Blackmailed (23 page)

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Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Romance Erotic Menage Contemporary

BOOK: Blackmailed
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plum-shaped head of Ty’s penis at the back of her throat, gagging her

until she overcame the sensation and breathed around him.


Ty moved then, shifting his hips and pulling almost all the way out

before smoothly thrusting back in.

“That’s it, little one, lick me.”

Cole’s fingers worked her ass, stretching her as his tongue stroked

her vagina. One touch to her swollen clit and she’d explode. But then, he

knew that. The bastard was just drawing it out, waiting for her to scream

in frustration before he let her come.

Her nipples stung beneath her tweaking fingers, zinging the

sensations straight to her womb. She flexed her vaginal walls,

encompassing Cole’s tongue and trying to trap him there, deep inside


Her lips cramped around Tyler’s thickness as she savored the musky

taste of his sex. She scraped her teeth along the prominent vein running

underneath the length of his dick and swirled her tongue over the soft

head. She licked along the slit with the tip of her tongue and tasted his

pre-come as he slowly fucked her mouth.

“Is she ready?” Tyler’s jaw was tight when she looked up the length of

his chest to his upturned face. A drop of sweat rolled off his chin and fell

with a soft plop on her cheek.

“Hell yeah,” Cole murmured.

His tongue stopped dipping into her channel and Brianna cried out.

She lifted her hips, trying to recapture his mouth, nearly dislodging the

fingers still wreaking havoc in her backside.

Then those magical fingers were gone too and she heard him laugh as

he shifted between her legs and entered her pussy to the hilt with one

long, slow thrust. Her eyes watered, her mouth tightened on Tyler’s cock,

causing him to growl, and she moaned as the muscles between her legs

contracted around Cole’s cock. Finally, she had him right where she

wanted him. Both of them.

“I can’t wait,” Cole grunted.

“Like you fucking think I can?” Ty barked back.

“Mm eetha,” she panted through her full mouth.

“I don’t want to hurt you, baby.” Cole slid his fingers gently over her

bandage-covered stitches as he held himself immobile inside her.

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Brianna yanked her lips off Tyler’s penis and glared at Cole. Her

heart was racing, her breath bellowing out of her lungs, her clit was

primed to shoot off like a rocket, and he didn’t want to hurt her?

“You can’t…please…move. Something. Don’t do this to me,” she

demanded. “I’m not…you’re not hurting me.”

Something in her eyes must have clued him in. He reached a hand

between their bodies and stoked her clit in tiny circles.

“Yesss.” Her head fell back in ecstasy.
More, more.

Tyler turned her face toward his cock and reinserted himself in her

open mouth. She moaned around his length.

“Screw it.” Cole withdrew and slid home, setting up a rhythm that

had Tyler moving with them just to stay in her mouth.

Cole placed one hand on the bed beside her shoulder, opposite of

Tyler, to anchor himself. His other hand still played wickedly at her clit.

She was so close, but she needed more. Needed him to move faster,


Brianna raised her hips, urging him to do so. Cole took the hint,

increasing his tempo several degrees and finally creating the stronger

friction she craved.

“So fucking tight. I’m not gonna last, baby,” he hissed.

Stars burst behind her eyelids when she closed them to capture each

sensation of his cock sucking in and out of her. Three more strokes were

all Cole could handle. She felt his balls slap against her rear one last

time as he buried himself inside her so there wasn’t a lick of space

between them. Hot pulses of his come jetted into her, flooding her pussy

and sparking off her own explosion as it splashed into her womb.

Tyler continued to pump into her mouth, using his hand at the base

of his cock as a guide so in his lust-filled frame of mind he wouldn’t force

her to take too much. She laid a hand on a hair-roughened thigh and felt

it stiffen beneath her palm. His chest rumbled, his body tensed

completely and he covered the back of her throat with his release.

She swallowed him again and again, milking Tyler’s cock with her

tongue and Cole’s still pulsing one with her vagina.


Sweat coated the three of them as they sat, suspended in their

aftermath. Tyler was bent over her, his penis softening in her mouth as

she licked it softly. Cole too was bent over her, the other direction,

rocking gently against her clit. They panted in time with each other, their

bodies slick and sticking together wherever they touched.

“We’re getting married.” Cole placed the plate of food in front of Bri’s

seat at the kitchen island. The lump on her forehead where the bastard

had smashed her head into the mirror was a gross shade of purple. Tyler

sat to her right, chugging on a Coke and digging into a bowl of canned


Bri choked on the tea she’d just taken a drink of, earning a thump on

the back from Ty.

“What?” she gasped when she caught her breath.

The look on her face was priceless. Her eyebrows had disappeared

behind her bangs, and her eyes were as wide as quarters.

After recovering from their mid-morning loving, Bri had slept again,

tucked between both he and Ty, safe. He hadn’t meant to take her, only

to give her pleasure, release from the stress of yesterday. But then she’d

begged and neither he nor Tyler could have walked away.

He’d checked her stitches while she slept, relieved beyond belief they

hadn’t hurt her further by aggravating her side with their wild fucking.

“This afternoon. We’re getting married,” he repeated as she sat there

trying not to sputter.


“Why?” Cole raised an eyebrow when she looked at him like he were

some kind of bug. “Why else. I love you.”

“Ditto,” Tyler said around a mouthful of ravs.

“And someone tried to attack you yesterday,” Cole continued, not

bothering to mention Caroline’s name. Tyler was busy trying to track her

down and get some answers. There was no sense in upsetting Bri any

further, especially when he knew she would deny the possibility anyway.

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“I was there, remember?” Her face fell, reddening with

embarrassment or anger or both. “But that has nothing to do with a

proposal, or statement in your case, of marriage, Cole. We’ve known each

other for five days.”

“Do you love us?” he asked. “Would it matter if we’d known each

other for four years?”


Cole smiled. “Yes to which question?”

She slumped in her chair. “Damn you, you know which one.”

His heart thumped. Armed with the knowledge she loved him, maybe

he wouldn’t have to reveal part of the reason for his wanting to marry her

so quickly. He certainly didn’t want her thinking the only reason was for

her protection. She’d never go for that, and he didn’t have time to woo

her for months if she did.

Tyler turned in his seat and took hold of her hand, pulling it into his

lap where he caressed it with his fingertips. “You’ll be safer with his

name attached to yours, Bri.”

Well, there went the idea of not telling her the most pressing reason

for marriage.

“Safer? From what?”

Cole cleared his throat, agitated by the fact she could downplay

everything that had happened to her. How could she still think yesterday

had been a simple robbery?

“I was robbed in a store, Cole, mugged.”

She did. He shook his head. “That was no mugging, Bri. There were

two men there. One in the front who distracted us while the other one

targeted you in the back. You were set up.” His gut clenched when her

face drained of color. He heard her swallow despite the clinking of Tyler’s

spoon against his bowl.

“I didn’t know that,” she whispered and pulled her hand out of the

one Tyler still gripped her with.

She sat for long seconds and he let her, wanting it to sink in that she

really did have a problem. Her spine straightened and she looked at him.


“I still can’t marry you.” Her hands shook as she reached for her


Tyler dropped his spoon to the table and jerked his gaze to her. Cole

settled his hips against the island next to her chair and crossed his arms

over his chest. He looked down at the top of her head.

“Why not.”


Damn the kid, pulling his all-knowledgeable crap. He’d called this

one. She still didn’t know about him staying with them when this was all

over. She’d been asleep last night when Tyler had finally gotten home,

and then this morning…well, other things had come up. Like his and

Tyler’s dicks when they’d awoken to her naked, sleep-induced-aroused

body, flushed from whatever dream she was having.

“What about him?”

“My father would be so pissed, he’d have him taken away from me,

that’s what.”

Cole grinned, relaxing with the news he had for her. “Taken care of,


“What do you mean?” she said, suspiciousness lacing her voice.

“I went last night and got your father to sign over guardianship of

Scott to Cole. He’s staying here with us. Andrew gave up all rights to his

son with one swipe of his pen,” Tyler said. He leaned back and hooked

his hand around the nape of her neck, squeezing at a place where Cole

suspected she had a knot.

“I don’t believe it.” Bri jumped from her seat and stared at Tyler.

“Believe it, little one, I was there, as was Cole’s lawyer, and your

father’s lawyer. There were lots of witnesses. It can’t be disputed because

I even had it signed by a judge.”

Her eyes were shiny and darted between Tyler and himself. Was she

happy? Scared? He wondered what was going on inside her head. She

swallowed again and Cole ducked his chin to hide his smile.

“How did you do all that in one night?”

“Money talks, Bri.” Cole shrugged when she looked at him

incredulously. “I’m the first to admit I don’t use my money to make

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people jump through hoops, but I will do anything for you. Anything.” He

reached a hand out and grabbed her wrist, tugging her to him and

tucking her head carefully beneath his chin to avoid the bruises.

“Of course, it helped when Cole told Andrew he wouldn’t touch you

until he signed the papers.” Tyler settled back into his lunch. “Talk about

jumping through hoops. That man would do anything Cole asked him to

do, so long as he thinks he’s going to get a baby out of the deal.”

“Exactly.” Her words were muffled against Cole’s chest and she tried

to pull away from him, but he held her in a loose, unbreakable hold. He

rubbed circles on her back instead. “Did you tell him we were getting


“No. That’s none of his business. Was that a yes?”

She looked up at him then, her eyes bright with what he hoped was

trust and desire. Not sexual, but a desire to want to stay with them


“What will happen when he finds out? Provided I say yes, of course.”

Cole inhaled. She was close, he just had to nudge her over the edge

and she’d be theirs. “Nothing will happen. I haven’t signed his contract,

Bri. Any child we have will be ours. We are the parents, he would have

no rights except those of a grandparent. If he wants a son of ours to

inherit, so be it.”

“God, could it be this simple?” she whispered, a fat tear dropping off

an eyelash to splash on her pale cheekbone. She wrapped her arms

around his back, hugging him the way he was her. Tyler came to stand

behind her so she was sandwiched between them, wrapped in both their

arms. Tyler leaned over, pushed her hair out the way with his chin and

kissed the column of her neck.

“Yes it could,” Tyler whispered to her. “If you let it.”

She turned then, looking over her shoulder and sniffing. “How would

this work? I don’t think polygamy is allowed in the state of Missouri.”

She gave them both a shy smile and Cole knew he had her.

He echoed the words Tyler had said to him just yesterday. “It’ll be

you and me on paper, baby, Tyler in your heart. It’s not like I want to be


married to him. And besides,” he winked at her, “it only has to be real to

the three of us, not to anyone else.”

She buried her head on his chest again and was silent. Then she

nodded, moaning as her sore forehead rubbed against his shirt.

Cole lifted her face to his with his finger. “Are you saying yes, baby? I

need the words.”


She cried, long wet happy sobs soaking his shirt as Tyler rubbed her

shoulders and kissed the side of her face.

Both of them squeezed her tight until she shrieked and threw a hand

up protectively over her side. Shit. How could he have forgotten?

“You okay, little one?” Tyler got to his knees and peeled her tank top

up to inspect her wound and make sure they hadn’t split her stitches. He

planted a few kisses to her side before standing.

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