Blackmailed (12 page)

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Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Romance Erotic Menage Contemporary

BOOK: Blackmailed
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Cole harrumphed. “Let them think what they want. I don’t give a


Brianna sat in the chair and let Cole scoot her in. He leaned over her

shoulder, brushed her hair out of the way, and licked her earlobe.

“When you’re sitting, keep your legs spread for us,” he whispered.

Brianna’s stomach plummeted and her pussy flooded with her juices.

If it was possible, her cheeks grew even hotter. She slowly hooked her

ankles around the legs of the chair so her knees were on the front


Tyler sat on her left, munching the yucky-looking chocolate cereal.

Cole seated himself on her other side. His plate was overflowing with

fluffy scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast. He was also having

coffee and orange juice. Her mouth watered. She hadn’t eaten for what

seemed like days.

“What would you like, baby? Eggs? Bacon? Or that gross stuff Ty’s

shoving down his throat?”

“Hey, there is nothing wrong with my choice of cereal.” Tyler picked

up the box and flicked the side of it. “See, it says, ‘part of a complete

breakfast’. The only thing that would make this breakfast more complete

would be if I sat Bri on my plate, spread her legs and ate her.”


He threw his head back and laughed at the horrified expression on

Bri’s face.

“Mmm. She does sound good,” Cole murmured. “But what would go

even better would be for her to suck us off while we ate.”

Bri’s face flushed wildly. Tyler took another bite of cereal while Cole

leaned in to nibble on her ear. “We’ll start those lessons tomorrow,” Cole

whispered. She audibly swallowed.

“For now, here are the rules,” Tyler said, causing her to swing her

head in his direction.



“I’m a grown woman, I don’t think I need rules.”

Tyler snorted. Reality was about to knock her for a loop.

“Like I said, the rules.” He paused while Cole fed her a forkful of eggs.

“You don’t walk out the doors without one of us with you.” Tyler watched

her jaw as she chewed, and his cock hardened remembering the sight of

her mouth wrapped around his hard length. He cleared his throat.

through the basics first, moron.

“Reporters will do anything for a story, including camping out around

the corner, waiting for someone to leave the estate.”

“But no one escorted that woman out.”

Cole chuckled but Tyler snorted again, then they spoke at the same


woman doesn’t rate an escort,” Tyler growled.

“Caroline can take care of herself,” Cole said with a shrug.

Bri’s gaze moved back to Cole.

“Are you saying I can’t take care of myself?”

His eyebrows raised. “I’m saying, I don’t want you to have to.”

“No, you’re protecting your investment.”

“I haven’t made an investment, Bri. Your father offered me money for

my sperm. At the time of conception, I was supposed to relinquish all

rights to
child,” he ground out. “I don’t see that as an investment.”

She looked shocked.

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“Furthermore, I never signed the contract and I won’t ever sign it. But

you are ours, Bri. Don’t even try to refute that.”

Tyler wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck as Cole’s open

palm caressed her erect nipple through the fabric of her tank top. She

shivered against their hands.

Tyler leaned closer. “There’s something about you neither Cole nor I

can deny.” He nuzzled her throat, laving her with his tongue. “We’ve

decided to keep you.”

He smiled when her head lolled into him and she whimpered. He laid

his free hand on her knee and slowly dragged it up the smooth skin of

her thigh, bunching up her skirt at the same time. Her legs shook as

Cole added his hand to her other leg.

They reached her apex at the same time.

“Feel good, baby?”

“Mmm.” She sucked her bottom lip in.

Simultaneously, Tyler and Cole rubbed at the bundle of nerve

endings hidden in her folds. Her knees spread even further of their own

accord and her head fell back on the arm Tyler had stretched along the

top of her chair. Her hair tumbled down, tickling at his elbow.

With his teeth Cole raised her tank top, exposing the nipple closest to

him, and proceeded to nibble and suckle her.

They worked their middle fingers along her soaking slit, spreading

her cream, and played at her entrance. Bri’s panting and crying got

heavier and louder.

Tyler looked at Cole and nodded. They pressed into her together,

stretching her tight sheath. Her tiny muscles gripped them as they

finger-fucked her. Her nipples, a dusky brown, stood at attention, one

being sucked relentlessly, the other still hidden beneath her tank.


“What, Bri, what do you need?”

“To come,” she shouted.

“Then come,” Tyler whispered.


She exploded around their fingers, arching her back in the chair, her

butt slipping off the edge. Only his and Cole’s fingers still inside her kept

her from falling on the floor.

Bri collapsed as her body descended from its plateau and they pulled

out of her.

“I don’t even know who I am anymore.”

“Don’t worry, little one, we know who you are.” Tyler kissed her sweet

lips, offering her his tongue. She pulled at it, no longer shy about what

she wanted.

Cole smoothed her clothing back in place then leaned over his place

setting to eat like he had not just been responsible for shattering the

poor girl between them. Tyler smiled. He knew exactly how Bri made

both of them feel.

“Damn.” He turned to his bowl. “Now my cereal is soggy.” He reached

for a new bowl and the milk, grinning at the stunned, dazed look on Bri’s


“So, cereal or eggs?”

“How can you act like nothing is going on? What about my brother?

Cole promised—”

“Relax, little one. Scott is, as we speak, being packed up and readied

for the trip over here.” Tyler massaged her shoulders and squeezed out

the tenseness seizing her muscles. Her breath was starting to wheeze

again in her agitation and that was the last thing he wanted to happen

this morning.

“How…how did you get my father to let him out of the house?”

“With a little taste of his own medicine. I’m serious,” Tyler said when

Brianna looked wearily at him. “As soon as Cole told me how your dear

old daddy had gotten you here, and the conditions you’d given us, it was

a no-brainer. I called him up and told him, as the head of security, of

course, that Cole would not touch you until your brother had been sent

over to the estate.”

“Don’t even begin to tell me he just said, ‘sure, no problem.’ My father

has hidden Scottie from the world since the day he was born. No way

would he let him out if there were even the slightest chance someone

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would find out about him. And this,” she waved her arms in the air, “has

a much more than slight chance of blowing up in my father’s face.”

“Yes, but I think the old man is greedy enough about getting his

perfect heir that he doesn’t care about what happens to the son he

already has. And I told him Cole would never attempt to touch you while

you were so agitated about your brother. He laughed when I said that by

the way.”

“I’ll bet he did,” Cole interrupted.

“No bet needed,” Bri murmured.

“But then, when I mentioned a rape would sully Cole’s image, and

thereby his own when Cole announced to the public why he was raping

the daughter of a fellow businessman, he sobered right up and let me

know he would pack Scott’s bags immediately.”

Bri bit her delectable bottom lip, which made Tyler’s cock stir to life

again. A perpetual state for the last twelve or so hours, it seemed.

“I have a room being prepared for him and have requested a tutor,”

Cole stated as he forked up another heap of eggs and brought them to

Bri’s mouth.

“Oh he’s…mmph.” Her lips closed indignantly around the fork,

cutting her off.

“You, of course, will have the final say in any of the decisions made

regarding him,” Cole continued.

“Cole. Tyler.”

Tyler’s heart skipped. He loved hearing her say his name. She looked

so sad for some reason, as though what she was about to say would hurt

them or something. He ached to make her world as easy for her as


“The thing is, Scottie, he’s got a few—”

Tyler reached out and grasped her hand. “We know. He’s blind and


“Partially deaf, and most of the time he can hear just fine,” she

clarified. “It’s just, I spend a lot of time with him. I’m like his anchor, the

one stable thing in his life. I can’t see how this is going to work.”


“How what’s going to work?” Cole blurted out. “You’re here, he’ll be

here, we’ll be here. For both of you.”

“Cole’s right. We’ll get anything you need for Scott. He’ll have a hell of

a better life here than at home. At least here he won’t be shut away in

some back corner of the house, unseen, unheard.”

Bri’s face burned red and he knew he’d hit the mark. She was

embarrassed by the way her brother had been hidden away from society

and that she’d been unable to do anything about it.

“But I get the feeling you guys are going to monopolize all my time

with your…” she gulped and turned even more red, “...needs.”

“Needs?” both he and Cole stated together.

“Yes,” she hissed. “I’m not wearing any underwear, does that clue you


“Absolutely.” Tyler laughed and Cole’s hand slipped under her skirt


Tyler held up his hand and fingers in the universal Boy Scout signal.

“I promise to set aside free time from my
everyday so you have

time with your brother.”

“Me too.”

Bri growled. “Neither one of you has ever been a Boy Scout, I can


Tyler leaned in and kissed her. “It’ll work out, I swear. Now eat,

you’re too skinny.”

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Chapter Five

“He’s here, Cole, my brother’s here.” Bri was just a tad bit more than

giddy, Cole thought as he watched her practically jump up and down

near the front door. Tyler was helping the young man get out of the car, a

hand on his elbow.

The morning had been long and restless for Bri, who was waiting on

proverbial pins and needles for Scott to arrive. No amount of cajoling or

sexual innuendoes had persuaded her out of her eagerness to see him.

“Hmm. He looks normal to me. Ouch.” He winced as her hand

smacked against his shoulder.

“What did you think he would look like, The Elephant Man?”

He laughed as one corner of her mouth curled in contempt.

“No, baby, I just didn’t know what to expect.”

“Be nice to him, or so help me God…” she snarled.

“Or so help you what?” he asked, arching his brow.

She paused, looking at him. “I won’t…suckyouoff.”

Cole cupped his ear and pressed his lips together, trying to hold back

the smile. “What was that? I didn’t hear you.”

“You heard me, you swine.”

“Did you just call me a pig?” He threw his hand over his heart and

put on a seriously wounded face. “That hurts, after all I’ve given you.”

Her lashes flew upward as did her hand to cover her open mouth. For

a second he thought she was scared she’d said something bad, but then

he saw her eyes crinkle. The little shit was playing with him. And here

he’d felt bad for hurting her feelings.

“Hi, honey we’re home.” Tyler pushed on the door and jockeyed with

Scott to get through the opening.


Bri squealed, causing all three men to cover their ears and wince.

“Scott!” She launched herself at the teenager, scaring both Tyler and Cole

into action, thinking she would knock the kid over, hurting both him and


They hadn’t needed to move at all because in a split second, Scott

spread his feet, bracing himself, and threw his arms wide, catching his

catapulting sister in mid-air. Somehow, amazingly, he had known what

she would do, and reacted.

Cole and Tyler stared at the pair as they squeezed the life out of each

other. An outsider would see a couple who’d been long ago separated. It

irked Cole that he felt a spurt of jealousy over the fact she loved her

brother so much, when he wanted to feel her tiny little body wrapped

around his in the same manner.

Scott was a big guy for his age, and probably wasn’t done growing

yet. He stood about five foot eleven, and had muscles that shouted a lot

of time spent in the gym. Cole supposed if he’d been kept locked up his

entire life, he’d probably turn to working out also. Something to fight

away the injustice. In a few years, it wouldn’t matter if Andrew Wyatt

kept him hidden away. The boy would be able to take him out with one

punch, then walk out of his prison and never look back.

“I’ll get the bags out of the car,” Tyler said once he could see there

was no danger of falling or dropping by either party.

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