Blasphemous (36 page)

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Authors: Pamela Ann

BOOK: Blasphemous
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I never got the chance to speak to her about what
Dimitris told me, but I felt like I had to. “Can we talk somewhere private?”

Without a word, she slid off the booth and we both went outside, towards the hotel garden. “I know you’re married to him,” I said when we reached a bench to sit on.

“What the hell did he tell you?” she demanded, looking away.

“That you guys are divorcing.” I bit my lip as I studied her quiet form, knowing she was going through a tough time. “Why marry him at all if you didn’t plan to stay in it?
Four days
, Lindsey? That’s so unlike you.”

“He expected so much out of me. I got scared. I wasn’t used to being almost smothered with attention, it was refreshing for a change. I’ve loved Brody all my life. I don’t know what made me say yes when he popped the question. We were both drunk, dancing in a club. I admit, leaving him was fucked up, but I didn’t want all the obligations that came with marrying someone like him. It wasn’t what I wanted.” Lindsey sounded like she was trying to figure out the answers herself.

“I guess it’s a good thing that you realized that in the very beginning before you got pregnant or something.” I strode over to her and gave her a comforting hug. “Follow your heart. You’ll be surprised what it’ll show you.”

After my chat with Lindsey, I went to go look for my boyfriend. Yes, Bass was that. Officially mine.

“Ready to leave, moro mou?” Bass murmured, kissing the side of my cheek.

“You already want to go home?” It was still early.

“Yes. Our home, Emma.”

“You need to stop looking at me like that. We’re surrounded by people,” I chided him when he started that whole smolder-to-melt-you-on-the-spot thing that he did when he’s turned on.

“So? Do you think I give a damn if the world thinks I can’t get enough of you? ‘Bout time they know.”

Whoever wanted to come in between us would have to fight tooth and nail to break this bond we had. Nikki, Lydia and all the other women who were still texting and calling him would receive my wrath the moment they stepped out of line.


ter 35

“Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime and never let go till we’re gone.”


                                        - Celine Dion




“Oh, my God! You didn’t!” Emma gasped, jumping out of the boat as she started to run towards the cottage.

We were at the lemon grove island, but I had the same cottage built as the one we had in Aspasia. I wanted everything to be perfect.

“Do you like it?”

“Are you kidding me? I love it, Bass! I can’t believe you bought this place!”

“It was the happiest place for me. I wasn’t joking when I told you I was going to love you until I die. I want to be buried here someday,” I said, kissing her on her shoulder. “In the land where you first told me you loved me.
A place where I could rest, forever, with memories of you surrounding me. I love you, Emma, and I don’t know how to stop it, even if you ask it of me.”

She was the only woman I had ever wanted, so I had to risk it all again. Trust is a solid foundation, and she and I have to work hard to get it back. I was going to fight all the odds until there was nothing left in me. She was mine. I was hers. That was enough. We could slowly build our trust from there.


A week later

I went back inside the cottage to get a couple of chilled bottled drinks, when my phone beeped on the counter. Mindlessly, I checked it.

I’m pregnant and it could be yours.

All the blood from my face drained as I reread her message. I didn’t know how long I stood there, frozen in time, contemplating if I should tell Emma. We’d only just begun and now another problem to tackle? What if she decided to leave me, what will I do without her?

“Bass! I’ve been waiting for you…” Emma paused as she took in my face.

I sadly looked at her. This was going to break her heart.

“What—what is it?”

“I love you, Emma. You know that, don’t you?”

“Bass… you’re scaring me.”

Man up, Bass. “Nikki just texted.” I swallowed when my throat felt dry, like sand was dislodged in there. “She’s pregnant and it could be mine.”

“No,” she whispered in a broken cry. “How could you be so stupid not to have protection?”

I never once failed. Not once. “I did. I swear
, I always made sure I wore one. You’re the only woman I had without protection, Emma.”


“I was drunk, yes, but I made sure to double check if they broke and as far as I recall, they didn’t.”

“Unless…” she trailed off, thinking.

“Unless what?”

“She had sex with you when you were asleep.” Her eyes were questioning, but her mind was recalling the times she rode me while I was asleep.

“I would know, Emma. I hadn’t cared with you because it was you, but trust me when I tell you,
I would know
if she did.”

She was crying now, breaking me as I watched the pain in her eyes. “
If it’s yours
, what happens then?”

I was going to have a baby—my child, my own flesh and blood. The thought of it was terrifying and yet, I couldn’t somehow neglect the fact that if it were mine, I was more than okay with it. I had always wanted children, but I had wanted it to be with a woman I wanted to be with. However, life never pans out the way you pictured it to be. If this child
was mine, then I would gladly take responsibility for it. “Then I would be a father to my child.”

Seeing the hurt and anguish cross Emma’s face made me realize what really was at stake here. I just got the woman who made my life worth living for and now I was back to where it all began, at the edge of the cliff, not knowing if she was going to stay this one out with me or not. “I want to be selfless here and say that if you can’t accept it, then I would have to let you go.” I swallowed my fears and faced the only purpose I had in life. “But I can’t. I’m a selfish man when it comes to you. Please, tell me you won’t leave me. The first time was awful. The second time was wretched. If you leave me for the third time, I won’t survive this one, Emma. I’m telling you now, I won’t survive it if you chose to leave again.”

She was shaking her head, kissing my chest, over my heart. “As long as your heart belongs to me, I never will leave you, Bass. I will love your child as my own because I love you.”

“I’m so sorry to put you through this after what we’ve just gone through. It seems that hell is adamant for me to pay for my sins.”

Emma clung on to me, solemn. “We can do this together, Bass.”

“Together, my love.”

I knew, with everything that I was and everything that I was going to be, it was never going to be me. It may seem rubbish and naïve of me to say that I was going to love Emma until I die, but it was the truth. There was nothing much more clear to me than what I felt for her.

Emma was holding her ground and I wanted to believe her, so fucking badly, but I knew once push came to shove, she might have to rethink her decision.


“Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is war; love is growing up.”


- James A. Baldwin






Torn Series


1. Scornfully Yours
) out now

) out now

Emma #2

) July 7 2013

Fixated on You
Emma #3
) August 2013

) September 2013


Chasing Series:


Chasing Beautiful
(out now)

Chasing Imperfection
(out now)

Chasing Paradise
(June 30)


Lily’s Mistake
(out now)



Follow me for chats, updates and sneak previews for upcoming releases on Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you!


Much love,

Pamela Ann xo


Read the first chapter of the upcoming novel
by Authors Chantal Fernando and Dawn Martens out on June 1st….





I watch her from across the backyard, where I’m leaning against a wall.

She is so beautiful; she is dressed in white and looks so ethereal.

Like an angel.

I keep staring at her, hoping for her to glance up.

To notice me.

To see if she feels this attraction I’m feeling for her.

I’ve never felt anything like it.

She is chatting with another girl, and laughing loudly. I find my own lips twitching.

I don’t know what it is about her that draws me in, but I’ve never felt this towards a woman before.

More than lust.

Something.. else.

Something that
s me want to protect her,

“Don’t even go there,” I hear in a dangerous rumble from behind me. It’s my friend, whose house I’m currently visiting. I ignore him, my eyes still on the angel, but he continues, “I wouldn’t let you near any of my sisters or cousins, but not her, definitely not her.” I bite the inside of my cheek. “She’s a good girl, and only seventeen. Come on let’s get out of here.” He slaps my back in a friendly gesture, as if to soften the blow of his words.

I glance longingly at her one last time, before I turn around and follow him.

I know I don’t deserve her.

But that doesn’t mean I’ll stop wanting her.


Chapter 1


I was screwed.

And not in a good way.

I glanced back at the newspaper in my hand, the page full of red circles. After seeing five different places that were close to my university, I was down to the last one. The others had been terrible. I don’t even want to go into what the guy at the last house offered me; I hope he was still lying on the floor in the fetal position after I kneed him in his junk. I started classes in one week and I still had no place to stay.  I repeat- I was screwed.

I grew up in a small town with my family, and I’d driven up from there to look for a place. I’ve been staying in a motel for the last two nights, trying my luck for a decent place to stay that’s in this area. I stare at the ad for the last place. Room available for rent.
100 per week. Perfect for student. It’s only five minutes away from my uni which is perfect. I lay the newspaper down in the front seat of my black Subaru Forrester Sti GT and drive towards the house. 

I park my car behind a black expensive looking jeep and make my way to the front door. There is a sexy looking Harley in the drive way too. The house is gorgeous, two
storey and modern, all cream and black. I knock on the door, and no one answers. I wait a few minutes and knock again. This time the door opens. A guy sticks his head out, blonde hair mussed. He looks two or so years older than my twenty, and I must say he is pretty cute. Pale blue eyes, a straight nose, and full lips, the bottom one pierced with a small hoop through it. Hot!

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