Blood Legacy: The Story of Ryan (44 page)

BOOK: Blood Legacy: The Story of Ryan
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Ryan’s gaze did not waver, and her words, although horrendous, were entirely conversational in nature. “And so you kidnapped her, and then you raped her, and then you imprisoned her until she gave birth to me.”

Ryan paused, the tension in her frame obvious. “And then you killed her.”

Victor’s fist came smashing down on the banister in front of him, splitting the railing and startling everyone. He spoke through clenched teeth. “My killing her was an act of mercy. She would have died anyway from the strain of giving birth to you.”

Ryan did not hesitate. “But you knew that beforehand, didn’t you?”

Victor sat back, the loss of control gone as suddenly as it appeared. He smoothed his suit, his lack of concern evident. “Yes,” he said simply, “I did.”

Ryan sat back, barely contained fury evident in every line of her body. Marilyn examined Ryan closely. Marilyn’s initial anger had transitioned into fascination as she watched the scene unfold. She was quite impressed with the restraint Ryan was exhibiting. Under normal circumstances, Ryan would have already destroyed the room. Marilyn’s eyes drifted to the split banister, then to Victor. No wonder.

Abigail was also fascinated by the unfolding drama. Although the explanation itself seemed impossible, it would account for everything: the girl’s Change, her abilities, her power, her anatomy. She turned back to Victor, sensing there was more.

“And how did Ryan discover you were her father?”

Victor was suddenly vague. “I made,” he paused, as if searching for the right words, “a miscalculation.”

Ryan leaped to her feet, overturning the heavy oak table in front of her as if it were made of Styrofoam. Susan Ryerson nearly fell backward to get out of the way. Marilyn smiled. Now that was more like the girl.

“A miscalculation!” Ryan fairly shouted at him. “You should have told me! I never should have found out that way!”

Victor remained calm, unperturbed at her words and the violence that accompanied them. He gazed at her steadily. “No,” he agreed, “you should not have found out that way.”

Abigail was curious. “What way?” she asked.

Ryan turned to her, the fury spilling out in her words. “I have my mother’s blood, too.”

At first, the implications of her words did not sink in. It was Marilyn who first drew the correct conclusion.

“And her Memories,” the dark-haired woman said in slow comprehension.

Ryan turned to her, her bitterness obvious. “And her Memories,” she finished.

Abigail raised her hand to her chest at the full implication.

Victor’s gaze did not waver. “I could not know that you would see her death.”

Ryan turned to him. “I did more than see her death. I saw everything she saw, felt everything she felt, and lived every moment of her life right up until the moment you took it.”

Ryan turned away, closing her eyes.

“And I saw it through her eyes, felt it through her mind,” she stopped, almost unable to continue. “Just as if it were me.”

An odd silence settled over the room and all eyes were upon Ryan. Ryan’s gaze was distant for a moment, unfocused. Her eyes refocused and her gaze flickered to Abigail, to Marilyn, and to Susan. Susan had the impression that Ryan was trying to prepare her for something, but Susan could not fathom what it was.

Ryan took a deep breath and Susan was startled at the vivid picture that suddenly invaded her mind.

She saw the terror and pain of a young woman with golden hair, a woman who could only be Ryan’s mother. She saw dark, shadowy pictures of Victor, methodically carrying out the abduction and the rape. She saw the golden-haired woman in the throes of a horrific childbirth, and finally she saw the beautiful, dark-haired man holding a bloody infant triumphantly up to the night sky.

And Susan felt things as well. She felt the woman’s terror, her isolation, her hopelessness, and it was in stark contrast to the man’s fierce joy at the birth of his unholy child. She watched as the light died in the young woman’s eyes and began to burn fiercely in those of her golden-haired child.

The Others saw, too, perhaps even more vividly than did Susan. They all saw, and they all stared at the creature seated before them. Ryan was not like them, and yet was the ultimate expression of their Kind. Changed before she was ever born, she had never been human. She was the ultimate predator, born in death and carrying the echoes of its Memory through eternity.

Susan stared at the young woman before her. The story of Ryan’s birth made the sins of Oedipus look minor. Not only was Ryan aware of her origins, she had been a part of them, re-living them from both her mother and father’s perspective. She had killed her mother, both by her birth and through her father’s eyes, and then she had killed her father in revenge. And the blood of both coursed hotly through her veins, bringing their thoughts, their dreams, and their Memories.

The silence was very loud until someone made the sound of clearing his throat. All eyes turned towards Edward.

“Your honor,” he began, addressing Abigail, “I would like to move for a dismissal due to the fact that my client obviously did not commit the crime she is accused of,” he said, nodding towards Victor.

Abigail glanced at Victor, then shook her head. “I’m afraid it’s not that simple, Edward,” she said, addressing him by name for the first time. “She did make the attempt.”

Ryan returned to her seat, avoiding the table that was still upside down on the floor. She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, gazing coolly up at Victor. Marilyn moved to a position near her.

“So tell me, dear father, how did you survive the ‘attempt’?”

Victor’s gaze flickered to Marilyn, then back to his dark child. “Marilyn was instrumental in my recovery.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “It seems you did not quite finish the job.”

Ryan shrugged. “I was full.”

Abigail again was nearly startled into laughter. Susan was appalled at Ryan’s words but Victor did not seem at all angry. In fact, he seemed rather amused by the reply and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Susan glanced from father to daughter, just beginning to understand how complex their relationship was. Ryan had attempted to murder the man in front of her in a most horrific manner, and although Victor was angry about it, part of him seemed to view it as little more than an adolescent temper tantrum.

In the same way, Ryan, although obviously still infuriated with her father, seemed mildly chagrined at her actions, not willing to admit wrong-doing but perhaps embarrassed over what she had done.

Victor’s tone was slightly chastising. “Did you really believe you had killed me? Surely you are now old enough yourself to realize you could not have succeeded.”

Ryan paused for a long moment. “I had begun to suspect.” Her eyes shifted to Marilyn and she changed the subject. “You must be very pleased with Marilyn.” She now addressed the dark-haired woman directly. “So what did he promise you in return for your loyalty?”

Marilyn smiled her cool smile but it was Victor who replied.


Ryan was startled and Marilyn was pleased the answer had caught Ryan off-guard. Victor gestured casually in Abigail’s direction. “Abigail helped as well.”

Ryan did not miss the implication in that statement, either. Abigail had the grace to smooth her robes, only the slightest trace of her enigmatic smile about her lips. Ryan turned her attention back to Victor.

“Well,” Ryan said, at a loss for words. She stared at Victor. “How unlike you,” she finally finished.

Victor stood, now casually addressing the courtroom. “As is my prerogative, I hereby dissolve the Grand Council until which time it is needed again.” He turned to Abigail. “Once Ryan has served the terms of her punishment, she will become my Second once more.”

Abigail nodded as if this were expected. Victor continued. “When you are finished with your proceeding here, please join us.”

Abigail nodded and Victor stepped down. He motioned to Marilyn who fell into step beside him. He approached Ryan, then stopped in front of her. Ryan stood. Edward also stood, and Victor took his measure for a moment.

“You have served my daughter well, Edward.”

Edward bowed low. “I live to serve her, my lord.” He bowed lower. “As I live to serve you.”

Victor turned his attention to Ryan. He took her hand in his. “We must be leaving,” he said, glancing at Susan. “Your companions must stay with us a short while longer, then they are free to do as they will.”


SUSAN WAS NOT ALLOWED TO OBSERVE their route of travel from the trial, nor was she exactly certain where the trial itself had been held, so she had little if any idea where they were. She rode in the limousine alone, her thoughts on the events of the last hours. So deeply immersed was she in these thoughts that she was surprised when the limousine came to a stop. The door opened and she stepped out, looking around in wonderment. She thought she would never find an estate to rival Ryan’s, but now mentally revised her opinion. This house was exquisite, as were the gardens surrounding it.

Her first thought was for Jason and she was happy to find him in the bedroom she was led to. He bounced from the bed when he saw her and ran into her arms.

“Where’s Ryan?” were the first words from his mouth.

She hugged him tightly. “She’s here, munchkin. I think she’s kind of busy right now.”

“Oh,” he said, relieved, “I was wondering where you guys went.” He lowered his voice, eyeing the servant who stood in the doorway. “These people are kind of creepy.”

Susan smiled tiredly. The servant remained expressionless, although Susan was certain she could hear. The woman offered her clothing and began to run a bath for her. Susan was soon luxuriating in the steaming water while Jason watched television. When finished, she pulled on the silk shirt and slacks she was given. She had the decadent thought that, although currently uneasy, she was getting used to being waited on.

It wasn’t long before Jason tired and fell asleep on the bed. She pulled the top cover loose and tucked him in. She herself was tired, but didn’t feel as if she could sleep. She went out onto the balcony and settled into a cushioned wicker settee. The night air was cool but the balcony was heated with outdoor lanterns and a servant brought her a wrap, which she draped across her legs. She was wondering about Ryan when she heard a knock at the door.

She started to get up but the servant stepped forward, politely shaking her head. She indicated that Susan was not to move and then she went to answer the door. Susan heard soft murmurs, and then Victor entered, crossing the room to the balcony. He pushed open the sliding screen door.

“May I join you?”

Susan started to stand but Victor shook his head. “No, please, sit down.” The servant brought another wicker chair that Victor set across from Susan and then settled into, crossing one long leg over the other.

Susan stared at the man, again struck by his incredible beauty. It was perhaps only her past continued exposure to Ryan’s magnetism that made Susan immune to Victor’s charms.

Victor smiled and Susan revised her opinion. Well, perhaps not completely immune.

“I wanted to thank you for caring for my daughter. Ryan is an excellent judge of character. I’m certain her choice of you as a companion will prove as insightful as ever.”

Susan shifted uncomfortably. She did not want to start liking this man.

Victor sensed her discomfort immediately. “You seem troubled, dear doctor,” he said knowingly.

Susan did not quite know how to broach the subject. “Well, I’m certainly not passing judgment on you, but your relationship with Ryan does seem a little…”

She faded away, unwilling to finish the sentence. Victor had no qualms about finishing it for her.


Susan nodded, trying to be as casual as he was. “Yes, I think that was the word I was looking for.”

Victor removed a cigar from his inner pocket. He lit it expertly, taking a long pull on it then blowing the smoke away from Susan. He watched the wisps linger in the air for a moment, then spoke thoughtfully.

“You know, Dr. Ryerson, my birthday is closer to that of Christ’s than it is to yours.” He turned from the smoke to her. “All ties have blurred for me. Mother, father, brother, sister, they are all the same to me. Even gender has very little meaning for me, anymore. I would have the exact same relationship with Ryan were she my son.”

BOOK: Blood Legacy: The Story of Ryan
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