BILLIONAIRE ANGEL (Point St. Claire, where true love finds a way) (5 page)

BOOK: BILLIONAIRE ANGEL (Point St. Claire, where true love finds a way)
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“Must be where you get it from. Wanting to help.”

He looked taken aback, like he hadn’t seen the connection before. But he hadn’t let go of her hand, which only supported her theory. He’d inherited a giving nature. A good heart.

“What do they think of you owning an exclusive gentleman’s club?”

His expression sobered. “They understand. I need to do something different.”

“Except for special cases.”

“Special case,

“I’m not so sure.”

“Trust me, Billy.” He leaned that bit closer. “You will be my one and only. My last.”

She grinned. “Well, geez, you’re pretty special yourself.”

She’d been joking. Kind of. But Jax’s expression changed again. Blue eyes darkened, a pulse kicked off in his jaw. Then he leaned closer still, until Billy felt his breath on her cheek and a thousand butterflies released in her stomach. He was searching her face like he was seeing something new. Something he wanted to know and feel and trust.

Her heart was pounding so hard, she could barely get the words out.

“You want to tell me something, Jax?”

“Yeah. I do.” His eyebrows knitted. “This…what’s happening now…it’s not a good idea. I said from the start, this needs to be a business relationship. I was clear. You agreed.”

Then why was his gaze so heavy and focused on her mouth like he was about to blow that ‘business only’ relationship clean out of the water? Why was his breathing suddenly so deep?

Her lips twitched. “Jax, you look a little flushed.”

The pulse in his jaw only beat faster at the same time a barely audible tug-of-war growl rumbled in his chest. Then the line cut between his brows eased and his head lowered more. When his lips brushed a lazy, thrilling circle over hers, Billy thought she might die.

Reaching up, she curled her fingers into his Tee shirt, kneading all that hot muscled yum underneath. If she was light-headed before, now she was floating.

“I’m breaking my number one rule here,” he murmured against her lips.

“We need to make up some new rules.”


“New rule number one―kissing is definitely allowed.”

His arm scooped beneath her back as his mouth captured hers.

By the time the kiss broke, Billy’s world was spinning. She had to catch her breath before she could speak.

“New rule two,” she went on. “Kiss as often as possible.”

He kissed her again, deeply. Thoroughly. Until every cell in her body was zinging.

When he drew slightly away, her body was on fire and her brain wouldn’t work.


He nipped her lower lip. “Hmm?”

“What comes after two?”

As he scooped her up into his arms again, he told her.

“That would be fireworks.”


Chapter 6

Eight a.m. All was hushed.

Except for Billy’s snoring.

Not a delicate rattle of air pushed and pulled from her lungs. This was chugging like a coal train. Going up hill.

Jax had read somewhere the more tired a person was, the louder the noise. And he had kept Billy up late. Until dawn, in fact. He didn’t regret a moment.

Making love with Billy was explosive. Was
. It was how amazing she’d felt in his arms, the way her mouth fit so perfectly under his, the things she murmured in this ear, the feeling that this was a sure bet from the start, no  matter how many times he’d told himself

As he studied the bow of her lips now, her curves beneath the sheet, hunger swelled again, fierce and hot. Made him realize how shallow life had felt for too long. How completely he’d locked that part of himself away. He hadn’t so much as looked at a woman since ‘the incident’. Even now, he couldn’t forgive himself.

But Billy wouldn’t get hurt.

This time, he’d make certain of it.

He dropped a kiss on her warm brow and stayed close to breathe in the honey of her scent. Her mouth snapped shut, her leg swung up and the snoring stopped. He watched her face as she drifted up from her dreams. Then her eyelids dragged open and sleepy understanding dawned. She was in his bedroom. They’d spent the night together. In every delicious possible way.

Stretching like a cat, she smiled and curled up against him. He was bringing her close, rejoicing in the immediate way his body reacted to hers, when she stiffened, like someone had stabbed her in the back.

Her voice was a sexy croak, warm against his chest. “What time is it?”

“A little after eight.”

As she bolted upright, a sweep of mussed hair fell over her face. “I need to get home. I’m doing Emma Bagwell’s books today.”

“Who’s Emma Bagwell?”

“The Point’s kiss-ass realty agent. Emma’s a friend but, man, does she run a tight ship.”

“She won’t mind if you’re ten minutes late.” As his fingertips trailed down her spine, his hunger swelled and he growled against her lips, “Maybe thirty minutes.”

Maybe all day.

“I put Emma’s books off already last week. The day I broke into your club.”

When she flung back the sheet and dashed to the bathroom, Jax inspected the clothes littering the bedroom floor. He’d hoped to prolong those highs a little longer. But if making love again wasn’t an option, if Billy really needed to leave...

He called out, “I’ll put on coffee.”

“I totally
you!” From behind the bathroom door, she called out again, “Uh, I sounds great.”


Five minutes later, Billy followed the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and arrived in the kitchen. Jax stood by the pot, his beautiful broad chest bare, hair ruffled, that slanted smile sexy beyond belief.

As he moved across to greet her, a cup of coffee in each hand, Billy wondered.

Did Jax regret crossing that line from strictly business to mindless pleasure? It sure hadn’t seemed that way last night. Now, in this morning’s light, Billy felt as if making love with Jax Angel had all been a wonderful dream. She’d never experienced anything so intense. So consuming. He’d coaxed her to dizzy heights with his touch, with his mouth, with his words. Whenever he’d whispered against her ear, stroked her in ways that left her breathless...

Had last night been as good for him as it had been for her?

Searching his lidded eyes, Billy took a sip of coffee. And another.

“That’s good,” she said.

“So are my eggs Benedict.”

“If that’s an invitation―”

“They’ll be done in five minutes.”

“―I can’t.”
Not this morning

His chest expanded as he drew down a big breath. “Billy, we need to talk.”

“If you want my Aunt’s details, Ann will probably have something―”

“I mean talk about

He took her cup and put both down on a nearby counter. Then he bundled her in his arms, so deliciously close, she only wanted him to carry her upstairs again. As he kissed her, his hands cupped and gently lifted the back of her hips while his hard sculpted body pressed in against hers.

He so wasn’t ready to say goodbye.

But she couldn’t cancel Emma again. She wouldn’t let her friend down.

She couldn’t afford to lose a client.

When the kiss slowly broke, Jax rested his forehead against hers. “You sure you can’t have the day off? I’ll write you a note.”

When he nuzzled the lobe of her ear, she melted.

“’ll get me in trouble.”

As his mouth angled over hers, this time Billy found the strength to slip under his arm. If he kissed her again, she wouldn’t want to come up for air.

The playful intensity in his eyes lifted a little. “I need to stop now.”

She smiled. “You really do.”
For now.

He ran a hand through his bed hair then collected their cups and handed hers over. “You were saying Ann might have your aunt’s contact details.”

“If she hasn’t moved. Cathy didn’t keep in touch.”

“I tracked down your former neighbor,” he said. “Reed Alder.”

Billy shuddered. “Creepy man. I liked his dog though.”

“Did the dog like him?”

“Never left his side.”

“No one’s all bad. Although some people come close.” Jax searched his cup like he’d found something important hiding in there. “There’s someone else. The police report took note of a boy in your year...David Green.”

“David was in my drama class. Nice guy. A bit of a loner. He hardly ever smiled. A front tooth was chipped and black. Sucked that his parents didn’t take him to a dentist.”

“Anything else about his home life?”

“I went to his place a few times when we were rehearsing for a play. His dad was a slob. Smoked pot out back. Always wearing the same stained shirt and pants. His mom never got out of bed. David looked after himself the best he could.”

“Any older brothers?”

“No brothers or sisters.”

“Maybe living away from home?”

She remembered. “He
have a brother. Somewhere. David only mentioned him once. I could tell...he didn’t like him much.”

“Do you remember the brother’s name?”

“No clue. Why do you want to know so much about David?”

“Being thorough. Did you two ever talk about the ring?”

“One night we drank beer at David’s, in his room. First and last time I ever got smashed. It was a week after mom had died.” Reality was sinking in. “I might’ve said something about the ring that night.”

Jax’s gaze veered toward the window. His jaw was tight and eyes were narrowed, like he was putting something together. Something important.

But David had always worked hard, kept trying. Billy had trusted David and David had trusted her.

“I don’t think David took that ring.”

Jax refocused and put out his hand. “You have to go. I’ll walk you out.”

While the kitchen was fully restored―beautiful timber cupboards, dark gleaming granite, soaring freshly painted walls as well as decorative touches that made Billy wonder whether Jax had some professional where decor was concerned―the living room (like the main bedroom) were nowhere near finished.

Billy stopped at the worktable where sheets of colored glass were laid out. As Jax collected her carry all from the spot she’d left it the night before by the sofa, she ran a fingertip over a weird looking tool.

“These look dangerous.”

“Special pliers for handling stained glass,” he said, crossing back over.

A stencil design lay to one side. She grinned at the greeting. “
Jax’s Place

When he collected a small sheet of colored glass and held it up to the window light, prisms of red shifted across his handsome, upturned face. “It’ll go over the front door. Right above the welcome mat.”

He looked so proud. So sexy and good and
. A week ago she hadn’t known Jax Angel existed. Now, he was at the very center of her world.

For the longest time she’d had just two dreams. The first, to find that ring. The second, to become a successful actress. Would it be greedy to have three dreams?

Seriously. What girl didn’t want to find true love?




When Margo walked into his office later that morning, Jax gladly left off studying the figures he’d been sorting through. He’d been imagining far more pleasurable activities. More companionable ways to spend his time. He couldn’t wait to have Billy in his arms again.

And that could be a problem.

He loved being with Billy. Loved her adventurous spirit, her tenacity, her smile. But he didn’t want their attraction for each other to venture into ‘serious’ territory. Relationship terrain that came before talk of marriage and ‘baby on the way’ because that was the biggest responsibility of all.

But Billy was a career girl. She wasn’t after
. And, god knows, he didn’t deserve it.

“I’ve put together a
to do
list for the anniversary celebrations,” Margo said. “Invitations need to go out. So, a final decision on making this an evening with partners?”

Sitting back, Jax tapped the end of his pen against his chin. He hadn’t given that idea any more thought until now. This minute, he saw the advantages, like, he could ask Billy to be his date?

“You’re right,” he said. “We should open up the night a little more. Go ahead and extend the invite to partners.”

Margo’s face lit up. She took a seat, but on the edge of his desk, not in her usual chair.

“In that case,” she said, “you and I should pair up to greet our guests at the door. It’ll make wives and girlfriends feel more comfortable.”

On the face of it, a great idea. But Billy would be the woman standing by his side. He could see her now. Hair cascading down her back. A sexy slip of an evening gown. He’d get her some jewelry to go with her emerald eyes, or maybe her lips.

And Garfield would bring his wife, who might decide to wear her ruby ring that night.

Billy wouldn’t be able to stop herself.

She’d ask her questions. Garfield would feel harassed.

Given the strict privacy terms associated with the club’s membership, as well as Garfield’s reputation in the judicial system―cue the law suit.

Margo stood and straightened her slim-lined skirt. “I’ll finalize the invitations.” But then she stood there like she expected him to add something more.

He nodded, summoned a smile. “That’d be great. Thanks.” When she still didn’t move, Jax loosened the tie circling his throat. “Anything else?”

“It’s look distracted. Anything you want to share?”

“Like what?”

She laughed. “Like maybe lunch? I was going to grab something in the gym cafe. Care to join me?”

When Billy had opted out on eggs, he’d skipped breakfast all together. Now at the mention of food, Jax’s stomach rumbled. He could go a gourmet steak sandwich with a side of chilli fries. Afterward, he’d hunt down Reed Alder and have a word with Billy’s creepy ex-neighbor about events ten years prior.

“You’re on,” he told Margo. “But first...” He eyed the figures staring back from his laptop. “This spreadsheet needs my TLC or Ronald will blow a cog.”

The club’s accountant was good at his job but not nearly as easy on the eyes as the other figures person in Jax’s life. The woman he couldn’t quit thinking about. That he had to see again.

Tonight, if not sooner.

Once Jax was alone again, he swept up his cell and phoned.

Apparently Billy had other plans.

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