- Black Gold 2 - Double Black (22 page)

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Authors: Clancy Nacht,Thursday Euclid

BOOK: - Black Gold 2 - Double Black
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Instead of joining Cole on the bed, Kyle closed the door and stared him down. “It was kind of a mess when I got here. Like they landed in this spot together and then didn’t know where to go next.” Cole sat and watched Kyle, trying to figure out what the test might be. “Maybe reminding my dad that he’s not infallible is what he needed. I dunno. He’s not what I thought he’d be while being exactly what I thought he’d be. Does that make sense?”

“No, but I’m pretty used to your incoherence.” Kyle settled into the overstuffed leather armchair and propped his feet on the bed next to Cole. The whole room looked like it was intended to double as a music-video set for whatever overtly sexual and obnoxiously loud song Jett might release next. While most of the house was as elegant and luxe as Goldie himself, this room gave the distinct impression of being designed by either Satan or Cole’s father.

Kyle looked around as if processing the same thought. “But yeah, I guess he’s who I expected him to be, but more open. I didn’t think he’d want hugs or play video games with us. And he seems really young on TV and stuff, but you meet him and he’s going gray. It’s weird. He’s really your dad. Surreal.”

Before Cole could respond, Kyle kicked him gently. “I guess I had a different perspective coming here than you did. But I’m glad I came.”
Cole caught Kyle’s foot and ran his fingers along the underside to make him laugh. “They were all freaked out that you were a closet case who’d off himself rather than admit to being my boyfriend. I assured them you weren’t a closet case. Wasn’t sure if being associated with me would make you suicidal, though.”
“Oh, shut up, Cole.” Kyle grinned and moved to sit beside him. “You don’t deserve to have me here, but fortunately for you, I’m very forgiving.”
Cole watched Kyle from the corner of his eye. Was he flirting or just being Kyle? “Yeah, well. Sorry about that. I figured you’d be busy packing for college or whatever. Wasn’t sure where I was going to live. I know you would’ve put up with me for a few nights, but I had to get going to California or I’d chicken out or something. I dunno. I think I went kinda crazy for a bit. All I really wanted to do was punch Jett Black in the mouth.”
“Did you?” Kyle bumped his shoulder against Cole’s. “Punch Jett Black in the mouth, I mean. Not go crazy for a bit. I figured that part out. And ‘a bit’ is putting it very mildly.”
Cole blushed and scooted closer to Kyle. “No. He wasn’t home when I got here. Just Goldie. He was so nice it was hard to want to punch his boyfriend in the face. ’Sides, Jett was so high when he got home that I doubt he would’ve felt it. Goldie wasn’t at all what I thought he’d be.”
The way Kyle leaned against Cole made it impossible to ignore that he was mostly naked.

They’d never had an opportunity like this before, Cole realized. Usually they were on campus, at a mall, or in the truck going somewhere. Now they were alone together in a bedroom the likes of which any brothel would be proud to claim.

Kyle gazed at Cole with a bright smile. “What did you think he’d be like? He hasn’t been around much since I got here.”

This close to Kyle, Cole didn’t want to talk about Goldie. The way Kyle looked at him seemed different somehow. Cole couldn’t place it. He’d always had that smile, always verged on staring.

Maybe after Jett pointed out that Kyle might have interest, Cole took it differently. “I don’t know. I thought he’d be snobby. Thought he’d tell me to fuck off. He was home a lot before. Like he was in hiding. Think he got really pissed by everyone intruding on you. Like he’s so used to being intruded on that he couldn’t get angry anymore until he saw it happen to someone else. Do you want Goldie to be around more?”

Kyle’s brows drew together in clear confusion, and he shook his head. “I didn’t come here to hang out with Goldie and Jett, dumb ass. I mean, it’s cool, but it’d be awkward if that was what I was here for, wouldn’t it?”

He sucked on his bottom lip. When he released it, it gleamed in the dim light from the TV. The way Kyle didn’t quite meet Cole’s eyes seemed coy instead of avoidant. “Was Jett telling the truth when he called me?”

Cole fixated on Kyle’s glossy bottom lip, then looked at his chest, tanned from shirtless tennis.
What would happen if Cole touched Kyle’s chest?
No. Not now. Kyle had asked a question. It took Cole a moment to remember what it was.
“Uh. What did he tell you?”
Kyle smiled and brushed his hand against Cole’s leg. “He said you came here demanding he pay for your college so you could go home to Kansas.”
Looking down at Kyle’s hand, Cole tried to play it off. “Couldn’t let you run off to school without me. I mean, I know I’m just the default gay boy from school and all, but I couldn’t let the last person on earth that meant anything to me escape.”
Escape? That sounded so needy. Cole winced at his own choice of words. “It wasn’t a plan to stalk you, I swear.”
“So you really came haring out here to demand a rock star give you money for KU?” Kyle sounded somewhere between amused and awed. His hand moved to Cole’s knee and stayed there. Something deeper seemed to be going on, but Cole wasn’t sure whether it was real or dumb hope.
Then Kyle kissed him, but it wasn’t like a movie kiss. It was just Kyle looking into Cole’s eyes from up close and their lips touching as Kyle spoke. “You sold your truck for me, didn’t you? You were that determined to find a way to follow.”

When Kyle put it that way, it sounded romantic. All this time, Cole had seen it as some desperate, pathetic act.
Cole cupped the side of Kyle’s face to steady them. He didn’t have much practical experience, but he wanted to get it right. “Didn’t want to miss out on anything. Not like you’d have much reason to come home to visit.”
“It’s only like two hours away!” Kyle gave a strained laugh, like he was having as hard a time catching his breath as Cole was. Then Kyle kissed Cole again, smashing his lip with his teeth before muttering an apology and tilting his head to try a new angle. Kyle wrapped his arms around Cole. They were bare and warm.

Then Kyle climbed atop Cole’s lap and straddled him with his ass on Cole’s knees. It was like a wet dream, only he was awake. Cole couldn’t stop touching Kyle, all of that naked skin before him, and Kyle wasn’t stopping him or doing anything but moaning encouragement. His skin grew damp with perspiration.

Cole regretted wearing so much. He pulled off his shirt and tossed it aside. As he lay back, he pulled Kyle down with him and groaned at how obscenely good it felt to have skin pressed against skin. God, but it was amazing.

“Didn’t think you’d find me worth the four-hour round trip. Would’ve missed your laugh.”
Kyle laughed as if on cue, sounding swept off his feet, as if Cole was succeeding at being smooth. Kyle’s erection brushed against Cole as they kissed. Kyle slid his fingers down Cole’s back and teased the inch of skin just beneath his waistband.
Then Kyle hesitated.

“Cole?” Kyle tucked his face against Cole’s neck so he couldn’t see his expression. “Are you still going to come home now that you’re famous and all?”
Cole would’ve said just about anything to keep the touching happening, but what was good to say was also right to say. “Yeah. I mean, if that’s where you’re going. Wouldn’t mind staying here, not because of the fame thing but because of the family. But, dunno, would probably just be in their way.”
He slid his hands between them to explore under Kyle’s boxers, gripped his ass, and moved the erection tighter against his leg. The movement even gave Cole some friction. The feel of it made his breathing deepen.
Kyle gasped against Cole’s neck and sucked at the skin as he rubbed against Cole. “You’d go where I went? That’d be better than being here?”

By now Cole was too aroused to measure his words. He was kissing Kyle. Their teeth smashed together sometimes when they got overexcited, but they were kissing.
Cole wriggled out of his jeans, hoping Kyle wouldn’t put an end to it.

“It’s worth it if you want me.”

“I want you.” Kyle smiled into their kisses. They hadn’t hit the ground before Kyle worked his fingers inside Cole’s underwear and stroked his dick.
This was not how Cole thought the afternoon would go.
Score one for Jett. He knows what he’s talking about.
Cole twisted under Kyle, hanging half off the bed to wrench the condoms from the jeans’ pocket. He was almost afraid for Kyle to see them, like he’d take it to be something more serious than what Cole intended. But there they were. Available. Just in case.

Shivering, Cole settled back and looked into Kyle’s eyes. “How do you want me?” “You mean like… Um.” Kyle’s hand-flailing gesture made zero sense. He cleared his throat. “I don’t know. I just want you. Do you want to be inside me? I didn’t fly all the way to Los Angeles to tell you no.”

Everything felt very far away. Kyle’s face came into sharp focus. His eyes were hooded, lips bright pink. His sun-bleached hair curtained his face.

“Yeah. Want to be inside you.”
The thought alone made Cole want to come.
He squeezed Kyle’s chest just to feel him as Kyle peeled off their underwear. Cole

hadn’t seen Kyle’s cock out just for him. He’d caught glimpses. But now, here it was, pressed against his.

Kyle pushed Cole flat on his back and rolled on top of him. His eyes glittered as he shifted into position, twisting to look behind him as he moved until his ass brushed against Cole’s cock. Then Kyle looked into Cole’s eyes. “So…um. I found lube in the nightstand. You should like…use it, I guess.”

This was all happening so fast. At least, considering that things
been moving before. Kyle wasn’t a stranger. This was what Cole had dreamed of.


His lips worked while his brain engaged to make sounds come out. “I have condoms.”

Cole held one up, and the sight of it froze them both for a moment. They were both panting, eyes bright. They were really going to do this.
Rolling to his side, Cole fished the lube from the top drawer of the nightstand, probably part of Jett’s now-obvious campaign to get Cole laid, and then set it on his other side. There. He had his supplies. Now he just had to use them.
Cole grasped the condom wrapper and struggled to open it, resorting to teeth since his hands were shaking.

“Oh God, you are so much cuter than the condom educators on that Web site.” Kyle laughed and took the condom as soon as Cole freed it of the foil. He kissed Cole, then reached between them to roll it onto Cole’s cock. He started to put it on inside out before catching himself and flipping the little disc over. Then it was on, and Kyle was naked and holding Cole’s latex-armored erection.

The last barrier to entry was the actual barrier to entry.
Seeming shy suddenly, Kyle said, “Should I do the lube thing, or do you want to? I mean, I’m not like— It’s not waxed or anything, like in movies. Don’t freak out if you touch me there and it’s like…not…’cause I’ll punch you.”
It took Cole a moment to figure out what Kyle was going on about. Of course Kyle wasn’t waxed. Neither of them were. Why would they be? The thought of having those parts of him covered in hot wax and then hair pulled away by the root was almost a boner killer.



The horror must’ve been apparent on his face because Kyle started babbling excuses.


Cole blinked. “What? No. I don’t want you to be waxed. I mean, unless you just want that. But I don’t need that. I just need you.”

Before things could devolve further, Cole smothered his fingers in lube and rubbed slowly at Kyle’s opening. “I won’t, uh, judge you for not being waxed if you don’t judge me. I’m not sure how to do this. And I want to do it. I want to feel you.”

Kyle blushed and kissed Cole hard enough to hurt, then wrapped around him and clung. Kyle’s breathing was erratic as he shifted his hips to push into Cole’s touches. Whenever Cole looked at Kyle’s face, he was staring back with an intent, searching expression.

He kissed Cole again. “I promise it’ll be good, if it’s us. I trust you.” Every nerve in Cole’s body felt alive. He was keenly aware of the heat where their bodies touched. The skin not pressed to Kyle’s prickled as the sweat cooled in the airconditioning, heightening his senses.
Cole traced his fingertips over Kyle’s clenched opening, mustering the courage to breach him. With a frustrated sigh, Kyle crushed against Cole. He flexed his hips, trying to catch Cole’s fingers against the right spot. His eagerness caught Cole by surprise, and on instinct he braced his finger and pushed it just inside.

Kyle gasped into his ear and tensed, but he didn’t shove Cole away. Instead, Kyle clenched so tight around Cole’s finger that he didn’t think he could move it if he tried. Slowly, though, Kyle started to relax, and as he did, Cole pushed in more until he was fucking Kyle to his second knuckle.

“You’re inside me,” Kyle whispered against Cole’s neck. He sucked little bruises into Cole’s skin and rubbed his cock against him. Kyle’s whole body was naked and covered in goose bumps, right there for Cole to look at, and when he met Cole’s gaze, he seemed enraptured.

Kyle wanted this.
As Cole explored him, Kyle let out a moan, then twisted his hips to force Cole’s fingertip against a particular spot. Kyle threw back his head and arched his spine. He grabbed hard at Cole’s forearm as if afraid he might pull away. Kyle’s breathing sped, and precum drooled from his dick onto Cole’s skin.
“More, Cole, please. Oh, another finger, or your cock, or…just…right there.”

Cole had never seen Kyle react like that. Knowing that he was the one doing it, that he was inside his Kyle, made the condom feel very restrictive.
He wanted nothing more than to shove himself into Kyle’s body, to hear him beg again for Cole’s cock. But if he did, he wouldn’t last long.
Cole knew that was normal, but the idea scared him. He didn’t want to disappoint Kyle. Not after all he’d put him through.

Another finger inside. It was such a tight fit. This was the most amazing experience of his life, and to have Kyle sharing it with him made his eyes sting.

Cole had lost so much. His mother. His father. His home.
But he’d gained a lot too. He didn’t care about the money except that it meant he could stay near Kyle. No, Cole had gained a father and a…Goldie. And now, despite what he’d believed, his relationship with Kyle was deepening.
As Cole blinked back emotion, he noticed Kyle looking at him with a knowing expression, another sign of how close they were. Kyle knew him like no one else ever would. The things they’d been through together, no one else could ever share. Now, here was Kyle, improbably in Jett and Goldie’s house in LA, fucking himself on Cole’s fingers with his pretty mouth open around broken little panting breaths and his gaze locked on Cole’s in a way that reassured him Kyle was thinking only of him.
“You’re going to make me come just watching you, Kyle. Fuck.” Cole clenched his jaw, staving off the urge as best he could. His cock brushed against the back of his hand, not enough friction and, at the same time, too much to keep himself in line.
Cole hadn’t even gotten to touch Kyle’s cock yet, so he made a quick grab for it with his left hand. It was hard, and in some ways felt much like his own, but touching it was so much more intimate. It meant more to Cole than he could trust his clumsy words to express.
Kyle fucked Cole’s grip, moving between it and the fingers inside him. The wetter the tip got, the more obvious it became that Kyle wasn’t going to last long either.
“Wait, don’t come yet. I want to come with you.” Cole pulled out his fingers and then reached down, trying to line himself up with Kyle’s opening.

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