Black Seduction (2 page)

Read Black Seduction Online

Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Black Seduction
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God. He was so damn good at this. Need swelled inside her,
and her pussy throbbed. An ache blossomed inside her and then grew so quickly
she couldn’t catch her breath.

Damn him.

“Raul,” she whispered when his mouth moved from hers and
traced a wet path to her neck. “Why now?” It was so damn hard to think when he
nipped at her collarbone then placed gentle kisses over it. “What do you mean
‘times are changing’?” She hated how she panted while trying to speak.

He moved her shirt, exposed her breast, and then sucked it
hard into his mouth.

Angela bucked, feeling the piercing sensation of electricity
shoot from her nipple straight to her pussy.

“Why were you out here?” he asked, and his teeth scraped
over her nipple.

Her brain wasn’t working right. He moved from one breast to
the next.

“I came out here to think.” Her breasts swelled, and she
fought the urge to rub against him. “I thought I would be alone over here.”

“No one else will bother you.” His confidence should be
annoying. But something about his soft growl, the firmness in his words,
offered reassurance of a promise that wouldn’t be broken.

“You intentionally followed me over the mountain.”

“Yup.” He created space between them, leaving her nipples
cold and wet, and reached for the button on her jeans. “You and your littermate
had a fight and I guessed you might be upset.”

She and Natasha were always fighting. “What makes today
different from another day?”

“Today you fought over the future of our litters.”

How did he know about her fight with her littermate? Raul
unsnapped and unzipped her jeans before she had time to react. Once again he
wrapped a powerful arm around her and pressed his palm against her flesh. He
slid his hand inside her jeans and curled his fingers into her moist heat.
Angela staggered, the pressure inside her already so close to the boiling point
his touch was more than she could handle. His grip tightened enough to keep her
pressed against him. She pressed her hand over his chest, measuring the steady
beat of his heart against hers while she warred with emotions and physical
reactions to his touch.

She used her other hand to grab his wrist, although her
fingers barely wrapped around the thickness of it. Everything about him was
oversized, even the length of his cock, which was like a steel beam pressing
against his jeans, and growing more and more obvious as it throbbed against her

“If you want to talk about what’s happening with Colony
right now, then fine.” It was getting harder and harder to keep her thoughts

“And if I want to do something else with you?” he growled,
his black hair falling around his face when he lowered his head and nipped at
her neck.

Crap. She wouldn’t let him weaken her resolve. “It’s got to
be something we both want, Raul.”

He thrust deep inside her, impaling her with his finger.
Angela cried out, unable to do more than dig into his shoulders and hold on.

“You’re soaking wet. Smell how desperately you want me. Your
scent was obvious before now, Angela.”

“I don’t want a one-time thing.” Not now. Not when her
entire world was about to blow up in her face.

“You’re not getting one. That’s why I’m here.”

What did that mean? She moistened her lips and tried to word
her response in her head before saying anything. But his fingers brushed
against each other inside her, stroking her pussy walls, soothing and torturing
her at the same time.

“Your fight with Natasha stirred up Colony.” Raul slid his
hand out of her jeans. “Litters are taking sides. It’s time for action.”

He left her feeling empty, soaked and frustrated. She almost
asked him to continue, not to stop. Angela ran her fingers through her hair,
blowing out a puff of air, and stared out toward the mountain range, and
possibly for the first time not seeing them.

“Which side are you on?” she asked, desperately trying to
dampen the craving burning inside her with thoughts of Colony.

“The same side as you. Jaguars don’t belong mingling around
humans. I’m hearing Natasha and her followers want to make money off them.”

“We can’t coexist with them.” She turned in time to see him
drop his jeans and pull off his shirt.

“You and I aren’t going to mix with humans. It’s wrong, and
I won’t have it.”

Chapter Two


The harsh aggression as he hissed his last words brought her
pause. Angela stared into his intense green eyes, fighting the urge to lower
her gaze as she tried to digest what he just said.

Raul grabbed her and pulled her to him. She didn’t need to
look down now. Every inch of his gorgeous body pressed against her—hard,
throbbing, so alive and perfect he rendered her speechless.

“I believe we should always honor who we are, the gifts
we’ve been given, and use them to make us stronger, not tarnish our
reputations.” He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off the ground.
“Introducing ourselves to humans, like the werewolves did, would cause fear and
inevitably some would die—on both sides.”

“I don’t want to run from the mountains like we ran from the
rain forests,” she said, her voice husky. This was a serious conversation, and
one damn hard to focus on when he held her so close against his naked body.

“We won’t live where there’s no honor. Wherever we go,
you’re going to be with me.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said stubbornly, even as he
lowered her onto a flat, cool rock then backed away from her.

The way he looked at her, his green eyes growing dark and
smoldering as he grabbed her foot and pulled off her shoe, was enough to show
her he didn’t hear what she said.

“And if I did, who’s to say I would go with you?”

He grabbed her other foot even when she tried moving it.
“Like I said earlier, that’s why I’m here.” He didn’t elaborate but came over
her, reaching for the waist of her jeans and lifting her as he tugged them over
her hips.

“Why are you here?”

“To make you mine.” He pulled her jeans off her.

Angela tried to grab his hands, his wrists, anything to slow
his actions, but his determined expression matched his quick actions. A growl
ripped from her throat as the urge to fight, attack, make him earn what he
seemed so convinced he could take, raged through her with as much intensity as
her desire to be taken did.

“You don’t feel the need to ask?” she hissed, her voice
almost as rough as her growl when sparks shot down her spine. Anger and intense
desire made for a really dangerous mix.

Raul managed to get both of her hands behind her back and
pinned her wrists with a solid grip. His free hand stretched over her neck.
Gently, too damn gently, his fingertips brushed over her suddenly incredibly
sensitive flesh.

“You’re the female I want running by my side,” he rumbled,
his face close enough to hers she smelled his morning kill on his breath.

Inhaling it, tasting his carnal side while fingers brushed
over the erratic beat of her pulse in her neck, she arched into him, willing
herself to have the strength to flip him off her.

“Is that because you’ve been with every other female in
Colony and found them lacking?” She mocked him, staring defiantly into eyes
that only smoldered more from her words.

“They are lacking. But no, I haven’t fucked them.” Instead
of kissing her mouth, he moved lower and placed his lips directly over the spot
where her pulse raced feverishly. “None of them would fight like you are. My
mate will have honor, a craving for life so strong and powerful she would kill
or die trying to ensure her life and that of her litter.”

“Your mate?” Those two words stabbed her like a sharp knife,
fine-tuned and skilled enough to slice into her heart. Her insides swelled,
pain and pleasure continually attacking her at the same time. “You give me as
much attention as you do all the other females. My mate would also have honor,
and love me so much that in his world there would be no other females.”

His mouth moved lower and he used his teeth to grab her
shirt. He yanked it over her breasts, pounced on one of her nipples, and
released a satisfied growl. Fiery electric currents raced from her breast
straight to her pussy.

Angela howled, deciding if he took her like this, he would
declare them mated. Raul needed to prove a lot more about himself before she’d
consider mating with him. Showing how much passion could ignite between them
didn’t mean he would be a good mate.

It was getting more difficult to remain focused. But she had
to give it all she could. Putting some muscle into it, Angela almost managed to
throw him off her. Her aggression obviously turned him on as much as it did
her. Damn him. Damn her. This wasn’t how she imagined it would be.

“Why are you fighting me, my little cat?” he grumbled, and
moved to her other breast. “Who is the male you’d rather mate with?”

“I didn’t say there was another male.”

Raul raised his eyes, causing his green orbs to flash
through his long, thick, black lashes as he stared at her. “So of all the males
you’ve fucked in the past, none of them appeal to you?”

There was no way he’d turn this around, try to make her
believe she was more promiscuous than he was. His teeth scraped over her
nipple, charging her insides with a need that swelled so quickly it took a
minute for his words to register.

“My past has nothing to do with this. You chase after every
piece of tail in Colony. I’m not sniffing after any male.”

Raul pulled her off the rock with enough force she stumbled
into him. He freed her hands but used enough force her body slammed into his
chest. She pressed her palms against his shoulders to brace herself. His face
was inches from hers when he held her gaze captive.

Before she was able to react to this new position, he
grabbed her bare ass and spread her legs. “No male would ever run from you.”

Raul lowered her again, coming down on top of her, this time
with her legs on either side of him.

“The difference here is that when I’ve been pursued, I’ve
run and managed to get away from whoever chased me.” When her back hit the rock
again, she pushed against his shoulders, managing to scoot into a sitting
position before he stopped her. Even then, his body was too close to move her
legs. “Do you think I’m going to willingly give you what I’ve refused to give
other males?”

“Yes,” he whispered, not hesitating for a moment. “I do.”

His cock was right there, swollen, hard and large. The tip
of it brushed against her pussy, feeling smooth and perfect. Damn him again. If
she could just think about something else, anything other than how wonderful he
smelled, how delicious his muscular body looked, anything—she would be able to
gather the strength to fight him.

“And my little cat,” he whispered, his lips brushing against
hers. “You’re definitely not a virgin, so don’t tell me you’ve refused every
male. You’re so hot for me right now I smell your lust.”

“How dare you!” It wasn’t any of his damn business how many
males she slept with. Not that there were all that many. The males in Colony
didn’t do much for her, and life was too hectic to consider mating. “We’re
discussing your list of conquests, not…”

He not only cut off her words when his lips seared over
hers, but her thoughts melted into a confused state of fogged lust when his
tongue found hers. Raul kissed with fiery passion, making her want to curl her
toes, arch her back off the rock and purr as anticipation rolled over her like
molten lava.

She couldn’t breathe, sure as hell couldn’t think, and if
she moved just a little, his cock would slide right inside her. Moisture
creamed against her shaved pussy lips, preparing her.

Raul ripped his mouth from hers, still aggressive yet
unbelievably gentle when his free hand cupped her cheek. Her ripe scent mixed
with his, filled her lungs as she pulled in a deep breath.

“Better than perfect,” he mumbled, and took his time kissing
her neck before adjusting himself over her. His cock pressed against her soaked
entrance and he raised his head, searching her face.

Soft-spoken words wouldn’t make her submit. “It might be,”
she purred, and then prayed he was relaxed enough or focused on diving deep
inside her.

She shoved him off her, feeling her spine spark with jolts
of energy that urged her to let her more primal side surface. The sensation
warred with swelling need, ransacking every inch of her. Raul was easily the
best male out there. But damn it, he wouldn’t just pounce on top of her and
decide it was her turn. No matter how turned-on she was, how desperately she
wanted him, submitting would only make Raul cockier. The male needed some
serious training.

“But I choose who fucks me,” she hissed as her arms and legs
wobbled slightly.

The change was so close, too close. But allowing it to
happen would give him even more power. As jaguars, a more primal law ruled.
Remaining human at least allowed her to reason, not that she was sure Raul was
in the mood for reasoning.

She made it to a squatting position then froze as she stared
at his engorged cock. It stood erect, long and thick. Its round head looked
smooth, velvety, with the smallest droplet of pre-come at the tip. She stared
at it longer than she should have, noting how it looked like a small jewel. And
his cock, ripe for the taking.

Raul leapt at her, coming at her with enough force that both
of them slipped toward the edge of the rock. He grabbed her, twisting at the
same time so his body pressed into the tiny pebbles underneath them instead of

“Colony won’t survive the devastation and humiliation your
littermate and those supporting her are about to put it through.” Raul held her
against his chest, his cock still as hard as the rocks around them and
throbbing to distraction between them. “My litter won’t be disgraced by their
actions. I don’t want you pulled into it either. We’re leaving and I want you
running by my side. You can do it as a single female or as my mate.”

She stared into his eyes, captivated by the tiny,
bright-gold flecks that seemed to spark like fireworks around his pupils. They
dilated as she watched them, but he didn’t move, simply held her while his
words slowly took meaning.

“This isn’t how I imagined a male asking me to mate with
him,” she confessed, her stomach twisting not only from the realization of what
he said, but the truth behind them.

He moved her body, adjusting it just enough that his cock
slid easily inside her. In spite of her determination to fight him, she gasped
as he filled her.

Raul moved to a sitting position and glided deeper inside
her. “I’ve watched you run to this side of the mountain for so long,” he said,
his voice so husky it sounded like a dangerous growl. He gripped her hips,
lifting her just a bit before thrusting forward.

“Fuck!” she howled, and was pretty sure the ferocious growl
came from him. “Why?” She fought for understanding, which was hard as hell to
do when he damn near split her in two. “I never sniffed you out.”

“Nope.” Leaning forward, his arms cradled her back as he
lowered her to the rock she’d just leapt from. Once again he was on top of her,
and this time he lifted her legs, holding her ankles and standing over her
while he turned the heat between them into smoldering flames. “No other male
was going to get close to you.”

It bugged her how he successfully followed her and she’d
never sniffed him out. No one knew she came out here. At the same time, a
warped sensation added to the heat in knowing he kept an eye on her.

His cock stroked her insides, creating a pressure that
threatened to explode beyond her control. She would confront him, let him know
what she thought of his methods, and make it clear nothing happened without her
consent. But as he built the momentum, thrust harder, it was all she could do
to hold on. And even then, as she slipped over the edge and came harder than
she had in a long time, she felt her world tilting. Even without dwelling on
it, she knew when everything balanced out again, life as she knew it would
never be the same. Not after this. Nothing compared to this.

A low, dangerous rumble started deep inside him. Angela
watched his jaw harden and his teeth grow until they pressed against his lower
lip and slightly altered the shape of his jawbone. His eyes glowed like rare
gems as he stared down at her. And the rumble turned into a growl. Every muscle
in his chest took shape and protruded with a glorious magnificence that stole
her breath.

He came hard, filling her and marking her. His cock throbbed
inside her, pulsing and feeding her while she clamped down on him and milked
every drop he offered. Her body quivered. Raw energy took birth, filling,
consuming her until she wanted to laugh, cry, strike out and run as fast as she

“This isn’t a one-time thing,” he rumbled, his voice shaky.

She opened her mouth to answer, but what would she say? That
he moved in on her too fast? That sounded rather shallow after fucking him.

No way could she return to Colony without everyone
questioning if she was now mated or simply turning against tradition and becoming
another easy female, willing to put out without demanding a commitment. With
the few males in her past, none of them had ever come inside her. She wouldn’t
allow it. She was a modern female, but she would never turn her back on what
made her kind stronger, more powerful than any other species on earth.

Jaguars possessed honor.

Angela despised jaguars who turned their heads from the ways
of their kind and disrespected their traditions. And she hated even more being
put on the spot and forced to make a decision without being given time to weigh
both sides.

He never even asked her if she wanted to be his mate. Now
what the hell should she do?

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