Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) (11 page)

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"I had a meltdown after looking at the photographs. I didn't know they were taken," I admitted. "I was unconscious at the time."

"The one who took those photographs committed suicide, so he wouldn't embarrass his family," Bill stepped up beside me and took my hand. "Hello, I'm Bill Jennings, and I had an investigation run on the former Sheriff after the book was released," he added.

"The Director of the Joint NSA and Homeland Security Bill Jennings?" Grace asked. "You did a lot of good work. Nice to meet you." She shook his hand enthusiastically.

"I had a lot of help, some of it from Bree," Bill smiled modestly.

"I'm going back as soon as I'm able, to help you again," I stood on tiptoe to kiss Bill.

"Sweetheart, I couldn't ask for anything better," he smiled when I pulled away.

"We come. Kooper, too," Chazi announced, appearing at my side and offering Bill and me glasses of wine. "We sit?" he pointed to a circle of comfortable chairs beneath a banana tree near the huge pool complex.

"Where are our manners? Of course we should sit," Devin laughed. "Come on, we have so much to talk about."

Kay ended up with us. Lisster, a shapeshifting leopard, came to lounge at Devin's feet. Dragon, co-First of the Saa Thalarr with Grace, sat between her and Devin. Ashe sat with Kay and happily held her hand.

Secretly I fed Kay a bit of
to steady her, and soon she was smiling and speaking occasionally as the conversation turned to Earth of the past—all those present were familiar with the subject.

Bill and all three reptanoids crowded around me; Chazi, Bekzi and Perzi soaked up the conversation (and attention) happily. Food and more wine were placed in our hands as we laughed and talked.

"Enjoying yourself?" Graegar managed to increase the space inside the circle so he and Barrigar could fit.

"Hi, honey," I touched his blue face—he was quite handsome, as was Barrigar behind him.

"Hey, where's my seat?" Conner appeared, making Barrigar smile. He raised a hand and formed a chair from nothing for Conner.

"We were just discussing Earth politics," Devin gave Conner a huge smile.

"Here," Graegar lifted me from my chair, then seated himself before pulling me onto his lap. It gave Barrigar enough space to do the same with Conner. "Now, I find Earth politics fascinating," he said. "Tell me about them from your perspective."

"They're filled with posturing, lies and misdirection, not to mention photographs of sensitive body parts," Bill laughed.

"Did you have to take care of any of that?" I turned to Bill, almost biting my lip to keep from laughing.

"Only a time or two," he grinned at me.

"Our tax dollars at work, covering up willies," I grinned back. Dragon laughed.

* * *


"Mr. Gideon, we'll be happy to work for you again," werewolf brothers Rafe and Braden Reynolds nodded at Ross. "You got cash, like always?"

"Yeah. Fifty grand to start, and there's more if this ends up taking more time," Ross said. Ross had no idea they were werewolves; he merely knew they were effective at tracking anyone. Both lived in the Phoenix area, and that's where Ross had gone to meet with them.

"Who's the target?" Braden asked.

"Vernon Clark, to start," Ross replied. "Know who he is?"

"Yeah. We've heard of him," Rafe and Braden exchanged a glance before accepting the small briefcase of money Ross offered. "We've heard of him, all right."

Chapter 7



Breanne's Journal

"Tybus, I only wanted to make sure you were all right," I said. We'd stolen away from the crowd at the cookout, so we could talk for a few minutes.

Tybus held a drink in his hand and looked exactly like Teeg San Gerxon. So much so, in fact, that he lounged comfortably against the windowsill while we talked.

"I am fine," he assured me with a nod. "While at times I might prefer to be wandering the gardens that surround San Gerxon Palace, I have more than enough to keep me busy. I am grateful for Gavril's memories, and I usually let them dictate what I do."

"Don't let them interfere all the time," I said. "You need space—and time—for yourself, remember?"

"The running of an Alliance keeps me busy and away from the memories I have of the past century," he pointed out. "That is not a bad thing, I assure you."

"I understand that," I nodded to him.

"I know," he said simply, with a shrug. "It's too bad we can't wish those things away."

"Don't worry," I sighed. "If I ever see Acrimus again, I know to kill him immediately."

* * *

Sometimes, being vampire is more trouble than it's worth. I now had dozens of new names floating in my head, and I was too tired to consider any of them. The cookout had gone very well; Kay even had a good time, Ashe was more than happy and I was getting itchy about the past.

Something was happening, I just knew it, and I still didn't feel strong enough to go back. I figured Trajan would laugh if I asked him to transport me, too, so I didn't. Regardless, I wanted to discuss this with somebody, and that ended up being with the entire male population at the big house when we got back to SouthStar.

"I'm getting itchy about it," I told Ashe when he asked. I didn't want a pat on the head and an order to go to bed, either.

"I am, too," he admitted. "I don't like it, either. Something has happened to alter the timeline dramatically; otherwise this wouldn't be bothering both of us so much."

"You can't get information on any of this?" Bill asked. He was worried, I could tell, because he was still there—in the past.

"This isn't fucked up or anything," Trajan raked a hand through his hair. He was frustrated; it was easy enough to see. Trevor was as well, he just settled for allowing no expression to mar his features.

"Bree, how about biting me again?" Ashe asked, his blue eyes begging for something that I couldn't define. "Kevis says you didn't take much before. What if you take a decent amount this time and get a night's rest? If you feel stronger in the morning, I'll send you, Kooper, Stellan and the reptanoids back. I'm hoping that with the added manpower and abilities, you'll be able to get this sorted."

"Wynn said I could borrow her likeness," I said. "So I won't look the same. I just need to come up with another name and get proper ID."

"What about Tamara Bray?" Bill asked.

"Her." I nodded. Tamara was Joyce Christian's first victim. I figured Bill in the past wouldn't have much trouble getting me ID under that name. It seemed appropriate, somehow, that I might carry her name, at least for a little while. "That sounds good, Bill."

"Bree, are you ready, then?" Ashe asked. Kay had already gone to bed—it was late when we returned to SouthStar.

"I suppose." I couldn't help sighing. It hadn't gone well for me the first time. Now I was facing the same thing again.

"Trajan and I will be there with you," Bill assured me.

"Good," I sighed again.

* * *

Ashe's Journal

If it weren't for Kay, I would go back with Breanne. It irritated me that Kay had come to me when she did, and that trouble seemed to appear just as I was attempting to form a bond with her after Breanne brought her back to consciousness. I didn't want to abandon her early on, and I didn't want to upset Breanne more than I already had.

I sent mindspeech to Trajan, asking him to bring Bree back to my bedroom. I intended to make it easier for her this time, and if I were honest with myself, I was looking forward to it. Kevis had seen it when I hadn't—that she'd felt something between us at the beginning.

I couldn't push her now, or profess any feelings. It was too early, and she wouldn't believe me anyway. There had to be a way through this mess I'd made, I just didn't know what it was. At that moment, I realized how my dad felt. He'd done what he thought best, and it still hurt everyone involved.

* * *

Breanne's Journal

I wasn't looking forward to this. The last time, I'd ended up unconscious and I'd spent too much of my time in that state, lately. At least I walked in under my own power this time, and Ashe's blood was likely responsible for that.

He was already sitting on the bed, waiting. Since I couldn't read him and he had no expression on his face, I had no idea what he was thinking. Aedan Evans wasn't with him this time, and that brought on a relieved sigh.

"You look like you're being led to an execution," Ashe held out a hand. How was I supposed to respond to that?

Bill's hand went to the back of my neck and he massaged it gently, attempting to get me to relax. It wasn't working.

"Bree, it helped last time. Let me help again, all right?"

"Add power to her taking," Renegar appeared at Ashe's side. They were obviously good friends—very good friends.

"You mean infuse the blood with my power?" Ashe turned to the Larentii.

"Yes." Renegar smiled. "Graegar and Kalenegar suggested it, and it makes sense. While anyone else might be destroyed, one of the Mighty should take no harm."

"If Kalenegar suggested it by himself, I'd walk out of here now," I fumed. Just the mention of his name upset me. Sure, everybody said he was contrite, but that didn't make up for what he'd done to me.

"He knows this," Ren nodded solemnly. "Graegar consulted the other Wise Ones first, and then contacted Kal. The suggestion was agreed upon by all."

"I won't hurt you, I promise," Ashe said.

"I'm supposed to say that to you," I pointed out. Was I grateful my voice didn't quaver? Yes.

"I think we can dispense with the formality; you didn't hurt me last time," Ashe grinned. "Now sit here beside me and let's do this."

"I will assist," Renegar offered. "You may bite, I will hold him steady," Ren smiled. His smile was like sun shining through clouds.

"Are you sure?" I blinked at the Larentii. Trajan and Bill stepped back when Ren appeared—they were used to him while I wasn't, and they trusted him, that was easy to see.

"Father, perhaps you should allow us," Graegar and Barrigar appeared beside us.

"Yes, perhaps that would be best," Renegar agreed and pulled back. At that point, I had no idea what was going on. I was about to find out.

* * *

Ashe's Journal

The Larentii have energy sex. Yes, they can do it the other way, too, but I was about to discover why energy sex was the preferred method.

Renegar had offered initially, but the moment Graegar appeared, I realized that Breanne might feel uncomfortable getting any kind of climax with her mate's father involved.

The Larentii don't see things that way—they only see it as a pleasure to be shared since no intimate contact is required. Parents didn't ever share with their children, but past a certain age, Larentii felt comfortable sharing with any other Larentii, male or female. The more Larentii involved, the more intense the result. Or so I'd heard. I was about to experience this myself—for the first time.

Larentii don't share with humanoids as a rule—most humanoids would disintegrate from the wash of power. The humanoid would have to hold power of his or her own to survive the climax.

"I'm ready," I nodded to Graegar and Barrigar. I'd known Graegar since he was an infant—Renegar had brought him to me not long after his birth. He and his Protector were Breanne's mates, and that was why I allowed this now.

"Bree, are you ready?" I asked.

* * *

Breanne's Journal

I wasn't ready, but I said I was anyway.

"Lean in, dearest, and place the kiss," Graegar urged while Barrigar gently rubbed my back with large, blue fingers.

I did as Graegar instructed, leaning in and breathing Ashe's scent before kissing his neck over the artery. He sighed. Whether it reflected impatience or anticipation, I had no idea.

"I won't hurt you," I whispered against his skin before sinking my fangs into his flesh.

You'd have thought Avendor's sun had gone nova with the flash of light and burst of power that burned through us, followed by such an intense climax that I imagined it might kill a normal person.

Was it pleasurable? I can't begin to describe how pleasurable it was—how euphoric it made me feel. Could it become addicting? My last thought before disengaging and fainting was that I might already be addicted.

* * *

"How is my little butterfly? Was her first experience with energy sex a good one?" Barrigar cradled me in his arms and smiled down at me.

"See, she liked it—her eyes are still clouded with pleasure," Graegar's face appeared beside us. "Dearest, that is how Larentii prefer to have sex," he added.

"Can we do it again?" I croaked.

"Already asking," Barrigar chuckled. "Ashe said the same—when he regained consciousness."

"All involved generally lose consciousness," Graegar informed me with a smile. "My father made sure you and Ashe were disengaged and safe before you fainted."

"Then I owe him," I said. "I was afraid I'd tear Ashe's skin if I fainted before pulling my fangs away."

"Father says you are welcome," Graegar leaned in and kissed me. "You taste like sunlight and a hummingbird's flight," he said. "We are more than happy with our mate."

"Where are we?" I thought to ask. We were in sunlight, wherever we were. It had been late at night on Avendor when we'd had our group orgasm, so someone had moved us.

"We are on the Larentii homeworld," Graegar explained. "On the side facing the sun, of course. Larentii must feed after they wake following energy sex. The act, while pleasurable, can be somewhat draining."

"I can understand why," I agreed, grinning at Graegar.

"You should eat when we return to SouthStar, and then rest. Barrigar and I will transport you and the others to the appropriate time. Remember, too, that if you have need, you only have to send mindspeech. Someone will come."

"Thank you; that means a lot," I said.

* * *


"What the hell?" Trajan stared at the tall, red-haired, blue-skinned Larentii. Trajan didn't often come across anyone taller than he, but this one was nearly ten feet tall and quite muscular.

"Hello, my name is Kalenegar, but you may call me Kal if you insist on shortening my name," Kalenegar replied. "Breanne will be joining you shortly; therefore, I will be here as well. You must accustom yourself to this now."

"Dude, this is just," Jayson was shocked. Hank crossed arms over his chest and examined the new arrival skeptically.

"Vhirilaszh," Hank finally nodded. "If you expect to stay, then you will contribute when appropriate and fit in with the rest of us."

"As if I hadn't already considered that," Kal huffed. In a blink, he was as tall as Trajan, with latte-colored skin. His hair he kept red and shoulder-length, however, and swept it back with a careless hand.

"Wow. I saw what Bree did with Jayson, but that's impressive," Opal muttered.

"Breanne has learned much from my race," Kal replied. "Although none of it from me."

"Would you like to talk about that?" Smoke curled from Hank's nostrils.

"Not at this moment," Kal replied stiffly. "I am here to help protect Breanne when she arrives. She will not arrive alone."

"Who is coming with her?" Bill asked.

"Four lion snake shapeshifters and a warlock," Kal replied. "She will be disguised, so I suggest all of you make allowances. She cannot be seen as herself outside our presence."

"What will she look like?" Charles asked.

"I understand that this is how she will appear when she arrives." Kalenegar formed a three-dimensional holographic image that greatly resembled Wynn O'Neill.

"Direct opposite, almost," Jayson breathed. "Pale hair, a little taller, but still pretty."

"She needs proper identification. I have taken the liberty," Kal held out his hand and documents appeared, including a driver's license and a passport. "Director Jennings, you may present these to her when she arrives."

"Tamara Bray?" Bill's forehead furrowed. "That's the girl Joyce Christian," he began.

"Cruelly tortured and killed?" Kal asked. "Yes. Breanne felt the identity was appropriate."

"When will she get here? We've had no word, were worried she was dead and suddenly you appear," Gavin growled.

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