Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (48 page)

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Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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What had happened between Leon and I could be boiled down to simply sex. We had both wanted physical gratification and we got it. It just happened to have occurred on the anniversary of his best friend’s death. And my sadness over his pain wasn’t because I felt any sort of real feelings towards him. No, if I had seen that story on television or in a movie, I would probably have been just as moved to tears. The fact that it was a person who I had interacted with only gave it someone to attach those feelings to.

I put on some music. I turned up the expensive speakers and got up from my desk and walked over to my private bathroom. It was small, tiny by any standards. Sitting down on the closed toilet seat, I locked the door needlessly. The light cast shadows all around me. All around the bathroom were pictures of the sea and paintings of all things maritime related. It had seemed a fitting little decor.

My eyes closed. I slowly bit my lower lip with increasing pressure as I started to form a picture of Leon in my mind. There was no sadness in his eyes. He stood before me, naked and glistening with sweat. My hand found the wetness between my thighs and I focused all of my frustration and angst into that area.

The fantasy washed over the bathroom. Soon my surroundings were all gone and there was nothing except the growing pleasure of my hand’s movement and the image of Leon before me. His cock was as hard as stone and wanting. In his eyes, I saw nothing but lust. When he looked at me, everything about him looked hungry. He pointed a finger at me and beckoned me towards him.

I was clad in leather. A thong stretched tight over my thighs connected in the back to a string that was supposed to be a bra. My nipples poked around the sides of the tiny bra, hard and wanting. Around my neck there was a leather collar that was pulled tight and connected to the rest of the leather garments. My hair was pulled back tight and I wore crimson lipstick.

I was on all fours and I slowly inched my way towards Leon, taking my time to move very slowly. His cock pulsed with want and I could see him clenching his fists as he watched my body flow with every move towards him. When I reached him, he put his hand under my chin and raised my face to look at his. His cock was inches from my face, the warmth of the blood that flowed down there radiating from it.

Leon lifted me up and turned me around. On my feet, he pushed me against a wall and spread my legs. His cock rested against my ass cheeks and one of his hands grabbed the ponytail that was tightly wrapped on the back of my head. He pulled back and I looked up to the sky, moaning loudly. His free hand moved between my legs and found the spot that made me cry out loudly.

Hot breath warmed my ear and his tongue slowly slid around the lower lobe. Through the breathing, his voice was clear and seductive, barely above a whisper.

“I’m going to fuck you like you want to be fucked,” he whispered. I moved my hips up and down and my ass rubbed against his firm cock. “You’re going to come for me.”

I nodded my head quickly in agreement. I could feel the massive rod of his manhood against me, knowing where it belonged. I reached back behind me to grab him and his hands grabbed my wrist. The leather bracelets that I was wearing were tied together and now I was bound. Leon roughly grabbed me and I felt myself thrown on a bed, face down.

He began to lick my lower back lustfully as his hand returned to my hair. He pulled back just as his tongue began to slide down between my ass cheeks. His tongue moved all around, the sensation rocking through my entire body. He pulled my hair harder and I cried out as his tongue found my clit. He sucked and licked, my body racked with pleasure.

An orgasm was building up. As I could feel it approaching, Leon pulled back and then I felt him pressing his cock against me. He slid it against my lips and moved it up and down on my clit. I could take no more and I pushed back. Leon thrust himself completely into me and my nerves exploded and I saw stars.

The bathroom was far away. My hand rubbed furiously. I bit down on my lips, imagine Leon thrusting in and out of me without slowing. There were no caresses, no gentleness. He was fucking me to make me come.

Leon turned me over. His hands moved under my ass and lifted me up, arching my back. He pushed deep into me, pounding me with his hard cock over and over. Still holding one hand under my ass, he took one hand and grabbed the leather strap around my neck. He pulled me against him as he thrust and I knew that my orgasm would wait no longer.

Stars exploded behind my eyes. I knocked against the bathroom walls and my leg kicked out as the orgasm broke. Leon stared at me, a smile on his lips as he continued to push in and out of me. His body moved with incredible speed as waves of orgasm crashed over me, washing away everything.

The orgasm peaked and then began to slow. My eyes hurt from closing them so hard and I opened them. The scene had dissipated instantly and I was back in my bathroom. In front of me, a painting of a boat with a large whale under it greeted my vision. I sat there for a few minutes, reveling in the feeling of my orgasm. I was starting to feel better already.

I washed my hands and walked out of the bathroom. A touch of anxiety hit me when I wondered if maybe April might have heard me. But when I looked around my office, everything was the same as I left it and the blinds were still closed. The music was loud enough to mask even the loudest, raunchiest sex and I had only been pleasuring myself. Despite the moans in the fantasy, I knew that I had stayed silent.

I turned down the music and walked out of my office. April was at the door signing for our lunch delivery. When I smelled the food, my appetite roared out in approval. My mouth watered and I grabbed my food greedily, thanking April warmly before returning to my office.

I ate with chopsticks while I read another file. The curry tofu dish was extremely spicy, just how I liked it. I breathed out of my mouth to cool my tongue, now on fire, as I drank copious amounts of Thai tea. It was loaded with sugar, but I was thankful April had ordered one for me.

The file before me was a lawyer in her mid-thirties. Her stark black hair adorned a beautiful face that blue eyes shone out from. During our interview, I remembered her as being an assertive and confident woman. Yet when she told me about her ideal man, it somehow contradicted the image she put forth of herself.

“I just want a man to take control,” she said. “I want a man who’s not afraid to be dominant, although not aggressive, of course.”

I thought about the word dominant. Going over her file, a lot seemed to match up with Leon. Even my memory of our meeting a few weeks ago lined up with my idea of a woman who might work for Leon. Why was it just now that I had found this file? I wracked my brain for answers as to why I had not thought of her before. Andrea Locke, a beautiful lawyer looking for a man just like Leon Christensen.

I tossed the folder to the side in disgust. The idea of hooking her up with Leon immediately brought a sense of revulsion in me, as though I was betraying myself by matching them. I took a large bite of food and chewed angrily, unsure as to why I was all of a sudden so distraught. If I didn’t think they’d be a good match, I simply wouldn’t match them. So what was the problem?

The problem was that I did think they’d make a good match. I didn’t want to match them simply because I held onto some misplaced notion about Leon.

You have feelings for him, I thought suddenly.

As quickly as the thought came, I crushed it. I would not behave as if I cared for this man. I might hold him in high esteem when it came to sex, but it was laughable to think that I was falling in love with Leon Christensen. Even the idea of falling in love was far-fetched for me, let alone with a guy like Leon Christensen, gorgeous or not.

The file loomed large on my desk. It became instantly clear to me that this was the solution. While I had tried to find my way out through Marilyn, I was now going to match him with Andrea Locke. It was final.

My heart racing, I picked up the folder and ran out of my office. The food was still open and hot on my desk, half-finished. As I ran out, I turned to April.

“April, I’m going out for a little while. I should be back before we close for the day, but if you’re done with your work today, feel free to take off early.”

“Thank you, Miss Facet,” April said to my back as I hurried out of the office.

Chapter 12

I drove fast. My foot became lead against the gas pedal as I raced towards Leon’s office. It dawned on me suddenly that I had no idea if he was even there, but I didn’t want to call him. Instead, I brought up Stills’s number and rang him.

“Hello?” Stills said.

“Stills, this is Julie Faucet,” I said. My heart beat like a snare drum roll. What if Leon was right beside him? Worse, what is Leon had already told Stills about last night?

“Hey Julie, what’s up?” Stills asked warmly. If he knew or not, it was obvious he didn’t care.

“Well, I’m looking for Leon. I have a match for him and it’s imperative that I present it to him soon.”

“Oh yeah?” Stills asked, his voice growing excited. “Well, I just left his office like half an hour ago and he was still there. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be there till the end of the day, so you can catch him on his office line if he’s not picking up his cell phone. You need the number?”

“No, thanks, but I already have it,” I lied. “Thanks Stills. When I know any more I’ll definitely let you know how Leon’s case is going.”

“Excellent, thanks!”

I hung up. I raced down the highway even faster, not caring if any cops were around. Miraculously, I arrived at Leon’s office without incident or speeding ticket. When I pulled up the building, my stomach was tied in a knot and my heart pounded against my ribcage like a jackhammer. I breathed in and out slowly, following my breath in order to calm myself down. After a full minute of this, I finally felt composed enough to go inside.

The security guard recognized me instantly. He escorted me to an elevator and told me to have a nice day. I smiled brightly at him and thanked him for being so helpful. At no point did he ask me if Leon was expecting me or if I had an appointment. As the elevator rose, I wondered if Leon had told his staff to let me come up. Or maybe he had seen me in a security camera, although I didn’t remember seeing any security monitors in his office. No, it was probably that I was a non-threatening woman who was seen with him before. I wondered how Marilyn would have been treated if she had just waltzed in like I did.

The elevator doors opened. I stormed into Leon’s office. When I saw him sitting behind his desk, I felt a wave of conflicting emotions. I immediately wanted to run over to him and embrace him and then slap him. Instead, I stood before his desk and eyed him angrily. The folder weighed heavily under my arm.

“Julie,” Leon said, his voice giving away a hint of confusion. His face looked surprised when he saw me. I saw a flash of the previous night’s warmth in his face before it vanished. His smile, full of white teeth and snarky wit, returned to quickly mask any actual emotion.

“It’s such a pleasure to see you,” he said, holding out the word pleasure like the sound of it filled him with ecstasy.

“It’s so nice to see you,” I said curtly. “You left like a criminal this morning. I didn’t get a chance to talk to you.”

Leon held his hands out palms open. “Oh yeah, I’m sorry about that. I had to run. Work beckoned.” He motioned around his office as if it were all the explanation necessary. “Did you want me to wake you up for a little morning fun?”

I made every effort not to show that he had hit a nerve. The truth was that I had actually wanted him again in the morning. Standing before him, I was not about to admit that.

“Please, sit,” Leon said, his arm extended towards one of the chairs. I sat down and crossed my legs before him. His eyes scanned me from feet to breasts and then returned to my face. “You look absolutely delicious this afternoon. Although I must say I preferred how you looked last night.”

Leon Christensen had returned to his old, crude self. I felt my annoyance grow hotter until it bubbled into anger. Last night was a distant memory for him, as though it had never even happened.

“Leon,” I said, unsure as to what to say next. I had come over here to present this file to him and show him that I didn’t care about him, but now I wondered if this had been a mistake. He was staring at me, curious as to what I was about to say. “I’d like to talk about last night. That was highly unorthodox for me.”

Leon raised an eyebrow. For a moment, I saw something in his face that echoed his vulnerability from the previous night. It vanished like a ghost at sunrise.

“Well, we can arrange for something more orthodox in the future, if that would better suit you. Is that what you’d like for next time?” He asked, grinning madly at me. Leon leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs.

“No, that’s not what I meant,” I said. His tone had hurt me. Despite my fantasy in my office bathroom, I was not looking for a fuck from him. I felt a flux of confusion over my own feelings at what exactly I wanted from this man.

Leon Christensen could seem to care less about what had happened last night. His attitude was dismissive, as though we had simply been sparring partners at the gym or had an informal business meeting. Yet I had seen tears flow from those eyes that rivaled the rain that fell against the roof. Had that all been a lie?

“Oh, my mistake,” Leon said slyly. “I’m such a fool. Of course you don’t want to be orthodox. I do have leather straps and harnesses at my house. I can tie you up. Would you like that?”

I was speechless. Leon stared at me and continued on.

“You definitely come with ease, so I’ll have to hold off on too much pleasure, but I can see that you’d just love being teased. And I’d really love to see just how far you can take my cock down your throat. You certainly had no problem riding me last night. Believe me, a lot of women have trouble with a man of my caliber.” He motioned towards his crotch crudely.

“I’ll start by tying you up and laying you face down on the bed. I’ll run a feather over your back, barely touching the skin. I can do this for as long as you want or as long as I want, but you’ll writhe in agony before I let you even touch me. Of course, with your hands bound, you can only use your mouth. But I know that your tongue moves just to my liking.”

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