Blackmailed (27 page)

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Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Romance Erotic Menage Contemporary

BOOK: Blackmailed
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Her chin and bottom lip shook and she looked deep into Brianna’s

eyes. So deep she could swear the woman saw to the bottom of her soul.

“It’s despicable what he forced you into doing with Mr. Mas…your

husband.” A grin split her face. “My baby’s married,” she squealed. “I’m

sorry I missed it, darling.”

Cole cleared his throat behind Brianna. “I don’t think it turned out

too despicable.”

She turned around and slapped his leg.

Scottie snorted. “You wouldn’t.”

She smacked his leg too. “Stop it both of you.” She and Lydia


“Hmm. I wonder what Ty would say,” Scottie continued.

“He would say ditto,” Tyler announced, peeling away from the wall.

Her heart gave a jolt. She hadn’t even known he was in the room. He was

supported by two crutches, a by-product of the emergency room visit

she’d demanded last night when all the guests had left and he could put

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no weight on his ankle at all. It was amazing how quickly he’d

capitulated about the doctor when she’d withheld easing any future

hard-ons until he went. The injury had turned out to be a very bad

sprain and now he was under orders to stay off it completely for the next

week at least.

After the ER visit, he’d gotten in a car with a driver and disappeared.

She missed having him in their bed last night. Because of her mother,

she knew why he hadn’t been there.

She jumped off her knees and darted between her mother and Scottie

to give him a hug.

“Thank you, Ty, for finding my mother and bringing her here.”

“Anytime, little one.”

They looked at each other, each wanting to kiss, but not sure if they

should in front of Lydia. Ty finally bent down and pecked at her cheek,

leaving her feeling awkward. She wished they didn’t have to hide.

“Later, little one,” he whispered.

“Please, don’t mind me,” Lydia said.

Brianna whipped her head around, still caught up in Ty’s arms. She

hadn’t really heard her mother say that had she?

Lydia gave a dainty cough, her face pink, as she searched the face of

each occupant in the room, then shrugged. “Umm, Scott mentioned some

things to me earlier when we talked.” Her cheeks grew rosier. “And, while

I was a tad concerned at first, Scott went on to tell me exactly the way

things were and how happy you are here with…both your men. He then

threatened me with death if I were to do anything to compromise said


Cole and Tyler both cracked up, each having been threatened the

same way. Brianna stood with her hands on her hips and contemplated

just what to do with her sneaky little brother and his interfering ways.

Nothing. She could do nothing to the boy who sat grinning over his

shoulder at her like a Cheshire cat.

Lydia stood and walked toward Brianna. Tyler twisted her around so

her back was against his front and put his hands on her shoulders.


Every few seconds a snort would erupt from his nose. If the man didn’t

stop laughing she was going to smack him too!

“Sweetheart. I am the last person on Earth to give advice about

relationships, and to tell the truth, I’ve been away from society for so

long, I don’t even know what is apropos anymore. I suspect, with the lack

of a wedding ring on Mr. Cannon’s finger, this isn’t something you want

to share with the world. But I will be the last person to stop you from

having a relationship with two men, if that’s what you want. If that’s

what the three of you want.”

Brianna cried. Having her mother’s acceptance meant the world to

her. Tyler squeezed her shoulders.

“Now then, that being said, gentlemen, if either of you hurts my


“Yes, ma’am.” Cole nodded his acknowledgement of her warning.

“Ditto,” Tyler said.

“I’ll be right next to you, Mom,” Scottie piped in, standing up.

There was a chorus of “shut up” from the three of them. Lydia looked


“All right then. Seeing as last night was a long one for me, I am going

to have a rest. I’ll see you all later for lunch.”

Brianna threw her arms around her mother as she passed. “I love

you, Mama. Welcome home.”

“Thank you, sweetheart. Your husband…s, have offered me a suite

here at the house until I get my feet back.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything different from them. Please, stay as long

as you like.”

“I will.”

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Cole stood and arched his arms above his head, popping the length of

his spine. The last two weeks had been long and full of a mixture of tears

and laughter. Mother and children were in the process of bonding after

long years of separation, but all three seemed to be adjusting well despite

Bri’s shaky start.

He looked at her now curled up in the armchair, her nose stuck in

some sappy romance novel. The strap of her camisole—he guessed that’s

what you’d call the thin cotton top she was wearing—had slipped off,

leaving the creamy skin of her shoulder bare.

“Time for bed, Bri.” He couldn’t contain a low growl that had her head

snapping up. Her gaze traveled the length of his body, widening when

they reached his groin and the tent of his sweatpants. Her nostrils flared

and the tip of her little, pink tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip.

Without a word she dog-eared the page she was on, tossed the

paperback onto the end table, and peeled out of the chair. He held his

hand out, silently beckoning her to him, and felt a stab of déjà vu. They’d

done this before in this exact room, the first day, three weeks before,

when he’d asked her to trust him with her body and her mind.

Five days after meeting her, she’d become his wife.

She smiled seductively at him, making his cock twitch. Her nipples

were drawn tight and puckered against the fabric of her pajama shirt.

His voice was hoarse when he spoke, affirming his need for her. “If

there weren’t other people in this house right now, I’d have you laid out

on this floor and be buried in you already.”

She took his hand. “Where’s Ty?”



He led her up the stairs and into their bedroom, and turned to lock

the door. Seconds later, he had her right where he wanted her. Spread

out like a feast across their bed. Just yesterday she’d gotten the stitches

removed from her side. He fisted his hands at the angry red welt marring

her soft skin.

Both Caroline and her father would be serving some sort of time,

probably only community service for Andrew, for everything that had

happened. Caroline, on the other hand would most likely see the inside

of a jail cell. She had hired the men who had tried two times to kill

Brianna, and had stupidly pleaded to her lawyer how she would do it


Andrew still maintained he didn’t know anything about Caroline’s

misdeeds, but he did admit he’d fueled the woman into action by giving

her the information about Bri’s mother.

He’d wanted a son and had schemed to ensure at least one by pitting

Caroline and Bri against one another, knowing Caroline already had a

vested interest in Cole. Caroline’s reward for conceiving first was to be

publicly acknowledged by Andrew as his daughter. It had been enough to

think she might someday be a beneficiary of the Wyatt estate, so she’d

gone along with the man’s plans.

Right now the two were embroiled in a he said, she said debate on

who actually knew what. Caroline said her father told her to get rid of

Brianna by any means necessary, Andrew claimed he told her no such

thing, only that she better hurry if she wanted to get her hands on Cole.

It didn’t look like anyone would ever know the truth.

“You’re wearing too many clothes.”

Bri’s huskily spoken words snapped his mind back to the task at

hand. Fucking his wife. Since the party he hadn’t been able to keep his

hands off her. They’d come too close to losing her, twice. He still wasn’t

comfortable letting her leave his sight.

He smiled at her. “I’ll see if I can’t accommodate you.” He quickly

shed his sweatpants and T-shirt, and crawled onto the bed between her

spread thighs. Her naked pussy was shiny with the moisture already

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pooling there. They both heard the shower turn off and glanced at the

bathroom door.

He returned his attention to her drenched cunt. “Ty’ll be here any


“I can’t wait.” She licked her lips and he groaned.

“Neither can I.” He spread the pouty outer lips of her slick vagina

with his thumbs and speared her with his tongue, lapping at the sweet


“Oh, God.” Her hands seized at his hair, pulling his head closer to

her heat.

He continued licking her core, dragging and swirling his tongue over

and around and in her, but never quite touching the one place where he

knew she would want him the most.

“Cole, please.” Her chest bellowed with every pant.

“I was hungry for a little late-night sandwich.” Tyler, still a little

shaky on his bad ankle, hobbled over and joined them on the bed, nude,

one hundred percent aroused, and still damp from his shower.

Cole murmured against her clit. “Sandwich sounds good to me too.”

He blew on the heated flesh and held Bri down with an arm across her

hips when she bowed off the bed.

Tyler latched onto one of her nipples and sucked the bead into his

mouth. Her other breast received attention from his fingers.

Cole eyed his wife and best friend from his position between her

thighs, all the while plundering her juicy pussy with his tongue and


“No.” Bri’s head whipped from side to side on her pillow. “No

sandwich until you let me come.”

He and Tyler lifted their heads simultaneously. He arched an eyebrow

at her.

“Excuse me?”

“Did she really just say that?” Ty asked him.

Bri jackknifed to a sitting position and latched on to the nearest man

to her, Tyler. She grabbed both of his ears and leaned in ’til her nose

touched his.


“You heard what I said.”

“I think she’s serious, Cole.”

“Naw, what made you think that?”

“Me first,” she ground out. She was gritting her teeth so hard Cole

was surprised they didn’t break. Then she casually let go of Ty’s ears like

she hadn’t just threatened him with dismemberment and lay back down.


Tyler shook his head.

Within a heartbeat Cole reversed their positions, making Bri squeal

as he flipped her around. Now he was on his back, Bri was straddling his

hips and Ty was behind her. Both their cocks were poised at her


“That was so not fair,” she grumbled and commenced pounding on

his pecs with her tight, little fists.

Tyler laughed. Cole easily corralled her punches and pulled on her

wrists until her elbows were up by his ears and she was draped flat

across him. The action had somehow moved her just enough so the

engorged head of his cock slipped inside her sheath. She capitulated as

he sank into her further and sighed against his throat.

“That feels so good.”

Cole chuckled. “You’re a greedy little wench tonight.” He laughed

again when she shrugged. He trailed his fingertips down her arms and

over her shoulders while Tyler readied himself and her for his rear


Brianna wiggled on top of him, crawling down his body to impale

herself on his erection. He didn’t even try to bite back the moan clawing

its way from his groin.

Tyler swatted her butt, making her jump and squeak.

“Be still, little one.”

From his mound of pillows, propped-up position, Cole watched over

her shoulder as Tyler separated the cheeks of her ass and placed the

tube of lubricant at her opening. She squirmed again when he gave the

tube a squeeze.

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“Just the lube, Bri,” Tyler crooned. “Be still for me and let me get

inside you.” With a dollop of lube on his palm, he took his cock in hand,

spreading the oil until it glistened and a pearly drop of come appeared on

the broad, purpled head.

Tyler bent forward, spreading her bottom again, and pressed into the

rosy opening. Sweat beaded his best friend’s forehead and chest as he

sank into her.

Her hands fisted in the sheets on either side of his head. “Oh God, oh

God,” she chanted.

Cole continued stroking her back. “Relax baby, let us make you feel


Tyler’s cock slid against his own with only the thin barrier of tissue

between them.

“It’s too much,” she screamed even though she was pushing back,

engaging them further inside her.

“It’s not enough, little one,” Tyler hissed.

Cole reciprocated. “It’ll never be enough.”

“Fuck. I gotta move, Cole.”

“Yes!” Bri lifted her head. Her eyes were wild. “Move. Somebody,

move. Now!”

They set up a rhythm of thrusting and Cole reached up to fondle her

nipples, tweaking and pinching while she grunted between them.

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