Blackmailed (20 page)

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Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Romance Erotic Menage Contemporary

BOOK: Blackmailed
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Her butt protested with a stinging ache as she swiveled on

the leather seat and pushed herself from the car.

“Cole is gonna meet us here.”

That surprised her. “I thought he was working today.”

Tyler grunted. “He was until he found out about your little

clandestine meeting.”

Oops. Her butt was going to be so sore she wouldn’t be able to sit



“Inside, now.” He grabbed her elbow and literally yanked her toward

the boutique with a glamorous-looking mannequin in the window. She

guessed this is where they’d be purchasing a dress.

“Geez, Ty. Slow down. I hardly think Caroline’s going to attack us at a

dress shop.”

Tyler stopped so fast Brianna knocked into him. Just as quickly he

turned and steadied her with his hands on her shoulders. His eyes took

in their surroundings.

She couldn’t resist whispering, “Is she out there?”

“Wouldn’t care if she was.” He met her eyes, hunger clawing its way

out of his own, and she swallowed. “In case you hadn’t noticed, which I

know you have, my cock’s about to explode. I’d prefer to be inside you

before that happens. Now let’s go.” He took another quick look around

before he set off toward the shop one more time.

Brianna balked, pulling at the hand holding her wrist. “You’ve got to

be kidding, Ty.” No way was she going to be fucked in the dress shop.

“Look. You owe me. For this whole damn day, I figure. We’ll go in a

dressing room. It’ll take me like two strokes, believe me. Besides,” he

winked at her, “you need the practice on being quiet.”

“I can’t do this.” Her heart hammered, and she wasn’t positive it was

entirely due to fear. Her belly clenched with excitement, not that she’d

ever tell this Neanderthal, but still.

He leaned close. “You can, and you will.”

He tugged again and pulled her through the door. They were

promptly greeted by a smiling, bubbly blonde who was more than eager

to start collecting the size and style of dresses Tyler all but spat at her.

Could she do this? Have sex in a tiny room where anything and

everything could be heard? Where shoppers and clerks would be just a

few feet away?

Before she could even formulate an answer to her questions, Brianna

and Tyler were ensconced in a nice-sized fitting room, surrounded by

mirrors on three sides. The sales person had gathered several dresses en

route and hung them on hooks just inside the door. Tyler was quick to

let the woman know they wouldn’t need further assistance.

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Looking a bit miffed but knowing money when she saw it, she left,

closing the door behind her. Brianna imagined the woman smiling to

herself as she walked away, and assuming Brianna was Tyler’s mistress.

She guessed she was, in a way.

“Take off your clothes.” Tyler’s hands flew to his waist and tore at the


“Shh.” Her face flamed with heat, even as she went to work pulling off

her shirt and bra, and wiggling the skirt down her hips. Before she could

look up, he was on her.

His tongue invaded her mouth, swirling with her own as his hands

cupped her butt cheeks and lifted her. She hoped she was still wet from

her previous climax because it didn’t look like she was going to get any


He staggered forward until her back was against the mirror. Having

pinned her, he was able to shift her body weight. He pulled her legs

around his waist and she clasped her ankles at the small of his back.

They were both breathing heavy as they devoured each other. She

clutched at his neck, eager to get good purchase and not weigh him

down. The position reminded her of Monday when Cole had taken her in

the same way.

Tyler’s penis prodded at her entrance, the same as his tongue in her

mouth. With one thrust, he impaled himself to the hilt. Her scream was

captured by his lips.

She couldn’t think. He commanded her mouth and her pussy,

drawing everything out of her. He pounded into her so hard her now

sweaty butt squeaked against the mirror.

“Is everything all right in there?”

Tyler tipped his head. “We’re fine,” he growled, his hips never ceasing

their rhythm.

The wave built and she didn’t want it to. With his mouth gone, she

bit her lip to keep from crying out. Her lower back and butt sucked at the

glass like a suction cup being pulled off repeatedly. She rolled her head

against their reflections, trying to think of anything that would keep her

from coming.


Tyler must have sensed something in her because he reached a hand

between their bodies and separated the folds of her pussy, exposing her

clitoris to the rolling motion of his pelvis.

“No. No, no, no. Please.”

Tyler panted and resumed his furious pace. “Yes, Bri.”

“I can’t. Don’t make me.” Everyone would know exactly what they

were doing in here, if they didn’t already. “I’m too loud. Please.” She

hated being reduced to begging for something she didn’t want when she

already begged them so much for what she did. She would plead

mercilessly for an orgasm, but not here. Not in a public shop when she

was so loud to begin with.

He was relentless. In and out he pressed with deliberate intention.

“I’ll catch you, I promise.” He shifted, bringing her lower so only her

shoulders touched the mirror. The angle brought his cock in direct line

with her G-spot, which he stroked with ruthlessness.

She grunted in time with his thrusts.

“Come for me, baby.”

She exploded around him, her hands fisted in his hair as

she squeezed him in a tight bear hug, trying to stifle the sensations

shooting through her entire body. The metallic taste of blood flooded her

mouth when she bit her tongue to keep quiet.

“That’s it, baby. That’s what I like. Your sweet little pussy milking my


Brianna was done. Exhausted to the point her head fell forward into

the crook of his neck. Each of his continued thrusts made her clit


“My turn,” he growled in her ear. She felt him stiffen as he pushed

deep inside her, then the hot jets of his release. A climax through which

he never made a sound.

They were both breathing hard, their sweaty foreheads plastered


“You happy now?”

He smacked her on the butt, and slowly pulled out of her. Her vaginal

walls gripped him with a mind of their own, wanting to keep him inside.

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“Yes, imp. I’m happy.” He dropped her feet to the floor, then steadied

her with his hands on her hips before reaching down to pull up his


She hadn’t even noticed he’d only lowered them as far as was

necessary. Hell, he hadn’t even taken off his jacket. Typical man. From

his back pocket he produced a handkerchief. Gently, he wiped his sticky

come from between her legs. He swiped at his softening penis, which he

then tucked behind the button-fly of his jeans.

Brianna couldn’t move, despite the chills taking over her slick body.

“I love you.” He dropped a kiss on each corner of her mouth and

slapped her hip.

She stared at him. Had he really said that? Just this morning she’d

been feeling the same emotion, but she would never have guessed either

Tyler or Cole would ever say those words to her. Her heart skipped a

beat, and her lungs froze.

“Now, start with this dress, it’s my favorite.”

Brianna shook her head. Maybe he didn’t realize what he said.

Otherwise, how could he drop a bomb like that, then tell her which dress

to wear?

The dress he’d chosen was a simple, white, flowing slip of silk with

spaghetti straps. A hint of lace peeked out from beneath the hemline that

would fall to somewhere right above her knees. It was beautiful, elegant

and designer.

“How could it be your favorite? You didn’t even look because you were

too busy trying to jump me.”

He shrugged. “I saw it as we walked by and tapped the woman.”

Brianna had not seen that. She’d been too preoccupied with what

was about to happen in the fitting room.

Tyler stepped out, clicking the door shut behind him and leaving her

alone. She sagged against the mirror. Opposite her, another mirror

mocked her naked body that had left its mark on the glass. How could

she possibly marry these two men? She’d never be able to walk for their

constant need of sex.


Plus, she still didn’t know what to do about Caroline. The vampirelike woman had threatened Brianna with physical harm if she didn’t

walk away from Cole, and then she’d dangled the carrot of her mother’s

supposed whereabouts.

Caroline wasn’t stupid. She’d known the one thing most likely to

make Brianna comply and had included Scottie in her threats. The only

other people of significance to Brianna were Cole and Tyler. Since

Caroline wanted Cole to herself she wasn’t going to do anything to harm

him, but she hated Tyler. As Cole’s best friend, Caroline might see him

as being in the way, and therefore she might try to mess with him too.

Brianna snorted. Tyler could probably take Caroline with both arms

tied behind his back.

Brianna sighed as she slipped the white silky material off the hanger

and over her head. Of course it fit her perfectly, making her look like a

prom queen. Or a bride, whichever.

However, even the allure of feeling like a princess couldn’t keep the

thoughts from running through her head. How had Caroline gotten

information about her mother?

Cole strode through the boutique’s door, uncaring about the noise he

made or the stares he received. He had to see her, had to make sure for

himself she was all right. When Tyler had called him, interrupting his

meeting with his board of directors, it was all he could do not to drop the

phone and run out.

Instead, he’d gruffly rescheduled the meeting, his heart pounding

with a mixture of anxiousness and fear. Two emotions he couldn’t

remember ever feeling over a woman. Bri had changed him in the few

short days she’d been with them, and he couldn’t wait to make her his,


He scanned the room, looking for any sign of Tyler or Bri, and saw

neither. Damn, he’d told Tyler he’d meet them here. Besides, Ty’s car was

still outside. Cole threw his hands on his hips and let out the breath he

didn’t realize he’d been holding. He was just about to start toward the

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back when a pint-sized pixie of a woman with a nametag reading Belle

stepped in front of him, almost becoming a speed bump.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” She peeked at him from

beneath her eyelashes.

“I’m looking for my fiancée and her bodyguard. I was supposed to

meet them here.”

The lady gulped and tried to be surreptitious about scanning the

store. Her face flamed a telltale red, and Cole knew without a doubt Tyler

had fucked Bri. Probably in the dressing room. Right about now, Belle

was trying to figure out how to tell him his fiancée had just gotten it on

with said bodyguard. Cole smiled. He could have put her out of her

misery, but it would be a lengthy explanation of a threesome, and the

look on her face was priceless.

“She’s um…”


He glanced up to see Tyler bearing down on them, then back to the

woman, whose face had gone an even darker red. “Thank you for your

help. There he is now.”


Cole stepped around her, wondering if she’d ever encountered a more

difficult situation. It was bad enough to know what your customers were

doing behind the dressing room door, another thing altogether to realize

the woman was fucking her bodyguard behind her fiancé’s back. Cole


“Feel better, Ty?”

“One hundred percent.” His face didn’t even flush.

“Yeah, well, I’ll let you explain to the clerk what was going on back


Tyler snorted. “I don’t have to explain anything to her.”

“What the fuck’s going on, Ty? I drove over here like a bat out of hell

and find out you and Bri are screwing each other in the dressing room.”

There had to be more to the story. Tyler had not sounded like himself

during their phone call, and he would never have insisted they meet

somewhere had nothing happened.


“That damn letter is what’s going on,” Ty snapped.

Cole followed him to a corner of the boutique where they could see

both the front door and the dressing rooms.

“We went to Tonio’s for lunch, apparently she goes there a lot by the

way, and she’s all fidgety. I couldn’t get her to even look at me because

she kept looking around for someone else. Finally she tells me about this

note. Someone threatened her, Cole, and my money’s on Caroline.”

? “Sonofabitch.” If there had been a decent wall next to him,

he’d have punched his fist through it. No one messed with their woman.

No one.

Tyler nodded, apparently agreeing with the direction of his thoughts.

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