Blackmailed (14 page)

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Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Romance Erotic Menage Contemporary

BOOK: Blackmailed
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feet then led him to a room directly across from Cole’s.

His face red with telltale embarrassment, Scottie closed the door

before either she or Cole could say anything further. He didn’t even let

Brianna give him a basic arrangement of the room. Cole took her hand in

his and pulled her into their room.

“The vase was real, wasn’t it?” she said as soon as he shut the door.

“Mmmhmm, a Ming, but he didn’t need to know that.”

She swallowed. “Jesus, Cole. I can’t afford to replace a Ming vase!”

“Who’s asking you to replace it?” He turned and pushed her until her

back pressed against the door, then peeled her skirt up. He teased her

clit with his fingers and skimmed through the slippery folds. Brianna

gasped into his mouth as he sealed their lips together. The velvet

softness of his tongue mated with hers and she sighed, melting into his

chest. She wanted him. It took a moment to realize the moaning she

heard was coming from her own throat.

“Wrap your legs around my waist,” he ground out. He couldn’t get

enough of her sweet taste. Her moist little mouth was always shiny with

something, maybe cherry lip-gloss. Who cared? He’d gladly suck

anything off her plump pink lips, as long as there was contact of some


Cole lifted her with his hands on the back of her thighs until she was

seated right where he wanted her, her pussy against his rock-hard cock.


Only his jeans separated them and the smell of her arousal hit him like a

two-by-four. He trailed his hands down her long legs, feeling the silkiness

of her skin, before grasping her ankles and tucking them in the small of

his back. He angled his hips, supporting her as he reached between them

to unbutton his fly.

Bri seemed incapable of anything at the moment, including holding

herself up by the simple means of clasping her ankles together. Her

mouth devoured his, her tongue lapping at every crevice it could reach,

her teeth nibbling, and the sounds. God damn, the sounds. The moaning

was tearing him apart, squeezing both his cock and his heart in the tiny

vise of her fist. Her complete capitulation undid him.

She wanted him in the most elemental way possible. Tyler too. This

kind of reaction had nothing to do with paying off a debt of gratitude for

helping her brother. It was her surrender to him, her body’s response to

him as a man. She wanted him, plain and simple. He would not let her


The last button popped out and his erection sprang free. Holding

onto the steel rod, he felt between her labia, separated them from

shielding her opening, spread her creaminess, and prepared her for his

entry. It would be swift and hard. He couldn’t wait any longer to be

inside her.

Her hands gripped at him, one knotted in the short hair at the back

of his head, the other dug beneath the collar of his shirt, scratching at

his shoulder.

“That’s it, baby, scratch me. How much do you want me?”

“Put it in me, now, Cole, please,” she begged.

“Put what in you, Bri?” He fingered her, pressing into her wet heat to

his first knuckle. She bowed against him, her back arching and pushing

them away from the wall. “What do you want? Say the words, baby.”

Her eyes were wild, glazed over in lust, her nostrils flaring with each

panted breath. “Your cock, in me, now.”

He couldn’t hold back the growl as he looked at her face and heard

her words. He took his cock in hand and slapped at her clit with the

broad, purpled crown. Her head whipped back, thudding against the wall

Annmarie McKenna

before rolling side to side. Bri closed her eyes and a smile teased the

corners of her now puffy, well-kissed mouth. Her panting became

grunting, and she bit her bottom lip.

“More,” she hissed.

He did it again, looking down between their bodies, shifting her skirt

out of the way so he could see where they touched, see the effect he had

on her as he played with her. He tilted his hips back, chuckling as she

shot hers forward, chasing him, trying to capture his cock. Her groan

was pure frustration and her eyes flew open in indignation.

“Shh, relax, I’ve got you, baby. Just let me get it in you.” Cole eased

her back and teased her again, penetrating her with two fingers. Her

vaginal walls gripped him tightly as he pumped in and out of her. With

the pad of his thumb, he covered her clit, swirling around and around

the tiny nubbin.

“I’m gonna come,” she cried, grinding into his fingers and the head of

his cock.

He pulled out of her and she sagged against him, sobbing. Her

forehead was sweaty on his neck.

“Please,” she whispered.

The plea broke him. He adjusted the engorged head of his penis to

her entry and thrust forward, seating himself to the hilt inside of her

heaven. Bri’s body bucked and her slick walls vibrated around his

hardness. Cole waited for her to adjust then grasped her hips and pulled

her back down on him. He craved the need to be deeper in her than it

was humanly possible to be.

The sensation drove him overboard. He couldn’t wait any longer. Cole

set up a quick rhythm of thrusts. Her pussy sucked at him, slurping

along his length, gripping him. She plastered herself to him and clawed

at his back, tearing at his shirt. Her breasts were flattened against his

chest, the tightly beaded nipples stabbed at him through the cloth of

both their shirts.

“Come for me, Bri.”

“Aaahh.” She screamed and Cole clamped a hand over her mouth,

muffling her as he hammered into her sheath. The contractions of her


climax milked him. Seconds later, he felt the fire building in him. His

balls tightened impossibly, his penis contracted like the cocking of a gun,

and he drove into her, sealing them together until there wasn’t a

millimeter of space separating them.

His breath heaved in and out of his lungs as the orgasm lit him up,

from the tips of his toes to the top of his head. Hot spurts of his release

spilled into her body.

Cole rested his drenched forehead against hers, willing his breath

back to normal. Bri was breathing hard too, wheezing slightly with each

breath. The whistling brought him back to attention. Damn. He had to

get her asthma under control. One of these times he wouldn’t be able to

stop himself while planted inside her, and she’d be in real trouble.

“Slow down, baby. In through your nose, out through your mouth.”

He tugged at her skirt, searching the pockets for the inhaler she always

carried. “Bri, look at me.”

Her liquid eyes rose from beneath her lashes. Her mouth parted as

she breathed heavier than a normal person should despite what he’d just

put her through. He held his own breath as he searched her face for any

trace of pain. What he found instead made his heart soar.

She smiled.

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Chapter Six

Brianna slumped back in the lounge chair. She could hardly believe

it was Wednesday already. This morning when she’d gotten out of the

shower, there’d been a pure white, skimpy bikini lying on the bed. The

items were surprising since a bikini could constitute a form of

underwear, which she’d yet to wear in the three days she’d been here.

The sunlight gleamed off the turquoise waters of the most majestic,

tropical, in-ground swimming pool she’d ever seen. All around the pool

were huge potted palm trees and foliage that made her feel like she was

deep in the jungle. Sunlight streamed strategically through the plantings.

It had become her favorite place to get a moment of peace and quiet.

Her skin, slicked with sweat, tingled from the sun’s rays and the two

sets of eyes peering at her from the window above.

Today, after the guys’ usual round of unquenchable, morning sex,

she’d donned the bikini they’d chosen for her, grabbed a romance, and

headed out for some privacy.

Well, semi-privacy. Their eyes were always watching her.

She shivered, despite the heat. It felt right, being here with them.

Scottie had been safely ensconced in the estate and was quickly adapting

to his new surroundings. Tyler and Cole allowed him free reign in

exploring the grounds and she’d even seen them escorting him wherever

he wanted to go.

Tears pooled in her eyes when she thought of the three of them

together. Scottie was soaking up the attention of her guys like a sponge.

It was the first time he’d ever had male contact besides his pediatrician

and a few employees of their father. She’d done the best she could with

him, but clearly, he needed some consistent XY influence.


She wished their current circumstances would last forever. It was

hard to imagine making Scottie, or herself for that matter, leave when the

duty had been fulfilled, because somewhere during the last three days,

she had fallen in love with both Cole and Tyler.

The door opened behind her, scattering her thoughts, and she

sighed. So much for peace.

“Miss Brianna,” Freddy announced, startling her into covering herself

as best she could with her arms. Being “less than clothed” with Cole or

Tyler was getting easier,
because I always am,
but Freddy was an

entirely different matter. The elderly butler was almost like a grandfather

to her and had taken an instant liking to her brother. Just last night

she’d found them playing chess together. Something she hadn’t known

Scottie could do.

“This just arrived for you,” he said. He seemed oblivious to the fact

she was wearing next to nothing, even if it was a bikini, and for that she

could kiss him.

Freddy was holding a plain, white envelope with her name on the


“Master Tyler said it was okay for you to open it.”

Oh he did, did he?
Her lip curled, and she thought she saw a smile

tug at Freddy’s mouth. She didn’t need anyone screening her calls or her

mail. Jeez. A bodyguard outside the house was one thing, this was


She sucked it up. “Thank you, Freddy.”

The writing didn’t look like her father’s scribble, not that she thought

he would write to ask about her well being when he’d delivered her here

to be mated anyway. Since she didn’t know many people, and certainly

no one who would care she was here, she was clueless as to whom the

letter was from.

She shrugged and slid her finger under the sealed flap.

“Damn,” she hissed as the paper sliced into skin. She sucked on the

thin red line that quickly appeared, then slid the innocuous white paper

out and opened it with a flick of her wrist.

Annmarie McKenna

There were two lines of thick, black ink on the paper. Brianna gasped

as she read the ominous words:

I have something you want, you have something I want.

Meet me at Tonio’s at 2:00.

Her hand clinched, crumpling the paper.


It had to be her. Especially after what Brianna had witnessed

between Caroline and Cole earlier this week. How had the woman known

that Tonio’s was the one place Brianna escaped to whenever possible?

Tonio made her feel welcome no matter what time of day it was when she

arrived, and was ruthless about keeping the media away from his


Andrew Wyatt would have had a cow if Brianna had drawn any

attention to herself, God forbid. Her punishment would have been

threats to Scottie’s welfare, so she was extremely cautious of not being in

the public eye. There weren’t many people who would know her face, but

they might connect a name and question her father, and that alone

would be an embarrassment for him. Besides, she had no desire to see

herself in the papers. Apparently Cole felt the same way since he had yet

to take her off the estate. Was he as embarrassed by her as her father

was? Was she always to be kept a secret?

She mentally shook herself out of her pity party and glanced again at

the now severely wrinkled paper in her hand. Brianna hadn’t given the

woman a second thought since that first morning. She’d been so focused

on Cole and Tyler, there hadn’t been time to think about anything else.

Besides, why would Caroline care? Surely she could see Brianna would

never be able to hold Cole’s interest for very long. Soon the newness

would wear off and Caroline could have him back.

Not to mention the fact Caroline couldn’t possibly have a single thing

Brianna might want.

She shook her head.
Wayward thoughts will get you nowhere.

“Hey, baby.”


Brianna jumped at Cole’s voice. She balled up the letter, attempting

to hide it from his view, knowing it was futile. The man had, like, twelve


“Hi,” she said, a little breathless. The sight of his naked torso made

her pussy flood. Again.

“Whattya got there?” he asked as he plopped down, facing her, on the

lounge next to her.

“Nothing.” If he saw what was written, they’d have her living in a

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