Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels (71 page)

Read Billionaire Erotic Romance Boxed Set: 7 Steamy Full-Length Novels Online

Authors: Priscilla West,Alana Davis,Sherilyn Gray,Angela Stephens,Harriet Lovelace

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Sasha had a feeling he’d never forgiven her for that day. She mentally shrugged. There was nothing she could do about it now. He hated her from the moment she refused him. She wasn’t about to apologize since he was the one who made it more than something between the two of them, rallying the other jockeys to question her abilities and professionalism when she had more to offer Taylor Stables by way of talent and sheer hard work than he did.


“That’s a mean look you got there.” Linc appeared out of the crowd with a big smile on his face.


He had cleaned up well and now wore slacks, a buttoned-down shirt, and a blazer. He had cut his hair between now and the last time that Sasha had seen him. As he hugged her, she was enveloped in a pleasant yet subtle aftershave. The clothes fit him well, as did the crisp citrus scent. With his fresh haircut, clothes, and warm smile, he looked comfortable indeed among the trappings of the country club set.


“This mean look is for you, Linc. I can’t believe you came to this party looking prettier than me,” she teased, brushing a hand across the lapels of his blazer. “Very nice.”


He laughed. “Keep saying things like that and I’ll have to go wrestle a bull just to prove my manliness.”


“The bull wouldn’t stand a chance.” Sasha grinned up at him, enjoying their easy camaraderie.


“Ha! You push me, you pull me.” He smiled back her. “You don’t look too bad yourself, by the way. I bet a lot of guys expected you to show up here in riding boots and a flannel shirt.”


She waved dismissively. “Even I know that’s not appropriate attire. The boots would chafe my knees.”


They shared another laugh then Linc grabbed two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter’s tray. He passed one to her.


“I don’t think we officially toasted to your win at the Derby, Sasha.” He raised his glass. “You did a fine job out there and made us all very proud.”


Sasha flushed with pleasure at the unexpected toast and raised her glass. “Thank you, Linc. This means a lot to me.” She sipped the sparkling wine, fighting a sneeze at the effervescent bubbles.


“I would have made a much more public scene over multiple pitchers of beer but you’ve been scarce lately.”


Sadness touched the corners of her mouth. “I know. One day, I hope things get better. I love my Taylor Stables family.”


“And we love you, too. Sasha.” He lowered the champagne flute from his lips. “I’m hoping you’ll see your way through this, whatever it is, or at least ask for help from someone who will know what to do for you.”


Tears burned her eyes. She blinked against them, looked away from Linc’s earnest face. “Thank you.” She swallowed. “You’re one of the best people I’ve ever met, Linc. You’ve made working here one of the best experiences of my life.”


“Why does that make me think you’ve met too many not so good people?”


She shrugged. “Life can be a run of the gauntlet at times.”


He winced, pulled her to him in a one-handed hug. “Chin up, girl.”


“Is this a private love-fest or can anyone join in?” Gabe, another of the jockeys from the stables sidled up to them, a nearly full tumbler of whiskey in his hand.


“There’s always enough love for you, Gabe.” Sasha squeezed the shorter man’s shoulders and grinned, pushing aside the sadness and pain that Linc’s words had brought up. “Is that drink for me? I could use something a little stronger.”


“Get your own,” he said with a smile and held his drink above his head which put it directly in her reach. “The line for the bar is getting crazy.”


“Sounds like a typical line for the ladies’ room,” she said. “Speaking of which, I have to go make room for all this free booze.” Sasha put down her champagne on a nearby table.


“What a real lady!” Gabe said with a guffaw.


“What would you know about a real lady?” she threw over her shoulder as she walked away toward the bathrooms.


The men laughed as she continued out the door and into the hallway toward the opulent restrooms she remembered seeing signs for on her way in. As she moved down the hallway and through the thinning crowd, she thought she heard someone call her name. Sasha turned, but there was no one. She made a left into the narrow hallway for the bathrooms.


“You look like a wet dream in that dress.”


She stopped at the sound of Damien’s voice. Sasha turned and watched him walk toward her in the hallway. His eyes were hot and predatory.


“But that’s nothing compared to what this makes me want to do to you.” He touched the collar around her neck, black leather and with a silver buckle that matched the ones on her shoes.


Sasha shivered at his touch, his fingers stroking her neck then slipping under the warm leather as if under panties, an intimate caress that made wetness instantly coat her underwear.


“Where are you going?” he asked, his voice gravelly and hot.


“Wherever you want.”


That was the only answer to the real question burning in his electric blue eyes. “Good.” His eyes flickered down to her mouth and he tilted his head down as if to kiss her. Then suddenly, he stopped himself. “Follow me.”


He took her somewhere. Sasha didn’t know where, she couldn’t retrace her steps if someone paid her to. All she knew was that one moment, they were in the hallway leading to the bathrooms and an office marked “Private,” and the next, Damien was closing a door behind them, twisting the lock home.


“Come to me.” His voice was low in his chest, a powerful rumble that drew her feet toward him before she even thought to obey his command.


He hooked his finger in the o-ring at the front of the collar. “Do you know what this means?”


“Yes.” At his intent look, the look that saw through to very heart, soul, and blood of her, she licked her lips and looked away.


“Do you?” His fingers curled in the ring even more, tugged it.


“No,” she said softly in confession. “I just wanted to please you.”


“Oh, God!” He released a hot breath, pulled her closer with the ring, the soft leather digging into her neck. “You always please me,” he said. “That’s one thing you never have to worry about.” He groaned like a man in pain, fingers curling under the collar, digging into her skin. “You please me like no one else in the world.” He groaned again. “Turn around.”


She didn’t turn fast enough because he spun her around, shoved her belly and cheek into the wall. Then his hands were dragging up her dress. Cool air brushed her bare thighs, her ass as he revealed her to his gaze. He hissed, hands on her ass on her sex that she’d left uncovered for him. Damien shoved her thighs apart. Tilted her ass up, shoved her chest even more into the wall. Then she heard nothing. Felt nothing. Just his eyes on her, the A/C blowing cool against her dripping sex. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her nipples tightened against the dress. Sasha curled her fingers into her palms.


“Fucking beautiful,” he grated. “Fucking...”


He shoved his cock into her. She gasped at the suddenness of it, his thick manhood inside her clutching cleft. But she was ready for him, wet and wanting. Sasha pushed out her ass even more, tightening her pussy around him, swallowing him. She stretched her hands high up on the wall, using it for leverage as she shoved back onto his cock, eager for him. Her womb throbbed. Her pussy trickled. Sasha gasped with her desire as he moved inside her. His cock was heavy and thick, knocking at the walls of her dripping wet pussy while the breath came harshly between his teeth.




Damien’s fingers settled on her clit. He massaged it, stroked it as he slammed into her. Pleasure snapped hot and fast inside her, swallowing her in wave after wave of heat. She bit her lips to stop herself from crying out his name, from crying out in pleasure.


He grabbed her hair, twisted it up and off her neck so he could look at the collar as he fucked her. She dipped her head, gasping as he pounded inside her, his grip fast in her hair. The pain fed her pleasure. Sent it shivering under her skin, brought prickles of sweat under the dress, at the top of her lip, down the center of her back.


The sound of their lust lifted her even closer to her release, the liquid fuck of his cock in her pussy, his almost animalistic grunts, her whimpers of pleasure. She bit her lips harder but couldn’t stop the continuous streams of “oh oh oh oh” from falling from her mouth. Her skin was on fire and she was so full of him. She was enfolded in pleasure, and then ripped apart. The release barreled closer and closer. Sasha clawed at the wall. A scream rose in her throat but Damien’s hand slammed over her mouth. Her hair tumbled down her damp neck as he released his grip. Her body imploded with a muffled scream.


And then Damien was jerking against her, his passion jetting inside her pussy, his teeth sinking hard into her shoulder. They trembled together as Sasha braced herself against the walls. Her legs trembled, her pussy twitched around him. Their breaths came quickly in the small room.


“Fuck...” Damien breathed against her skin. Then he pulled back, withdrew his still thick cock from her. “That wasn’t quite what I meant to happen,” he said breathlessly.


The sound of rustling cloth came from behind Sasha, and then Damien’s hand was between her legs. A cloth. He was cleaning her. She blushed, the heat moving in a scorching tide over her face, and tried to step away. But he held her still until he was finished. He pulled down her dress, kissed the back of her neck and stepped back.


When she turned he had his handkerchief wadded up in his hand. Aside from the missing cloth in the pocket of his blazer, he looked as before. Beautiful and perfect. Pants zipped up. Every hair in place. Sasha drew a trembling breath, pressed her palms to her hot cheeks as her riotous body tried its best to settle down. She wished she could get herself together so easily.


Before she could say anything, he kissed her mouth. A tender press of lips against hers that invited her closer. Sasha twined her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to him, melting beneath the tender assault on her senses that with another man might seem completely backward for what they had just done. But with Damien, it was perfection. A tenderness to reinforce the passion they shared together. A fierce fire, then the hazy smoke of their desire.


Her heart thudded madly with a sudden realization. She loved him. She was in love with Damien Taylor. There was no turning back from that now even though she doubted that he felt the same about her. But it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the feeling tripping through her. And it mattered that she knew love for the first time. Knew it and welcomed it. For now that was enough for her. Slowly, slowly, she drew back from him, relishing the contact between them.


Sasha cleared her throat, her palms flat against his chest. “You need to get back to your party. Everyone will wonder where you are.”


Damien caressed her cheek, trailed a hand down to touch the leather collar at her throat. “They’ll be fine.” He stared down into her face for a long moment. “Will you spend the night with me later on this week? On Friday?”


Sasha raised an eyebrow, smiling. “You’re asking so nicely. Should I be suspicious?”


He grinned. “You can be whatever you want, darling. As long as you bring this luscious ass of yours to my house on Friday.” Damien palmed her bottom through the dress, growling playfully into her throat.


She giggled, squirming with pleasure against him. “That sounds more like the Damien I know.” She curled a hand around his neck, marveling again at his strength, the fact that he wanted to be with her. “I will be happy to spend the night with you.”


“Good.” He dropped a quick kiss on her mouth and pulled away. “I’ll make it worth your while.”


“You always do.” She shoved her hands through her hair to tidy the unruly locks, straightened her dress, and then reapplied her lipstick. Smiling, she did a quick twirl. “Do I look presentable?”


“Regrettably so,” he said. “I much prefer the freshly fucked look.”


“Oh, do you?” She shook her hair back over her shoulders. Then, intently meeting her lover’s eyes, unbuckled the collar from around her neck. Sasha pressed the warm leather into his hand and closed his fingers around it. He stared at her as if mesmerized.


“I’ll make sure to remember that.” She grinned at him over her shoulder as she walked to the door.


Sasha unlocked the door and looked down the hallway, surprised to realize that they were in the small storage room in the same hallway as the bathrooms. After one last glance at Damien, she stepped into the hallway and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Just to make sure she didn’t look “freshly fucked” to everyone else.


When she stepped back into the ballroom where the party was still going strong, she instantly turned red as if every eye was turned on her. Between her legs, she still felt traces of Damien’s desire, the faint soreness from his rough possession. Sasha grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and downed half of it in one swallow.


“Sasha! There you are. We’ve been looking for you.”


At the sound of Michelle’s voice, Sasha turned with a smile on her face, sure that she looked like the cat who’d just swallowed the canary. Or like a woman who’d been thoroughly fucked just a few moments before. She felt naughty. She felt decadent. She felt better than she had in a long time.


Chapter Fifteen

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