Bite Me (30 page)

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Authors: C. C. Wood

BOOK: Bite Me
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He thought back to when Conner Savage had extended the invitation to his engagement party, Alexander had immediately turned him down.

“Ivie will be there,” he stated calmly.

Alexander tried to pretend he had no idea what Conner was talking about but they had been friends, almost brothers, for too long.

“Lex, you’ve paid penance long enough. It’s time to let go of the past and look to your future. I think we both know she is your future.”

That may be the case but he and Conner knew that there was something else in their future. Something not so wonderful. It had difficult to break Vanessa Santino but she had broken. Very little surprised Alexander after so long on this world but what she told him had not only surprised him. It rendered him speechless. Steps were being taken by the enemy that would change life for vampires all over the world. Unfortunately, it would not be a change for the better.

He and Conner had met with the Council and were tasked with assembling men to work against the threat. That was on hold for tonight though. Conner and Donna were celebrating their engagement. Now that Donna was turned, his friend was wasting no time in making her his for eternity. There would be time enough for war amongst his kind. There had been battles before and would be again. Tonight was to remember why they fought, and the rewards.

As he absently swirled his empty glass, Lex kept both eyes on the woman that he knew in his soul would be his future. He also knew she would lead him on a merry chase. But like any prey, Lex could run her to ground if he had enough patience and endurance. Since he had been a hunter for nearly a thousand years, he was confident that’s exactly what he would do.

“Enjoy yourself tonight, Ivie,” he murmured though she couldn’t hear him, “because tomorrow the hunt begins.”

As though she heard him, Ivie’s head came up and she looked across the room to the place where Alexander had been standing.

All that remained there were shadows.




When I started writing books last year, I had no idea what I was doing.
I just wanted to write about all the funny, crazy people in my head and their stories.
I hoped I would sell a few books, make a few friends, and have some fun while I was at it.
Since then, I have done all of those things and more.

So many people have helped me on my journey, and I am so grateful for their help, encouragement, and, sometimes, inspiration.

Many, many thanks to Ana’s Attic and Scandalicious Book Reviews for taking a chance and reading my first novellas with an open mind.
You ladies have taken me under your collective wings and helped me in so many ways.
I love you both for it.

Also, I am grateful to Smut Book Club, Book Crack, Mommy’s Reads and Treats, Becca the Bibliophile, A Love Affair with Books, Bookslapped, Bookaholics Blog, and Books, Babes, and Cheap Cabernet for reading the books and sharing with their followers.
If I have forgotten anyone, I’m sorry.
So many blogs have been kind enough to review my works.

I have learned so, so much from Raine Miller, Jasinda Wilder, Katie Ashley, and R.K. Lilley. Thank you for sharing your experiences and your knowledge with me. I am so blessed to be able to call you friends. Oh, and also thanks for letting me have all those ARC’s. I loved every single one!

And a big thanks to Tara Sivec for being awesome. I would say you’re my role model but I don’t know if you should be anyone’s role model. Ha! Love ya!

Last, but not least, a big thank you to the Whorehouse. I love you Donna, Ivie, Ricki, Shannon, and Kerry. You ladies inspired this series of books, and you each get your own. I can’t wait to write your stories.



A native Texan, C.C. grew up either reading or playing the piano. Years later, she’s still not grown up and doing the same things. Since the voices in her head never shut up, C.C. decided to try and profit from their crazy stories and started writing books.

Now that she has a baby girl at home, C.C.’s non-writing time is usually spent cleaning up poopy diapers or feeding the poop machine. Sometimes she teaches piano, cooks, or spends time bugging her hubby and two beagles.



Other Titles by C.C. Wood



Girl Next Door Series:

Friends with Benefits



Kiss Series:

A Kiss for Christmas

Kiss Me



Bitten Series

Bite Me



Contact C.C.

C.C. loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her on both Facebook and Twitter!







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