Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) (13 page)

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"You think we can hold this guy long enough to bleed Rome Enterprises for as much as we can get, and then kill him nice and slow?" Vernon grinned at Shafer.

"Yeah. I hear Rome is pretty fond of this one. Plays a lot of golf with him. It was lucky his investigator is working another job, or we'd have to kill him right off."

"Would it be a bad thing if we sent body parts of Bob Sullivan, private investigator, along with the ransom note for Ross Gideon?" Vernon laughed.

"You know, you're right," Shafer acknowledged. "How much do we hurt Gideon before we send the note?"

"Oh, we'll see," Vernon pulled a knife from the sheath strapped to his belt. "I sharpened this yesterday. I'd like to check the edge on it."

* * *

Breanne's Journal

What the hell?
Jayson sent mindspeech to all of us as Kal set our invisible collective mist on the floor of an old, Spanish-style building that once housed a department store.

Ross Gideon—one of two people who'd turned my life into more hell than necessary, stood nearby with two werewolves. The wolves were brothers, and I felt Trajan's anger immediately. Why hadn't I given him mindspeech?

Without any alternative, I lowered my shields and read Ross Gideon. He was confused; I could see that clearly. He also trusted the two with him—they'd worked for him before. He just didn't know they were werewolves, and he also didn't know they were connected to Vernon Clark. An obsession lay on the werewolves, too, but as usual, I couldn't get information on that.

, I sent,
Gideon doesn't know those two sold him out. He's about to be kidnapped and a ransom note will be given to your father before they kill him

I hate to save the old fucker's skin
, Jayson growled.

I feel the same, but I get the idea that Vernon's on the way, and he may have company
, I returned.

We have to do this, as much as I'd like to see Gideon squirm
, Bill joined our silent conversation.
These won't move until Vernon shows up, I think. Vernon will likely make a grand entrance, just to make Gideon scream. From what we've seen of Vernon's work, he likes that sort of thing

What about the vampires tailing them?
I asked.

They'll likely hold back until all the rats are in the trap
, Hank offered.

What's the plan, then?
Opal asked.

I want as many taken alive as possible,
Bill said.


* * *

"Rhett, I smell werewolf," Dalroy said softly. The wind was in their favor, sending the scents of those exiting the van toward Dalroy and Rhett, while carrying sound away. The desert became cold at night and the winds came up. Dalroy was grateful for that piece of luck.

"The others are human or half human, I think," Rhett informed his vampire sire.

"Agreed. Want to wait until they get inside to run in after them?" Dalroy flashed a grin at Rhett.

"Yeah. Sounds good."

* * *

"Calhoun, Vernon Clark is in danger," Wildrif spoke quickly into his cellphone. "I have had a vision and his death is coming—I feel it. I caught sight of two vampires in the vision before it was cut off. Too much of that is happening lately, and I have no explanation for it."

"Where's Vernon?" Calhoun barked from his end of the conversation.

"New Mexico. Tyrone. The old ghost town."

"Never mind, I have it," Calhoun snapped before the call ended.

* * *

Hank's Journal

I felt him before he arrived—he believed only vampires waited to endanger this enterprise. He was of the lesser gods; that wasn't difficult to discern.

Maintain your mist
, I instructed Breanne.
I will assist the vampires outside. Another is coming to join these, and he is more dangerous than all the others

You're joking

Always skeptical, my Breanne. It was so difficult for her to trust. To believe anyone. Had I been in her place, I might feel exactly the same.

No. Keep your shields up. Ask Stellan to place some as well. This one will detect his, not yours, and as he will not recognize the warlock's shields because yours will interfere with identification, he will be puzzled. That may give you enough time to pull Gideon into your mist and fold the hell away. Do this, Breanne. For me. The two vampires and I will take care of this crowd.

, she began, worry saturating her mindspeech.

Bree, do this.

All right, but you better be safe.

I will be safe. I love you. I am skipping away from your mist to collect the vampires outside. Take Gideon. Go back to the café and allow Stellan to keep my image there at the table.


That's my girl
. I skipped away from Breanne's mist, aiming for two vampires outside.

* * *

Breanne's Journal

Hank didn't tell me what—or who—he felt coming. That worried me. Actually, it terrified me. It seemed, too, that he'd become more formal in his speech patterns once I learned he was High Demon. Sure, he still sounded like Hank at times, but it was almost as if he were letting some disguise slide away.

Shoving away those thoughts, I focused on what he'd asked me to do.
, I sent,
can you put up a shield around us? Hank says it'll confuse our targets.

Putting up shields now
, Stellan immediately obliged.

Now it was a waiting game.

Chapter 8


Breanne's Journal

So many things happened at once, and I almost lost the opportunity to pull asshole writer Ross Gideon away when the power surge hit the building with a resounding boom. The building shook on its foundation and I screamed mentally at the shock of it before coming back to reality and snatching Ross Gideon away.

Yes, I wanted to stay and make sure Hank was safe. I couldn't. I did as he asked and folded the hell back to the café, Ross Gideon squirming in my mist.

* * *

Hank's Journal

You will take the others, I will handle the power wielder
, I instructed the vampires. Rhett and Dalroy stared, how could they not? I appeared in my smaller Thifilathi and laid a god's version of compulsion.

When I set you down inside, take the werewolves first
, I added.
I will neutralize the weapons as quickly as possible. Once you have finished with your assignment, take your vehicle and meet Gavin at the Tyrone Café

I watched with them as Vernon Clark and four others entered the building. Bill wanted them taken alive, but they were too dangerous. Breanne would know they carried obsessions, just as I now did. I'd learned much from her when I'd pulled information away with our first kiss. Only her most powerful mates might accomplish that, and two others besides me held her heart and the talent to do it.

When the god came close and hit the building with a precursor of his power and a loud boom, I folded the vampires inside the building.

* * *

Abort your mission, you fool!
Acrimus shouted mindspeech at Calhoun.
You are in more danger than Vernon Clark. He is expendable and easily replaced. Turn back now. I command it!

* * *

Breanne's Journal

"Gideon, I'd like to take you apart right here," Bill hissed in Ross' face. The fact that Bill held Ross' jacket collar in his fist didn't help matters much—at least from Ross' perspective. Jayson stood beside Bill, and I knew he wanted to disassemble the quaking author as well.

"Director Jennings?" Ross almost stuttered as he gazed into Bill's angry eyes.

"Yes, fucking Director Jennings," Bill snarled. "Do you have any idea what we saved you from?"

"Wh-what?" Ross did stutter that time.

"Vernon Clark was about to walk into that building, bringing four armed men with him," Bill said. "You were a dead man, right after they got as much ransom money as they could from Rome Sr. Vernon Clark likes to flay his victims, did you know that?"

"What?" Ross attempted to pull away. If Kalenegar hadn't shielded us, the café patrons would have seen (and heard) our little party, instead of the illusion of us still sitting at a long, back table.

"We found evidence that he likes to practice taxidermy, and not all of it was on animals," Opal stepped up.

"Oh, my God," Ross started shaking harder.

"Your bodyguards have worked with Mr. Clark in the past," I said.

"Who the hell are you?" Ross turned in my direction. Yes, I was still in disguise. He had no idea who I might be.

"It doesn't matter who she is," Bill jerked Ross' attention back to him. "She saved your fucking life—that's all you need to know."

"Look, I was only trying to get information on the youngest Rome boy," Ross whined.

"Sure you were," Jayson broke in. "The old man sent you right out to hunt him down, shortly after he was fired." Jayson, still looking like Matt Michaels, crossed arms over his chest.

"Look, he was worried about the kid," Ross insisted. "And he was pissed that Clark likely had something to do with the kid's disappearance."

"And he didn't like that Vernon was calling him a liar," Bill said. "Vernon claimed Breanne Hayworth was a hoax, and Rome didn't like it. Did he?"

"Hell, I didn't like it. You have no idea what I had to go through to get that research."

"You have no idea what Breanne Hayworth went through, so you could have a best-seller." Bill tossed Ross Gideon backward. Trajan reached out and caught him before he fell.

"Look, I didn't feel good about that," Ross claimed as Trajan (not gently) set him upright. "Just like Rome had second thoughts when the kid disappeared."

"It amazes me that you're calling a thirty-year-old a kid," Jayson growled. "And the old man doesn't feel, so don't give me that bullshit."

"Who the hell are you?" Ross asked again.

"Somebody who wants to punch you in the face," Jayson said.

"Jayson, hold off on that for now, and you'll have to wait in line anyway," Bill said. "Look, we need to take our seats and pretend we were here all along. We'll act friendly until Hank gets back, and then we'll leave. I think I can find something to charge Mr. Gideon with so we can hold him for a while. We don't need to worry about his ass. We've got enough to worry over, trying to keep our own safe."

* * *

Hank's Journal

I have no idea what frightened the approaching power wielder, but something did, causing him to turn away from his target. The vampires did their job—quite well, in fact. Three werewolves were decapitated swiftly, almost before they realized they were under attack.

The rifles wouldn't fire—I saw to that. It only takes a bit of power to destroy a weapon from the inside, and three humans died while attempting to shoot the blurs that were two vampires.

Vernon Clark stared—he hadn't expected an attack such as this. He still couldn't believe that Ross Gideon disappeared before his eyes. He'd counted on a huge ransom from James Rome, which would never happen without the intended victim.

I appeared before Vernon Clark in my smaller Thifilathi, making him squeak in alarm. For anyone who believed that demons might be real and prepared to carry you to a fiery lake for eternal damnation, a High Demon could fill that visual role nicely.

That's when the godling became spooked. He shouldn't be frightened of a High Demon, and would recognize me as such immediately. Why he fled before he arrived, I may never know. I was prepared to allow him to think he might destroy me; instead, he vanished without a trace.

That left Vernon Clark with me. He swallowed hard as I stepped toward him, flanked by two vampires who still sported fangs and claws. In his mind, the devil and his minions had arrived to collect his soul and I wasn't about to disillusion him.

"While I'd love to torture you, for Breanne Hayworth's sake," I held up a hand, "I will remain true to my kind." Vernon Clark's sparks flew toward the ceiling, winking out before arriving at their destination.

* * *

Breanne's Journal

"They're all dead. Ask Breanne why I had to do it." I heard Hank's voice clearly as he spoke to Bill over his cell.

We still sat at the table at the café, and Bill turned a puzzled look in my direction.

, I sent. Bill nodded.

"The vamps are driving in—I'll meet them outside the café. We'll be there in a minute," Hank added before hanging up.

Just as he said, Hank and two vampires—Dalroy and Rhett—walked through the café door seconds later. Gavin rose to greet the vampires, Charles right beside him. Dalroy and Rhett showed little signs of wear, with only a smudge or two on their clothing to indicate they'd fought werewolves—and won.

"Baby," Hank came to me first and leaned in to kiss me before sitting at my side.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"Killed those you saw. The bigger fish got away. Got scared or something and barely showed up before getting the hell out again."

"You do look scary, honey, at times."

"That wouldn't have worked with this one. Something's going on and I don't like it."

"Yeah. This isn't scary or anything," I shivered. Hank put an arm around me and asked Trajan to order coffee for the table.

* * *

Calhoun whistled as he studied the identical twins. At least they seemed identical. He knew there were differences. He knew, too, that Acrimus had a hand in this, and that one of the twins was a clone of the original.

"The Khos'Mirai," Calhoun nodded. "Brilliant. That's how you knew to call me back," he nodded his deference to Acrimus.

"I saw Vernon Clark's death, just as the quarter-blood seer did, and knew danger lay in your path," the clone shrugged indifferently. "Thank you for restoring me to my brother."

"I am grateful for this interference," Saxom agreed. "We will do what we can to assist in the defeat of the enemy."

* * *

Le-Ath Veronis—present

Lissa's Journal

"I need Kooper back, plus ten more like him," Norian grumbled as he paced inside my office. The Frithia thing was wearing him down, as he had no news and no leads. Both Alliances fretted over the lack of information, and this tragedy, following so closely on the heels of killing sandstorms, had everybody on edge and looking for disaster around every corner.

I'll admit, I was on edge, too. I'd heard from Ashe—Breanne had gone right back into the mess that had caused her death the last time, and here Norian was, asking to get Kooper back.

"Nori, this is madness. I know you need Kooper. How are you going to convince him that leaving Bree is a good idea?"

"He has a job," Norian grumbled.

"And he'd quit in a nanosecond if you threatened him with that," I snapped. "Look, I hear there's a crowd around her as it is, and that in itself may paint a bigger target on all of them. Let me come with you and talk to him. Frankly, I think this Frithia thing is connected and we need to come at this from every stinking angle we can think of."

"Can I borrow Trevor?" Norian turned begging eyes on me. "He and Kooper work well together. You think I might get one of Teeg's warlocks?"

"Look, I'll tell Trevor he can do this if he wants, but I warn you, he's still pissed at what you did to Breanne."

"Then I'll let Kooper ask," Norian tossed up a hand.

"If you can convince Kooper to come back," I pointed out. "Stellan is with Kooper right now, and they have three reptanoids with them."

"You think I could borrow them, too?" Norian's voice filled with hope.

"I think if they agreed to leave Breanne, that she and Reah would beat you into the ground if you mistreated them."

"You have so little faith in me," Norian grumbled.

"You haven't done anything to make me feel otherwise," I snapped.

* * *


Breanne's Journal

Hank and I transported Bill, Jayson and Opal to D.C. so we could deliver Ross Gideon to waiting agents. Bill wanted him held for a few days, and asked that Ross be questioned on his dealings with Rafe and Braden Reynolds.

Ross would be housed appropriately and kept from wandering away, but he wouldn't be behind bars. At least Bill said no communication between James Rome, Sr. and Ross. Bill planned to tell Mr. Rome personally that his son was safe and in an undisclosed location, as was Ross Gideon.

"What an asshole," Jayson huffed as we watched Ross Gideon being led away. I just shook my head at the bizarre events of the evening. Ross had not only cost me my privacy, he'd landed me on a hit list and caused Jayson to lose his job.

"Where's Kathleen?" I turned to Jayson after Ross and his guards disappeared down a long hallway inside a D.C. federal building.

"Back in Tahoe with Dan, her bodyguard," Jayson said. "I don't like it, but she says she doesn't feel comfortable anywhere, nowadays, so it's just as good as any other place."

"This is so much crap," I muttered.

"Ready to go back?" Bill asked.


"Baby, I'll get this," Hank dropped a hand on my shoulder before skipping all of us back to New Mexico.

* * *

Hank's hands are amazing. He was simply smoothing hair away from my forehead as he gazed down at me, and it felt wonderful. No surprise—I'd ended up in his bed, my trunks shoved against the wall of his bedroom.

"How do you feel?" His breath was warm against my neck as he placed a kiss there.

"Not too bad, but still a little tired. Like I'm stretched too thin," I replied, closing my eyes.

"Don't push it, baby," he whispered before kissing my collarbone. "If you felt better, I'd skip us to the hot tub."

"Uh-huh. Actually, hot water sounds good."

"Does it?" Fingers trailed down the side of my face as he smiled lazily at me. "Ready?" My squeal of surprise was lost as he skipped me to a section of the compound I hadn't seen before.

"Look who's here." Jayson, Trajan and Kooper were all sitting in bubbling water when Hank landed me there, sans clothing. How he managed that I may never know, and at first I kept my hands moving to cover things up. I then recalled it wouldn't do a damn bit of good anyway and dropped my hands.

"Hi. Kooper. Trajan. Stellan." I settled between Trajan and Hank, wedging myself between two heavily muscled arms. At least the water covered me above my breasts, with only a clear spot showing between bubbling froth now and then.

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