Blood Kiss (Savage Security Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Blood Kiss (Savage Security Series Book 1)
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Before she knew it, his hands encircled her hips and his fingers spanned her waist. Her pulse skyrocketed as he leaned down and placed his lips softly against hers. His tongue darted out and traced her lips, but the kiss was over as quickly as it began.

She smiled up at him, still reeling from the intimacy of their kiss. She liked that he’d done that. She didn’t have the courage to make the first move, and now that he’d opened the door, she would find the courage tomorrow. She would get another kiss out of him.

It took every ounce of determination within him to end the kiss. He wanted to hold her, nibble on her lips, and feel her squirm against his body, but the shooting range parking lot was not the place for that. He wanted what they did to be special, private, and there were too many prying eyes here.

“Do me a favor,” he said. “Text me when you get home. Let me know that you’re okay.” He opened the car door for her.

She slid onto the seat and looked up at him. “I will. Thanks, Mike.”

“You’re welcome,” he said and shut the door.

He watched her back out of the parking space and turn onto the road. He looked around for any car that followed her out of the lot, but nothing seemed suspicious. He hated that he didn’t follow her home, but he was already late. He needed to check in with the guys, and then he’d start the hunt.



Pacey gripped the steering wheel as a bead of sweat trickled down his face. His nerves skittered through him like a rat on crack. She’d spent a long time in Young Guns.
What were they doing to her in there?
He couldn’t just walk in and see if she was all right. He had no reason to be here, and she may get suspicious if he just showed up out of nowhere. So he sat there, waiting for her to reappear as he chomped on Tic Tacs.

Nausea nearly overtook him as he waited, but then her smiling face exited the store. Her beauty outshone the evening sky as the sun spread its final glorious colors. The nausea subsided for a brief moment, but then he saw
. A huge monster of a man followed her out to her car. The oaf put what looked like a safe in her trunk. Pacey nervously tossed a few more Tic Tacs in his mouth as the two stood and talked for a few moments. He played with the flap top on the box, popping it open and closed, as the man went to his truck.

When the dumb oaf drove away, relief flooded Pacey.
He’s just a worker who simply helped her carry something heavy.
The guy looked like the type who’d have a menial job like that. And just because the oaf talked to her didn’t mean he had intentions towards her. Besides, she’d never go for his type. He was burly, disgusting tattoos marked his arms, and his eyes were dead, like a shark’s. Alisha was a well-bred lady, and this man was obviously beneath her. But she was the kind of woman who showed kindness to everyone. That explained their short conversation at her trunk. Kindness was one of the characteristics that he liked most about her. But the reality that some man could enter her life turned his blood cold. Maybe he needed to move up his timeline. He shivered and started his car, ready to follow her home.

It was easy to stay a few car lengths behind her. He just blended in, nothing unusual about him or his truck. That was one thing about himself that he hated. When people saw him, they only saw an average looking, nice guy. He’d never been able to date the ‘hot’ girls. They’d always passed him up for someone better looking or cooler. But then
walked into his life. She looked at him, truly stared into his soul and branded her mark upon his heart. She saw how intelligent he was. She took the time to realize that he had something to offer a woman. And he intended to offer all of himself in return.

The dumb oaf in the black truck managed to stop at nearly every light. “What a pussy. He drives worse than a grandma,” Pacey mumbled to himself as he followed Alisha’s car from a distance.

Pacey often talked to himself in his car and at home. No one else cared to hear his opinion, no one else but Alisha. When he talked to her, he felt their connection. Her eyes penetrated him as she offered herself to him, absorbing every word he said. And he couldn’t wait to penetrate her. He’d fantasized about their coupling.
How would it feel to be inside her, feel her breath on his face?

He needed to stop this train of thought. He was getting hard as images of her played through his mind.

The dumb oaf turned into the Iron Sights shooting range. Pacey’s heart constricted as Alisha followed the truck into the lot. Pacey entered the parking lot and pulled in backwards into a parking space where he could see them. It was perfect. He could see the entrance, their cars, and into Iron Sights through the café windows.

His sweaty hands gripped the steering wheel. The dumb oaf was making a move on
woman. That was the only explanation for them meeting here.

She’s on a date
roared through his head, echoing again and again as the thought ruthlessly bombarded him. He frantically rubbed his temples as he tried to shake off the thought of her with another man.

When Alisha and Mike entered the shooting range, Pacey sat like a statue in his car. The clock on the dashboard taunted him as minutes turned to an hour. She’d been with the dumb oaf far too long. Pacey knew what men were like, how easily their minds wandered to sex. He knew the man would take advantage of the shooting lessons. He could imagine the oaf’s beefy arms wrapped around her as he showed her how to stand and hold the gun. The dumb oaf probably had his nose buried deep in her hair, inhaling her scent as he wrapped his arms around her body, pretending to help her with the gun.

Then he saw her. Pacey’s heart calmed as she slipped into the booth by the window. He wiped his sweaty hands on his thighs and focused on his breathing. He inhaled slowly through his nose and out through his mouth, just like the psychiatrist instructed. The shrink was an idiot, but every once in a while he had a good idea. The breathing trick was the one golden nugget in a bucket of shitty shale the shrink considered good advice.

As Pacey sat watching her, he knew his view was about to be ruined. Sure enough, the big oaf managed to squeeze his massive body between the booth seat and the table. It was impossible to look at her beauty without seeing the dumb oaf in the periphery. At least they weren’t sitting side-by-side with their bodies touching. Pacey didn’t think he would be able to passively sit in his car while that man soiled her creamy skin.

He wished he could be a fly on the wall and listen to their conversation. For some reason she kept smiling.
Was this brute actually interesting?
Pacey couldn’t imagine what she could see in the mangy, dumb oaf that sat across from her.

Pacey rubbed his temples and started planning in his mind. Things certainly had to be moved up. He couldn’t risk her falling for the man that sat across from her. Pacey would need to rearrange some things in order to free himself for her. He didn’t want there to be any reasons why she would feel guilty for being with him. Soon they would be able to freely express their feelings for each other.

Had she sensed his presence?
She kept looking out the window and into his soul. Perhaps she felt guilty for betraying him? He could forgive her that. She still hadn’t grasped the effect she had him.

When Alisha and the dumb oaf got up from the table, Pacey’s nerves collected in his stomach and roiled with tension.
What were they going to do now?
He watched as they exited the shooting range and walked to their cars. Thankfully they didn’t hold hands. Pacey wasn’t sure what he’d do if he saw that. He didn’t want to have to harm the man, but he would if he needed to. He’d do anything to protect her honor.

Pacey sat in stunned silence as the oaf placed his hands on her hips and brushed her perfect lips with his. Pacey gasped for breath, but there was none to be found inside the vacuum of the car. When their kiss ended, the air rushed back into the car and he could breathe again. He panted in the new-found air and returned to his stupid breathing trick as she pulled out and left the shooting range.

Relief flooded Pacey when the dumb oaf didn’t follow her. He knew she wasn’t the kind of girl to invite a man back to her house on the first date. She was special. She was intended for him, and he didn’t want anyone spoiling her for him.

Pacey hated that he wouldn’t be able to watch over her tonight. He would truly miss that. Sometimes he’d catch a glimpse of her through a window. He treasured those moments, but those precious moments would not be allowed tonight. Tonight he had responsibilities that he couldn’t escape.



Mike watched Alisha turn onto highway 55 and studied the parking lot for any suspicious vehicles that looked to be tailing her. He hated that he wasn’t following her home. It went against his gut instinct, but she hadn’t asked him to follow her, and he didn’t want to scare her off by being too pushy.

He pulled out his cell and texted Scott that he was on his way to meet the guys. Mike didn’t plan on staying long. He’d put in his time with his buddies and then check out her house. He was sure there were lots of hiding places for crazies. He’d locate them and see if the pervert left any evidence behind.

Mike pulled into the crowded bar parking lot. He scanned the area and noted the guys’ vehicles. He sighed, frustrated that he was the last one to show. He hated being late. It went against his training. Arriving on time was borderline late, but showing up fifteen minutes late was unacceptable. He knew he couldn’t walk in late and not get a grilling. He shut the door of his truck and clicked the fob. The truck beeped as it locked.

Cecilia had her eyes on Mike as soon as he entered the bar. She’d seen his friends and the empty chair at their table. She knew he’d eventually show. She’d been eyeing him for weeks, ever since he helped her when her car wouldn’t start. When he’d jumped the car battery, he’d jump-started her heart as well. They shared a beer the following night when their paths crossed again at the bar, and she was hooked. He’d gone from being a Good Samaritan to her target. He was the strong, silent type, which she normally didn’t bother with. She typically liked her men a little more animated, flashy. But she’d make an exception for him, especially since he was smart and sexy as hell.

Mike internally rolled his eyes as Cecilia strode towards him, making good time with those long legs of hers. He regretted their drink together. They’d talked about mundane things, but she just didn’t do it for him. She was nice enough, but not his type. He wasn’t looking for a fling. He’d had enough of those in his younger years, and Cecilia would never be more than a fling. She just didn’t have the depth that he craved. He wanted a real relationship. The kind his parents had. The kind of relationship that lasts a lifetime.

Even the way Cecilia dressed turned him off. Her skirt barely covered her ass. He was confident she’d expose herself if she sat in that scrap of material. Her enormous, fake boobs jiggled as she teetered on those stilts she called shoes. She was beautiful, but was clearly trying way too hard. Cecilia had thrown herself at him repeatedly. Apparently she was unable to take the hint that he wasn’t interested.

Mike dodged her by cutting through a group of tables and zeroed in on his friends. He didn’t bother looking over his shoulder at her. He wasn’t interested in seeing her pout.

Mike pulled the empty chair away from the table, and Scott sat straighter in his chair so his long legs didn’t get in Mike’s space. Mike avoided their stares and looked at the menu. He didn’t need the menu. He knew that, and so did they. He hoped, rather than believed, that his delay tactic would work, or that they’d take the hint and not rib him about being late.

Scott couldn’t help himself. Damsels in distress did not wander into his store every day, and of course this one would show up when Mike was there. Scott had filled the others in on her story and Mike’s reaction to her. “You’re late,” Scott said, a sly smile on his lips. He lifted his beer and took a sip, never taking his eyes off of Mike.

“That’s no surprise,” Mike stated, facing Scott directly. “I texted you.” Mike looked around for a waitress and got Julia’s attention with a wave. She gave him a nod and headed towards him.

Cole set his beer on the table and rubbed his hand over the scruff on his chin. He’d been letting it grow out. He got used to it when he was in the service. Now he felt naked with a bare face. Besides, it was much easier to disguise his thoughts when his face was hidden, made him harder to read. “Thanks for the heads up,” Cole said. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “Now we need the deets.”

“Deets?” Mike huffed. If they thought he was filling them on the tiny details of his life, they were wrong. “I had something to do. It made me a little late.” He shrugged dismissively.

Mike’s cell sat heavy on his hip while he waited for Alisha’s text. He needed to know she was all right. With each passing minute the burn in his chest intensified. He wasn’t sure how long it would take her to get home, but he figured that she should be home soon.

Julia stopped beside Mike, placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “You eating or just drinking tonight?” She tucked her brown hair behind her ear.

“Just drinking,” Mike said with a smile. He’d practically grown up with Julia, but he couldn’t look at her without thinking of his sister. She’d been Amy’s best friend for so long, but that was over now. Now the only time he saw Julia was at the bar. And he couldn’t decide if he liked seeing her or not. It was bittersweet. “I’ll take a Newcastle,” he said with a nod of appreciation.

“Coming your way,” Julia said as her eyes flit around the faces of the men at the table. Then she turned and cut her way through the maze of tables and chairs towards the bar.

“I thought we were eating dinner?” Tyson said, holding out his hands in confusion. “I ordered a burger.” He pointed to the guys and said, “They ordered food. What’s up? You bailing on us?”

Mike’s cell chirped as a text came in. He pulled it from his belt clip and read the screen.


Inside. Safe and sound. Thanks for your help tonight. ☺


The burn in his chest subsided now that he knew she was safe. He was not surprised by her use of the smiley face emoji. She seemed like the kind of girl that sprinkled happy emojis everywhere she went.

He sent her a short text and returned the cell phone to the belt clip. He didn’t mention his plans for tonight. No need to freak her out.

“What?” Tyson leaned forward and gripped the handle on his beer mug. “I ask you a question and you ignore me. No reply?” He smiled as if he saw into Mike’s head and knew that Mike was already in too deep.

Mike glared at him. “I have things to do tonight.”

Logan let out a low rumble of a laugh. “I bet you do. And she’s not here.” He looked around at the women in the bar. He’d watched women stare at Mike too long in this bar without him responding. It didn’t seem natural for a man to be so oblivious to hot women trying to pick him up. Hell, he loved it when the ladies showered him with attention.

Cole shot Mike a cocky smile and said, “That her?”

“Who?” Mike asked. He shot a glare at Scott. Scott was worse than a bunch of church ladies in a prayer chain when it came to gossip. He couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

“You know who,” Scott said, leaning forward and resting his arms on the table.

“You playing innocent?” Tyson chuckled, his white teeth in stark contrast with his dark skin. “The girl from the store. What’s her name?” he paused for effect, a smart-ass smile on his face. “Alisha, right?” he looked to Scott for confirmation.

Mike wanted to smack the smile off of Scott’s face as he sat there chuckling along with the others. He should have known that Scott would share this tidbit of information. “Yeah, Alisha.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing,” Cole said. He lifted his beer and took another drink. He was all for Mike having a good time, but this certain girl may be crossing a few lines for him. Cole wasn’t sure Mike would be able to handle it, and there wasn’t much Mike couldn’t handle.

Julia stopped beside Mike and set down his beer. “Your foods coming soon,” she said to the others. “Good to see you, Mike,” she added.

“Hey, Julia,” Mike started, “would you add a cheeseburger and fries to my order?” He had a long night ahead of him. No need to listen to the rumble of his stomach all night.

“Of course,” Julia replied. She patted his shoulder and walked away.

Cole watched her leave, his eyes glancing to her backside. Heaven help him, he liked the sway of Julia’s hips. He hadn’t asked her out because of Mike and his stupid request that none of them date her. Cole knew Mike cared about Julia, but he knew it wasn’t in a romantic way. Mike just watched out for her, maybe a little too possessively. He may need to talk about switching roles with him. He wouldn’t mind watching out for Julia. He was certain he would enjoy watching all of her when he got the chance.

Mike noticed Cole’s lingering stare on Julia. “Put your eyes back in your head,” he warned. “She’s not for you.”

Cole turned and faced Mike, narrowing his eyes. Then he leaned forward and rested his big arms on the table. “Is she for you?” He already knew the answer to that.

“You know it’s not like that,” Mike replied. “She’s a good person. She’s been through a lot.”

Cole barked a laugh and sat back in his seat. “I don’t deserve a good person?” He held his hands out in fake astonishment. “I haven’t been through a lot?”

“You haven’t
through a lot. You’ve
a lot,” Mike snorted. “There’s a difference, and you know what I mean. You’re too much for her.” Mike knew Julia wasn’t his to control or obsess over, and he knew he shouldn’t discourage a good man from liking her, but he didn’t want to see Julia get her heart broken or be stuck at work with Cole if it didn’t work out.

Cole snorted. “I’m flattered that you think I’m too much man for her, but shouldn’t she be the one to decide that?”

Tyson was sick of this played out scene. He’d heard both of them go at each other before, and he’d grown tired of their endless merry-go-round concerning Julia. He found it ludicrous that Mike interfered and pathetic that Cole let him, but he stayed out of it. He grew up in a house full of women and learned at an early age to keep his opinions to himself. Silence was the golden ticket to avoid the shrill wrath of his sisters.

Tyson rapped his knuckles on the table. “Hey, Julia’s not the woman we’re talking about right now. I want to know about Alisha. What’s her story?” From what he’d heard so far, this woman had the power to bring Mike to his knees.

Mike peeled his eyes off of Cole and looked at Tyson. He tossed his hand in a casual movement as he spoke. “She needs help. I’m helping her.”

Scott cleared his throat and slowly spun his beer in a circle as it sat on the table. His face went from jovial to serious. “You know why we’re concerned,” he stated. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

Mike breathed deeply and scrubbed his hand down his face. He knew Alisha’s situation was a minefield for him. His emotions were already at stake in this situation and he’d only spent a few hours with her. Alisha wasn’t just another job to him. “I’m helping someone out. She’s in danger.

“Yeah, we figured that part out,” Tyson said. “When you’re ready to deal with reality, let us know.”

Mike drummed his fingers on the table. “You know I can’t walk away.”

The guys slowly nodded. They understood that. They wouldn’t have been able to either.

Julia stepped up to their table balancing plates on a large, round tray. “Here you go, guys.” She set the food on the table as the men sat in silence with their arms crossed. She was used to them sitting quietly as she set the food on the table. They weren’t big talkers. She liked that actually. Usually a table of guys would say stupid stuff to her, and she’d have to flirt and banter back in order to get a good tip. She didn’t have to play that game with these guys. And they were still excellent tippers. “Enjoy and let me know if you need anything.” The guys all silently nodded, and she walked away.

Mike hadn’t recovered from the loss of his sister, and he knew Julia still carried the scars. He just didn’t know how to help her, so he tried to protect her heart. He needed to feel like he was doing something useful.

“This situation with Alisha is a minefield for you,” Logan said. He picked up the ketchup bottle and squeezed some onto his burger. He didn’t really have any advice. He learned a long time ago that giving advice was meaningless. People were going to do what they were going to do whether it made sense or not. He had no idea what was going on in Mike’s head, and he certainly didn’t understand Mike’s motivations. He doubted that Mike fully grasped his own motivations for helping Alisha.

Tyson grabbed a fry, “Just be careful.” He popped the fry into his mouth, biting through the crispy outside and burning his tongue on the soft inside. “Hot,” he said pointing at his fries, “but good.”

“The guy’s been at her house,” Mike said. He wasn’t sure how much to tell them, but he would probably need their help at some point, so he figured it wouldn’t hurt to give them a little information. “He’s leaving things for her. From what she said, it’s progressing.”

Cole shook his head. They’d all seen the aftermath of a psycho’s unhinged behavior. Crazies always left a wide path of destruction. “I understand, man. You do what you have to do.” His burger looked tiny in his big hands. “Let me know if you need any help.”

Mike took another swig of his beer and then started on his burger. He thought about how he would play this with Alisha. He didn’t want to scare her more, but she needed to understand how dangerous the situation was and that she needed his help in more ways than learning how to fire a gun. He hoped she’d never have to use the gun. Killing someone changes you, even if it’s justified. He knew how to carry that weight. He didn’t want her to have to live with that burden too.

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