Black Seduction (7 page)

Read Black Seduction Online

Authors: Lorie O'Clare

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal

BOOK: Black Seduction
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He fucked her hard and fast, gritting his teeth and barely
remembering to breathe while color turned her cheeks a dark rosy hue that
spread to her neck, made her breasts fuller, rounder, her nipples perkier.

She sucked in a sharp breath, opening her eyes wide while
her mouth formed a perfect circle.

“That is so…good,” she panted, her hair falling over her
shoulders, brushing against his chest.

“Better than good,” he told her, his voice as husky as hers.
“Come again for me, Angela. Give me everything.”

The words were barely out of his mouth when she constricted
so fiercely around his cock that she sucked the life out of him. So many tiny
muscles massaged, tightened and gripped his shaft that he couldn’t hold out any
longer. She came with a shriek, loud enough that it filled his senses,
saturated his mind and tore his own orgasm from him with an intensity that was
stronger than anything he ever experienced before.

“You’ve already got everything,” she whispered, collapsing
over him.

He didn’t mind the pain, didn’t care about his wounds. He
wrapped his arms around her, holding her next to him while their hearts pounded
strong and hard together. She was right. He did have everything.

* * * * *

They pushed their luck, staying there any longer. Raul
ignored his littermates’ curious looks when he climbed out of the tent the next

“Time to tear down camp,” he announced, ignoring the
stiffness in his body. Jaguars healed quickly and he would be fine.

“It would be nice to get back online.” Ran sipped coffee,
his hair falling in uncombed strands around his face. A couple of days’ growth
on his face made him look older, not that Raul would tell him that.

“We’ve got quite a journey ahead of us, and I agree. Living
off the land is easier when the water isn’t at sub-zero temperatures. A hot
shower would fucking kick ass.”

“Like you’ve got that much to complain about,” Rafe
grumbled. “Your bed isn’t cold at night.”

“You’re right there.” Raul wouldn’t hide his happiness from
his littermates. “Angela makes all of this so much easier.”

“She’s a good female,” Rafe said seriously.

“We’ll let her sleep for now.” Raul glanced around their
campsite. “This shouldn’t take long to pack up.”

They made quick work of it. By the time Angela crawled out
of the tent, they were ready to tear it down, and shortly after headed out.

“We’ll stay in our fur for the next few days. It will make
traveling easier. Once we’re out of the country, and into the Sierra Madres, we
can rest for a bit. But I’d like us to be in Central America within the next

“Then what?” Angela asked, glancing at him and then his

“I’ve made contact with several jaguars living in the rain
forest in Costa Rica,” Ran offered.

“Before we left?” Angela shook her head slowly, her puzzled
expression turning concerned. “Do you think you’re the only one in Colony
capable of gathering information off a computer? What if this is a trap? If my
littermate learns where we’re headed, she would just as soon arrange our deaths
as risk our spreading what’s going on in Colony right now.”

Ran gave her a cocky grin. “I’m good, my dear. No one
intercepted my emails. I would know if they did.”

Angela looked skeptical. Raul knelt down to take off his
boots. “Let’s head out.” He met her gaze when she searched his face. He guessed
she needed his reassurance. “We’ve lived in Colony all our lives. Do you know
anyone who is that good with a computer?”

“No,” she said slowly.

“We’ve already shared our suspicions with the jaguars in
Costa Rica. They’re disgusted with what’s going on in Colony and welcome us to
come live there. If Natasha sets a trap, we won’t be the only ones attacking
back.” He stood to take off his jeans, and the others followed suit, stripping
out of their clothes and quickly bundling them and stuffing them in the duffel
bag. He let the change surge to life inside him the moment he was naked. “To a
new, prosperous life, my litter,” he said while he could still speak. “May we
always enjoy good hunting.”

Chapter Seven


It dawned on Angela as she arched into the hot spray of
water that she hadn’t given Colony a thought in over a day. Not once they
reached the land of her ancestors. She breathed in the humid, warm air of the
rain forests. The bizarre sensation that she was coming home lifted her spirits.
Enjoying a hot shower didn’t hurt either.

“Are you going to stay in there all day?” Rafe’s grouchy
grumble didn’t sway her spirit.

“Maybe,” she called out, and then listened as Raul talked to
his littermates, who obviously decided the two of them were left alone long
enough. She finished rinsing her hair, breathing in the soft coconut fragrance
from the shampoo and conditioner, and then reluctantly turned off the water.

The bathroom door opened just as she pulled back the shower
curtain, and Raul handed her a towel. He still looked rugged and unshaven after
being in his fur for so long, and sexier than ever.

“Rafe and Ran are complaining they want their steak dinner.”

Her tummy growled in response. “Do they have room service
here?” Going to a restaurant where there would be humans didn’t sound too
appealing. “This room is so lovely, and the view of the ocean magnificent. When
do we meet the jaguars who live down here?”

“Ran just mentioned talking to them. Get dressed and come on

Angela was captivated by the view through the large windows
of their hotel room. Barely hearing the males talk while drinking beer, she
stared outside, deciding she could live on the Osa Peninsula for the rest of
her life and never want to leave.

Rafe held out a cordless phone. “You’re ordering. I want my
steak large, rare and with all the trimmings.”

“Same here.” Ran rubbed his hands together. “I’ve spoken
with Miguel Rinero. They’re expecting us soon and our new home is ready.”

“It’s a small home that we’ll rent.” Raul moved in front of
her, stroking her damp hair while searching her face for approval of his words.
“Once we’re settled in and have a better feel for the place, we can look into
buying our own land.”

“We’ll all live together?” she asked.

“Just until we know the area better,” Raul said, and lowered
his head to brush his lips over hers. “Are you okay with that?” he whispered
while his mouth moved over hers.

“Yeah, I’m okay with it.” She’d grown rather fond of the
three of them over the past week they’d been traveling. “I’m not sure either
one of them could make it on their own.”

“You’re right. Who would do my laundry?” Ran teased, and
then jumped out of the way when she tried to swat him.


She never guessed her life would turn out so blessed.
Cuddled on the couch after dinner, she sipped on the wine they ordered with
their meal, and leaned against Raul’s hard-packed body. He and his littermates
talked excitedly about new adventures that might lie ahead. The homes they
would build in the rain forest, pros and cons of humans in the area, and what
females they might meet.

Her males, she thought, drifting off to sleep. Raul was
right. They were perfectly matched, and his littermates would find females who
would bless them too. She would see to it. Ran and Rafe deserved the best.

* * * * *

“Did you see the look on that tour guide’s face when we told
him we didn’t need a guide?” Angela laughed, half turning and walking sideways
as she glanced at the males’ amused expressions.

“You really shouldn’t torture humans,” Raul said gruffly,
although there was no bite in his growl.

Angela grinned and trotted ahead of them down the rough path
that headed deep into the rain forest.

“You have to admit, his expression was humorous when he
questioned our wanting to enter the forest at night.” Ran was always the first
to take her side.

“Like there’s a better time to enjoy the forest,” Rafe

Angela enjoyed the lead, and cut off the path after they
were deep in the forest. They didn’t need directions. She simply let her
instincts guide her, walking until the smell of humans faded and then
completely disappeared.

The farther they traveled, the blacker the night became.
Shapes disappeared and Angela relied on her hearing and smell to know her
whereabouts. A tree root hit the toe of her shoe and she stumbled. Firm hands
gripped her waist, steadying her.

“Maybe we should change,” Raul suggested, his voice directly
above her head.

At the same time, his hard body pressed against her backside
and instantly she wanted him. What a perfect way to bless their first night in
the rain forest, on the land of their ancestors. Tonight was the first night of
the rest of their lives, and regardless of the hardships of humans stealing the
land where once so many of them roamed freely, they would make this work. In
this corner of the world, Costa Rica was still very undeveloped and the
peninsula even more so.

Angela allowed tiny sparks to ignite down her spine,
enhancing her senses, until the shadows surrounding them returned. “Even in the
darkness, everything is so beautiful, so perfect,” she mused.

“It’s going to take a hell of a lot of work to build our own
homes,” Rafe pointed out. “Where is this place we’re allowed to rent? And what
kind of payment do these jaguars want?”

“We can have the home for a year, and the amount of money I
offered pleased Miguel very much. We’ll be welcomed among these litters.” Raul
didn’t take his hands off Angela but instead moved them up her back and then
slowly massaged her shoulders. “There will be good hunting here.”

“You did the right thing.” Angela stepped away from Raul and
then turned, facing him. In the dark, his expression was masked, intensified
with shadows that added to his rugged good looks. But the way he looked at her
with his dark green eyes warmed her heart. A heart she knew she was slowly
giving to him. “I wanted you to know that. Already we’re all a lot more

“I know I did,” he said quietly. “This is where we belong

She glanced past him at Rafe and Ran, who stood behind him.
Then, giving Raul her attention, she peeled off her shirt. All three of them
gave her all their attention. Her males, she thought, all of them. To protect
and care for while they created their new lives.

“Are you taking your clothes off to change, my little cat?”
Raul’s tone was suddenly gruff.

“You suggested that we would do better in our fur.”

Raul and his littermates’ eyes glowed in the darkness, the
change nearing the edge in all of them.

“I did, didn’t I?” he murmured, moving closer and covering
one of her breasts with his hand. “Something else sounds better now.”

“Here? Now?” The words barely came out.

Raul lowered his mouth to hers, kissing any further protest
away. Not that telling him no crossed her mind. When he lifted her and deepened
the kiss, her world became one of touch and smell. The ground was soft and damp
but her shoes and jeans quickly were removed.

“Yes. Here. Now.” Raul moved his lips over hers, and slowly
started kissing her cheek, her jaw and then her neck. He nibbled the sensitive
spot above her collar bone and she arched into him, the damp air caressing her
bare flesh.

His mouth moved over her skin, nipping and licking, making
every inch of her tingle. Raul possessed skills she didn’t know a male could
have. His hands caressed her breasts and teased her nipples. His undivided
attention was so incredible, so perfect. Her heart swelled along with the
pressure between her legs. The scent of her arousal filled the damp air,
hanging heavily around them.

She wanted to growl, to purr and arch into him. She craved
rubbing her body over his, feeling his coarse hair that teased her even more.
If only she’d known years ago that Raul was her perfect match, the good life
could have started so much sooner.

Angela jumped when fingers pressed against her thighs.
Raul’s hands covered her breasts and his mouth moved to a nipple.

“It’s okay, my little cat,” he whispered, his breath
torturing her even further. “Tonight I will share you. But forever, you are

The fingers on her thighs were gentle, teasing, moving
closer to the source of her need. Her pussy inflamed and although she opened
her eyes, the black night made it impossible to see anything other than
shadows. Above her, a sky of trees, with branches so thick and leaves large
enough that no moonlight trailed to the ground, added to the intensity of

A black night full of seduction and love would unite her
with her black jaguars, in their new home—her new litter.

The hands between her thighs pressed until she opened to
him. Anticipation riveted through her, stealing her breath. All the while, Raul
feasted on her breasts.

“You’re going to love this,” he growled, and then raked his
teeth over her nipple.

At the same time a mouth closed around her clit. A tongue,
skilled and eager, teased the swollen nub.

“God. Oh shit!” She arched her back, almost leaping off the

But more hands held her still, one pressing against her
abdomen, and the other stroking her hair. They were all touching her. Hands
everywhere, adoring every inch of her. Even with her eyes wide open, her
arousal was so intense, her need so desperate, she couldn’t focus her thoughts
to allow even a bit of the change to aid her. All she saw was blackness. All
she felt were six hands igniting a fire burning out of control inside her.

“That’s it, little cat.” Raul left her breasts and moved his
face close to hers. Her nipples were wet, and the damp air tortured them until
another mouth found them and offered heat that simply pushed her over the edge.
“Come for me, sweetheart. Come for all of us.”

She sensed their movement but forgot to open her eyes. Raul
kissed her, but only briefly before he stole his mouth away, leaving her
wanting more.

Lifting her head and straining to see down her body didn’t
help her figure out who knelt between her legs. The dark image feasted on her
pussy, and she let her head drop, groaning from the pleasure of it. His tongue
dipped inside her and then stroked her sensitive flesh. When he growled over
her shaved skin, she shivered.

A mouth clasped on to her nipple and she cried out again,
grabbing his head and holding him there. The ponytail at the base of his neck
let her know Ran suckled her. Rafe was between her legs.

She forced her eyes open and searched for Raul.

“Here, my love,” he said with a hoarse whisper. His fingers
touched her cheek, and then round, swollen flesh pressed against her lips.

Angela opened and sucked in his dick, immediately
recognizing his unique taste. She swirled her tongue around his width, taking
him in deeper, and feeling her orgasm push closer to its release when he
growled his pleasure. The other two males growled in unison, voicing their
approval and agreement.

She grew braver and ran her hand down Ran’s back, surprised
to see he already didn’t have his shirt on. She couldn’t reach to see if his
jeans were off, but his smooth flesh appealed to her. His back wasn’t as
muscular as Raul’s. Ran was wiry, still carrying his youth, but his warm flesh
under her fingers filled her with a sense of security. The youngest of her
litter, intelligent and charming.

Reaching out to Raul, she stroked his hip and then reached
up to tangle her fingers in his chest hair. Powerful and confident, her male,
convinced of his own actions, and so secure with himself, that sharing her
didn’t bother him. Never in her life did she dream she would be so lucky in
mating. And she was mated. Her honorable jaguar, perfect beyond description,
made her heart swell until she thought she would cry.

Love never felt better.

And although she knew without a doubt the emotion warming
her insides was new to her, she recognized it instantly. She purred her
satisfaction while taking him in as far as she could.

Raul growled loudly, grabbing his cock and preventing her
from doing it twice. “Not yet, my little cat. Tonight we’ll enjoy every inch of

Her lips tingled when he pulled out his cock. There was a
tightness in her thighs, but she didn’t care. Rafe’s tongue was a gift she
wouldn’t let go of until he stopped on his own.

“It’s so good, Raul,” she gasped. “Amazing.”

His chuckle was deep and brusque. His mouth pressed against
hers and she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, eager to kiss and show
him what all of this meant to her. Raul overpowered her though, grabbing her
arms and keeping the kiss brief.

“You’re the one who is amazing, my little cat,” he whispered
over her mouth.

His words gave her chills even though her body burned
fiercely with the need ignited inside her.

His fingers moved over her jaw and he turned her head.
“Suck, little cat,” he ordered. “Show my littermates how lucky I am.”

“You’re not the only lucky one.” Ran spoke for the first

His cock pressed against her lips and she opened for him,
taking him in and exploring with her tongue.

“Oh God,” he howled, and his dick grew harder instantly.

It was all she could do to concentrate on sucking when Rafe
continued to worship her pussy. The pressure grew inside her, filling her,
swelling until every inch of her sizzled with an urge to explode that she
couldn’t hold on to. Raul’s hands covered her breasts and he pinched her nipple
between his finger and his thumb. It was all she could take.

She cried out, grabbing Ran’s cock with her hand as it slid
from her mouth, and barely managed to hold on as she came in waves.

“Oh hell yeah,” Rafe growled, and latched on to her with his
mouth until she fought uncontrollably to flip off the ground. “God, she tastes
fucking good.”

“The best,” Raul said proudly.

The after waves of her orgasm still crept over her. They
praised her with low baritones, humming over her. And as she floated, her pussy
swollen and soaked, satisfied yet aching for more, she lapped at Ran’s cock and
he willingly gave it to her, allowing her to suck him deep into her mouth.

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