Black Seduction (6 page)

Read Black Seduction Online

Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Black Seduction
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But as he rose and shook himself furiously, spraying all of
them as if they had just been caught in a sprinkler, her giddiness quickly evaporated
into something more serious.

What the hell were you thinking? How can you so easily
jack with a computer but not have the sense to keep moving when you’re crossing
a mountain stream?

Ran stood, swishing his tail, and pushed into her before she
could move. His thick, moist tongue stroked the hair on her neck the wrong way,
and gave her entire body chills. Rafe watched, looking somewhat amused, until
Angela realized the intense emotions all of them were experiencing could too
easily turn into something else.

And they were in their fur.

Telling a single male no in his fur was about as effective
as telling the water in the spring to part so she could walk through it and not
get wet.

Ran licked her again and she jumped out of his way, only to
almost lose her footing on the soft edge of the bank. His large mouth grabbed
her by the back of her neck, making her lose her balance completely when he
dragged her away from the water.

Let me go!
There wasn’t enough anger in her scent to
convince either of them she was pissed for being pulled from the water.

Ran obliged though, and she fell to her side in the soft,
thick grass, her entire side instantly getting soaked from the heavy mountain
dew. Neither of them closed in on her but stood close, waiting until she stood.
Ran and Rafe would protect her, as she would them. And that’s what made jaguars
such a powerful and committed species.

These males might want her but they respected Raul. They
weren’t greedy or selfish. Like their brother, Rafe and Ran were in their
prime, perfect male jaguars. Any female who sniffed around these two would have
to meet her approval before they got too close. That’s what made a litter
tight, taking care of each other.

And what her littermate had forgotten existed in Colony. The
camaraderie of their community was destroyed, but it still existed in the males
standing on either side of her. Raul possessed it too. Enough so to send them
away, order his littermates to take her and leave the grotesque existence that
no longer held honor.

Relieved the moment of panic was over, and suddenly feeling
the tightness in her muscles from crossing a mountain and getting wet and cold,
Angela didn’t want to move. Somewhere out there Raul still traveled. When he
reached the plateau between the mountains, he would need help crossing the

She sat, not wanting to travel any farther.
I don’t
suppose there’s a warm blanket and coffee in that backpack on your back,
rumbled, noting even her voice sounded tired.

Rafe looked away from her first, slowly surveying the land
around them, until with a quiet growl, he walked away from them, moving slowly.
They were all tired.

He was the first to start changing, with Ran quickly shaking
the bag off his back and also taking his human form. Angela felt the piercing
jolts of pain slice her spine as she allowed her body to alter its shape. Her
muscles shifted against bone, and blood slowed in her veins when her heart
struggled to adapt to a new beat. The darkness around them grew milky, harder
to see into as dark shadows grew and distinct objects blurred. Her night vision
disappeared and her hearing changed too, giving her the impression for a few
moments someone stuffed cotton in her ears.

Before she straightened onto two legs, Ran pulled clothes
from the backpack and tossed hers to her before shaking out his jeans. Although
her human eyes were limited in what they could see at night, she was more than
aware of the two naked men who dressed in front of her. Both of them took
moments to let their gazes travel down her body, focusing on her breasts, her
hardened nipples and her pussy.

Reprimanding them or demanding they turn around would be
hypocritical. She instantly noticed Ran’s trim body, muscular and sprinkled
with hair on his chest and legs, although not as fully developed as Raul’s. And
Rafe, also strong and handsome, with roped muscle stretching down his
powerful-looking legs. Even in the cold, neither of them shriveled into

The cold air attacked her ruthlessly when she straightened
as a human. Suddenly her hands shook so badly she could hardly put her clothes

“Let’s find firewood and get a fire going,” Rafe ordered,
his voice still a bit too gravelly from changing.

Ran grunted, adjusting his sweatshirt and then trudging
after his littermate. They left her alone, standing in the wet grass to fight
with her clothes.

“Give me a minute and I’ll help,” she called after their

“You can pitch the tent,” Ran offered, not looking over his
shoulder but waving his hand at her.

“The tent?” She didn’t know they’d brought a tent. Battling
with her clothes, she adjusted her shirt, hating how it smelled like Devon, and
walked over to the backpack. “Holy crap. No wonder he practically broke the
fallen log,” she whispered after examining the contents of the bag Ran had
carried on his back. There was enough stuff here to do some serious camping.

It looked somewhat thrown together, but she found a
coffeepot and coffee, utensils, and a pot as well as a few cooking supplies.

“What? No coffee?” Ran appeared back to his jovial self when
he appeared a short bit later, carrying a handful of branches.

“I figured you’d at least have your kill ready for us.” Rafe
was right behind him.

“Dream on.” She hid her smile and watched when they dumped
the firewood into a pile. “I can’t believe you managed all these supplies.”

Rafe knelt nearby and started stacking wood for a fire. “We
organized what we would take earlier this week, when it became obvious Colony
chose a path we didn’t agree with.”

“Raul talked about bringing you into our litter sooner, but
he insisted on doing it without our help, and when he could find you alone.”

“Like you’re going to want our help when it comes time to
mate with your female,” Rafe growled, although there was no fierceness in his

“I had no idea,” she said, more to herself, as she twisted a
can opener she held in her hand and stared down at a few cans of beef stew. The
smell of precooked food instantly filled their small campsite.

“He wanted to give you time to grow up and enjoy the thrill
of being chased and learning about love.” Ran sounded so serious.

“Raul is going to kick your fucking ass for telling her
that,” Rafe hissed.

“He does and I’ll kick right back,” Ran argued quickly. “You
saw how confused she looked earlier. She’s got a right to know how Raul feels.
You know damn good and well he’s all tooth and claw and forgets about

“I appreciate it,” she said quietly, and squinted as she
tried to search the darkness on the other side of the water. “I wonder how far
behind us he was.”

“Hard saying.” Rafe pointed to the backpack. “There should
be matches in there, if dipshit here didn’t get them soaked.”

“Fuck you.” Ran pulled the tent out of its bag and then
reached for the backpack, tossing it to his littermate. “Next time you can haul
everything on your back.”

“Might have to,” Rafe muttered.

“What if he’s too injured to travel?” Angela hugged her
legs, letting her ass fall onto the damp ground, and stared into the darkness.
“Maybe we should go back and find him.”

Neither of them answered right away and she didn’t look in
their direction. Rafe fumbled with the fire and Ran started assembling the
tent. Their silence told her enough though. They worried about their oldest
littermate too.

“He’ll find us,” Rafe finally said. “Raul said to make it to
the next mountain. We didn’t make it that far, but when he reaches the water,
he’ll need help crossing.”

Angela shot her attention to him. A cold breeze attacked and
she shivered until her muscles hurt. Ran stopped organizing tent poles and
pulled out a blanket then stood.

“Raul will find you. All of us. Our litter doesn’t ever give
up. If he is injured, when he gets here, you’ll need to be rested so you can
take care of him.” He shook the blanket and then leaned over her and wrapped it
around her shoulders.

“If he isn’t here by morning…” she began.

“Then we’ll go find him,” Rafe finished for her, and then
lit a small twig that had dried leaves on it and used it to start the fire.

Angela sipped on hot coffee after warming and dishing out
bowls of beef stew for the three of them. She stared at the glowing flames
while relaxing after they finished arranging their campsite. The water no
longer seemed to roar but instead created a soothing sound that could easily
lull her to sleep.

If she could sleep.

Both males held sticks and poked at the fire while they
talked. They looked her way, their gazes strolling down her body when she
stood. The smell of their interest and lust quickly drowned out the smell of
anything else around them.

“I think I’m going to do some hunting,” she announced,
suddenly feeling antsy.

“Maybe I should come along.” Ran moved to stand.

“I said I was going to go hunting. I’m not in to being
hunted,” she drawled, narrowing her gaze on him and keeping her expression

“I’d fuck you in a second, given half the chance,” Ran
returned without hesitating. “But I respect what belongs to my littermate. You
may hunt alone, but don’t go too far or be gone too long.”

Angela stared at him, unwilling to let him see how his words
affected her. She kept her expression hard, although her insides softened
noticeably while a flushed heat swept over her flesh. Ran and Rafe were good
males, damn good males. She would keep a close eye on any female who sniffed
around either one of them. They both deserved the best.

“Keep alert for that littermate you respect so much,” she

They both straightened but she ignored their looks and
turned before they could protest that they wouldn’t be doing anything else.
Leaving her coffee mug next to the other supplies, she dropped the blanket
she’d wrapped around her. Immediately the cold night air attacked with a
vengeance and her teeth chattered while her knees turned wobbly. It was so cold
that changing into her fur might take a few minutes.

She forced herself to walk, quickly feeling the temperature
drop around her even more as she put distance between her and the fire. Her
spine prickled and cold, wet, thick grass soaked her shoes and the bottom of
her jeans.

The prickling intensified when she breathed in the smell of
another animal. Not one of their own. Wildlife, large, a predator, and nearby.
Angela squinted against the darkness, the prickling turning into painful jabs
as her spine crunched inside her, demanding she allow her more primal side

She fisted her hand to control the change but allowed a
small part forth so she could see better in the darkness. All of her senses
intensified, the smell of the beast lazily sauntering toward the water hit her
at the same time she heard his enormous claws rake the earth as he moved, and
his large brown shadow became more distinct against the blackness surrounding

Angela froze when the large brown bear turned and noticed
her. Just as quickly as it looked her way, it turned its attention to the
water, as if her presence didn’t bother him. And she knew the bear would smell
she wasn’t human. Her insides froze as she glanced in the direction the bear
did, fear gripping her with icy-cold fingers.

“Shit. Please be you,” she whispered.

On the other side of the stream stood a black jaguar, not
moving but appearing tense, ready for action.

Angela’s clothes almost ripped off her body as the change
tumbled through her. She reached for her shirt, ready to peel it off her body,
when two jaguars practically leapt over her and bounded toward the bear and the
jaguar, who now squared off on either side of the water.

“Wait for me,” she howled, her voice garbled when her mouth
no longer held the proper shape for words. She almost fell on her side, trying
to get her damn jeans off.

Blackness around her faded into more distinct shades of
gray. Shadows weren’t dark blurs anymore, and the cold receded while her heart
pumped furiously in her chest. The bear moved into the water, indifferent to
the two jaguars racing toward him. Instead, it galloped across the spring,
splashing water everywhere. The jaguar on the other side didn’t move.

Angela ran after Ran and Rafe. Something wasn’t right. She
focused on the male who stood like a statue across the spring from them. He
needed to move, unless he planned on attacking. And even then, simply standing
there seemed incredibly odd.


Oh shit. Crap. Fuck!
She roared in anger, pushing
herself to move even faster.

If Raul was injured, hurt too bad to fight the bear, or even
ward it off, he didn’t stand a chance.

She hated water. Despised it. Loathed it more than anything
else out in nature, especially when it tumbled and spit with an energy that
would pull a creature under if it wasn’t a good swimmer.

Angela didn’t stop when she reached the bank where the bear
slid into the water, but leapt in after him, her scream loud enough to warn the
bear and every other creature in a mile radius that someone was about to die.

Chapter Six


Raul blinked and stared at the cloth ceiling above him.
Brightness streamed through the pale gray fabric and he squinted, feeling the
dull ache of a headache for his efforts.

“How are you doing?”

He jerked his head then focused on Angela, who sat
cross-legged next to him on a pile of crumpled blankets. The tent flaps behind
her weren’t zipped but hung closed, enveloping them in a small, intimate world
of pale grays and brightness.

“Don’t try to move.” She rested her hand on his leg, the
warmth of her touch searing his flesh.

He glanced down, noticing other than a blanket he recognized
from home, which partially covered him, he was naked.

“You’re overdressed.” He didn’t try to stop his cock from
hardening as he took in the sleeveless white muscle t-shirt he recognized as
one of his hanging loosely on her torso. Firm, round breasts with perky nipples
created a view that could make him believe he had died and was in heaven.

She smiled, not seeming to mind he practically drooled over
the view she offered. “You scared the crap out of me last night,” she offered

He reluctantly lifted his gaze to her face, saw the worry in
her sultry green eyes and itched to run his fingers through her thick, long,
black hair. It was down, loose, and looked as if she hadn’t brushed it since
she woke up. The early morning look on her was damn appealing.

“Come here,” he said, his voice husky, and then slowly her
words registered in his brain, which was apparently a lot foggier than he first
realized. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She leaned forward, resting her hands flat in front of her
and straightening her arms so her long hair drifted forward over her shoulders
and almost blocked his view of her luscious cleavage as she pressed her breasts

His cock jumped, showing its appreciation, and stretched as
it hardened farther. She hovered over him, and her gaze traveled lazily down
his body. Only once did her expression change, turning a pretty rosy hue over
her cheeks when she focused on his dick.

“Did all of these injuries come from fighting off Colony?”

“Colony.” The images hit him almost as hard as that bear did
last night.

Bear. Everything flooded over his brain with a vengeance
that kicked in brutally. Fighting litters he had known since he was a cub.
Climbing over the mountain while making sure wounds didn’t bleed out.
Overwhelmed by exhaustion and pain as he fought the urge to find a cave and
curl up to lick his injuries. Taking on a few smaller predators who felt cocky
and thought they might be able to take him on since he was injured. Then the

“Maybe I should get you some food, something to drink.” She
turned toward the tent flap, the smell of her concern and worries not the aroma
he wanted to inhale from her.

“No.” He lifted his arm and grabbed hers. A nagging ache
seared his insides, starting at his shoulder and slicing clear through to his
fingertips. He clenched his teeth, enduring it, and pulled her until she fought
not to fall on top of him. “You’re not going anywhere. And I’m fine.”

She went down on her elbows, bringing her face a lot closer
to his. “I’m sure you are,” she whispered, her eyes shifting as she searched
his face. She didn’t believe him.

“Kiss me.” It occurred to him it didn’t hurt as much to lift
his other arm and he wrapped it around her neck, pulling her closer until her
lips brushed over his.

“Raul, you’re hurt,” she said, moving her mouth over his.
“At least I should clean your injuries again. I did the best I could last

“That’s not a kiss.” He flexed his muscles, keeping her face
in kissing range, and closed his eyes as he persuaded her to open up to him.

He didn’t want to dwell on any pain pulsing inside him. He
would heal. And this was the best damn therapy he could think of while his body

Angela stiffened as she pressed her lips to his, trying hard
not to put any of her weight on him. Raul didn’t want to be treated like some
damn invalid. Being gentle sucked. He wanted her now, all of her, without her
holding back.

He growled, nipping her lower lip, then scraped his teeth
over the moist, sensitive part inside her mouth. She hissed, sucking in a
breath and opened farther as her tongue dipped inside him.

Raul loved how she tasted. He explored her mouth, impaling
her with his tongue and growing painfully hard when she opened up even farther
for him. Her long hair brushed over his chest and shoulders, tickling and
torturing his flesh. So many tiny nerve endings twitched with newfound energy
as the pain from his injuries paled in comparison to the need that pumped
inside him.

He barely noticed that one of his legs was stiff, and didn’t
want to cooperate when he shifted. Instead, he pushed his hand under her shirt
and enjoyed the softness of her flesh as he ran his fingers down the sensual
curve of her spine.

“Take off your clothes,” he demanded, loving the thought of
simply ripping them off her.

“Raul.” Her tone sounded as if she might argue.

He opened his eyes, rubbing his fingers along the small of
her back, then slipped his hand inside her underwear. She didn’t wear that many
clothes. But he didn’t want anything on her right now.

Meeting her gaze, he prayed her worried look wasn’t from
lack of interest. “If you don’t want to…”

“No. That’s not it,” she said quickly. “You’re hurt. And I
do want to be with you,” she offered, her words trailing off.

His heart leapt with joy as he searched her face, praying
what he saw, what she said meant she wouldn’t dispute their mating. When she
blushed, his confidence soared to new heights.

“The pain is from needing to be inside of you, nothing
else.” He used his good arm and pushed himself to a sitting position. It was
hard to fight off a groan when he saw the torn shirt someone used to wrap
around his upper thigh.

His memories were blurs. But someone, if not all of them,
went to great efforts to take care of him. And now she sat here by his side,
watching and waiting until he awakened. He would live, and right now he wanted
to live with the knowledge Angela was his.

“Raul,” she whispered, searching his face while her cheeks
flushed with arousal. “I want you to get better.”

“Take your clothes off,” he said, and brushed his knuckles
over one perky nipple.

Angela sucked in her breath, her lashes fluttering as she
pulled her gaze from his face and focused somewhere lower on his body. Slowly
she pulled the t-shirt over her head and tossed it to the side.

“You’re more beautiful than I imagined.” And he wouldn’t
tell her how often he imagined how she would look lying naked underneath him.

“You’ve seen me naked before.”

“Yesterday morning was quick, necessary. And seeing a female
take her clothes off before she changes into her fur is hardly the same as
seeing her body blushed with arousal and craving my touch.” He cupped her
breast, not wanting to be gentle with her, but in spite of his mental argument
that he would focus on injuries later, his body didn’t want to move quickly.

“I’m not the only one aroused and craving to be touched,”
she purred, and then gently, so damn gently, brushed her fingertips down his
abdomen and stopped just out of reach of his swollen cock.

“Angela,” he growled, grabbing her hair behind her head and
dragging her over him.

She cried out when he impaled her mouth, and his breath
caught when her body pressed against his cock, enveloping it in warmth as her
smooth skin prevented it from jerking upward.

If he didn’t adjust her he would come before he even had the
chance to show her what she meant to him.

“I’m hurting you.” She moved quickly when he grabbed her

“Not like you think.” He wanted to go up on his knees, pull
her down underneath him and adore every inch of her before sliding deep inside
her ripe heat. His damn leg was stiff and numb, almost tingly, and it didn’t
want to cooperate. And he wasn’t going to force it and have Angela get more
skittish if she smelled his pain. “Straddle me, sweetheart.”

“Your littermates confessed some things about you last
night,” she whispered, and slowly stretched and removed her underwear.

“I can imagine.” He didn’t want to think about them right
now. The fresh scent of her desire wrapped around him and he ached to drown in

“They claim you’ve cared about me for a long time.”

“I already told you that.” He grabbed her arms when she
stretched her legs and slowly came down over him. “Rub yourself against me, my
little cat. Soak my cock with your cream.”

She rested over him, the heat from her pussy devouring him. His
cock swelled painfully, twitching eagerly against her smooth flesh as if it was
determined on its own to find a way inside. And as much as he craved adjusting
his hips, plunging deep into her pussy, he forced himself to be still. Instead
he pulled her closer, willing her to glide her moist heat over him.

“Why didn’t you tell me how you felt about me?” She lowered
her face to his and moved her hips.

Her pussy slid up the length of his cock. “Fuck,” he hissed,
hardening every muscle in his body and dwelling on the pain just so he wouldn’t
force himself inside her. “That’s so damn good, sweetheart.”

“Why, Raul?” she persisted, her voice husky with her need.
She rubbed her breasts against his chest and whispered into his neck. “Did you
think I wasn’t interested in you?”

“I saw your interest. And I knew you were young. The
honorable thing to do was wait and let you grow up, enjoy your wild days.”

“Didn’t it bother you seeing me with other males?”

He stared into her questioning eyes. “Jealousy is a
weakness. I never doubted for a minute none of those males would keep you

“Is that so,” she said, a smile playing at her lips.

“Yup.” He dragged his fingers through her hair and pulled
her mouth to his.

She moved her hips again and this time he thrust upward, but
when he did, she lifted her pussy off his cock and then chuckled into his
mouth. Injured or not, he growled, slapped a hand over her ass and pushed her
back down over his cock. Thrusting again, he found entrance and slipped deep
inside her.

Her cry was so beautiful, sensual, and his heart swelled. He
knew taking her was the right thing to do, but feeling her heat tighten around
him, swell and convulse when he moved inside her, reassured him. Angela was
meant to be his. It was always meant to be this way.

She moved her hands, pressing on the ground and lifting
herself off him. She arched her back, running her hands through her hair.
“You’re pretty sure of yourself.”

“I’m pretty sure of us,” he admitted, loving the view she

Her body stretched before him, her breasts round and
perfectly shaped. A good handful, with brown nipples that puckered into hard
nubs. There was enough meat on her that he didn’t see the outline of her ribs,
but her tummy was flat, her skin smooth. Her hips curved into muscular thighs
and he reached with his good arm, grabbing her soft flesh, and squeezed while
she lowered herself onto his dick.

Her eyes were exceptionally glazed with her passion. He
watched her lashes flutter and then she focused on him. She lowered herself
slightly as she rose, gliding over his cock, the slightest smile playing at her

“I’ve got that impression about you,” she said, her voice
cracking while her muscles constricted around his dick and she sank low again.
“It’s quite a gift to know how life will play out.”

That wasn’t how it was, but letting her see any doubt right
now would raise questions in her. For Angela he would be strong, give her
assurance of a good life. And for her he would fight even harder for that life
to be the best it could, with honor and love.


What he wouldn’t do to hear that word pass her lips.

“I’m sure about us,” he reminded her, seeing that she liked
hearing it. “But life, it holds mysteries. That’s what makes it worth living.”

If only he could move his other arm, grab her hips and take
control of their lovemaking. She moved at a steady pace, not too fast, and it
brought his blood to a boil. He wanted to impale her, ached to drive into her,
hard and fast.

“You’re definitely making it interesting,” she murmured, and
looked down when a cloud covered her eyes.

She regretted leaving Colony. He didn’t blame her, but
together they would make a new life that would be prosperous.

Her arms flexed, and her full breasts moved as she got into
her motions. She sucked in her lip, closing her eyes, and inhaled while her
pussy constricted and did a number on his cock. He forced himself to endure the
pain. More than his own pleasure, he needed to touch her, needed more than he
needed to breathe, to give her all that she deserved.

Angela rode him, fucked him willingly, and sat with him when
he was hurt. She stayed with his litter, followed his orders, and showed what
he already knew to be true about her. Her loyalty and honor ran true and
strong, as pure as she was beautiful. The perfect mate for him. And he would
give her perfection too. Or the best that he could, which he would see to it,
for her sake, was damn near perfect.

“Look at me,” he instructed, focusing on her face while
grabbing her hips with both hands.

“Raul,” she whispered, searching his face and then glancing
at his injury when he moved his injured arm.

“Focus on me, my little cat,” he told her, gripping her hips
and pushing her down on his cock, hard.

“God!” she cried, arching her back, throwing her head back,
and ignoring his comment to look at him when she squeezed her eyes closed and
clamped down on his cock.

She squeezed the life out of him, coming hard and then
collapsing forward, moving her hands at the last moment to slap the ground and
not his shoulders. He didn’t care about the pain, not with the view she
offered, the pleasure she gave and received. He thrust his hips up, fucking her
hard and greedily, needing more than his next breath to make her come again, to
feel her cream soak his shaft, his balls, and see the pleasure on her face.

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