Blissful volume 3 (New Adult Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: Blissful volume 3 (New Adult Romance)
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Nicole stares at me,
and her face has gone pale. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

leaves her guitar on a seat in the hallway, runs to the nearest bathroom, and goes on her knees in front of a toilet. I hold her hair up while she pukes her stomach empty. I grab a piece of toilet paper and hand it to her.

“Damn, I have never been more
frightened in my life. Look at me!” she says, flushing the toilet.

“No thanks,” I say, referring to her vomit. She doesn’t seem to think it’s funny and, after thinking about it, I agree.

She leans against the sink and drinks some water.

“Girls?” I hear the assistant calling.

“Shit, we have to get back,” I say.

Nicole wipes her face with a piece of paper before hurrying out the door with me. The lady is already waiting for us, and the look on her face reeks of pity.

We walk inside, and I hold my breath as I know the verdict will come soon.

“We’ve talked about it … and we want to offer you a deal,” one of the men says.

My jaw drops, and Nicole and I are baffled.

“But only you.” He points at me.

The smiles disappear from our faces. What? What is he saying?

“But you’ll need to lose weight, which is one of the requirements noted in the contract,” he says.

Then he directs his attention toward Nicole, and I can see her break inside. “Sorry, girl, but you’re just not cut out for this type of work. Your friend here is radiant, you should learn some more from her,” the man says.

Nicole bursts into tears, turns around and storms out the door.

“Nicole, wait!”

“Hold on now,” the assistant says. “You want this or not?”

“Yes, I uh … think,” I stammer.

“Okay … well, we can sign the contract later. We understand if you need some time to think about it. But we’ll offer you a generous deal. Just think about it,” she says with a wink.

I don’t even look at the men before running out the door and going after her. Her guitar is already gone. She must’ve gone outside.

I run as fast as I can, and when I get to her, I grab her by the arm. “Hold up.”

“Let me go,” she says, jerking her arm loose.

sorry; I didn’t know they were going to do that. Stupid jerks.”

She wipes away the tears, but it’s no use; they keep flowing. “I know what this means to you, Amy. It’s my dream, too. But I can’t believe they’re doing this. I wanted this as much as you did.”

“I know,” I say, and I hug her tight. “Let’s sit down and talk for a minute,” I say.

“No, I don’t want to talk. I just want to be alone for a little while, okay?” She pulls away and walks to the door. “I need to be alone right now. I need to deal with this on my own.”

I nod, but I’m fighting the tears as well. Seeing her hurt like this is making me want to curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out. I can’t believe this. Finally we get this chance and it’s ruined.

Ronnie’s sitting on a bench in the lobby, his expression darkening as he sees me walking up to him. I know he’s seen my reddened face, but he hasn’t seen Nicole leave.

“What happened? Where’s Nicole?”

I sigh and slump down next to him. “They didn’t want her.”

He lets out a big breath. “Oh, god … Jesus.”

“I know …”

“That’s fucked up.” He puts his arm around me, trying to console me, but I wince in disgust. I don’t want him to touch me, so I stand up again.

He frowns and he gasps. “Wait. But they did want you?”

I nod.

He jumps up and throws himself onto me, “That’s awesome! I can’t believe this. You’re fucking wonderful!” he says, and then he cups my face and presses his dirty lips onto mine.

I sputter in his mouth and push him away.

“Ronnie! What the fuck?” I take a step back and watch him as it sinks into his head what he just did.

“Sorry, I didn’t …” he holds out his hands, moving closer, but I withdraw.

“Don’t come closer. I don’t want your hands on me, Ronnie. Oh my god.” My hands go to my head out of pure desperation. “I just went through the craziest shit ever. I left the only guy who I loved me, I sang for a record label, Nicole got kicked to the curb, and after all that fucked up shit, you want to kiss me? Can’t you see how utterly insane that is? Can’t you see how messed up this entire shit is?” I spout out at him.

“Well sorry, I just thought you’d be happy after I organized this for you. Way to show your thanks.”

“Well, thank you mister insensitive asshole!” I shout. People are watching us, but I don’t give a
rat’s ass if anyone’s listening anymore.

I did this for you, Amy. I wanted you to be happy. You got the deal. You can sing for them. You can finally become famous. Don’t you want that?”

“I don’t know what I want!” I scream.

Everything’s wrong. Everything. Ever since I left Jack I’ve been going down in this endless emotional rollercoaster and it’s killing me. I want it to stop so badly. I don’t want Nicole to cry. I don’t want her to be sad because they want me and not her. I will not sacrifice my friendship to be famous.

But I did sacrifice a potential relationship for it, and I feel stupid as hell.

“This was a mistake,” I say. “I should’ve never have come here with you to all of this.”

“What?” Ronnie says with furrowed brows.

“You heard me. I’m done. I can’t deal with this crap. My best friend is in shambles and I am not going through that again. I need her in my life and that’s not going to work if I take them up on this offer.”

“But it’s a one in a life time chance,” Ronnie says, gazing at me with this look on his face that says ‘you’re crazy’.

“I don’t care. I’ll find a different way to do what I love,” I say, and I storm out the door.

Ronnie bolts after me and grabs my hand. “Wait, don’t leave me again!”

I pry my hand loose with trouble. “Let go of me. I don’t want you anymore, Ronnie. Can’t you see that? I left you, remember?”

“But I love you!” he shouts, as I start crossing the street.

I don’t respond anymore. This man is making me furious. My life just got turned upside down and all he can think about is wooing me back into his arms. I should’ve known this was his plan all along. Trying to get me to like him again by getting me a record deal. As if my heart is for sale.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get, and I start running. Back to my old life. Back to my old place. My apartment. I need to see it. I need some time alone, just like Nicole, and the only way I can do that is by being in the place that was once mine and mine alone.




The musty smell makes me think of home. This used to be my home.

I place the keys on the table, which is covered in dust and sit down on the creaky bed. Everything in here still smells like me, but it feels like such a long time ago since I was last here. I can still clearly remember the day I left here, broken and in shambles, trying to find my way in this mess that’s my life.

God, and it’s not changed a bit.

I muffle a laugh and plop down. Staring at the ceiling, I can’t help but think of Jack and what he might be doing right now. I see his face in front of me, that cute smile of his, those dark brown eyes that melt my heart. I miss him. Everything about him. How he made me laugh, how he did everything for me, how he made me feel.

I want it back.

Damn, I wish I never came here.

Jack was perfect for me
, and I blew it. I risked everything for a stupid shot at a stupid career where they only want me when I’m skinny. Where my friend is unwanted and your soul can be sold.

What does it mean to be famous and rich if you can’t be happy about it? And I know for sure I would never be happy if I couldn’t sing with Nicole.

And how on earth did I think I’d be happy without Jack?

Sighing, I close my eyes and think about what I’ve done.

Suddenly, I hear the floorboard creak.

I jerk up and gasp when I see who’s standing in the doorway. Lip biting, moody dark eyes, leaning handsome guy.


My eyes widen as he steps a little closer. “Jack?” I’m in shock. “What are you doing here?”

Seeing him here almost feels like an illusion, like it can’t be real.

“You know why I’m here,” he says.

“How did you …” I stammer while sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Long story short, I texted Nicole. She told me where you lived.
Ben drove me here.”

I stand up, and he comes up to me.

Jack places a finger on my lip and shushes me. “
Let me talk.” He grabs my hand and laces his fingers through mine. “I know this means a lot to you, but I can’t let you go. I want you, Amy. I need you in my life. You make me feel better. Because of you I’m able to move on with my life. But my soul got ripped to pieces the moment you left.”

“I’m sorry …” I mutter, but he puts his finger back onto my
mouth in order to make me shut up.

“I wasn’t finished yet,” he says. “
I realized the reason you left wasn’t because your career was more important to you. It was because I hadn’t given you enough reasons to stay. So let me tell you now.” He looks me into the eye with a fierce passion I haven’t seen before. “I love you, Amy Brooks. And I’ll be damned if I ever let you go again.”

words ignite my heart and send bolts of lightning through my body as he presses his lips firmly onto mine. All of his words and thoughts, no, his entire being is being poured into this kiss.

When he releases me again my lips are red and swollen, and they feel deliciously tingly. “I don’t care if I have to follow you to Timbuktu and leave my ranch over to Karen. If that’s what it takes to be able to kiss you whenever I want, to see your smile every day, to hold you in my arms when we sleep, I will do it.”

He pulls me into his embrace. I can hear him sniff, and I know he’s smelling my hair. Tears sting my eyes, and I clench my hands around his waist.

“I love you, too,” I say, whimpering. “Is this real? You’re really here, right?” I say, laughing a bit.

“Oh hell yes, I’m real,” he says, and he hugs me tighter, almost squishing the air out of my lungs. “And you know what’s real, too? That I love you so damn much I couldn’t even tell you.”

“Thank you,” I say. “I needed this so badly. I needed you.
” I bury my face into his broad chest and take in his scent. I missed this so much. I can’t believe I was ready to sacrifice him for my career. What a stupid idea.

“I’m sorry I left you,” I say, but he pats me on the back and shushes me again.

“I know,” he says.

And it all ended up in a freaking mess anyway.”

“How come?” he says, nudging me back to look at me.

“They wanted me, but only if I was skinny. They didn’t want Nicole, and I don’t want a contract without her.”

“Oh … I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m not. I don’t want it anymore. They can go screw themselves for all I care.”

Jack puts his arms around me again and caresses my back with the palm of his hand
, making me feel dizzily happy.

God, I missed you so much,” I mutter.

“Well, if you want, you could always come back to my town. I know Karen’s
lookin’ for a new entertainer in her bar.”

“Oh, is she now?” I say, chuckling.

“Yes, and I also remember finding a giant suitcase stuffed with clothes in my guest room. I don’t suppose you know where those came from?” he says, winking at me.

I laugh. “Can’t believe I forgot them. I’m such a mess.”

“Only means I have a great bargaining chip to get you to come back with me.”

I gasp. “Jack! Are you seriously thinking about
using that against me?”

“Oh, if I can get you to come back to my ranch and stay with me, I will pretty much exploit anything I can find,” he says, flashing a smile. “But will you? Will you come back to me and Maddy? Please tell me you will,” he says, his index finger grazing my cheek. “I want more of us. Be mine, Amy.”

There’s nothing more that I want right now than to be with Jack. He is the only good thing that ever happened to me. And I won’t jeopardize it anymore.

“Yes, that’s all I want right now. I want to be with you. I love you so much.”

The pad of his thumb strokes my lip, dragging it open, and his eyes focus on the seam of my mouth as both my lips part. “I love it when you say that,” he says, licking his lips with delight. “Say it again.”

“I love you, Jack,” I murmur.

Jack’s thumb dwindles to my chin, and he clutches it between his fingers and pulls me closer. His lips crash into mine with pure want, and I can feel the heat burning between us. I know it’s not just lust anymore. This is love.

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