him like a puzzle piece. A favorite Brian McKnight song was coming through the speakers and she closed her eyes and allowed Shaun to hold her tighter. Within seconds, a strong feeling of comfort cocooned itself around her. What she wouldn’t give to be able to always feel this secure in her life…

Shaun was the first to speak. “So you’ve never dated a white man before?”

“Nope,” she lied.

“That’s too bad,” he said close to her ear. “You have no idea what you’re missing.”

She blew out a disbelieving breath. “Can’t miss what you’ve never had.”

“There’s always a first time for everything.”

At the deep, sensual sound of his voice, Simone pulled back slightly. While gazing up at him, she felt a strong sensation that something was going to happen. Something exciting. Something amazing.

As if he could read her mind, he looked down into her eyes and said, “You’re going to fall in love with me.”

Simone sucked in a breath, surprised by the heat in his voice. She chuckled nervously, thinking he meant it as a joke. But the look on his face indicated he didn’t. There was desire there. Only now it had intensified a hundred times over. After a brief, awkward silence she replied, “Sorry, Romeo. You can’t find love unless you’re looking for it. And I definitely ain’t interested.”

“What are you looking for?”

She shrugged. “At the moment, nothing more than a relationship that lasts as long as the moment. After an orgasm, I’m ready to move on to the next.”

He chuckled as if he found her words amusing. “You can never find fulfillment that way. Sex has to start here.” He gently thrust a finger to his chest. “Nothing beats love.”

“That beer must have gone straight to your head,” she said, trying to make light of the conversation.

“Nah. I know what I want and I won’t settle for anything less.”

“Well, then tell me. What is it that you want?”

“I want you. All of you.”

He tilted her chin so she had to look directly at him. She didn’t know why that tired line made her quiver. It was something about the way he said it that made it almost sounded true. Almost. “You’re just trying to get between my legs.”

Shaun ran the side of his large hand down her throat in a touch so soft the caress was lighter than a feather. The seriousness in both his tone and eyes made her uncomfortable. “Nope. I knew my wife was the one the instant I met her. And we were together until the day she died in my arms.”

Her expression softened when she saw the pain in his eyes. “I’m sorry. What happened?”

“Breast cancer,” he said barely above a whisper.

Simone stared up at him for a long moment before asking, “How long were you married?”

“Almost twelve years.”

She leaned against his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. His voice and the emotions that shimmered in his eyes had said so much. He believed in love at first sight, a reason why he was wrong for her. But that did nothing to simmer down the attraction brewing inside. Lost in her thoughts, they fell silent until the beginning of the next song.

“You’re beautiful,” Shaun said, his voice thick and flirtatious.

“Thank you.” She had heard the same compliment many times before but his soothing voice made the words sound extra special.

“What if I told you you’re the first woman to make my dick hard in two years?”

Her jaw dropped open. Her kitty clenched. She was shocked and turned on by what he had said. Pulling back slightly, she stared up into his intense eyes. “What do you consider a dick?”

His jaw twitched. “Why don’t you feel and find out?”

The other couples weren’t looking at them. Boldly, Simone reached down and slid her hand across the zipper of his slacks. “Where is it?” she asked.

Shaun took her hand and guided it down toward his inner thigh. Almost halfway down his leg she found the head. She gasped. It was long. Thick. And hard as steel. The dampness between her legs grew warmer.

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