Blasphemous (32 page)

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Authors: Pamela Ann

BOOK: Blasphemous
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“Goodnight, Emma.”













Chapter 30

“Of all pains, the greatest pain, is to love, and to love in vain.”


                                   - George Granville




The next day, we were waiting in the guestroom until it was time for our interview when Dimitris started getting suspicious. “What’s wrong with you two? Why aren’t you guys fighting?”

“What do you mean? I don’t fight with him that often.” Emma looked up from her phone whilst typing away.

I hid back a smile, feeling a little heady that I could get close to her when we’re in private. It wasn’t what I really wanted, but if I had to grovel to get her back, I’d happily do it.

I wondered who she was texting/emailing since her phone was constantly beeping. If it was Carter again, then I was in deeper trouble. His advantage under my absence possibly gained him much favor, but I was in despair and, if I had to fight for Emma again like I did before, then I would gladly do it all over again. I had two weeks without Carter’s presence. I had to efficiently use that to my advantage.

When it was time to get on set, I purposely slowed my pace so I could get to touch her, smell her—something of her—to last me until tonight. Reaching ahead for her elbow, she gave a startled look, then calmed down when she saw it was me. “I just wanted to say hi.”

Emma’s cheeks slowly flushed. The more time I spent with her, the more I noticed that the old Emma was still there. These were the little things that I loved about her. She was sultry and shy. Polite, but has a tendency to curse like there’s no tomorrow. She was
feisty, yet vulnerable. Classy, yet a closeted animal in bed. A complicated mixture of good girl and bad.

We were silent as we drank each other in, barely registering that we had stopped walking.

“I might not get a chance to talk to you later since our schedule is pretty hectic today, but I just want you to know that I miss you.”

“We’ll be working together for the rest of the day. How can you miss me? I’m right here.” Emma’s beautiful face contorted in a questing frown.

“So? That doesn’t mean that I don’t. I’ll always miss you.” I gently kissed her cheek before pulling away, knowing that someone would be looking for us soon if we didn’t move.


“Yep?” I gave her a quick glance and was surprised when she crushed her body against mine, clinging onto me, face buried in my neck.


Pulling her face to mine, I watched all sorts of emotions run through her beautiful eyes. “I know, Emma. You don’t have to say anything. I already know.” I pasted an encouraging smile before she whispered ‘thank you,’ then strode ahead of me.

She was having a hard time with letting go of what had happened in the past, but her heart was pulling her towards mine. She was confused, yet I hoped the next fourteen days would enlighten her.

For now, I was just satisfied to love her from afar.


At six that night, I went to go knock on her door to escort her downstairs. We were attending an Art exhibition and the idea of escorting her sprung out of nowhere.

When the door opened, I was flabbergasted to find an elegantly dressed Emma in some short, coral pink, bandage dress that fitted her body like a glove, hair piled up in a sexy-mess with some gold, strappy heels that made her tanned legs look endless, and finishing it was a glowing, light make-up look.

My mouth literally started to water. “Stunning,” I said in an awed, dumbstruck whisper.

Her gorgeous smile appeared then, making me blink a couple of times, still in my dazed and aroused state. “One of the French fashion houses sent it.” Emma gestured the door wider to let me in. “Do you want to drink some champagne before leaving?”

She then started to strut ahead of me while I followed her inside. My eyes were glued to that tight bottom, making my cock twitch with rabid hunger. The urge to cup and grip it, like I used to randomly do back in Greece, didn’t help with my escalating libidinous needs.

“Bass?” Emma asked as she went to the bar and opened the fridge, expectantly looking at me.

Swallowing what little saliva I had left, I glanced at her. “Sorry, what?”

Perignon Rosè Magnum okay?”

Champagne. Right. “Definitely okay.”

She was getting flutes before she started towards the middle of the living room and placed them on the crystal table. “What time are you and Dimitris leaving?”

That made me pause for a second. “In forty-five minutes,
aren’t you?

“Jacques offered to escort me tonight.”

The fucking Frenchman again. FUCK! “I see,” I tried to calmly say through gritted teeth. 

Sensing the sudden change in me, she strolled towards where I stood, cupping my cheek to face her. “This was already set-up before we talked. It’s okay, right?”

No, it’s never fucking okay
. “There’s not much I could do about that, Emma. I have to be okay with it.”

“Bass… don’t lie to me.”

“You know I don’t like it. When it’s other men involved, I’m never fine about it. Just try not to drive me crazy tonight with flirting with him, okay?”

“You’re so possessive of me, even though we aren’t even together, but I like it.” She leaned over and gave my cheek a kiss, then another on my neck before she released a sigh. “You smell so delicious.”

“Emma,” I wrenched out. “I promised no kissing or sex, but you’re making it difficult for me. Please, don’t make me break it.”

“I’ve seen you wear a lot of these tuxedos lately and each time, it never fails to make me salivate.” Her hand gently trailed down until she reached my aroused length, gently stroking it as she kissed my jaw and neck area.

My heart was about to jump out of my chest when she lowered the zipper and took out my shaft, rubbing her soft hands against it. When a drop of moisture seeped out of my slit, she brushed it with a finger and gently sucked on it, moaning.

“May I?” she rasped out, looking like a stunning enchantress with those bright, blue eyes, full of wicked intentions.

“I promised, Emma.” Fuck. Why did I even suggest that, knowing it was inevitable when it came to us?

“You did,” she continued stroking me and suckled on my earlobe, “but I didn’t. You won’t be breaking that promise if you just sit back, relax, enjoy and don’t move a muscle.” She then knelt on the area rug, stuck out her tongue and tasted the engorged head. “So, may I?”

Hell to the mother fucking yes
. Of course I was too strung out to speak, so I gave her a small nod before she started sucking me with vacuum-like intensity. “Emma, slowdown,” I grunted out, looking down as she met my gaze before she took me into her throat. It amazed me how that mouth of hers could take all of me, but she sure did it with great skill. Emma seriously gave a mean head, the orgasm until you faint kind. “Ease up, my love. My cock’s not going anywhere.”

She gave her head a little shake, as if to say no, making the sensitive head hit the sides of the back of her throat before she upped her momentum. “God help me, Emma!” I howled from the optimum beauty she was showing me.

My body was shaking from her relentless onslaught and I didn’t have anything to lean on to steady my stance. When she placed my hand on the back of her head, knowing how I wanted to come like this, I gladly grabbed her hair and pushed her down, eyes meeting, as I thrust my cock in and out of her mouth, until I bellowed her name as I came. After a good minute, she was still sucking me, making sure she milked me to the last drop.

Crazy. Beautiful. Enchantress
, I thought as she licked her lips after she pulled it out, tucked my penis in my pants, zipped me up, and gave me a quick kiss.

She clung onto me, writhing gently. “Sorry, babe. I just had to.”

Emma. When aroused, she became shameless. “Don’t you need release?”

“Need you ask?” She immediately pulled me against the couch, hitched her dress up, pulled her lace thong off, sat down and parted her legs, exposing her wet cunt. “Finger
fuck me, babe, just this once make an exception and kiss me.”

Just like old times
, I thought greedily before I growled like an animal and kissed her like the starving man that I was.


“What is it with you and staring at her like a stalker lately?” Dimitris leaned sideways, whispering into my ear.

“It’s becoming a habit,” I admitted without shame. Hell, I had lost count how often I stared at Emma. Was it so bad that I wanted to just look at her all day? Even in Aspasia, I used to wake up and just look at her while she slept. The simple sight of her made me incredibly happy.

Remembering how she was an hour and a half ago—wanton, wild and abandoned, naked body all for me to taste as she moaned against my lips while my fingers were busy exploring her.

I shifted uncomfortably when I felt my cock grow hard at the thought of her again. I had to squash these thoughts. Emma had said once so expecting a repeat was out of the question.

The Greek was now observing Emma and Jacques together as they discussed the painting before them. “If you want Emma that bad, then staring at her all night long will not do the trick, my friend.”

might not know it, but he could be very entertaining at times. He wasn’t the same as the guy in the beginning, but marrying a woman who left you without a backward glance must’ve stung badly. Talk about having your balls chopped off. It was more than enough to change any man.

“I know. She needs time. My decision to let her go ended up hurting us more. Being patient and biding for the right time is my punishment for being a stubborn fool,” I spoke lightly about the subject, but that ‘lightness’ quickly vanished the second my eyes zoomed in on the Frenchman’s hand behind her bare back, almost caressing. 

I was momentarily distracted when Dimitris started speaking again. “You must be blind if you can’t see the way she looks at you. She’s worth it my friend, but you have so much to make-up. Nikki Pavlova—”

“I know,” I said, cutting him off. Of all the things that were racked-up against me, involving myself with Nikki would top the cake for Emma.

Claudine appeared and fetched the Greek to see some painting that she described as ‘monumentally moving.’ If I hadn’t known better, I would think it was a pitch for Dimitris to get her the item.

My jaws were shut tight; so tight that I was bordering on getting a headache when Jacques kept whispering into her ear, laughing as they sipped champagne.

I was going to fucking kill someone if he caressed her back one more time! When the anger started to spread through me, I decided to leave the room and head towards the rest of the party in the lounge where alcohol flowed freely, needing something else to do other than think of the vicious jealousy that was contaminating all rational thought.

Ten minutes later,
Dimitris was in my line of sight as he spoke to one of the gallery people before striding towards me and ordering a scotch.

“She loved it so much that you had to buy it?” I said before taking a big gulp of my cognac.

Dimitris let out a sigh, understanding where my question came from. “She’s a woman. Women love beautiful things and Claudine is one of them.”

Buying presents for my lovers were a norm when it came to these things, but I hated it when women blatantly demanded it. It only made them look money hungry and unattractive to me. “Does that bother you at all? Women are getting aggressive with their demands. Nikki wouldn’t shut up about this jewelry she wanted, so I had it shipped the next day so she would leave me in peace.”

“Tell me about it. Pain in the ass.”

“Are you worried about the pre-
nup?” I looked at him, scrutinizing his reaction.

“Honestly? No. The woman was just not interested with anything that was connected to me—including money.” He gulped his drink in one sitting. “I actually still need to break the news to my parents that I got married and am going through a divorce. My lawyers are working around the clock to get it done quickly, but my grandfather got a whiff of it yesterday. He’s furious and wants to talk to me first before he tells the rest of my family. So, I’m waiting to go back to Athens until after the premier in LA. At the same time, my parents want to meet Claudine and I already promised to take her.”

“Sounds like it’s going to be ugly.”

“There’s been no record of a divorce in my family. This will be a first. I understand where he’s coming from, but it has to be done.”

“Claudine’s meeting the folks? Isn’t it too fast for you to get this serious about a woman? Are you in love with her or what?” Hell, Dimitris was complicating his life further.

“My parents are excited that I’ve been with the same woman for over six months now. They think it’s serious. I can distract them with that while I deal with the divorce in the background. Well, the divorce proceedings are halted by my grandfather until I see him and explain myself, but Claudine can still distract my parents when it all does come to light.”

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